Floss Tube #28 - 2 for 2 in 2022

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] hi flosstube it's chrissy finally a farm girl welcome to my channel welcome to flosstube episode number 28. this is the weekend before christmas and this may either go out saturday night which is tonight the december 18th or go live early in the morning uh sunday december 19 2021 i'm doing this a little bit early so that we don't miss an opportunity to get together but tomorrow is incredibly busy for our family we have exciting things we're going to go do tomorrow so let me just back up and welcome everybody welcome to my new subscribers i'm so thankful that you're here i've had several that have reached out this week saying that you've just found my channel i am happy that you're here i hope you find something that lifts you up encourages you and inspires you this is my channel for cross stitch however occasionally i do share other fiber arts and you're going to see one of those today today the title is 2 for 2 in 22. i am excited to share where i'm at in the planning stages of the upcoming crafty stitchy year whatever you want to call it so um anyways and to those of you who have been with me since the start of this journey which was um this year i am so thankful for each and every one of you and for the friendships that have uh i've been blessed with along the way i think this is such an interesting journey and i am not going to lie the very first episode really felt like it was me stepping out on a limb and you know taking a risk and trying something new and maybe not the easiest time of my life and it has been the most rewarding thing i would say um you know one one of the most rewarding things that has come from 2021 so you're a big part of that and i thank you very much for that okay so this past week was mostly working and finishing up some christmas things that i cannot share but i am so excited to share if you recall this coming thursday on december 22nd at 8 o'clock eastern standard time which is my time and both sambri stitches and myself that's becca of sambri stitches we are going to do a live christmas chat there is going to be giveaways we are going to exchange our little secret santa ornament exchange or christmas gift exchange live with you so i hope that you'll find yourself relaxing on the 22nd with a cup of cocoa in your pajamas and you will join us live we will answer questions live and i just think it's going to be a really fun time where us stitchers can just sit down together and talk about what we love to talk about now that being said most of the week i put i i had to finish and get in the mail my package for becca and my um cross stitch finish and i am so excited for her to see it so i am dying and you know it's just so fun to do that and we've watched the community do some other their ornament exchanges and it's it really does get you in the mood for um you know the christmas season and gift giving so that was so much fun and i'm so excited to actually be ready on the 22nd to sit with everybody and talk and talk stitchy talk okay so that was my week i wish i could say that there was a lot more but there really really wasn't philip and i got out he was doing a little better and um we were able to do some last minute shopping and things like that and other than that i just focused on getting things things finished around here um okay i did get a lot of stuff in the mail so i have some some haul that came um the re mostly what you're gonna see is the rest of what would be my christmas uh christmas presents from finally a farmer guy who is my husband randy um so and i spent a good chunk of the week immediately after i finished flosstube with y'all last sunday i took every single since i did a whip parade i took every single thing and i took a huge double bend antique apple crate and i put on one side of them yes you're going to notice my nails still are not done um but again it's just not a priority right now everything else is and and then on the other side i have simpler samplers on the right side and i have uh holiday stitches on the left and those are all in project bags so that if i feel like working on a sampler i can grab a sampler if i want to work on a holiday i've kind of got it organized and separated and it it was getting a little crowded in my cross stitch cupboard so i did some organizing there and i feel much better about being in control for 2022 okay so what's the first step for me the first step was this and i i i got this from fat quarter shop this is the 2022 be in my bonnet lori holt planner we've talked about this before and i love you know being an administrator you know the past like paralegal and administrative assistant i absolutely love being organized but being at home and sometimes it just doesn't it kind of seems to get away from you so now doing flosstube for a good a good chunk or for sure a half half of the year and having more than one whip and uh you know saying goodbye to being a monogamous stitcher this is really going to help on a personal level as well as a stitchy level so i did go ahead and finally put my name into this and this is kind of how i'm gonna start working things at the very beginning of the planner you're gonna see there's not much in here yet but at the very beginning i did put my focus words for this year which are trust and try i want to try new things this past year i did a drum i um you know something i'd never done before so i have a drum now and i had some other things that i just wanted to check off my list like my very first prairie schooler my very first lizzie kate all of those happened because i knew in my head i had a bucket list for 2021 in a stitching arena so i want to make sure that my goal this year because these are the words i kind of keep hearing throughout my year this year and that is you know i need to trust in him i need to trust and try new things stitch con is a big part of that and um you know i've shared my personal reservations about you know stepping out on uh and trusting in going away for a weekend and doing stitchy retreats so we'll save that for another time and then what i did was any upcoming sal i went ahead and marked if i knew when it was going to start in that in that month um and if i knew that i was starting something on somebody's birthday or holiday i put those you know in there if there was a month where as stitchers we have a name for it so um sampler september i went ahead and put down in the beginning of on the month page it gives you this big blank and i went ahead and put sampler september in there so that i'm not going to get caught off guard with all of a sudden the next month coming and not knowing something fun that's going on out in a stitching community that i want to be a part of there is dark october in october for halloween stitching so again i've got this nice space and it's just a good reminder of what's of what's to come um anyways so i kind of started filling in the dates and then at the end i created two sections the first one are my cells and what i mean by that is it it means ones that i am participating in and that a lot of them are ones that i am putting on uh hosting and we have in this group i have uh the noel sampler that is by brenda gervais and that is my christmas day starts but i also am hosting that with stitchy linda and um you know we have a good sized group with that one the garden grow sal that starts january 22nd and that is caterpillar crosstag now i'm not hosting it but i am like an influencer with that and i need to stay up with that because i need to share it uh along the way my progress with you the c manning sale it started last year it'll keep me working on my carolyn manning red cross stitch which you've seen before so you're getting the idea laura's big birthday sale i'm not really part of it but i also you know i am in it so this this side over here is stuff i am personally invested in and this side over here are the community hashtags so in this situation i know that on every friday they have the feathered friday sale that means if i'm can find one of my whips that has a bird in it i can participate in that hashtag on fridays uh dark october i put in there that's the 13th of every month i can stitch on halloween which means i will have that day reserved just for anything halloween stitching which keeps me moving on a monthly basis and that is where i will pick up the haunted house sampler sal by twin peak primitives and keep moving on that sampler then lori holt which by the way i did you know i did enjoy many floss tubes this week um and lori holtz was one of them i had a really good time watching her you know christmas goodies and all the things that she's done but i am in love with her idea which i think a lot of us are she's doing a new hashtag next year the 25th day stitch style she's it's right up my alley where i was saying saying last time that i really feel the difference of when you stitch on something for christmas and uh you know it just has a an extra element when you're when you're stitching something christmassy so i want to keep that in you know in my year all year long and this is the perfect way to do that so on the 25th of every month i will stitch christmas um and laurie holt and christy from cross has crossed wow i'm having a difficult time putting words together today cross hatch quilts i also watch christie's flosstube another really really good one she always has the best introductions absolutely the best video introductions okay and then we have a new one that i am going to be hosting with becca from sambri stitches we found a glendon place pattern called gingerbread grove and we both fell in love with it it is not a small stitch and it reminds me very much to some degree because it's the same designer as my poltergeist pirates so it's not a small one and it does have specialty threads but we decided we would stitch this all year long which means lori holds the the 25th stitch style is perfect for that as well and we are going to um call that hashtag the oh snap sal that i'm gonna give her credit for that because she absolutely come comes with it and i had just seen a t-shirt with the gingerbread man broken in half earlier when i was shopping with philip that said oh snap and i believe i got something for my daughter olivia last year for christmas that said oh snap oh her pajamas so i thought that was really really great so if you wish to join us we are going to start relatively soon because it's a big piece i'm going to insert a picture right now right here and since i know it worked last time for for me it should work this time for me but this is a picture of gingerbread grove by glendon place now we ordered our pattern from a shop that is going to offer a discount code if you purchase using my name or or becca's name and i will link that information below in the comments so that you have that um i believe it's well i'm i'm just going to link it all right there so that everything is accurate she is currently if you go to her shop right now she is currently out of them if you have the patience and weight you'll get the discount and we're in no hurry i have none of my threads yet i believe that we are looking at somewhere around a january 12th or 13th start date so plenty of time okay that's the oh snap sale so okay i got you through those two pages mine and then the communities and if i'm missing any that i should know about please feel free to message me and i'll i'll add them in there it's just a place for me to go and look and then on the next page under notes i know a lot of people track in the other you know book that's fine i just like the fact that for me things change so frequently i also am aware of some model stitching that is going to happen in 2022. so um first of all i'm a woman second of all crafty and we squirrel and at any moment in time i could change any one of these things so what i did was i put a starts and finishes last year i was on a really good roll at the very beginning of what i was starting the day i finished and the fabric and everything i was tracking it all and then i just you know lost track of that for a while so this way right now i know these are my starts i know that these do not count ones i've already started or current whips these are new fresh starts and a lot of these are obviously the sales and then i have a full page over here as i finish things these will include whips these will include that low hanging fruit that i was talking about so i will get some finishes in the two for two in 22 was just my way of reminding myself i really have enough but i'm smart enough to know that i'm going to add more so you can't have nashville market and think there's something that i'm not gonna buy there's just that would be unrealistic but i like the idea of telling myself especially starting to do some of the smalls that i did this year and finishing them myself i liked the idea of if you finish two you start to if you finish a big you can pick a small you can do whatever you want just keep it on an equal playing field you know if you if you finish so if you want to say you can finish one to start one i it doesn't matter i just know for me the two two for two and 22 was cute and easy for me to just remember for myself that you know try and keep it level and i feel pretty good about the things that i get finished so i really don't i really don't guilt myself into feeling bad for what i have you know in whips that's just pretty much un unproductive so okay that being said the last thing i put in the planner again was a there is a health goal at the beginning of each of you know the week and the month and so i did put down that in just starting in january that i wanted to lose a month one pound a month and just keep that goal going because by the end of the year that would be 12 pounds another 12 pounds and if i've lost 30 then i'm maybe i would get to 40. and these are just realistic goals now do i really want to lose more than that faster than that yes absolutely um so let's get the new year here and let's start getting back to um you know i i'm so impressed with denise from dot dot goose who has lost 50 pounds absolutely impressed it's it's just not easy and so i am um right with her where come new year's um you know come come the first i'm i'm back at it with with some stronger will than i have right right now okay so 20 minutes in haven't shown you any stitchy things let's go um hold on all right so last time i showed you all my whips and and all my kits and i'm going to say that what you're going to see right now are kind of the new stuff and my must-haves that i really don't want to go through 2022 and not have have finished or accomplished the first one being i know that um my husband i pretty much know that he has uh purchased me a an antique dough bowl for our dining room table a while back i had found this on ebay and it is the uh lessons in abasidarian summer schoolhouse by brenda gervais and what a it was was somebody's kit and it came with uh everything in there so i have this let's see if i get it in the right one lesson number one lesson number two and lesson number three and the other one that i just showed you so these these are my priority smalls at the first of the year before holidays and things like that um to go on my dopa and i'll be motivated because the dough bowl will be sitting there empty so i'm really excited and and i've had these and i don't want them to sit there any longer so next time we get together [Music] we can kind of go through where i'm at and i will get them all you know whatever i'm missing kitted up so that's that's the first one okay the next is and their smalls again is you know being gifted these was so special so i want to do the early american series by little house needleworks and i have them all and i do believe in my situation that i will probably my favorite finish of all times is stitching with the sisterly's colleen and it is it's just she turned them into a quilt each one held its own is its own quilt block each one has it's just so gorgeous if you do not follow where you need to but for me i'm thinking my my best thing is would be to make them into smalls and i would like this to go in another double or another long display on the table that i have underneath my abraham the lincoln sampler and that it be more like patriotic in that fashion so these are another one that even if i get a few of them done i would be very happy with myself with that so those are two must-haves when it comes to smalls and all year round okay the next one plun street sampler this is the first one out of three this is the heritage sampler by plum street samplers and many many people have stitched this but i really would love to get one done this year um and for sure a start because i want other things to get finished you know first but this is absolutely um you know a must a must start because there's three of them and they're so so good so this is a plum street for me um okay obviously this is a christmas gift um but obviously this is for laura from brenda and the serial starter laura monet this is her birthday start this is my january first sal start this one i got as a kit from actually from the scarlet letter and i have silks for that so i will get that probably into a nicer shape and hit it up so i'm ready to go okay all right now i had mentioned starting one on january 4th uh on the year anniversary of my mom's passing in her honor and then we got talking with my friend ginger and she just went through her first birthday without her mom and we were going to jump on a start real quick it ended up being a very busy day i didn't get a start but i will be starting i'm i'll do it whenever i'm ready to it's not a huge stitch but i won't let january 4th pass without getting some stitches in it and this is blackbird design mother's honor do it's it's not huge and i really do you know really do want to get this accomplished this year so that is ready to go i shared with you i was stitching that on a butterscotch 28 count butterscotch probably seen this enough now so all i have left to do is get my floss on pretty little flaw straps and away we go so not too bad ah okay now part of [Music] part of my christmas gift which she already knows is coming to becca is i had a duplicate of the his eyes on the sparrow by heartstring samplery obviously another really common one this will be my easter day start we're going to start this on easter day we will come up with a hashtag if you wish to join us this is something my mom and i really really wanted to work on and i will use the hashtag on this one for like you know uh i think it's sampler sundays um but it it can be sabbath stitching whatever it is it's it's a wonderful reminder of you know the lord's day and focus on him so his eyes on the sparrow has been in my bag i have um the called for we we had ordered this the called for fabric which is 28 count doubloon so all i need to do is get some of the floss i have a start on that but there's quite a bit so and i am trying to do the call for at this point so that is going to be my easter start which gives me time to do everything else um okay let's see here christmas day start is the noel sampler i shared this last time and i shared a few minutes ago i'll be starting this with stitchy linda i did this week i am ready this is something i bought from a kit from country sampler it has a very different color linen i just i'm this is one of those things i'm going to trust and try it because it's kind of stepping outside what would normally seem like what you'd see with this uh my friend linda hers is i think she's doing hers on a gray uh uh pewter yeah i think so anyways it's like a great it's very very pretty i did get all my threads all the threads came with from country sampler if you'll notice these lovely floss drop cards from laura and brenda i thought they would be perfect so um i'm all set just need a little a a project bag that i think i can get one of those um put that over to the side so that's christmas day okay and then i got some really sweet happy mail um this week from carolinacrossstitcher kathy and her husband and a lot of people have seen these but i was gifted this for christmas and it is phenomenal i know when i showed it a lot of people shared how they're waiting for you know to get theirs and for their orders the color it's like a honey but anyways it's this beautiful biscuit and her your scissors and her husband makes these he turns them himself i absolutely love the black in there so i am so thankful and it has been so fun to have a place to actually put your scissors like that i move it with me wherever i go it's definitely one of those new stitchy essentials so when we were messaging back and forth kathy mentioned wanting to start rosa sugars which she saw that i had and we quickly um in a few days time went ahead and put together a sale so her and i are hosting a sal it is the sweet rosa sugars sal hashtag sweet rosa sugar's sal and this is the pattern this is by hands across the sea this is one of their little gem samplers she was four years old when she finished this which kills me because it means to me it means she was stitching on it when she was three so i'm really excited to stitch this and i ended up using some fabric i had in my stash which is probably too big for it but that's okay it is what i had purchased for the lady of the flag originally which i completely forgot to include in my whip parade last week because i had it in a special place anyways um this is 20 count leaves and i thought it looked if i hold it like this i thought this looked very close and then i put together oh sorry those other floss drops wait a minute those were not brendan laura's these were brenda and laura's goodness gracious um anyways i grabbed these two one it reminds me of brendan laura but i'm ready to go and we used all dmc i believe that kathy's stitching on a 36 count so it's going to be fun to see the difference and they're going to be beautiful no matter what so all dmc's 28 count the hashtag is hashtag rosa sugars sweet no sweet rosa sugars sal sorry about that um and i did share it on instagram i'm under the same name on instagram and on facebook so let me put this away so this is getting a start tonight and i am really excited about that um even if it's just a few stitches i love i have been missing stitching on an alphabet i absolutely love stitching on an alphabet so i'm ready okay i'm going to do whips besides my secret stitching i only worked on one other thing to try and get caught up and that is for uh both linda and denise denise from dot dot goose she is the maker of project bags um she has a shop on etsy you can find her on instagram and linda is a good friend of mine we decided we were going to stitch greetings from the north pole let me get it out for you by country cottage needleworks this is the pattern it's really cute but those houses kind of get to you after a bit but it's really really cute and i'm gonna show i'm using most of the called for threads a few of them i did not have but i i love it just the same it's really really so cute this is where i'm at so i found my way to a finish on the this house as a whole and i'm up here starting on this one and then next to this one are some deer uh linda has a really good chunk done i think she's done with all three houses i think um and i'll have to check denise's progress but it's really it's it's a fun fun stitch it's a happy stitch but it does get a little um i was almost i think everybody was feeling maybe a little bit ready for a break and then you're like but maybe i could have it finished by christmas i don't know anyways it's really really cute and it'll be uh no matter what it'll be great to have it for next year so at first at first on laurie holt and christy's 25th days to you know stitch this is what i'll be working on it so i get a finish out of it i won't put that away and it's housed in dot dot goose miss denise's bag and i've shown that many many times um so let me put that back so i'll just take a break from that tonight to start the rows of sugars okay um i made an order for i saw this beautiful linen that needle and flax had on her floss tube it's needle and flax and it was this gorgeous green it's called green acres this is 28 count green acres and she sends it in this beautiful bag that gives you the history of it and so the the thought process behind her green acres was that it was an american tv sitcom that ran from 1965 to 1971 about a couple that moved from new york city to a country farm um i just of course that brings back some really good memories so but i have a project in mind for this already and i normally would not be drawn to a green linen but this is a beautiful color green and i already know in my mind what i want to stitch on this and it's not included in anything i've written so i will be adding something when i check something off the list or have a finish but it's really beautiful linen and i'm excited to to work with it so that was one thing that came in the mail the next thing i bought was i came across the name of the designer is doreen jones it was an etsy purchase and i just thought it was really really cute i mean that santa's really happy i love the reindeer stick leg dude um the snowman i like that he's just not all white that he has some good color in him so i'll get you a little closer um again this could be a real quick stitch per se um i will say mostly i bought this because there's two mice in here two christmas mice and i absolutely love that um there's one in santa's pocket and there's another one up there on the end of christmas so i am on the hunt for a miniature mouse charm because i already know on the back of this i i want to have something like that so anyways that was a download a very affordable download okay um i joined the forget forbidden fiber arts gingerbread um little it's called what's called candy cane wishes and you got a kit it was a surprise kit so the one i picked one and i picked the forbidden fiber company and what came is the pattern candy cane wishes another perfect small little stitch to have ready for the cocoa bar or whatever for next year or christmas tree ornament and it came with a really pretty uh spearmint this is belfast linen 32 count light but you can tell that it's you can tell that it's green you can tell right if you put it by my green shirt really really pretty and then my favorite part of forbidden floss company is their floss this is the company that i got the neil diamond floss from so you got all the floss with this and it's really really pretty it's all hand dyed this is your christmas ivy the red is so pretty it's called ladybug anyways so it was fun that it came with all of this you're all ready to go and the last thing was a really cute gingerbread house needle minder so this kit showed up this is will be under the christmas tree even though i'm showing you i get these little special privileges that you know i get to share um okay the other one i ordered and i i it just came out of the blue and it was like my mom loved birds my grandfather her father loved birds a lot of people are bird watchers but it was always really important for my mom to have you know that continue from her dad and to make sure that there was feeders put up and even if it was my dad's job to fill the feeders she got to enjoy watching them and when i saw owl forest embroidery put out this new cardinal kit actually you bought it separate but it's called red cardinals which it just really drew me in because one i love red to the whole bird thing this is gonna fall in line with you know the feathered friday so there you go and i also absolutely love the sign of what a cardinal means you know biblically and the sense that they're messengers from you know from heaven and i love that so this one just kind of fell into place at the perfect time and they have the most beautiful whoopsie they came all nicely together see if i can keep them together dyed floss their displays are so they're done so well and then i got the needle minder even though i stitch in hand if they're light enough i can still use them and i got the 32 count but i don't know the color um hold on one second i wanted to show you the floss on that's kind of a little bit darker than a flax very natural looking so this was a you know this was fun because i've never ordered from owl forest embroidery before i've watched 9-1-1 stitcher um order from them i've watched kyle who has shared many kits with me i was really interested in their b kit for a while and i just never pulled the trigger on it as kyle would say but this one it was really fun to watch it convert from um you know rubles and things like that so they're they're actually really affordable don't be thrown by that and it has a button up top that you can automatically convert to english so it worked really really well and i had it almost in just just a little over a week kyle has always shared that they are fast and they really really are so i'm excited to have that for next year and i think it's going to be pretty when you see it come to life okay i was a little overwhelmed with my project bags um i have gotten to um somebody who had maybe two or three to i've got you know probably not you never have enough i completely believe that especially when you start housing whips and things however i don't like the fact that sometimes i don't know what's in them so i hit i want to try a little idea and put these tags that are just plain and be able to label them so that especially on the ones that are not you know with the the clear vinyl front i will remember what's in them because sometimes yeah you know the memory fails you so these were half off and i just got they were considered christmas at hobby lobby not in scrap booking and so i can do what i want with these and i'm going to slip these on the zippers and so that was just cheap but part of that organization that i would love to keep going okay the next part was um caterpillar cross stitch okay i shared a picture everybody knows that i am going to stitch this for the next it starts january 22nd there is a discount code for me if you're interested in buying the kit so please reach out if you would like that and everything came and i'm excited because i will be stitching this for my granddaughter arya who started doing a very small garden this year with her mom and dad and it's it's definitely will be so cute in in her room the nutcracker one just finished and i would love to stitch that in the future and um i did i did purchase their gingerbread house uh caterpillar cross stitch put out a gingerbread house pattern that i shared with you last week and it was so cute really really cute but my kit came and let me share with you this is how it comes um now i was a little late in selecting the fabric and and communicating and i was not able to get the even weave in the future i will grab the evenweave um so this is ada that's fine um the color is what's so gorgeous and then when you put on top of their threads which are already done for you in such a phenomenally organized way which i love i think it's gonna look really good so and then i got um they have a little gnome needle minder that i think they called him carl i'm trying to remember he's cute as a dickens cute that's a dickens anyways he's gonna hang out with me in the garden and we're gonna get this done so uh you know if you'd like to join it's the hashtag is garden grow sal and i will be keeping up with this you do not get the first pattern the first pattern will be uh you know emailed to you before the 22nd but it does give you the dmc conversion if you ever lose um you know something or goes wrong you still have it and i think this is like i said the colors this is what really got me and i have watched um i've watched a few people that have stitched their um the nutcracker and um a couple of they have these really cute seasonal winter spring summer trees that have all sorts of little critters in them and just really really cute so i'm excited to be part of the garden grow salad if you want to join me make sure that you you know use my code and i will put the link below for caterpillar cross stitch anyways and they have a lot of they have tutorials they have lots and lots of of things that they offer that you know spend some time looking on their website even if you don't participate in the sale okay that covers a lot and a lot of my plans i think i'm down to one last thing that i promised and that was to go through i was given for the first time ever from a good friend of mine on instagram yvette um marching orders and those marching orders were to finish the springfield 1817 sampler and i completely agree with her i thought it was so funny i shared my progress with you last week what most people you know yes finish it but a lot of people are asking for the conversion early on my very first floss tube it wasn't that one but about the second or third i did a twin peak primitives pattern parade or finish parade where i show you all my pieces that i've done for the twins up close in that i also shared my springfield 1817 sampler conversion so episode three or four i will go through what i have um right now with you so if if you are one of those that wanted the conversion grab yourself a piece of paper and pen what i'm going to mention is primarily on this pattern you have a dark red and a light red and a dark blue and a light blue those were the biggest changes that my mom and i made to this pattern those are where we went with the dyed floss so we have the first one being classic color works blue corn okay that's the dark blue the light blue is classic color works tartan plaid okay the gold that we used in some of the birds was weeks die works gold for all the swans and the beige we used weeks die works grits we did not use like a white we just used grits the darker color in the birds was apple cider which is a shaker color the sampler or yeah simply shaker the gentle arts okay now i'm gonna come over here the grass we left alone that's she's got like a variety of dmc 30 11 30 12 and 30 13. we left those colors alone um okay the light red is week's dye works baked apple that's your lighter color the dark is weak skyworks crimson so that is going to give you the biggest change we made that to me made the biggest you know the biggest difference um when you look where she's calling for dmc 351 which is a coral that is what we changed to the baked apple when you look at the dmc 518 wedge wood we change that to the tartan plaid so anywhere where you see 518 wedge wood that's your lighter blue we changed that to tartan plaid the off-white she has for 746 that's what we changed to grits the 7 82 which is a topaz is where we changed it to the apple cider that's the crowns up there at the top okay the 817 which is a coral red that is your crimson that's the darker uh the khaki green the 3011 for the leaves not the grass but in the leafs we used dried thyme the dmc 3842 which was a wedgewood blue that is your darker blue and that is the blue corn and that's pretty much the changes that we made um we were obviously working on this as we go but that is going to get you these this look here the light the dark the light the dark this up here is uh molasses weeks dye works this coffee brown we used molasses weeks dye works molasses for that and the leaves that's where we use the dried thyme so you know anything else you can you know you can work on how you want to but i will say that the marching orders were heard and this will be where i am working on it consistently which means as i'm working on it if you follow me on instagram you can ask me a question and i will try to put the colors in as i work on something knowing that it's been a while that way if you see a motif you will know what i'm um what i'm using i will try to make sure on this specific piece that i i go into a little more detail on my instagram posts okay i think that's i think that's it because i did not want to overwhelm anybody a week before christmas and i've shared with you some of the things that i absolutely do not want 2022 to slip away without pulling them uh from my collection and making sure that they get you know they get stitches in them and hopefully a finish i have shared things that i'm going to start with friends and i have too many cells to actually probably want to try and mention maybe i've got a little bit under 10 but it's approaching 10 and i know there's going to be more because i'm not one to um say no to participating for the most part if i have the pattern then yes i would like to stitch with you and i just think that's part of this this community um so i will link anybody that i've tried to mention uh carolinacross stitcher i'll make sure her link is down there for the bee skeep oh i always say that wrong bee skip scissor holder handmade you know woodworking done phenomenally by her husband and [Music] forbidden fiber arts if they're new to you there's just so many wonderful places to go find something to inspire you that being said i am going to close out with um you know no tears i will try very hard and just tell you that you know you just never know where the year is going to go you really don't because on december 13th of last year we celebrated christmas at my parents house my mom wanted to get together early at her house she wasn't feeling perfectly and she just didn't want to she wanted to have christmas in her new home and i'm so glad that that we did um i am so glad that i have those um memories and at the same time we never knew that two weeks later she wouldn't be with us anymore um i started 2021 with the thought process that uh you know i needed why didn't why didn't he save her we have lost many this year in our stitching community some some big contributors uh you know barb adams uh pat carson there's just a lot and you wonder and it gets you know to you in the sense that there's a lot of people out there that are spending and having their firsts this year um without their mother or or you know or father or anything for that sake and you know i started my year off questioning and and it's funny that i've realized so much in this year and i've grown so much in this year and uh you know really i questioned why didn't he save mom and he did save mom uh he did sometimes he saves them by healing them and sometimes the lord saves by saving them from hurting any longer and i absolutely have seen that this year um you know i feel very comfortable even though i miss her dearly but i feel very comfortable with you know that path that was a little hard to accept at the very beginning and these are such natural reactions to grief or loss um but that being said oh my gosh i have had a year that i just did not see coming and we have moved and changed lifestyles and i am here in front of you doing my you know almost 30th flosstube i am stitching with people i've never stitched before i am talking to new friends all over the world i have gone to stitch-ins i'll be at another stitch in on january 1st and then on january 21st i've watched my daughters graduate i have watched them go off to college this year i it has been a blessing and you have been a part of that so i am wishing you a very merry christmas a happy new year i will see you if you're available on the 22nd live for miss becca and myself and if i don't um i will never know with me maybe i will go ahead and record after all the christmas festivities the following day or something i i don't know um you know my kids are are older but the grandkids will be over christmas day and tomorrow i'm just so excited to go have a big group of us and and my grandkids go have breakfast with santa so there will be pictures and if you notice on the intro i shared some some pictures and not too many but the one where philip has the balloon hat on his head and my grandmother who i think is closing our eyes in the picture um that was her that was one of the breakfast with santa's with my oldest daughter heather's on one side and phillips on the other and you'll see the chocolate chip pancakes which were the highlight um anyways those are sweet sweet memories and um so i uh like i said have a very merry christmas and i will catch you next week and thank you so much for all that you've done for how you have lifted me up throughout this year that took some turns that we didn't expect and you were with me all the way thank you so much happy stitching and i will catch you in just a few days bye everybody oh gosh okay don't forget to floss bye
Channel: Finally a Farmgirl
Views: 2,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gSRiOKm7uc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 41sec (3581 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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