Flossing in a Mad City in Roblox

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previously on Ethan gamer that baby is absolutely huge bum-bum-bum-bum-bum this is a huge Jenga wikivoyage no no no now on Ethan gamer guys when you get to this kind of like a half tutorial do not click e otherwise you will blow up okay you need to hey gamers today I'm playing mad city by prisoners so I think we're gonna be a prisoner first off oh my afros amazing haha it's beautiful alright let's see if we can escape Oh wasn't it this is empty oh come on did you take the stuff out of that meat puzzle oh the pyramids open oh that's the best place it's so cool that you can get a death ray a plastic barrel come on get me something good wood wooden plastic okay I mean just slap something with a piece of wood okay oh jeez right what if you can Oh metal okay okay let's just get some food no I don't want the metal right now amazing route yes we're the perfect place for it as well right please rope you need rope I got some rope a week you're nice no no no no no there we go run which is nearly RPGs and missiles this is huge fight that's a hero okay run get your phone out quick quick quick and then where is spawn and then your jet ski nice this is amazing from the waters so cool oh yeah here doesn't spawn I really really don't say oh yeah yup and aiming yes in gaming number nine spot on that's that's it's definitely me oh not run by weight anyway we can get like yeah Oh actually wait hey let's see if we can get on the ATV or the dirt bike let's go dirt bike it was glitched it was like a few weeks back and I'm not even joking I tried to drive in a just fell off it was amazing what I saw way I just want to see what's open I'm not gonna go to the pyramid cuz it's gonna close like any second thank you we can go oh joy stop we can go to the jewelry stop but I need to get a weapon first and what weapon intimate am I gonna go for RPG 100% it's so cool oh I'm going right right right yeah okay good so base is down here and then I know the jewelry shows being robbed no no no no no we need to get the weapon quick and then oh no that's the weapon store this is way way way need to know more I don't know my way around guys oh wait no it's down here and then to the right or left I think it's to the right oh it's on the docks I know that alo I'm gonna whoa I've lost the criminal base I don't know where it is ooh oh it's done it's down here and then I think it's to the left and then Hey there we go looks awesome does a huge rocket right next to the casino so can I come in oh look my health is like halfway just gone where thank you oh this is great yes oh I look amazing get fresh I'm just gonna get these this is all you need oh wait I might yeah like a scar wait can I not get in RPGs well no uh what about like a shop good know something I don't want to use that too much though I really want to use the rocket logic because I got the game pass today and I am dying to use it absolutely dying is it let's go rob the casino we're gonna be really quick though I did I did okay quick quick quick stop don't don't do it don't done don't do it it's like James Bond at it spice hello I think it's done oh no you write that you're hiding funny no oh oh that scared me so much the robbery ended nice and it and it just uh oh my gosh I'm so scared I thought it's gonna be sure in the vault forever hey but you got loads of cash that ain't fair I rank up nine yes let's go all right I want to go explore I also I really want to get in that death right we need to go to the pyramid oh yeah I thought you were a hero then you scared the living daylights out of me dude wait that please read that hi hey hey bro okay looks like I'm taking a selfie with my afro I'm like hey woo recording a video while recording a video I'm a huge fan awesome work this game sucks excuse me no it's a good I love this game Oh Angie hi alright let's spawn in very good vehicles I really wanted the the one that like if you you know destroyed that chicken we gave you that car what has happened to my vehicle beam it's disabled let like literally it's being disabled wait I'm not gonna ask you do it over there oh that was mean I go go go drive are you serious dude like one shot one pop major run away from them look at my little legs go doo-doo-doo-doo ATV it's the best one ever literally I use this all the time don't you even think about it you mean a little person oh no go go go yes I love the drifting on this it so let's see can we go anywhere else can we do any more ice no no one is open wait where's the doll bears the chicken store I don't know what it's called does it say no it's just a beautiful picture of a tree this is where you get the death ray guys you go through here and then you go into the back and then this smash-and-grab but you know I'm actually going to do oh whoa and then here unlock secret door you need a key which you get from praising is chicken statue inside over the pyramid sorry that's what we're gonna try and do when the pyramid opens that's what we're gonna do we're gonna zoom over again hero is really fun as well like wouldn't you hear you can fly you can be the flash awesome ah I think the best thing is probably when you're like you're a.m. you are you're criminal and you are you poof what you poof here and you take and take he's a building oh geez we're so scared I almost flew into the water that would not have been good at all oh there's a ramp it guys we have to try that oh the bank's open it should I go should I go should I go I'm going wait yeah I'm going we can get the bank and then we can zoom over here afterwards because if that is a now up for a heist then I am sure that everything else will be stores down please don't start out I was gonna say lovely drift and then suddenly there's like one place of three heroes and it he's rubbing it in ATM grad you uh I know you're scared me because I couldn't see yeah his name sir here we go this is the pretty easy bit oh my oh no music me mute options radios haha there we go Oh guys guys guys guys this was awesome if you just eliminate someone learn something wait you're the best party of funds bro how did I find you that's creepy how did I find you knock a-rod's my question go go go today use your like run up here easiest to go like that there all right there we go over the bed and then hey please you know there's no place here yes okay think so now we have two more please so risky where's my little excuse me you have my TV that'sthat's my lats Miami's a TV can you not shoot my AGV please wait it's it is it open I can't see oh no we need to deliver the we need to go back to the base and then just walk through the front door and then we can see if the pyramid is out ow oh oh it's not open but I have a feeling it will be really soon you're not candy web that's awesome okay we need to go to a garage like right now there's one that should be like I'm not gonna rub that I'm just gonna go yeah wait yay whoa your watch this what is this steel phones I got myself an iPhone X whoa let's go steal everything here this is so cool is this like this is just a phone store I didn't know this was even a thing whenever that when the pyramid gets hurt but I'm just gonna leave there as soon as possible okay last phone and then up the stairs to see what else there is okay so more lasers what if ooh I think you can just steal stuff and then just walk out would you like no keep the money you don't have to go to the base and then just kind of drop it off look how much memory of God oh okay twenty thousand four hundred twenty-five I'm saving up to get one hundred thousand but that's gonna be in a while that's gonna be you know very long while okay is this the way are we dumping it okay I guess we're here yeah oh go go go go go go power rangers dude how is the pyramid not even open yet it's been years wake me like zoom never come okay mr. annual we should go to the yeah we need to go to the garage to get that awesome weapon skin ah oh wait is it stop oh wait this will do for three million five hundred thousand over Oh No wait what okay that's confusing it's like right behind here but there's no vehicles in oh no there is whoa look this car cut fury so you've got Fiore you've got tracer and then you've got Avenger [Music] that's so cool bye guys have you seen Avengers in-game yet cuz it is out my maths teacher saw it like last night at like 11:55 and it came out at 12:00 what what's this Ethan gamers boy yes what is this car what is this this is passenger no no it isn't it's not Steven gray Terence thousand cash the hurts a lot oh it's like one of the only ones that's not open everything else except the jewelry store on that is open that's just crazy this is an inferno oh that's not cool what is a fake do realize as a star why did he so yeah yeah I'm not joking I'm so so want to see Avengers end game everyone everyone's just been saying is like Leslie there's loads of theories of what happens and stuff like that and for tonight's now collaborated with Avengers endgame like that's insane there's so much hype and it's great oh well outweigh well didn't it oh no don't tell me I've glitch McCaw no no no no no oh all right let's just curse [Music] when you open dude let's get it open here we go grenades Oh waitron we now Ethan me big fan thanks bro oh boy bright thank you alright keep an eye on you that's our goal for this episode guys to get the death right and it's gonna be hard though you have to get the key make our way all the way over to oh no that's the superhero that's it make our way all the way over to that shop that serves chicken and yeah it's gonna take oh are you doing oh wow sorry action may I just say I really don't want a hero just to be like hey don't lose concentration go go go go go go go oh it's waiting for those balls of flames daddy got cough cough indiana jones should be fine right here there we go hi dear hi dad wait until that one's gone and comes past and then that one as well and then go guys check this one we're gonna get a lot of cash like look at these but guys when you get to this kind of like a half tutorial do not click e otherwise you will blow up okay you need to kind of Crouch seven times so one two three four five six seven that's it no more less then you can take it and you get a key oh she's so so worried I was like have I done this right 7,500 afford now what we can do is we can either try to escape or we can wait this out and just kind of yeah we can try a cape or wait it out and wait until the pyramid closes but it will take a while to close so I'm gonna try and escape it's gonna be very risky run like the wind go on Ethan you can do this I believe we knew I'm talking to myself first sign of insanity okay here you go okay we got here we go oh I know what that was but please don't judge I did don't step on the plates uh this is really nice I'm just gonna go here no oh just Just Go Go Go dude can you please don't just just don't do that to me man Go Go oh oh gee oh I thought if it was a hero I would be like no dodo don't you dare do this to me don't bite cuz it's the quickest yet to get on a drag whoa that was that big no go just go just go just go I do not care if there's anyone saying like oh my gosh I think whoa yeah no I just need to get out of it because I need to get in my reward wrong way I'm gonna need to get the deck way first oh that's here Oh [Music] out thanks a lot Nick don't pop the tires I will never forgive you go go go go go go go [Music] because lots of them where is it then oh my gosh what just happened spawning a TV okay OMG well hi amazing way to say I like to eat you but you just jump on this car death ray Oppo guys we have I get three oh nice oh dude it's just crazy I've got the death ray this is awesome I've only ever had the death ray once I think no I don't think I've ever had the death ray but on a workin tutorial on how to get it before this video and I was like I have to get it cuz it's a death ray it's a laser gun what like else would you want in life now we can go like I mean I don't know we can we can finally you know take out the heroes for once I won the police of course or the jewelry store yes I've not I've not literally I've had it I've not had a heist at that place in like a billion years I've got 48,000 cash mm I think this can actually outrun the flashes well this vehicle right now and then and then do you go around and then up here and then I think you like smash glass and then you go okay I've never been this way before how to get ow ow no go peepee this just insane Ethan tell me for according maybe tell me for according if you don't I unsubscribe no yeah please don't do that I don't want to tell people that I'm recording but then and then like you know when you say maybe adds my surprise yeah yo this one and then oh it's only what's going on with this I'm give me a five five thousand by four he's gonna get sizzles oh well that is called quick reactions as I'm your uber thank you I'm your uber oh it was amazing it came out that time as well five hours and money guys crashing me what no crash no so many people are criminals there's like two heroes and that's it I think what we'll do is after this I'm gonna try and be a hero for a bit cuz there's just so many people that are criminals the Amin why not a team's hero Oh Ronnie right hated from my w/e i love w/e it's so cool we're gonna go for info no with an afro we need to get that guy 4750 who I bet you everyone's gonna come on to hear another I want a hero in there Oh what's what's done that's the star blocks coffee Ethan reset why but Ian he hand reset yeah all right now that no we don't we don't need a car I mean what can I do but wait let's get there is this a Camaro I don't know all right hop in everyone will go away on a trip in our favorite tricky car fight through the streets oh wow that's done they could be like the montgome men oh that crashed the car well let's go oops oops oh it's incredible that was amazing you know I'm just not gonna use a god you fly out of it like what's the point in using the car when you know you're flying superhero that can shoot fireballs on your hands oh you know that whoa I didn't think the superhero base was just like under the volcano it's cool is there anyone in here hello no probably all the way ha ha see you the fireballs are awesome he this is my favorite guys well flash is the second but I mean one he can find dude he can shoot fireballs out his hands which is just amazing people are probably at the casino because it's open for a house but you never know what oh geez didn't mean to do that I'm like what happens if you crouch while flying yeah I know that happens wait no all right even if you're not all right wait is that you know ah you got me boys Oh Oh long Brian JEA ya know few of that oh I can come in there my shake into that casino I'm sorry my friend what's your food net oh I feel really bad but like this is I'm a hero this is what I'm meant to do I've just sent them like all back to the prison you're not allowed to enter the criminal maze I never tried you I don't think he's in the boats here it's leaving I think it's just here yeah well wait is that oh it's being robbed dude I did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did a fireman hello oh jeez yeah yeah actually I'm not gonna kill him because he has the right gun and he went through all that weight that was really fun though then one of my friends bonds friends superhero friend mr. Easter joy oh dude did you just hear this little bit de patter of feet you know guys actually I think this is a pretty good time to end out the video I have loved playing monsters it's been so much fun and if you guys liked the video and smash that like button and I'll see you all next time bye you
Channel: EthanGamer
Views: 8,763,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, family friendly, ethangamer, ethan gamer, ethangamertv, ethan gamer tv, let's play, video games, gameplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox games, ethan gamer tv roblox, ethan gamer roblox, roblox online game
Id: 8we-I0oE63o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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