Flip Through | The A6 Bujo Experiment

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to revisit this a6 like term that I was trying to use about a million years ago I actually think it was back in March and I think I did a setup for you guys as part of my march plan with me and never really talked about it again and there's a really good reason for that and we're gonna talk about it today so the idea behind this ASIC size notebook was that I was going to craft a super minimal on-the-go bullet journal because I have so much stuff that I take with me to work that taking my full a5 size bullet journal is just not practical in addition to you know any of my binders and stuff that I have for my classes I also actually have a teacher bullet journal however there are times during the day when I have things that come up that I would like to rapid log that have nothing to do with work and so they don't have a place in my teacher bullet journal and so I thought that this might be a solution so the idea was that I would keep the relevant information in here and not put in things like any collections or what-have-you basically just have my monthly and daily lot like rapid logging and that kind of stuff so let's take a look back when I first started it let's see you can see I actually did sort of fill up the index I did set up for March so I did have a quick little month at a glance just so I could see sort of what was happening when and I had the week on there as well you can see this was my so March of 2018 was my minimalist month and so in my regular bullet journal it was super minimal and in here as well and then I did a March log so this was actually prior to me going like prior to me actually using the traditional bullet journal log in my personal bullet journal I actually tested out in here because trying to fit in a tiny little calendar - seemed ridiculous so I just did it this way you can see I actually did fill in a bunch of stuff I did have also upcoming months for April I had tasks goals it was kind of quickly done and I actually didn't use either of these pages really like I put in two things on my goals but I really didn't use them so I ended up using them for thoughts for April in my a six bullet journal so keep drop ad and then other ideas for April for language studies I had what was this I honestly don't even know because I put washi tape over the original header and this was actually my homework tracker for my last semester of my masters and as you can see it's a hot mess then I had reading and tracking which you can see I dropped off pretty quick because these were the kinds of things that I realized after I had set them up that in a boudreaux on the go kind of situation they weren't necessary because I have my full bullet journal however things like a monthly log maybe some of my big tasks maybe like those were useful things this not so much and then I went into weekly so I had sort of a squished in weekly tasks and week nine and I just had quick little dailies with mini collections so I did my dailies in black and then if I had a mini collection I did it in grey so it would stand out a little bit more and then these were just other random collections and since they were on a different page I just did them in I just did them in black and you'll notice some smudging here I actually got water on this notebook it yeah it's not too bad but I got water on it so I had this was for when I was traveling I did some lines a day because I didn't want to bring my actual some lines add a notebook with me on the trip and so I just popped them in here so it was only a really short trip it was like two or three days and so I just had two days that I actually did in here so it made sense to just write a quick thing in here and then rewrite it neatly back in my son lines today when I got home shopping lists this was a blank page that I didn't need so I just kind of did a little lettering on there and then after that the next weekly that I did I seriously minimized so I decided to just do a very quick by the day so I could just see in an overview what I had going on and then rather than doing tasks an upcoming week I just did what were my focus thing so when I was out in a bow I could see okay these are the things I really want to get done this week that made more sense since I have the full list in my personal bullet journal with that I usually use when I'm home it's just that when I'm out and about I might want to look at some of this kind of stuff and then went back into doing dailies rapid logging a lot of like just random little notes and you can see here I did Monday Tuesday and Friday and then again I had an extra page and again I did a weekly so I did this and I even stopped like labeling them as dailies it was just a shopping list essentially this page got really ruined by the water this is actually all stuff for work but that I didn't want to my personal bullet journal and I've since done the like one line through it meant that I dealt with it kind of thing so I copied it elsewhere put it in a collection dealt with it in some way shape or form and then I was up to April so I had made those notes on how I wanted to change April instead of doing a monthly log I just did my month at a glance and then I did color coding for so if it was this color when I had worked if it's this color man I had University and then I had circles for specific dates and then I just did like a quick little entry to what that date actually was so that was sort of a super super truncated version of the monthly log and like any sort of events that were happening and then I had a shopping list these are daily so this was back when I was doing my my headers in Korean these were other little collections this was another trip so I did my some lines a day so I wouldn't have to bring my notebook with me I also did my language log so I wouldn't have to bring my language log like notebook with me that little b6 midoriya that I use these were journaling for my language log so in my language notebook I have journaling pages and so I just did my journaling on here so I could rewrite them when I got back home again little collections youtube ideas so another collection collections so right around these pages are when I finally acknowledged myself that the mini bullet journal wasn't working it's in so far as me actually setting up spreads to mimic what's in my personal bullet journal every month it just wasn't necessary because normally I know my schedule and so if I out and about all I really need to know are specific things for that day you know I don't need to have a second monthly log I don't need to have any of my tasks or goals I don't need any other collections whatsoever I don't even need to have a monthly overview because I look at my bullet journal every morning and I know what's coming up so what I eventually sort of relegated this notebook to was a rapid log sidekick bullet journal which is probably what I should have done from the start but you know I was trying something different and I wasn't sure how it would work you never know so you can see here that from like this point on I basically just write the date and then I write really quick notes and I mean like this is my super super messy fast handwriting that I'm not not even trying to care about and that is where that's kind of where it stayed so one thing you might notice is that on all of the bottoms of the pages I have little check marks when they're done and this was because so in something like my personal bullet journal it tends to go sort of chronologically and then if I have things I need to deal with I put tabs on them but for a long time in here I would wrap and log a bunch of stuff but not deal with it and so I would have various pages that were like kind of dealt with but not fully dealt with and so I got into the habit of when I finished it I would check it off as I started finishing more and more pages and I just had a couple of outstanding collections I actually use little sticky note tabs and I keep a couple of extra ones up in the front here so that if it comes up I can just throw sticky note on that page and I have it marked so this is basically what I've been doing and you guys can tell like some of it is tasks some of it is like this was a sequence of events that I had to do I have random random stuff like work stuff home stuff things that so for example these I don't know why I probably checked off the one because I migrated it to a different collection I had enough notes that it warranted moving into my personal bullet journal and so I just did a quick check off as I was going through - no I didn't skip one but then I just checked off the page so it doesn't necessarily mean that I did these at the point that I checked like that I crossed them off here it just meant that I dealt with them in some way and so I started kind of doing a little box around the dates it was easier to recognize in the mass of writing I've started crossing stuff off like going crazy I do have so for example I had a doctor's appointment that I had to go to and so I wrote the address and like travel information in there so some things are actually a little bit neater I have a post vacation grocery list so you'll see like it's some of my handwriting is getting a little neater as I'm going on as I kind of figure out what I actually want to do with this this was actually while I was on vacation I just wrote a couple of notes if we had to go to the grocery store for example I would just write it in here and so you'll notice that I actually write the day of the week and then just do my grocery list rather than say like grocery list some of the time so for this particular one because we were traveling I just did it by day of the week and then after we done everything I crossed it off so I could see like oh hey like say Thursday I hadn't crossed something off I would know okay when we go on Sunday we need to get that thing that we didn't get on Thursday for example I have I have a recipe in here so this is one that my parents had tried and we wanted to do while they were staying at my or while they were visiting me at my house and so I just copied down the recipe from the like online source that we had it and that way I had exactly what I had to do and I knew exactly what ingredients to get when we went to the grocery store a random little doodle because why not I was I think I was on the training I did that this had some random like Korean practice this so I started using a lot for grocery lists so the way that I used this the most this was a list of things I wanted to cook this was again things we were gonna do is like a menu grocery list so the this kdrama swatch kdramas to watch and verify so this is just a random like media list so this one one of my little sticky notes metro information shopping list things to make things to buy so this is this still an open collection and actually most of this is not open I'm gonna have to deal with that random this was a recipe for a kimchi stew groceries Thanksgiving shopping list I had dimensions in here I was buying boxes and like bins to go in one of my like to go on a shelving shelter you know that I had just got and so I wanted to know what like my maximum dimensions were for certain things and so I found what I really liked and so I wrote down the dimensions and I went to find the other piece cuz actually needed two pieces to go in this in this situation and I wanted to make sure that the second piece if I found it that the first one would actually fit with it so that's what I threw in here Thanksgiving cooking list just random things like that so it's honestly just become and like I cross out and go crazy on this so a lot of times I have mini collections so this is a mini collection from when I was rereading the Kumari method mostly it's going to be if I have days specific things I will either do the day of the week which like I couldn't even tell you this was probably in November in December but I couldn't even tell you because I just wrote Thursday and Friday where I write in the day of the week or I write in the date and I write down a bunch of stuff that I have to do so for example I know I'm gonna be away from home most of the day and I know that after work I went to like immediately come home drop off my stuff and go run errands all right in my errands that I want to run in here and a lot of times the way that I write down my errands is I'll write them in like if I'm doing a loop for example so like okay this is the closest one to my house and then I work like my way furthest away and then I come back so I do them in that order so that as I'm looking through I have my list of things I'm gonna buy and I have my the places I'm gonna go and that way I don't skip anything I'll also do random like rapid logging if I bring this to work actually so this is one that I do still bring this to work I almost always have it in my teacher bag sometimes I'll leave it on my desk and then if something comes up I just write it in here really quick so that's where I would you know again write the the date and just wrap it along a couple of things and then when I get home I decide okay is this something I need to do immediately okay get it done cross it off or is there something that needs to go on my weekly or on a daily like where does it need to get dealt with I also really use it a lot for groceries so I have been using this as my grocery list and like I do Christmas Christmas lists as well and so this has become a really handy thing so this is actually my current one I have started doing a post holidays Christmas shopping or post holiday shopping list so I leave on Saturday the 22nd of December and I'm coming back Sunday the 30th and so when I come back obviously this week like this week right before I'm leaving I'm trying to clear out my fridge and so I know I have certain things that I buy every single time I go to the grocery store so I already know that I'm going to need these things when I get back so rather than like worrying that I'm gonna forget something at the store I'm just making a grocery list right now and then when I get back it's already ready like I don't even have to think about it I also have a couple of little like notes of things that I have to do so for example so this is this is the pen I use I actually because this is a softcover I actually just clip the pen on the front here and like leave it in my notebook like that so that's why this like inside section is getting a little bit destroyed but basically so for example I've already gotten this thing that's good this was my shopping list where I had drop off book apparel which is by the food for this this like little thing that we're doing for work go to the post office and go to the paper shop now normally I would have written these in the correct order but actually did do all of these things so that like honestly this is just a super super messy place for me to keep track of stuff that isn't long term that I need with me on the go but you know it's my bullet journal is awesome but it's way too bulky for me to take in to the grocery store as I'm actually grocery shopping where is this I can just like have this in my hand a lot of times I put the little elastic on it like this so I can close it as I'm walking around I keep my pen on the front here and then I can just hold this as I'm going around into the stories it's small enough to fit in my winter coat pocket actually and then I just can open up and see like okay what am i up to and then I can straight away cross off if I need to so that is basically it I think so I've got a couple of pages left I'm up to page 96 and this one has I think it's like 120 but I've actually used up two so I have 117 I've got like 20 pages left so 20 pages left in this and you'll see in the background a couple of things so this was when I was planning my 2019 goals if you saw my 2019 plan with me you might recognize these as my top 5 goals for 2019 because I realized as I was going through all of the other one that I came up with were reading goals and I was like well I have a specific reading challenge those are a separate like category but these these are the ones that immediately came to mind that were things I wanted to do like these are going to be the top five goals that I do so that was how I had kind of originally planned that I have a pen test so if I go into a paper shop and they don't have any like clean scratch paper out like everything's all messed up and you can't actually like see what the pen looks like I just have this book with me and I open it up to the back and I just test out the pen so like this has been super super handy it's definitely not a mini a6 bujold the way that I had envisioned it with like really nice-looking spreads and all of that kind of stuff but the reality is this is very functional for me with how with how I plan and with how like my life just sort of pans out so it's nice that it's super small I can bring it with me to work it doesn't feel like I'm adding a ton of that extra weight it's a place where I can just write things quickly I don't have to worry about being super neat sometimes I am sometimes I'm not like it's just kind of a wherever sort of place so you guys might notice that I I have a lot of water damage in this because I accidentally got water on it it was it was in my bag there was a rain situation it was a whole story but because it's a sidekick bullet journal I was like you know what I don't really care like honestly none of this information once I finished this notebook like this notebook is going to be recycled because this is not actually information I need I just need it as a place to jot down things when like when I need it but once I'm done I'm done I don't need to look at it again so I'm nearing the end and it's starting to look really beat-up so I'm thinking in honor of 2019 I'm gonna start a new one cuz I'm about ready so I had actually got on one of my little stationery jeonse to Paris I had picked up this tiny copper a6 it was from Japan which is this like book store paper shop that we have here now the one thing of a little disappointed and now that I've actually used this one is I really really really like the softcover it's just so so flexible unfortunately well one I already had this because I was dying to try the a6 and copper so like obviously I'm gonna use this but - I went to my shop today to look and just see if they had a soft cover and they had no soft covers so that means that I can't keep my pen on this front cover so let's go ahead and open this up for a second alright this is not the appropriate way to do this but we're just gonna we're just gonna go for it oops so oh my goodness all right there we go I have one so we have our lovely copperloy term take off what's our front a little bit here take out this inside I don't need any of this stuff there I will honestly probably hold on to these archiving stickers but because of how I usually use the a six size like I don't really archive them so whatever so I will set up you know if floss please email me or whatever to quick little break in there I love that it has the new font for the page numbers I love the font that they did in the copper so I've got these now this one is 187 pages so it is definitely a lot longer which for a sidekick I'm actually not a huge fan of I really do like these little softcover 120 pages because they last long enough for it to not be silly but they don't last so long that it gets completely destroyed getting thrown in your purse and you're just like ready for a new one so we'll see how it goes but what I got is a pen loop because I obviously can no longer fit the top of my pen very easily on here like that that's gonna just break like that's a that's a poor choice so I decided that I would get just one of their little pen loops and they didn't have copper so I just grabbed the gold because why not it's close enough and let's see so we're gonna go ahead and set this up really quick oops so here oh my gosh so if you've never seen oh no I got the elastic oops so if you've never seen one of the the lectern pen loops this is what they look like this one is specifically for the gold so it's got this like little doohickey printed on there the was that the element thing periodic table some sciency thing anyway so normally they are just I think they're normally either just cream or in the color of the notebook it's been a while since I've bought one but it's a sticker on the back so what we're gonna do is and actually you know what we're gonna do oh that's that's been sewn a little bit weirdly guys come on all right so let's see oh my gosh they're so I don't know that I will necessarily stick with this pen I might stick I might choose a different one that doesn't have a grip just because that kind of does weird things but what I do like is that here if I want to use this pen I can just use that and place it so that it won't stick up too far so I'm actually just gonna do it directly in the middle here take off this sticker I hope oh my gosh there whoops okay so take that move it out to the edge well actually don't want that let's see and that was actually that works okay good so it's a little bit tight I probably should have moved it out a little bit but that that definitely works so then I can just keep my pen in like that and it comes in and out fairly easily it's not like it is pretty stiff but this way at least when I throw it in my bag I won't lose the pen at the bottom of my purse which is the one downside I do like having it on the front cover here just because it's so easy to just grab and go but hopefully this will work so this is going to be my new sidekick roll it journal that I use in 2019 because I'm getting near the end of this one it's been like severely water damage it's getting old and I just kind of want a new start for this one as well for 2019 so that has been the update on my failed attempt to try a little a six bullet journal for actually like a mini bullet journal however I did find a pretty good solution for my needs with like on-the-go rapid logging bullet journal sidekicks kind of thing so it wasn't a completely failed experiment it's just that the the experiment that I had in mind when I started it didn't actually pan out in the results but you know that's the way it goes sometimes so if you guys have any comments or questions let me know down below I hope you liked seeing a little update inside this journal cuz I know I showed it to you guys when I first set it up and then it just disappeared and I never showed it again so this it I have been using it it's just it's certainly not pretty but it is very very functional so that's all I've got for you guys today I will see you in my next video bye hey guys so if you've made it all the way to the end of this video and are actually watching my end screen and you're not subscribed to my channel I would really appreciate it if you would there's a little button right there for you to do it and if you're interested in watching some more of my videos I have links to two of my older videos off to the left there so you can check those out if you would like to and I will see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Sunshine & Stationery
Views: 25,701
Rating: 4.8468084 out of 5
Keywords: leuchtturm 1917, notebook, a6 notebook, planning, bullet journal, bullet journaling, bujo, productivity, organization, stationery
Id: gdAOceQC3B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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