EVIL SNOWMAN!! Minecraft Survival

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hey gamers today i am on the cubecraft server minecraft and i am going to be playing snowman survival it looks cool he's happy he's happy you're happy everyone's happy there's christmas trees there's presents the teddy bears i'm excited so let's go to the christmas games we have present rush and we have snowman survival we're gonna go into snowman's survival today here we go cool oh oh wait can we not move can't burp it's just me and steve i'm excited i am very excited it was drought george hi jordan bubbles so my survival starts taking ten seconds oh here we go three two one here we go oh selecting the first snowman it's not gonna be amazing okay it's not gonna be me it's too difficult rhyme don't get hit by snowballs uh-oh [Music] you can see him he turns other people into snowman oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no i'm a snowman's now um quick snowball throw oh and then charge through this is a big snowball another where is everybody penguins hello thinking snowmen will explode no three minutes and then they explode hi come on go on go on oh no oh wait it's time to run the game oh i get it i was the third snowman survivor steven for 18 seconds i get the game so basically somebody starts as a snowman and after three minutes the humans would win but the snowmen have to turn the humans into snowman by throwing snowballs on their faces a bit mean oh wow and whoa that is so cool oh my gosh they're having a snowball fight that's amazing wait bro you've got like a double arm you're like all right then 10 seconds here who's going to be the snowman i bet it's you because you're like a santa claus i bet it's me if it's me then i can turn you you you people with snowmen hats and christmas stuff oh it's me hello hello people all right let's go this way oh that is so awesome i love the snowmen they're really cool i'm gonna try and hop on the ice because it's like a quick boost trying to find people a person i see you i see you what's a charge oh that was boss five points oh wow f to use human tracker oh whoa [Music] no ah i will get you evil oh wait that's good run oh seriously i'm actually gonna chase him because i don't come to my hands and it can be like yeah human chakra is ready okay there's a human i see the human thank you for tracking the human yes mr human mr horman mr holman well that failed when do we explode two minutes seriously oh it was so close that's my one i'm actually not going to collect it yet i'm good this way just in case he's over here oh where did he go oh there he is there he is oh my gosh come on two more people just i don't know why that that was bad oh okay human tracker all right then he's over this way i'm gonna corner him over here and i'm gonna be like eating no no you good bro are you good bro a minute and then they'll explode i don't know why they explode but okay all right okay he's this way this is actually a fun game i have to say oh nice okay where's the last guy [Music] where is he oh there he is oh he's over there yes oh gg guys that was the first snowman i uh converted two survivors of them oh i own two medals nice okay challenge menu what's this daily challenges oh guys vanity stuff wardrobe i'm going to go here minute miniatures no oh my gosh that's mr happy dab mr mr happy miniature creeper miniature guys that is so cool all right i'm going to get a hat can i can i not i can't yeah oh geez oh there we go ten seconds here we go oh four four is it going to be baconated baconator baconator if it isn't baconated i'll be very happy i don't want it to be the bacon is it going to be who's it going to be it's not going to be me it's not going to be vacant oh no no no i'm going to follow the bacon yeah i'm going to follow mr baconator oh come on oh yes oh this is kind of perfect this is kind of kind of just a little just a little bit i shouldn't say there are still both are huge all right why is it not what oh can't okay i own a medal for surviving what's the one survivor medal for surviving oh geez i don't want to go over there no no no oh do they have like weapons now or something oh no i'm a snowman no you're not just gonna toss it wait a sec i thought i might have gotten him where are you so a friend mister mister baconator baconator you were my friend baconate to your mouth my enemy baconator i see i think i see bacon oh gosh it's only baconator no i was gonna get bacon later anyway gg guys i gotta say three gggs baconator i just ran up to a baconator ally no we'll renovate presents oh my gosh guys this is perfect three two one oh my gosh i need to follow you i need to follow you what is your name i groups no i am the first snowman charge throw blue pop chimp everybody's just running them off they're like help me please oh wow oh human tracker where is timmy where is daenerys human [Music] boom hello hi hi friends oh this way oh that can't be the nearest here okay what yes oh boom i'm converting everyone today i'm gonna go up here because this looks like a nice place for people to hide i'm just squeezing my nose no yeah oh my gosh i grapes you down you go now i'm yelling to ball don't need to run no you won't forget you're going down i'm yelling timber no need to run i will snowball you to death something without it alright so he was turning towards nobody oh yeah he's this way he's this way there he is you naughty boy you ain't getting any presents today oh i need that i need that in my life no seriously guys yeah i converted four survivors i'm so good i'm getting quite good oh gg ggg guys that was fun i really like this game this game is fun come on um five here we go [Music] now it's full great it's gonna be anybody with a dirt face i don't want it to be because people with dirt faces i love all the snowman don't be wait a minute if it's the snowman he's a double snowman oh it's trash trashcan oh that's a good idea because when he comes up you can just jump off and be like hallelujah um let's see oh this is cool oh there he is there he is he's gonna don't charge don't charge it don't charge it please i've vanished in my life already three people ah uh four no three actually by the way guys i'm really happy it's december hope you guys have some really cool advent calendars i'm excited what are you doing there you're just smacking him like you do wait wait how come we can't like we won't be able to see uh i'm gonna go here oh there no there's one no he's gonna come up he's gonna say come up and say hello i'm sam just going goodbye everyone all right speed i'm so fast oh my gosh i'm no joke super super fast i am oh that's cute he's cute oh jeez cheese cheese cheese and crackers cheese and crackers cheese and crackers what oh i don't even know anymore guys i'm i'm gonna live blink ready ready three number two what blink shield oh my gosh guys i'm bossing this at the moment no one is sleeping well i did leap you've been trapped by snowman dang this ain't good i was so close guys i was doing very well i just want to say that oh gosh i'm coughing sniffles tnt no no no no no oh gg oh kind of explode so i was the seventh snowman and for two minutes and 46 seconds i was the human guys that was boss i was just evading them i got a shield at the right time i just run out of snow my shield nice that was great all right two two i'm trying to find one that has a lot of people in i'm gonna go for frost ah you look so cool he's the monkey king the monkey king what rank is that doesn't say okay anybody with a derpy skin immediately great oh it's you hey all right what's like itchy itchy no he left somebody else joined okay it's could be the first snowman oh it's not me thank goodness [Music] huh okay i kind of want to get near the snowman and just kind of taunt him a little bit just be like hey speed [Music] oh that actually is that's quite cool i like that is anyone else like any snowman behind me oh i see that snowman oh whoa bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro what's this oh gravity explosive i don't know what this does maybe it just like makes me go high and just be like yate speed speed speed speed speed three two oh snowman stabber i can just stab a snowman stab her i stunned him i literally just stabbed the snowman just stop now or leap oh that was great that was good i liked that that was fun very fun fun fun oh what's this jump boost this is cool ready i kind of want to go up to snowman i just jump over his head nope no oh i don't like that okay so far so good a load of people are normal and just human which actually was very much reassures me i made a decoy myself [Music] what are you doing what are you doing myself chill bro hashtag chill chill wait am i invisible oh yes blink what i'll do is i think i'll get a decoy place it at the right moment oh yeah i'll get a decoy here like an instant wall just in case and i can have a shield like here nobody's 12 seconds all right come on seven six five four three just use the shield go okay okay my decoy was destroyed hey so it worked oh okay oh survivors won gg yes what i won they exploded from cublet nice i love this game i'm carrying home all right then what are we gonna do next what have we got done presents oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes i love this map last time i just got a streak on it just like yum yum all right then so it's me matty005 stinky cheese and kool-aid stinky toothbrush kool-aid all right who's it going to be you've got just a stampy a guy who actually looks like me in real life kind of ish without minus glasses so snowman is one of my favorite places to go is up here and then go to the top of here jump um and just stay here wait whoa nope can i touch this can i touch this no presents for you oh this will just melt them i'm american sorry all right um i'm gonna go here another fireball fireball another fireball jeez this is scary bro hate being on ladders at a time like this jeez this is scary hello oh sorry yeah i'm gonna do i'm gonna leap i'm gonna leave oh this is just pure skill right here no no guy don't need speed oh no gg how long was i for two minutes i was just debating the going like some shoot yeah i'm going there next time this is great i love this game i love it when you're a survivor like it's so fun so so fun all right what's going on let's go the most what's got the most frost let's go oh this is the map what i would on dab dab dab let's go anybody derpy okay i don't want you to get it i want to follow you down oh no it's the guy with the santa hat no oh hi [Music] gonna see where he's coming from oh there he is nope just nope nope nope nope nope oh parkour skills right there oh this is a good place to be i i kind of want to go near him because i just want to talk to him and just be like yeah um so he's his name's sirius pepper i don't think i can be serious because of that name so my name is serious pepper i've got a headache oh this hurts okay i'm trying to find a power up but probably they're normally on the outskirts so i'm going to stay on the outskirts oh yeah there is c and that's jump boost oh that's nice oh there he is oh no oh no i can just just just just just just just guide him come on you know you want it come on come on come on come on come on come on come on no he just knows he knows [Music] oh gosh i'm actually kind of afraid at the moment i'm actually kind go gonna go around back if that makes any sense what's that noise that's great nope oh the trapping try to trap oh yes yes yes go on go on go on go on [Music] yes now i can get leap and go oh geez oh my gosh that failed so bad now that we have a minute seriously i was really going as well okay now just now that i'm a snowman i just need to concentrate what hi yeah all right i'm gonna go around the side just in case he comes around this way has a he has a stabber guys he's gonna stab us in the face what i don't get this in life at the moment come on seriously guys guys are you good no the tnt no i'm gonna feel like what i'm gonna know what it's like to blow up oh it blew up boom i love the effect of the bottom right it's tnt teach you guys gg that was fun oh wait wait guys i can open one of these what can i get what can i get oh netherlands cop cool three three four three five three i'm going in that way oh oh oh my gosh i'm following miko no matter what miko is just bosses or cats yeah here we go come on please don't be me please no no no no no no no not me oh it's not mikko it's cake bnc cake bot not kbnz cake boss this is not a good map in my opinion uh it's what i'm familiar with because i died in it but i'm hopeful i hope that i can survive in this what if i go actually i just found something hi cookies oh this is boss oh my gosh i'm just gonna stay in here for life bro i will win i will win bro you know what he's going to do i'm going to leave it closed sorry so when he opens it he can't see me and then he'll go out and close it again oh my gosh yes dab dab dab dab uh if you want to say interesting enough so it's only cake bottom cake box over there oh he's gonna get that wow so i don't understand this you would just i don't understand this you win you win oh seriously i'm done oh you can go behind it to be honest i didn't know that which i'm just kind of ashamed of um i'm gonna go around here because you're probably not expecting this fireball no no no no no no no no no why aren't you running why are you not running [Music] i'm sorry i just i'm addicted to that song for some reason oh you go through the present as well that's nice sorry oh instant wall i'm coming for you sonny i say no the way i said that i say no by the way i saw this shield there but i ain't getting that because it's just risky yes i will stab you mr snowman oh nice one the shield what i'm gonna do is if he comes to me then he i'll just dodge it oh there i have many things at the moment this is great does he not actually don't worry i'm i'm busy [Music] oh wow you left derpy is now the new main snowman oh that dog's though what's this a speed okay yeah i'm gonna whip gonna win we're gonna yeah yay nice that was cool i love this game okay guys i'm gonna end up the video here it was super super fun playing stoke man survival i loved it so many cool streaks i loved it and if you liked it too some smash that like button and i will see you next time bye you
Channel: EthanGamer
Views: 2,873,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, family friendly, ethangamer, ethan gamer, ethangamertv, ethan gamer tv, let's play, video games, gameplay, minecraft video, play minecraft, ethan gamer tv minecraft, ethan gamer minecraft
Id: 76lIYY9IHvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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