organizing my stationery collection AGAIN

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Hi everyone its Amanda so I know it's been a while since I posted a new video I think it's been about two ish weeks. If you haven't been keeping up with me on Instagram or Twitter I took some time off to make sure that I was focusing on amplifying the black lives matter movement It was really important to me, but I didn't want to go straight back to posting on YouTube without acknowledging anything um I've been pretty outspoken on my other social media platforms, but YouTube I didn't know how to go about it But what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave a bunch of resources down below for you guys I've been taking the time to educate myself even further I think I've learned so much and it's been a very eye-opening process in general for me so my goal is to make sure that this is a long-term thing in my life and just to make sure that I'm always being Anti-racist because it's not enough just to be not racist, especially to any of my non-black viewers This is the time to really step up and be a true ally in your regular life. Not just on social media and that's just like it's a slow process and there's a lot of things to learn and unlearn in terms of donations in case you Didn't know for the whole month of June any income that I make from twitch via subs or Donations or bits are going to be donated to the baile project and we're also having like a separate fundraiser as well So you can join us on Twitch for for fun times and you know raising money for a good cause and the academic planner that we decided to launch a Portion of every purchase is going to be going to block led organizations that provide equity for black people in education So I think that's I'm trying to remember if there's anything else. Oh, yeah actually last thing in terms of shop We are setting up this Permanent initiative. We're on our shop Instagram account We're gonna be amplifying any black artists or black journalers in the little doodle community we just want to give a space for POC artists to be celebrated and That'll be regularly showcased upon our platform. So there is a forum for you to submit your work That'll also be in the description box below But yeah, that was a lot of in from I know I'm sorry But the video that you're about to see was filmed before all this happened So I didn't want to post it without saying anything. But anyway, enjoy the video I feel like if you don't end up on the floor when you're reorganizing anything. Are you really reorganizing anything? Alright hello everyone its Amanda welcome back to my channel. Today we have a very big task ahead of us. I am going to be reorganizing my Stationery I'm excited, but I'm also not excited because of how much work I know it's going to be I've done this video on my channel before it's actually been over a year now that I have organized all my stationery. If you haven't seen that video, I will link it But basically we did all the stuff in this cabinet right here She's still thriving all the Pens are still in there a girl's got to collect more pens. I Sound insane but yes I have accumulated a lot more stationery in that past year and it's taken over my apartment and I'm kind of Fed up with it. I'd actually been meaning to reorganize all my stationery for a while now, but I wanted to wait until I Rearranged my apartment in a way that would make sense for me. And recently. I did do that. I moved my desk here So now that I finally have sort of like a desk set up that I'd like I feel like it Kind of makes sense for me to reorganize all my stationery and sort of make it work for my workspace Now this time around I'm going full on Marie Kondo. I'm holding all these pens to my chest I'm asking myself whether they spark joy and we're gonna try to cut down last time. We organized this time We are we're still organizing and making things look pretty because always but I am also trying to do a little bit of a cut-down and Seeing whether we can minimal I minimalize minimize the excess We'll see We'll see. I think my main goal this time is to sort of organize this stationery cart that I have here I got this a while back and it's just it's one 6ms I don't know why I thought this would help me out cuz I just ended up stuffing a bunch of stuff in it I did get a bunch of these like tray things that hopefully I can sort of like fit into the cart and divide the sections Up a bit, so that's kind of my goal. So let's get started organizing my stationery Pert - I feel like I always end up on the floor whenever I'm reorganizing anything, but it just feels right Okay, so just in case you haven't seen at the last video where I reorganized This is where I have like the bulk of my pens and stuff You can see all of that over here and it's relatively still organized Honestly, I'm surprised that it stayed that organized over the past year If you like my issue right now isn't actually the pens and the markers which might surprise some of you guys Considering the amount that I have but my main issue is sort of like the extra bits of stationery So like washi Tapes stickers stamps notepad stuff other than pens and markers because I try to keep the pens and markers Perteet pretty minimal minimal as I have an entire cupboard full of them but I mean like it's easier to organize those because you just put them into a container but things that are like weirdly shaped like The washi tapes have been my biggest struggle So I think what I'm gonna do right now is pull out all of my little notepads and notebooks See which ones are brand new see which ones I want to keep see which ones I want to give away and all of that And then we can organize from there This is a lot more than I thought it was I'm gonna make piles of stuff that I'm gonna donate I've been looking for different places where I can sort of donate School supplies to areas that do need access to more school supplies and stuff like that So a majority of this stuff will be going there But I'm also gonna be sort of making like piles for giveaways of stuff that I think you guys would enjoy so Stay tuned at the end. If you want to if you want to know how you can win some of this stuff because Clearly I'm not gonna be able to use All of this, so hopefully these can go to some better homes where they'll get a lot more love than my house Just wanted to show you guys a little bit of the action over here This is the stuff that I have actually used I have a whole pile of here of stuff that I think you guys would like. So some notebooks and stuff and It's not that I don't like these notebooks. It's just that a lot of them I actually multiples up So I put like one in my pile and then one in the giveaway pile sort of thing. Then this over here is my Pile to give away. I actually have a bunch of like Brand-new bt. 21 stationery. I bought them a while back But if you guys don't want to see the video, let me know I had bought this stuff cuz the first video that I did Testing bt. 21 stationery did so well planned on doing a part two and then I kind of never got around to doing it so I want to Eventually get around to doing that and then hopefully I can also do a giveaway so that I can get rid of some of these Duplicates that I have but for now They go into this box Hopefully the video will go up at some point this was actually gifted to me from a viewer a while back when I was again planning on doing the b21 stationary video he mentioned to me on Twitter that he found a bt 21 planner or a Notebook with like all these sections and then he had sent it over But thank you to that viewer for sending me that over I have this like binder here basically with these like mini binders You have all these like cute inserts that you can place it, but now I want to like organize all these inserts place them in this little tub here so that can put it in my Cart because actually I do use these inserts Not even just for these binders as you can see I rip up a lot of them and use them in my bullet journal So it's kind of nice to have them on hand. So that's kind of my current current mission All right, so I have one little Container done. I'm gonna call them like, I don't know Segments dividers for Mike right? I'm gonna put this guy in What my struggling so much Oh Perfect guys, look at that That fits so nicely in here. So these were kind of like my paper inserts for my six ring binders as well as other Loose-leaf sort of insert papers still have some other ones that all add in as I find them So next I'm gonna kind of work on what I'm going to be calling like my pen pal eggs crack booking type of stuff envelopes Stamps that sort of thing that I really really want to organize and hopefully it'll fit right next to here I basically have another one of those clear containers. These are actually just like clear bins that I got from Amazon. Oh My god, that is so satisfying They fit this way. So I don't need a stack of Leslie. I love it. These are like smaller envelopes that I have gift tags but when I do the pen pal videos I use them to wrap the washi tape around and then I have a bunch of like twine and stuff that I again use for the pen pal videos and I think I will just like sort of Place these inside here. Hopefully it'll get them to sort of stay stacked up as well Also, since this is kind of on like the pen Palin letter-writing Category I have a lot of like greeting cards that I've collected for some reason whenever I travel anywhere I like to buy greeting cards. So I'm gonna put this in like the pen pal section for when I want to send cards he's cute once I got in New York from Old Flying Tiger. It was the first time that I had ever got the flying tiger in there Yeah, I Don't want to turn this into like a collection video but it's just kind of fun going through stationery that I forgot I had these ones I got when I was in Korea again, probably I mean I don't know if I'll ever send these but it's nice that I have a designated Postcard greeting card section now that I can place these somewhere. I think I could have some from Japan You might take a chip back Too much stationary oh There we go, oh god it's still a little like a little Paper bag that went from when I bought the greeting card These are just so pretty So this is like my Scrapbooking penpal a sort of tub. I'm calling them tubs, but that doesn't sound like a very pretty word It's not like super organized, but it's kind of like I don't know how to describe it It is sort of like in terms of workflow on this side here. I've kind of tucked in a bunch of Ephemera like vintage ephemera. I have these really beautiful You're just like papers that have some nice like vintage print on them that I also have some of my origami paper So I feel like this fits really nicely and I can put it next to That's already in here Nice look at that. Oh wow Chef's kit so I'm starting to be able to see the floor which is good. I think the next major project is the washi tapes, which You guys know? This is a big task. So currently this is what I have in terms of Washi tape organizations you can see there's like three different layers they snap together and then you can kind of like Detach them like that and it actually works quite well what I like about it is that it does have these like little mini Sections in here but to be honest, it's not that well built. So I found that it's hard to a snap together It does like these things kind of come apart And also as you can tell I kind of have way too much and it doesn't fit all inside so what I want to do is kind of go through these and See which ones I want to keep which ones I don't want to keep Not because I don't like them. Let's be let's be clear guys. I Love all washi tapes. I do not discriminate Washi tapes I love washi tapes of all shapes sizes designs and all of that but there gets to a point where it gets to be too too much and I do have duplicates of some a lot of them are very similar so I kind of want to like sort through Who needs this much more tape, this is crazy Are you guys seeing this I'm gonna separate these out into piles This is really where the Marie Kondo holding things your heart seeing whether they spark joy is going to come into play So I'm gonna put them into piles I'm gonna put them into ones that I use a lot Ones that I want to keep for sentimental value like the ones that I got when I was traveling and then I'm gonna have ones that I want to Give away the list Okay, so I've cut down quite a bit probably not as much as it should but I definitely have a lot less so my plan For storing these like I probably could just like put them back in this guy and then it would be totally fine but the issue is I don't like the snap like the closing of the snaps thing cuz it's kind of hard for me to access them So I found these stackable They're like stackable acrylic Containers and I'm hoping that they can kind of just like fit on top and then I can that way there's like layers So I can just easily Unstack them and see what I need and all of that The only issue is that I didn't know that they would be this shallow So I don't even know if these will fit which will be an unfortunate loss if they don't fit All right, so as you can see I have one Trait these are kind of like my pinks and purples pastels. They do fit quite nicely here at the only issue of sight see, oh You know what? I Actually, I'm okay with that like it doesn't fit as snugly as when there is nothing in it cuz they actually like sit they nest quite deeply but I feel like That sucks, if only it was just like a couple centimeters deeper they would stuck perfectly Honestly, I'm not that mad at it It might bother some people that's like the Shelf doesn't like sex it inside But I think like I'm not rolling around this guy to too much and it does like nest in a little bit I don't know if you guys can see what I'm talking about Okay right here. Do you guys see what you guys said? I mean like there's an indent here of where it should sit but like it only goes like maybe a couple like maybe a couple millimeters in But it doesn't like if I let pull on it. It's not like completely just like lying flat on top of it You know what? We're just gonna go with it. I'm gonna keep organizing by color and I will let you guys know Okay.i. So I managed to cut down my washi tapes into these five containers, which I feel like is a considerable Reduction. I tried to color coordinate them as best as I could here is like my pinks and purples the light pastels and stuff we have my neutral colors also like metallics and stuff Greens oranges and reds and like brighter colors and then blues and darker colors So these larger ones will obviously stay stacked on top of each other and then the smaller ones only stock like this and then I have like my empty one for expansion purposes I'm gonna put these guys Like that Nice. Well, okay this actually works so nice like even though they don't truly stock the Side of the cart will will stop it from all falling over this Oh No, wait, that's sex Oh God I bought the square ones we're gonna fit perfectly but I don't oh My god are you kidding me? We're literally like a couple millimeters off from being able to fit - This is so annoying, yeah, okay crisis averted we're okay. They fit like this, which is nice So I actually ended up stacking three of those on top two of the big ones and then for expansion I switched to one of the emptier larger ones, so if I happen to go over this amount of washi tapes I will make sure not to add any new ones to my collection unless I get rid of some And I just want this to be like the washi tape section. You know what I mean? Oh, that looks good That's actually very satisfying. I love that I freaked out for a second because I thought I would not be able to work. I have like to sort Significant side sections here that have a lot of space Luckily, I had actually prepared for this moment and these containers do come in skinnier sizes Tada, so they fit these can fit like right in there, which is so nice. I can also fit them in here I have them in a couple different Lengths so these ones are longer which I think this will fit Perfectly. Oh my god. That was just so satisfying They fit perfectly in there. We're actually coming along pretty nicely the notebooks we are done. Oh, no, I have a straight washi tape Will it fit? It fits no worries did not need to get rid of it the other sort of section of items that I want to organize Right now is like my smaller. I'm gonna call them knickknacks and doodad have in here But I'm talking about like sticky notes my stamp stuff Small stuff these are so hard to organize because everything is like different shapes All my like Individual block stamps fit right in there so I can put that on the section right in between here and Then since this is gonna be like my stamp area. I put the Individual rubber ones on these like plastic sheets kind of slid right into there it's gonna be like my stamp section and I also have like my Individual acrylic stamping block number one. Okay. Yes. I found them So these are like the acrylic stamping box that you put those rubber ones on so again Since I don't have too many I'm just going to like tuck them Right on the edges here so that I have easy access for them. I need them Perfect the next sort of business is sort of like my individual stickers and Sticky note since I have one more of these guys that can kind of like tuck in here I'm gonna like stack them sort of like this and obviously since they go above the height of the container I'm not gonna be able to put one on top, but that's totally fine because they'll have way more to go So this was like what I just did those are my individual rubber stamps down there and I have like the individual acrylic blocks there as well as the individual rubber slant stamp sort of slid in there and then this goes Right on top and stocks. Perfect. The second floor of my stationery cart is complete Oh Nice alright So I know I mentioned I wasn't really gonna be organizing any pet, but I did have a couple extra pens Naturally that weren't in this storage unit So I also had extra things like this So I put the like extra collections and they're like quite well actually, which is really really nice ideal, I think what I would love to do is Maybe this is another video test out all the pens in that guy over there and get rid of the ones that are dried out or old or that I know I don't like and Then that way these can be moved into the main section. But for now, this is sort of like a temporary solution I'm going to be putting these Right in here Down, yeah So the last thing that I kind of want to do I was saving this bottom if we're calling them floors For my fountain pen inks because I have a lot of them. I've been getting really into using fountain pens This is the current block one that I'm using And I have all my like Ferris wheel press ones I love they're suppress their Canadian brand and their inks are so so beautiful like they're just so pretty I think I'll keep them in the box though just for safety And while I was cleaning up I obviously happened upon a bunch of like sticker sheets and I wanted to show you guys how I've been organizing them This has been like the best discovery like this sticker folder. I filled it with all these pockets There's zipper pockets and then each individual one has different Stickers in it so I can like easily flip through to see all my stickers Especially when I'm deciding which ones I want to use. It's really nice. So I'm just going to fill some of the stragglers into the pockets a Little bulging at the seams here, but I can tuck that right here in the bottom next to all of my inks Which is nice. Alright guys, so here's the finished Stationary cart we have the washi tapes straggler pens you know my stickers and other tapes with pen pals section with all the stamps and Sort of loose-leaf papers and all of that sticky notes and stamps and then at the bottom we have my stickers as well as my fountain pen ink So I'm actually really happy a lot of stuff fit in here Compared to like it looked like it was bursting at the seams before but now it looks like nice Collected and I'm very happy with how much I was able to fit in look My floor is empty guys. It feels so good. Alright guys mission accomplished. I'm really really happy you know when you like Finally organize stuff that's been a mess and you just feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulder That's me right now and I feel like when things are messy especially like my workspace. I'm just not as productive So I'm really happy that I got a lot Organized and you know, like everything has been pared down think Marie Kondo would be proud of me She'd probably tell me to get rid of a couple more things, but actually no You know what? She wouldn't cuz all of this sparks joy, so she would let me keep it But I am very really happy that all of it fit in here I hope you guys enjoyed watching me organize my stationery cart let me know if you did want to see that video where I like go through all my stationery and throw out the ones that Don't work and all of that maybe it'll be a live stream cuz that will like take forever Now on to the part that I was like hinting slash alluding to throughout the entire video, which is the giveaway So this is gonna be kind of a different giveaway, and I know it might not be for everyone But I figured I didn't want to waste all of this extra perfectly good stationery I want to give them some new homes and give them to you guys so I am gonna be doing a giveaway There's going to be five different Winners guys five different ones and each winner will get a couple of different notebooks above of different washi tapes That's like part of the reason why I was like hesitant doing giveaway because I didn't want people to think That I was giving you guys like my used goods or like my my throw aways or anything I promise you guys most of the stuff I had duplicates for or it's just like I needed to cut down You know If anything the washi tapes are out of the packaging so that I could like to keep pictures with them or maybe like an inch Of the washi tapes has been used. So if you're uncomfortable with that Aspect then you don't need to enter I just know that I get so many messages from you guys saying that you wish you could have more stationery and I want to spread the stationery love because I know how much joy it brings me and You guys always support my channel watching all of my crazy stationery adventures. So I wanted to pass on the loves They'll kind of be like surprise mystery packages, which I think will be fun. But yeah, five different winners guys I will leave the details of how you can enter in the description box below I hope my stationery goodies can find some loving little doodles homes to live in so yeah check that out I think that's pretty much it for me guys. I am like my back hurts when you clean a lot of things It takes a lot out of you But I'm just like feeling very happy and at ease now that this is all completed You do want to see more videos from me Click that Bell button down below if you haven't yet and you can follow me on instagram a tomato actually Keep doodling. Have a great week, and I will talk to you in the next one. Bye guys
Channel: AmandaRachLee
Views: 1,077,445
Rating: 4.9241047 out of 5
Keywords: organizing, stationery, organize, organization, reorganizing, reorganize, with, me, how i, organise, collection, decorate, tour, desk, cart, stickers, washi tape, tape, tapes, journals, notebooks, pens, markers, storage, clean, declutter, clutter, haul, amanda, bullet journal, supplies, art, tips, decor, inspiration, organizer, office, DIY, organizers, cute, all, cleaning, motivation, day, routine, stationary
Id: YQtunaqqqYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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