Florida District Ladies Conference 2007 - Marilyn Miller & Debbie Saiz 4/21/07 AM Service

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[Music] praise the lord ladies hallelujah it is time to pray and we are going to pray today like we have never prayed before i know i said this yesterday but you are going to have to bear with us [Music] i was sharing with some of the ladies last night that this is the very first time since i have been doing this that we have received so many prayer requests on depression sexual abuse all these that are i'm holding here are all kind of mental problems abuses unforgiveness and i am very angry at the devil and this morning satan is going to know that after today i know god has healed our bodies physically but he's holding some people your children your husbands those who have sexually abused you and this morning we're going to pray and we're going to take on the character of of of david i don't know about you but we all have to stand in the gap for somebody at some time or the other if you personally have never experienced sexual abuse if you remember in daniel chapter nine daniel took on the characteristics of the people that were in his city daniel did not commit adultery but he took on that character this morning we are going to take on sexual abuse it is me i am the one who have been abused i am the one who has been suffering the verbal and the mental abuse from my husband it is my if i am the one who is suffering from mutilation or carvings and cuttings these are some of the requests that we have received and we're going to take those characteristics on why because when we start to pray for other people if you're not affected by it somebody else is obviously affected by it we are going to pray for them like we would want them to pray for us we are going to take on those characteristics you may not have been abused by your husband but today you're going to take on your sisters i'm going to take on my sister's responsibility what my sister is going through we're going to take on the depression i'm going to take on the oppression does everybody understand what i'm saying we're going to take those things on and i want you to pray if you've never suffered from depression you probably don't understand fully what it's really like to be under an attack and especially those who are in ministry suffering from depression for months and months and months and it just carries on and there's no end to it but this morning in the name of jesus i believe with my whole heart that god is going to change some things in our minds it is with the mind that we serve christ we have a lot of pastors wives here presented and i know that some of the requests that you have that we have here are from pastors wives some are going through menopause and some are going through uh depression and not knowing what to do you're withdrawing yourselves we're going to pray we're going to break that spirit in the name of jesus today this is enough ladies in order for us to be what god wants us to be not only does our bodies have to be healed but our minds got to be healed we can't help people if we cannot help ourselves we ca we can't heal when we need healing ourselves and therefore that's how we're going to pray this morning at this time sister kyle is going to come and then we're going to wrap up with maybe a little bit of ty trebek praise the lord i'm representing depression today i am a negative state of mind my symptoms are physical sickness mental sickness and emotional rollercoaster i'm up one day i'm down the next up one day and down the next you know and sometimes i just need to sit and think just what i'm feeling i need to identify my feelings i need to know what's making me mad i need to know what's making me bitter i need to know what's making me depressed about something it could be as she said sexual abuse that i've lived through all these years verbal abuse bitterness someone's done me wrong and you've just hung on to it if you've ever known a wound you have a wound but you need it to heal from the inside out if it doesn't they have to scrape that scab off again and so it'll heal again and that's what we need to do today we need to identify our feelings and then we need to clarify them exactly while we're depressed and we need to take it to the altar that's the first thing we need to pour it out not just cry we just need to pour it out and leave it i know it's hard we've heard pray pray pray pray pray pray pray but sometimes it's just not enough we have got to have when you're depressed you need to find two friends not 10 and not a prayer group and you need to talk it out why why am i going through this someone that you can count on uh in proverbs 23 and 7 it says for as he and for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he you got to remember you have got to take responsibility for your thoughts and your actions as as you know the combine and the virginia tech he they people keep blaming other people because i did this because they did that it's not because they did you've got to take action for your own responsibilities your thought pattern nobody else can do your thoughts except yourself you cannot change your life but you can have an attitude you can change the attitude towards your life and that you've heard it all this week i am an advocate of praying the word i love the word sometimes when you're down on your knees you just don't know what to say but david does james does isaiah knows what to say jeremiah the weeping prophet so i want it today is to bind depression oh let me give you a flip side on this the friends that come to you that are depressed i learned this through trial and error when they come to you and tell you something you don't have to agree with them and you don't have to disagree with them they just want to know that you're listening and that they're still existing don't say oh don't worry about that you know pray about it say i understand or i'm sorry that you're having to go through this acknowledge their feelings when someone is depressed acknowledge them so they know that they have a reason to live so if i've got a a new thing today i want you to get your bibles out we're going to bind depression today i want us to get scriptures that you know that have live uplifted you in your lifetime or that have been preached about and i want us to pray the word out loud it doesn't matter just if you want to walk around and pray the word i'm going to pray the word up here and then i'll hand it over to sister davey but pray the scriptures that you know that have uplifted you in times of trouble and need you never know who you're going to bless today lord we thank you today we praise you just start praying the word and binding depression hear me cry oh god attendant to my prayer from the end of earth will i cry unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than i for thou has been a shelter for me and a strong tire from the enemy i will abide in that tabernacle forever i will trust in the comfort of the wings see law lord you're so worthy therefore in my spirit overwhelmed within me my heart within me is desolate lord pray the word pray the word i remember the days of old i meditate on all thy works i muse on the work of thy hands i stretch forth my hands into thee my soul thirsteth after thee as a thirsty land amen lord you're worthy who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword lord as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are counted as sheep for the slaughter nay nay and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor other creature shall be able to separate me shall separate me from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord lord you're so worthy finally brethren oh yes lord whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are a good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things lord in jesus name lord you're worthy you're worthy these things which have been both learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the god of peace shall be with you lord you are so worthy lord thank you for the word in any situation i can go to the word oh lord is the prodigal son i came to myself lord is david i'll shake myself lord in jesus name lord you are so worthy you're so worthy lord let me remember all of the benefits let me count my blessings lord oh god you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy lord oh god you're so worthy you're so worthy lord help me to shake myself lord help me to find friends lord that will hear me o god lord you're worthy help me to pour it out on the altar and leave it lord everything that i've been through lord let me talk to you like i would talk to a friend lord i'm mad about this lord i'm bitter about this lord i got my feelings heard about this lord oh god let me identify oh god bring me out bring me out set my feet on the myrrhy clay out of the mighty clay lord on a rock to stay oh god pray the word the word will go forth the seed hallelujah hallelujah lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you are so worthy you are so worthy you're so worthy thank you for bringing me out lord thank you for bringing me out let me give you praise let me give you honor oh thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus oh i get dominion on this i bind it i bind it i rebuke you lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus lord you are so worthy oh i give it all to you god i give it all to you god oh stir up the gift is within us lord let the joy come let the joy of the lord come lord you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah before we actually go into um this other segment of prayer here um we just got a received a phone call i believe it is devon he's six months old and um he was born two weeks early and he has fluid on the brain and um i'm not able to read the rest of this but we we need prayer for him and also brianna from the clearwater church she's 16 years old last night she was attacked and cut all over her body with a box cutter and the 16 year old girl lost her mother i think it's like less than a year ago so we need to pray i'm not sure how madison is doing today does anybody know how madison is today richardson all right let's pray for brianna right now and then we're going to pray for devon father in the name of jesus right now god here is brianna we ask now lord god almighty that you will heal her touch her body lord god almighty for infirmity lord god almighty jesus right now god for your glory lord god almighty let her raise up with a testimony lord god almighty give her the strength that she needs even now god lord god let there not be any infection lord jesus and bring her out lord god almighty with a great testimony o god almighty of your healing power and how you've kept her mind lord god give her comfort lord jesus even now god you said when mother and father have forsaken us my god almighty will be right there with us and now god she needs you like she's never needed you before and we ask that you will touch your body touch divine now lord god almighty in the hospital oh god you know every bloods lord god every blood vessel lord god almighty in his body we ask jesus that you now god every fluid lord god that's on the brain oh god that swelling's got to go down for your glory save his parents lord god let them know lord god almighty that this work that is wrought through him was because god almighty of the prayers that we prayed for him this morning in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus now i'm going to list and the only reason why i'm listening this is because i really need us to focus on how we're going to be praying i tried this morning to um once we sorted the requests out i tried to print this but the printer in the hotel wasn't working and um so i'm working on very limited space here and so you gotta just bear with me here a little bit sexual abuse sexual sins passing judgment seeking revenge an unforgiving spirit filled with anger filled with rage self-pity rejection bitterness hurting others addiction to prescription medication suffering from hopelessness a spirit of uh worthlessness spirit of loneliness despair and again self-mutilation and that's the cuttings you've i don't know how familiar you are with that spirit of pride spirit of stubbornness bitterness rejection and shame these are some most of what's listed in here except for the last two or three that i just received this is all that somehow whether it's ourselves or people that we're acquainted with these are some of the things that um that are holding us captive and i want some ladies who really know how to touch god who's tired tired of having you go through the same thing it's like going walking in in the wilderness we've been around this mountain so many times we can't we pray and we can't get out of it and we go around and around and we come back to the same thing we lie we cheat or steal and we come back to the same thing we're depressed hooked on prescription medication i don't believe that a saint of god should be hooked on any prescription medication absolutely not absolutely not absolutely not amen and we're going to pray and i i really i really do need you to help me pray with your whole heart this morning i've seen this and it's enough ladies enough is enough the devil has taken everything that he's gonna take from us and he's not gonna take anymore papaya said i've stand all i can stands and i'm not gonna stand no more let us pray father we come in your presence right now because it is in your presence god that we find hope it is in your presence lord jesus that we know that we're restored and we're healed and we are set free and now god we present all of these before you lord jesus we come knowing that you are able to deliver we come knowing god almighty that you are the healer and you are the deliverer we come father knowing that no burden is too great for you to bear you know the pain that we suffer you know the heartaches that we go through god you know every depression god you know how we hide behind our depression and we call them ministries you know how we hide behind our oppression and we call them stress but this morning god we are coming and and we're casting them down in the name of jesus every oppression's got to go in your presence god we know that there is power and we come lord god because in your presence we know we are covered with your blood oh god and when we stand and covered in your blood we understand that satan can do us no harm and there is no weapon that is formed against us that can prosper father it is with the mind that we serve you god and if we do not have a strong mind we're not able to serve your right but this morning god we cast them down every evil imagination every high thing that exalts itself against him we come against them now we break every yoke up we curse them in the name of jesus satan you have no business in the life of these women we curse them now in the name of jesus you've got to go back to the pit ahead from whence you came and we commander take your flight up angel of god come now bind them pass them back into the pit of heaven and we forbid them ever to operate in this atmosphere ever to operate in this hemisphere god you've got to get the glory you've got to get the praise up we understand god that we've got but a short time and we've understand god that we've got to have a strong mind up a sound mind a sound body and god in the name of jesus i ask him now that your will god almighty cover every woman cover every family member god you know who they are you know them better than we know ourselves and in the name of jesus we curse them now satan you've got to go these women loose the mind loose them and let them go oh course in the name of jesus in the name of jesus satan you're bound we got a mind that god has given us he's not giving us a state of fear but a power of love and of a sound mind every spirit of hatred every spirit of retaliation those that have abused us god those that have done us wrong lord god almighty yes that you forgive us lord god and then forgive them god they know not what they were doing when they sexually abused us they knew not what they were doing when they verbally abused us in your name god we cast them down god forgive us wash our minds what's your thoughts god almighty get glory from your handmaid get glory lord god almighty ah let the hell know he's not above cosuntable that there is no power that will be able to stop us there is no power in hell or in the earth that will be able to captivate our minds there is no power greater than the power of the almighty god who stood in our place who took the curse of sin for us and we come now god knowing that you've heard us knowing god almighty that our mind jesus will be renewed our minds are restored our minds have been changed by the power of the holy ghost that dwells within us come on ladies let's give the lord some praise now hallelujah hallelujah at the name of jesus every addiction's gotta bow at the name of jesus every sins gotta bow at the name of jesus every depression's gonna bow at the name of jesus at the name of jesus every unforgiving spirit's got to bow in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every high thing that exalts itself against god we're pulling them down this morning we're pulling them down this morning's got to go it's got to go it's got to go in the name of jesus it's got to go in the name of jesus has given us power he's given us power everything that come against us everything that's come against us god's given us the victory over it there is nothing that can hinder us there's nothing that can touch your mind tell yourself that the devil can't touch your mind this is the mind of christ god has given us the mind we can't serve unless we've got a strong mind and we're casting down every evil imagination every high thing that exalts itself against god everything that's held us bound every depression oh every self-mutilation it's got to go in the name of jesus it's gotta go it's gotta go in the name of jesus it's gotta go it's gotta go in the name of jesus in the name of jesus it's got to go it's got to go now here is what i want you to do ladies i want you to look at your sister take her by the hand remember we're taking the on the character of all the things the sins that were listed earlier and we don't we don't know it doesn't matter who it is we're taking on those characteristics this morning and we're casting them down in the name of jesus and i want you to pray a prayer of deliverance this morning for your sister and i want you to pray like you want her to pray for you you want you want to pray for her like you know that this is the last time that anybody would ever pray for you you want to pray like you never prayed before and that's god that everything that comes against your mind everything that comes against your sister's mind will be cast down now in the name of jesus hold your sister's hand look at her don't look at me look at your sister and pray even if it's not in her life it is obviously in this atmosphere and everything that is in this atmosphere that is not of god it's got to go father in the name of jesus we cast down god every high thing every depression every pastor's wife this morning god lord god who's used jesus other things to cover up what they're actually feeling oh god those hooked up on prescription medication lord god addictions of all kind we cast them down now in the name of jesus set my sister free set her free devil you've got to go you have no place in this body you have no place in your mind you've got to go in the name of jesus we cast them down now and we say thank you god for your deliverance thank you god for setting us free shout hallelujah somebody another vocal let hell know let hell hear you cry hallelujah [Applause] [Music] it's got to go it's got to go it's got to go it's got to go and now later as the bible tells us the bible tells us that whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things adjuster those are the things that we need to start to think on we don't need to think about our our self-mutilation anymore we don't need to think about depression you're not depressed you're set free in the holy ghost think on those things that are true think on those things that are right think of those things that are lovely think on those things that are just that because god has delivered you in the name of jesus the kingdom of heaven suffer violence and abundant and the violent [Applause] hell's got some things that we're taking back this morning somebody said i want it all back everything that you took from me i want it all back what about the jaw he took what about the piece he took what about the piece he took devil if you only knew what i was gonna be after the storm you would not bother me if you only knew satan what i was gonna be after the storm you would not bother me because now i'm stronger hallelujah i'm in a little bit wiser i want it back i want it all back i want it all hallelujah everything that the devil stole from us we wanted back hallelujah hallelujah i don't know what you came to do this morning in the spring meeting but i came to take back everything that the devil stole from me i came to take back my mind i came to take back my jaw i came to take back my peace i came to take back my family i came back to take my finances i came to take my pastor's wife back ah i came to take my children back everything that the devil stole from me all the ministries i came to take them back those things that god entrusted me with i came to take them back satan has held them too long and i came to take them back hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus because i got my joy back i got my peace back i got my healing of a mind back god you heal my body but i thank you that you healed my mind this morning got to get it back take it all back yeah yeah yeah the devil violated us but we come this morning to take it all back we're violent women and we came to take it back hallelujah i want you to repeat after me i got it all back i've got it all back i got my joy back i got my peace back i got my mind back i got my finances back and somebody say in your face devil god bless you [Applause] here we go [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] we're not going to let the spirit die down no way [Music] spirit of the lord is in the house we're going to make a declaration you're going to have to open up your mouth we're gonna sing it a war cry we're going home strong we're going home strong [Music] [Music] [Music] to declaration level [Music] [Applause] going to another level and i can't wait to get there [Music] [Music] another level [Music] oh [Music] how about you [Music] it's our last day [Music] oh come on you can do better than that [Music] another [Music] gotta keep pressing on gotta keep gotta keep pressing come on we're gonna go together [Music] hand in hand [Music] see it one more time [Music] yeah [Music] i'm going i'm going [Music] [Music] come on make your praise glorious yeah let your spirit speak yes jesus i see it lord i'm going for jesus i'm headed for jesus look at me lord i'm coming to you jesus wherever you want to go i'm going jesus i'm going with you jesus i believe it i see a lord i see jesus [Music] glory glory glory glory praise the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah there's nothing more powerful than praise and worship especially when we're in a corporate body like this we have warmed our spirits up with prayer this morning some of us have gotten something we needed so long and for the others that haven't gotten what you needed you're gonna have that chance today grab it go after it don't wait until it slaps you upside the head go after it it's sweet to be with the sisters of the lord and worship like this if we could see in the spirit realm what's happened in the last two days our faith would be so large we'd go out and any mountain in the way we just knew no it'd be moved it's happening in the spirit it's sweet to be in his presence amen is this sweet i saw some of you praying for each other and i started crying and weeping because there was such fervency of spirit there's power in this room power in this room how sweet it is just to feel your presence [Music] how beautiful to see your holy hands [Music] renewing hope again how wonderful it is how beautiful you know you're standing in the middle of our grace how sweet it is just to feel your just to feel your presence how beautiful to see your holy hands as it works i see you healing hearts i see him touching minds and renewing our hope again [Music] do you see him do you feel him
Channel: Florida District United Pentecostal Church
Views: 14
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: UNNeKYJ0vb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 29sec (2549 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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