Drug Dealers Cut Off My Ears. David Hippy Holmes Story (Son, I Loved You At Your Darkest).

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[Music] I kicked out of H bom preschool cuz I kept running across to the beach to go for swims and escaping all the time so I had this Affinity with water and I you know I can honestly say it's one of the first time I think I felt G in my I just felt I used to just love floating in the water and I remember just floating one day and I just felt that I could just flood out to sea and I was actually flood out to sea on the outgo tie but I sort of looked up and I saw the land and I knew I was floting and I didn't mind and it was something that I look back now that I know that was something different in my in me like I could feel I was safe and I felt like I was in God's hands I know how to explained to anyone that and so I always thought I don't know it felt like from that day I just I don't know thought my life was going to be different just something anyway but then I looked up my mom of course in hectic Paces running through the water cuz she realized I'm going out to see which I'm quite happily too but she's paying and she come out and got me was only knee high anyway and took me back in his mother's day all right yeah sure my name's David holes I suppose i' like to start these things honest I suppose even with you like ringing up and coming overday was like a day like I had to prepare for this like I was like going back you got to think back and go back a long way with me like because there's a lot behind before what happened to me is was famously written in the papers and whatnot we're talking like early 70s so you know back then divorce was raw and rare and especially Catholic family and stuff like that and um anyway so so Mom went one way Dad went the other and um I want to stay with some relatives at the time which um didn't sort of be the right decision cuz in the in this year like I I was six and between six and 7even it was only a year but in this year I just face some of the worst child ab ab you could ever face I suppose like um without going too much like um just just Norm beatings bashings like just brutal like you know what I mean um hidden away sort of things because we lived on a farm so it was really hard to have contact with other people and I sort of in and out of school and and yeah it was just sort of the beatings come at night they were the worst part of it like they come in the night so you didn't know they dreaming sometimes like you'd wake up the next morning and to realize you know you had blood all over your face and clean yourself up and people a lot of people asked me was it a child abuse that affect you I don't know maybe I was always a little bit different but yeah it did affect me in a lot of ways I was really confused and I was really um a loner I had Insomniac as a young kid because of probably the beatings at night I learned not to sleep sometimes you know you had to for survival reasons and at the age of 11 I got a job newspaper just stand on the corner you know tell newspaper and um but was the most notorious Block in the valley and down the back Lane prostitutes shooting up nonstops corrupt copters detectives that we used to call demons because they to come fly through and grab the hookers and stuff like that and right you know it's just terrible time terrible time and we were all well I was exposed to this and um the local sort of boys sort of picked up you know that I was a little bit violent and and I best with one of their nephews and fight at school and he was a bully at school and his uncle ended up really liking me taking me in and sort of teaching me a little bit of the game and I become like the carry boy with the money you know drop off here drop off there who'd think it was 11y old newspaper boy so I went to high school went to you know pretty Prestige school called famous people's when you went there you were supposed to make it in life was so rich and beautiful I was so poor and that it was great and they beautiful people so it really contained them animal within sometimes there was some genuine people there that were just you know when hindsight when Angels being bide you know and there was people and that helped repress that a lot sort of thing but still in between those days I was still doing terrible violent things and and having to keep it all to myself as p as it was and vent as it was we just did what I don't know gave us a sense of belong us I suppose cuz none of us had it and as life rolled on I got in my 30s and I was involved a major crime by day I was a dad and you know that's that was my facade but my real job was I was cre criminal my nickname was hippie that's why they you everyone used to called me hippie that was my criminal name was hippie and because I wear hippie pants and I was really iny fashion I had the flare stripes and stuff like that and my uh hippie bag but I'd always have a gun in it that was the that was sort of the joke of it but it was true I was always carrying so I have my nice hippie outfit on and people come into my office and yeah they'd be incense and little PS and stuff so bikers and criminals and people gave me the name hippie okay what's a career criminal St collecting always someone money to someone and depending on who they owe it too whether you give the money back whether you when you got it if you didn't like the blow gave you the contract to get the money you just didn't give him the money back he'd be too scared to get it off you anyway so D but my main Forte was in CRI career criminals middleman the thing is in this Society there's so much demand for drugs that's the whole thing people don't realize you know yeah they're illegal this and that but they wouldn't exist there was wasn't a demand for them but surface paralyzed it's a go this is where people come to get drugs they they expect drugs when they get here you know I don't know how anyone can be unusually violent but that's what they described me as unusually violent um dangerous and I was cuz I seem like such a cool customer like the way I dressed and I was very unaware and was very quiet and I suppose that was the time you were in trouble if I was went quiet I was I was cornered I was very um violent sort of thing and to to an extent where I back out and and in the end just a mess and I just I was you know I just yeah yeah that sort of stuff you know undescribable sort of stuff sort of things that you're not sort of proud of but but they against other bad people it's me or them and I'm still sitting here so and to get out of that situ you had to be violent to you're up against some that's violent I mean you go to prisons in prisons that prison guards sometimes bet on you putting in what they call a gladiator's pit where they just will put you in a BL that you don't they know don't like and they'll have bets on you and stuff like that and that happens every day and there's a lot of people that can backr that one up yeah been in a few gladi fights I tell you I was in one Gladiator F the I won in the end it was against a gay man don't ever fought a game man I tell you what cuz he [ __ ] slapped me around for about he was so fast with his hands I tell he [ __ ] slapped me everywhere but he had no stinging his slap so when I got a hold of him it was all right but I tell you what to get a hold of him my God it's like an angry woman you just don't hit a woman and you don't hit a gay person because they are just vicious like that was probably the hardest fight I ever had in jail and I fought bikers and musclean and all sorts of things and you just bring them down like anyone you just grab them where you have to grab them to make them your size and you do what you do you know stop till they drop I never touched nothing for a while too you know like I was I smoke joints occasionally get on drugs occasionally smoke di drink occasionally but I was never much cuz I had kids so I was always like to come home and be clean you know I was always having dinner I was very strict on my kids Believe It or Not addictions crept in I become adiction addicted to amphetamines like you know take speed you know nonstop uh life's becoming hectic you know you start making deals with people you never would before you know cuz we just do everything broad day like just like you'd never see right before your eyes so normal you know normal eyes but then as addiction Creeps in it just it just yeah it just takes over and yeah it just takes it rips you apart and you know it's not like you don't know God people say you know you're on drugs you don't know God you know some of us take it to get closer to God we think we get you know because we just we can't get close to people no one knows you're a drug addict to you are doesn't matter how long you've been it's only until they find out that you are one they don't know how long youve been one i' had been one for seven years you know and no one ever knew on ass for 3 months and no one ever knew until on the I was off it they said what's the matter with you I thought geez I must need that um as it was alleged I become speed cook and mastered the art of fing illegal substances allegedly big allegedly on that one and um became yeah very violent man and anyway at that time I was just middleman you know people want to guns right yep sweet people on drugs yep sweet whatever you know I was just middleman and just making my money so nothing was in my hands for long enough allegedly to business is going fine going well and then um the one deal someone decided to do the swap on the drop truth is there was people who should have known ended up knowing where the money was coming from and that was the problem what what you don't want anyone knowing is where the money is coming from because the play person I was getting it off was his mortal enemy so someone which we know now to be who dobbed Us in for everything in the end the one who turned it up to court someone let word out to this place in Money it was and this friend of mine was in prison at the time so I had his money went to do the deal and uh well got the deal done for him but displ fan and in between of this other fell there was this his mortal enemy money and decided to do a swap on the drop and swap the ice for epom Sals which look like ice and they did a good job of it so my job was to drop you know get the money drop it off C later they already tested it that day so there's already approval of yep make the purchase by sweet done and then yeah they've done the swap on the drop and no I had no idea I just got a phone call Now Lady this is no good bang so you go systems overdrive and you do what you do always done you you do start at the start right and you start like literally hanging people out of Windows till they talk tapping on doors um going in hard on people try not to cause too much rackers cuz you want to be silent in some ways and let the thief come up but 3 days into it I was almost on the trail pretty much that after Saturday afternoon on Friday night I had to sleep I had to sleep I was gone I've been up for three days and I being on fire for three days and I was hot as hell as well with the cops you know stuff like that so I got home disarmed because that was another thing too there's no peace when you're a criminal there's no freaking peace there's no peace everything think it's a high life so it's not man there's things that go wrong all the time you rushing home 160 m hour you want to hit some sometimes so the cops won't follow cuz they call Pursuit all this stuff that goes through this is no peace you get home sometimes you bury a gun B bury drugs bury everything you sit on the r and just go what what the hell is all this about is it worth it you know I question it many times but at this time I was tired it was Friday night 3 days I've been rocking and rolling and hanging people everywhere and pretty much been on a bit of a rampage and just had to settle down get back to family cuz you know I family never knew who want to know you know that my partner at time knew things but law was you never told your partner or your kids and you never let your kids be involved or people come to your house stuff like that so I just parked on Friday night cuz I was on the trail Saturday I knew I'd pretty much get and get the money back that night that morning satday nor it was morning about 3:00 I you know I don't know get woken up by my partner made of mine you know BL end up being the Dober and the dog of everything taing out my window and he was a close mate he was a close mate and the thing was this mate of ours come KN knocking on the window lots of times in the morning getting in trouble and this m him on in prison even told me just watch this play I don't know about him we had a few reports on him that he might be but we known him we couldn't believe it'd be a mate of ours you know you don't it's always the ones closes and me and my mate who was in jail had always taken this one in a lot and believed him when we shouldn't have anyway so he's KN said hippie you know can you come out and talk to me and I said no wors you know you know come out blurry eye got my hippie pants on so I've come down the driveway and he's down down the driveway there sort of as we're walking cuz you know I pretty much don't want him on the proper I'm starting to sort of you know get over him a bit so as he's sort of turned and I've sort of turned him and he's just I can't even remember what we were talking about and all of a sudden I was jumped from behind uh with a box cut in your neck and just like getting you know told to get in the car was this young young fellow you know where do you get a man his most dangerous place where his weakest is at his own and laws was you never supposed to go to anyone's home but the new generation these kids had come through broke a lot of laws and their information was wrong too anyway so they bandaged me out like with the gray grave silver tape hands behind my back and they've bed me up and all I'm thinking is I just got to get these idiots away from here and my family sleeping you know what 20 minutes away so I let them take me up and they take me up I just went to sleep in the back of the car to tell you the truth so they wake me up and we're out right at the Rock pools right at the Rock pools you can either go that way to the Rock pools or that way and up over the border into the you know heavy terrain it's like it's like jungle in there man it's like thick and I mean it's November 4th I think my mom's birthday poor mom anyway like uh and they sort of led me up the track and then you know making remarks of oh we got a grave dug up the road up the track for you and I you I was being a smart AR saying know better be deep because I don't want a shallow one cuz I don't want animal foraging on my flesh at night you know I want to go clean and just being a smart Al back cuz I think I got two but as we get up the track more bodies starting to appear so as we get up the track you know we're up to about six big bikers you know so I'm thinking okay I'm in a bit of trouble and then they ordered me to get on my knees the next minute one of them clubbed me across the head with a end of a pool queue Cav in that part of me skull so I was on my back at that time that that moment then the box cutter come out I knew I knew they were calling out all sorts of crap like cut this cut that you know cut his ailles cut his fingers cut this that we know it's you this that and I just remained silent I just wasn't giving him a word I knew I was innocent of what they were calling me about unfortunately for them they found out that afternoon they had the wrong blood they're all h on ice off their freaking heads on Ice you know they've been apparently smoking two days straight and know just you could see in their eyes and so I just brace myself and it was hold me now God just just hold me I I know what's going to happen you know and thing is about that two weeks before that I went to church haven't gone to church for ages and a m good M of mine said come to church and I'll give you some drugs he never gave me the drugs but he got me to church two weeks before that actually happened and I didn't pay much attention you know what I mean because I've been to church before as a kid but looking back now I can see what God Was preparing me for two weeks later and here I was on my knees with the Box bloke with the box cutters next to me and I was calling for God in my head to hold me now and I really gave way to myself let go of My Flesh some I don't know I just really trusted in God and I had an avatar moment I can only describe it as an avatar moment where once the cutting started the pain yeah sure there pain like hot burning things like where they cut the ears off stuff like I don't like giving ear shots if you can imagine I've got no ear like if you see a possum that's what I look like okay no ear so as I started slicing one ear off I just shut down I just had to shut off and shut down and just hang on and I just had an avatar moment where I just hang on with God and and just knew you know nothing was going to block out the pain just had to go somewhere somewhere you know what I mean and I felt it and I felt and I felt and I felt God hold him I felt I felt I was going to be all right you know bizarre but blood spurting everywhere one of the bikers this time hadd run off and thr up because he couldn't stand it he'd run down the track cuz he couldn't he was making him sick other bikers were going a little bit wider in the face as they cut on off the other ear here that wasn't enough for him but they cut down this cheek and that you could put your fingers through that one and and then they went for the home Mary and cut me as you can see right across my forehead and that's the one I'll never forget like that's the one with the just a veil of blood just like a curtain just come over me I was like and that was the one I really that go then right then I thought right you know then they come to my throat and they said right we know you're robbed there was the only words I said doing that day so I robbed no one and it was the truth and at that moment I certainly thought I was going to die I thought they were going to Slit it slid everything else I was bleeding profusely spurting everywhere like mess I was just drenched like you know so I thought they were going to kill me and it was like I let go right there and then with God it was like the trees were breathing with me I was like I could feel everything I could actually just feel God I could just feel I was a part of it like they say God's everywhere he is and you could feel that he was but then the black looked at me something happened and he looked at me and goes I can't believe someone's gone through so much pain and I don't know maybe God took over then I don't know I was gone I was ready for death and this moment all their faces went white almost it was like the you know I look back now I think God must have come upon all of us at the time but not that we knew at the time but something changed in the air like you could smell it like and and it was like everyone reversed everyone just went started going back in bushes and backing away and gave orders to take me up there cuz they said they couldn't believe someone go through this much pain the truth and I think they started believe something overcame them that they had the wrong blow in more ways than one and I think couple of them starting to realize it so that orders to take me up the track and I think do me finish me off you know young young fellow that they they made do this and um he didn't have the he was just a kid he was just under orders and full of eyes anyway so these marched out the track you know to where they had sort of dug a sort of little shallow thing beside a tree where they're going to place me sort of thing and I said all right we hurry up and kill me and he said I just can't do it you know he's just a kid man and you know and he was under I he was he I just can't do this man I said you better I said you better kill me right now and I'm going to come after you every one of you and your mates I know everyone who OB you and you know I will say hurry up and slip my throat and throw me in that grave and he just panicked and just pushed me in the sort of shallow grave and like taped me up a bit more with that silver tape like sort of mmif you know legs arms and you know R my mouth and sort of around my head where I was bre and ran ran for his life just you know just ran and then I woke up and I know I could sort of slide out of the tape cuz the blood slip out of uh you know the tape make it nonstick and I sort of slipped out like a snake out of his skin sort of thing and I was delirious I remember my head was caved in I was bleeding so I headed off down this Valley and it was Latana Vines just ripping up my legs I was bleeding I ripped off a bit of the my pants that ripped to wrap around my ears cuz at certain times it it spurt so had go survival mode because I was getting weaker and weaker and sort of thing getting loster but I was going in the wrong direction I was going deeper into the valley and not coming out of the valley I found a stream like after stumbling and crumbling I mean I mean this must been 4 hours later you know what I mean I was covered in leeches and ticks and stuff like that I couldn't I was just getting to a stage I was going 10 m and fall and I just couldn't go on anymore like sort of thing but I was getting close to death as well like every every time I'd fall like and they say they talk about the light yeah there's a light there's no doubt about that that's a light and it's like most beautiful light you could feel like shoots Rays on your occasion I don't know how to describe it there's no way words it's going to describe it and every time I pass out I get a bit closer to it some and sometimes I'd have to battle with myself to get up cuz the light was good and life wasn't good I [ __ ] at life sorry but you know I was I was crap at life you know I was a good father that was it you know the rest of life was crap I hated it you know I was happy to die but I had three kids and I had to get up and so I lay there and um in death for certain a certain gone I didn't have nothing left I was so hungry I hadn't eaten you know and I was splat out and I prayed and I just got on me knees not on me knees I was on me back laying in the creek and I just pray I said God I just can't go out like this I can't man I just you know I know you're real I said man i' got to get up I just got to make one dash all of a sudden when belly seemed full and I couldn't explain it sort of thing and all of a sudden I just felt this you know i' been through second wins third wins and you know people say second wi no it was gone man which was the most conflicting part as it came to be but like and I had this burst of energy and I just I knew which direction go I didn't know which direction to go all day and after this prayer I just got up from it with his breath and his hope and I just went that way I just went that way I don't know why and I got up and I found the track and I stumbled out and I found the track and I found the track to get out people had come to the Rock pools for picnics and stuff like that and where this track exited onto the car park where I needed to get was where all the picnic people were and car and people and tourist buses and stuff like that so I've I've come out of the bushes and straight away this BL lucky these whole family it back's turned to me cuz they're having a lovely picnic a beautiful picnic I've come out and I mean blood's like an inch thick all over me like I've come out like he's looked at me and I've looked at him that's the last thing I I sort of try to dodge the family cuz didn't want to horrify his family I just one I didn't know what I wanted I just wanted to get home and then I passed out I thought that was my last breath and tell in that last breath God spoke to me and he said look he said you'll do my work and that's all I remember and um apparently two Surfers were there up dumping in the Rock pools and a couple of old bikers found me straight away people rushed over you know was go and they looked at me and they they thought I was dead and they realized I wasn't but no one could get phone reception out the valley there so they put me in the back of a you and it was a flat tray Ute these young serve and they tied me down apparently I had no idea I'm unconscious like they tied me down with their leg rope so I wouldn't roll in they bless them they put towels around me and stuff like the bikes and followed them make sure I wouldn't roll out cuz I had to get you know into town further so we get reception yeah next thing I wake up I'm in the back of this truck tie down I think they've got me again the bik CU I didn't know these kids are ti me and try to help me I woke up and going oh crap they've got me again I'm like I'm tied down the back of the truck what are they going to do to me now and then I passed back out and then I've woken up and we're at where obviously they must have got the because the ambulance with there and the ambulance Blake he's shaking because I'm a mess and he's G to touch and anything touch it bir almost sort of thing you know and at the time I was an in incovenience drug user sort of thing and he's got the Moran he he's shaking I grabbed it off him to give it here next time I wake up I'm in a room in the Royal Brisbane Hospital probably secure facility I'm not quite sure cuz cops trying to work everything out you know sort of thing I'm not saying a word as usual and I wake up man the first thing I'm dealing with is not what happened to me that God saved me people think gez don't you worry about what happened to you and stuff like that and violence blood was very much part of my life you know sort of things it wasn't something that shocked me the doctors couldn't explain how I was alive I think I died three times in the ambulance um once before I got in the ambulance and they couldn't explain how I lost so much blood and was still alive and how the hell was some a criminal like me going to tell anyone no man God saved me to my criminal mates to my family to anyone how was I going to explain myself and especially explain who I was now cuz I've been exposed and up until this time was pretty much much under the radar my criminal life was over and I was exposed in a major waves on national TV everything was known as the earless victim who wouldn't talk and I wouldn't talk um just happened the best surgeon of you know one of the best plastic surgeons happened to be on at the time and was a compassionate man and took me in and said this ain't right and operated on me did a wonderful job you know but they couldn't put my face back together at the time cuz the bruising and stuff like that so B he saved my up you know they lost C after a couple hundred stitches you know around the shop and um yeah then I was back in my bed I was sitting there you know I could think about was God you know this God that is saving how the hell was going to explain this to people and my vengeful heart how hell is going to Revenge so anyway after the operation and everything our mates coming up to visit um stuff my M AR an ordinary M and I'm putting Drugs in My drip system and I was sent in the hospital mad I was up all night driving the nurses crazy and people were ringing up and that's when the alarm Bells were really getting sent off and um there was things that were happening in jail once my name got released my best friend was in jail who was part of this club that was on notice by my friends and so I had to get word to get him protected in jail because he they flew all them into protection when you know he was associated with this club when my name came out the cleaning lady came in she cleaning she was cleaning my um room out and then she went under the table bang out dropped their digital recorder that the cops had put there anyway so which I knew they would have bugged the we somewhere anyway BL with a break and leg about two two Wards down I made friends with I had no marijuana or anything so I thought I have this digital record I said M how much marijuana money will you give me for this digital record so then after the 3 days in the operation family came and yeah yeah that was sort of hard and heavy cuz I was exposed cuz my family sort of always knew I was a rap bag but they never knew it the multitude and Max things all got up to cuz you know things were starting to come out in the Press about me here and there but I don't know how cuz I never talked you know at the end of every statement for like 3 weeks in the papers it was like this this about me but he refuses to comment anyway so I've left the hospital left that and just yeah going home going home and that's where it all starts again isn't it you know you go home I sat in darkness for a long time said I was so Furious to ha in me was just or I was already vengeful hateful capable and just wanted Vengeance but half of me was getting taken over by this presence of God I had to remember that God had saved me and these words that he said to me in my head you did my work what I was a cre criminal what what the hell God work you want me to do you know what I mean so that was really conflicting it was like a war within me and like 6 months went past and that war was within me and I was on violent ramp pages and I was getting some back you know as people know out in front of their places loaded up guns the lot ready go and but I had this conscience about me you should I just go in but now with this God factor in me and saving my life and those words in my head things were starting I was starting to develop a conscious maybe I don't know what it was I was just start to become me the real me like I know now I just want to go and do a good Vengeance and then I'd end up just going home silently arguing saying what's the matter with you you've changed you're like a big W what's but it really was God you I knew there was a God I knew there was a God that saved me and I mean that Amazing Grace song always comes in my head like save a Wretch like Me man I was a wret and that was the conflicting part too like of all the people you could have saved you saved me for I didn't know what for at the time you know sort of thing you know and that was so conflicting like and I started getting a day work occasion with this mate and he started you know telling me about Jesus stuff like that and I was like bad Jesus all my life I thought you start that crap on me bad Jesus I said I know there's God I'm with you man I'm God I know there's God I don't know much about this Jesus dude you know and then one day was N9 months after 9 months after yeah one day man I just broke down I just honestly everything I never cried in my life much at nothing and man I cried I just broke down it was you know thinking about everything God and I just couldn't take it anymore I just couldn't take it the Revenge thoughts this the that the past in my life for the this God was just you know and I just break just break in half man I just break down and was on my knees on my own choice this time and I just cried and cried I couldn't cry no more and then the phone rang and it was that same mate he said I'm going to church tomorrow you want to come I said I said yeah okay all come you I was you didn't know I was crying or anything you didn't know where I was at or anything like that I was very pra person as I am now so he picked me up the next morning I've gone to church first I wouldn't go in at the start cuz that music used to hate Christian music don't know why everyone's happy funny singing I was thinking oh God God help me I just couldn't do the you know that Christian thing at the start and this preacher this pastor he was fire R preacher he turned red and it was sort of he was an ex biker himself and I started hearing about this Jesus dude you know and I started hearing you know about how this Jesus died and bled so much and I think that's what reallys I know what it feels like to be a sacrifice I I know what it feels like to bleed and I think that was something that start of resonated in me and then the second time went back the next week to church you know when God's speaking because you think the other 50 people there that they don't count the church you think the whole message is about you you know you think the preachers write this message for you but is the way God mer you know and it is for you this message but it felt like it was so much for me this message really started gripping me you know and the more I heard about this Jesus dude the more I loved you know I like this I thought man he's one of the coolest dudes I've ever heard and I and I fell in love with the man Jesus you know I mean but Jesus the real man that man that was a powerful time you know starting to learn and come back the third week in the corway around for salvation I put my hand out and gave my life to Jesus and that was what seven years ago and from that day clean you know life changed Crime Free Life got better for me and in some ways got worse in ways too like like it was a great you know it's like the Potter wheel the Potter wheel is Christian War it goes around and it goes around and man God's trying to form you up in the clay you know but sometimes the clay collapses you know in order for you to form back into this clay and some things go and come in your life like uh my partner she didn't like the change as much either like you know she you know some people don't like the change some people like the old hippie you know the old you know bad hippie you know he was like yeah okay he's bad he was exciting funny and fun but he was on drugs man and it wasn't me and that's what they didn't realize you know this is me and then then my life started to change for the good you know and it got better and better I got cleaner and I Strength I don't drink I don't smoke cigarettes or that and my addictions just fell away even the BL could cut off my ears he got uh put in solitary confinement last year and he tried to commit suicide you know so that was a touch of moment too and I rallied with his mother she got in contact with me and a lawyer and the J manager and said this place reformed you know he's two years he's been a Christian the kid couldn't even right when he went in there and his regret was always so great towards me he's always so sorry for there the second time he tried to take his life the first day after the torture he tried to his brother busted him with the gun with the gun to his head because he realized what he' done to an innocent person at that time so we Lobby to the attorney I wrot letter to attorney general and pretty much said you got blood on your hands mate if you leave this kid in there blah blah blah and they let him out the next day of solary confinement and that that was great you know and that was hard too you know sort of thing cuz I still you know six days a week I love the kid one day a week I can still hate this kid me he chopped me up but so that was hard and back up and surfing every day and back down and counseling people and helping people out and you know just living the good life you know what I mean that's you know and that's a thing and like I was saying with Christianity with Jesus if you if you can just walk like Jesus if you can just that little little bit of the Bible of Jesus is you can just be that bit then go on with the rest of the Bible it's by being blatantly honest about who you are in Christianity like I'm imperfect I still I don't muck up I don't ever get in trouble I don't know anything illegal or anything wrong I'm completely straight in my0 I'm not perfect do you know what I mean I still swear occasionally you know stuff like that I'm I'm I'm a real man I'm a real person just like Jesus was he was a real man and that's I just aspire to that like when it starts all murk in religion I just go back to Jesus cuz that's who I roll with him you know and I I put that challenge out to all Christians one day just one day Let Jesus make be your heart make you give your heart the day off put Jesus in there and see how your whole day is different I'll tell you what this it's infectious and you'll see that your whole life and you want that in your heart more you'll notice the changes in that day just for one day even if you're not a Christian just do what Jesus would do for a day see how you go just and get back to me I bet you the next day you want to be do it again I lost track of time and now it's all behind me I lost track of time and now it's all behind me and die track of time and now it's all how
Channel: Live Set Apart
Views: 85,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XqfwcDP8txM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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