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hey yo what's good reader fam welcome back to my channel hope you're doing well hope you're living your best life hope you're weed and left & right today I am bringing you a book challenge game tag thing that I created and listen this could be the stupidest video I've ever done but that's highly unlikely cuz I've done some pretty stupid videos in the past but I came up with an idea and I decided to run with it instead of just letting it sit in my mind and haunt me for forever that can be boring if we get an idea and we don't run with this so let me challenge you my dudes if you get an idea run with it no I'm not here to be a motivational speaker today I don't think this is something that's been done before but if it has been my bad I'm calling this the flip the page challenge I asked you guys over on Twitter which if you want to follow me on Twitter at Jesse the reader hit me up I asked you guys to send me two numbers one number that will lead me to a specific row on my bookshelf and a second number will lead me to a specific book I also asked you guys to send me a page number between 1 and 400 using all of these things I'm going to create a new life for myself which you'll understand that more the more this video goes on now not expecting all these coordinates to work because if I land on a book that has 300 pages and you gave me the number 350 obviously it's not gonna work so if it seems that each coordinate magically works that's because I ended out the ones that don't work I'm not gonna leave the ones that don't work in this video trying to save us all from boredom here I just wanted to clear that up before I got into the video cuz I just assumed that I would get comments being like how did all these work well this is how the magic of editing now this could end up being a terrible idea because if I land on a book that I haven't read yet there's a chance I could be spoiled for some things but I'm gonna go ahead and shoot my shot I'm gonna take my chances all live so without further ado let's flip the page [Music] [Applause] number one you're getting a new identity more on that later let the coordinates guide you to a book flip to the page that you were given in the first name that you see is your new name the first coordinates are 17 20 that led me to the pig man I read this book a while ago and honestly it did not do much for me the page number we have is 123 so let's flip the page and the first name I see is gonna be my new name I went way too far I can count but see a name I don't see any men don't see John it's just like how this book didn't do much for me that name is not doing much for me no hate to all my John's out there I'm sure you're great people I've never met a terrible John before my cousin's name is John but what a basic name I already have a basic name jesse is a basic name I wanted to upgrade that name I wanted to reach new heights with a new name my bookshelf is full of books with characters with the most absurd names and I ended up with the name John how does that even happen it honestly seems like it should be against the rules no basic names allowed at least I'm not like all the other fictional characters I've got a basic name it's actually kind of funny how it's considered to be unique to have a basic name and why a because of how many absurd names we have in Hawaii haha for arias number two it's time to get up and move the heck out of your town let the coordinates be your guide to a book and wherever the location is that that book takes place in is where you're going to be moving to next coordinates we have our eight eight the dreadful tale of prosper reading which actually I'm kind of sad about now that this is sinking in that I've landed on the dreadful tale of prosper reading because that means I'm not going to an interesting place I'm pretty sure this takes place in Massachusetts which means I'm not going to be going to some interesting fantasy place instead I'm gonna be going to Massachusetts no shaved in Massachusetts I'm sure Massachusetts is great I've never been there but I wanted to go to a place like Narnia but no that's not happening instead I'm just creating this basic life for myself which is something I don't need I don't need a basic life I'm currently living a very basic life give me a place full of dragons give me a place with magic a place with wands and broomsticks not some place in the muggle world I live in the muggle world it's sad I mean I guess if I don't have a demon living inside of me like this main character then we're all Gucci there's always a bright side number three you've moved you're all settled into your new home but you've got to get that money flow going create a job for yourself using the first object that you find using the coordinates and page number next coordinates are for 12:1 we've got the House of Hattiesburg Rick Riordan they were on page 208 see first object that I see well in some way relate to my job baseball bat tastes ball bat baseball bat it's not getting any better the more that I say it I picked a magical book and all I got was a baseball bat why'd you have to do me so dirty hustle please you had one job house of Hades and you failed me don't worry you landed on my couch is this what I get for not having read you yet at this point I'd prefer the life that I'm currently living than the life that I'm creating for myself so I guess my job is gonna be a baseball bat creator I could like work in the baseball industry but like I'm not good at baseball it's been a minute since I've played baseball I played it when I was a little duckling and I haven't played it since the signs are leading to the fact that I probably could not play it today if I try I mean maybe I'm undercutting myself maybe if I picked up a baseball bat and went out there and started swinging and I find myself to be a baseball pro doubtful I could be that person on the field that has to like gather the baseball bats but I also don't want to be that person on the field that has to gather the baseball bat so I'll take the baseball bat creation industry buy store I'll help behind the scenes and air conditioning and creating baseball bats I just want to go back to my old life at this point number four you've started your job and you've started developing a crush on one of your coworkers use the coordinance to find a book then use the page number to flip the page and the first character that you come across will be the character that you're falling for for this one we've got 18 22 18 we go and down again wow that led me to Charlie in the Chocolate Factory I still haven't read this book but that og movie was a classic but I'm on page 34 I'm about to find my true love Wow grandma Josephine is the first character I see I'm interested in a grandma I'm interested in a grandma why did I create this tag again also why am i taking this so seriously and acting like this is my real life now I get way too wrapped up in these games but apparently I'm falling for grandma Josephine y'all better start shipping us because no other ships gonna compare to the ship that we create when we come together Josephine's smacked down on a shirt and call it a day number five using the coordinates and the page number the first bit of dialogue that you come across will be the first thing that you say to your potential lover okay our next coordinates are 1111 tail is from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare and a bunch of other authors Elevens on this page she's got to find a good piece of dialogue to say to her they want to make a great impression on her okay see dialogue I figured I wasn't gonna get the chance to ask this again you and me Simon said we're pretty tight aren't we hey that's a pretty good opening dialogue that's actually like pretty decent in this scenario he might not have been love at first sight but it was love at first dialogue what's better than the first line that you ever say to someone someone that you literally just met being hey you and me we're pretty tight right like I know we just met but that's enough to create a tightness between us that can't be broken if anything we're gonna get tighter from this day on our tightness will never be loosened we don't need any slack cuz we tight number six wow that really got to them next thing you know you're in love we love us some in still love do we no not really but in this case we're gonna go with it you've decided that you're going to propose but honestly you don't have much of a budget for a wedding ring using the coordinates and the page number the first object that you come across on that page will be what you propose with next coordinates are 17 3 we're going down again whoa never fade by Alexandra Bracken actually it's not never fade it's in the afterlife my bad let's do this 281 mm-hmm okay no object on this page so I'm just gonna flip the page and we'll see if there's an object on the next page let's see here the first object on my eye Scott's our color-coded camp uniforms you're telling me that I'm gonna get down on one knee I'm gonna hand over colored camp uniforms to Josephine and ask her if she will marry me and I'm gonna expect her to say yes I'm pretty sure that most people that you would propose to in that way would just Chuck the camp clothing right back in your face and walk away you know I'm just really embarrassed for this fictional version of myself you need to lift up your standards buddy or you're gonna kill this love Rama Josephine comes from the world of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the least you could have done was get her some chocolate maybe even a golden ticket but now color-coded camp uniforms what you gonna do with that wrap it around her finger and hope that she doesn't realize that it's not a wedding ring I'm pretty sure she's gonna notice number seven we've arrived at your wedding find a book using your coordinate slip the page to the page number that you were given and the first bit of dialogue that you find will be the first line of your vows how the heck to grandma Josephine not turned me down with that wedding ring Fiasco my coordinates are one two that's going to be over here one two Wow again Babette by christine ricci oh we're going to page three and verse dialogues I see will be the first part of my vows okay there's no dialogue on the first page so let's flip the page dang it no the first piece of dialogue that I came across is what's that what's that what's that am i a broken record yes no this is going from bad to a whole nother level of bad you're telling me that my opening line in my vows is going to be what's that we have reached maximum levels of bad this relationship is doomed like honestly grandma Josephine should be a runaway bride number eight its honeymoon time Wow can't wait to spend my time with my wifey grandma Josephine I should really stop calling her grandma Josephine because the grandma part makes it worse and I should just start calling her Joseph II the location of the book that your coordinates leads you to will be the destination for your honeymoon seventeen eight are my coordinates so I gotta go down again here we go I'm more happy than not by Adam Silveira is the book that that led me to which means that my honeymoon is gonna be in New York I just want to get out of the real world it's not too much to ask for like how many fantasy books do I have on my bookshelf and I keep ending up in places in the United States here we not go to a place with magic or just get the heck out of the United States is that too much to ask for apparently so number nine things got a little bit crazy on your honeymoon and now you're expecting a baby talk about things escalating quickly using the coordinates find a book then flip to the page that you were given and the first name that you come across will be your baby's name our coordinates are 622 quarantine by Lex Thomas our page number is 312 in the first character name that I see is gonna be the name of my child 312 okay I'm gonna look in three two one Lucy Lucy ran into David's room Lucy is the name of my child I don't hate that name I'd be okay with naming my child Lucy's not that I have a choice my child's name is Lucy now again not the most outrageously original name but since we're not even living in some cool fantasy place at least Lucy won't be named Shane Tim Burton we've got a bit of a time jump here it's been five years and your child wants a pet using the coordinates find your next book then flip to the page number that you were given and the first creature that you find will be the pet for your child if you're unable to find a creature than the first object that you find will be a replacement even though your child is probably not going to be very happy about that next coordinates are 13 18 we have the his truck material series by Philip Pullman there's lots of animals in here so I'm sure we'll end up online I'm on page 292 we're gonna find out what pet we'd get in literally no the first line has an animal in it it's not good though fights between bears looks like Lucy's getting a freaking bear I mean what child doesn't want to bear as a pet one that doesn't want their whole family to be eaten alive clearly Lucy is like how the heck do I get rid of my family I've got the perfect plan I'll get a bear as a pet and that bear will eat my parents I see what's going on here Lucy maybe it'll end up being like Pooh Bear a nice bear that just wants to eat honey all day and won't want to murder me number 11 it's time for your child to go to school using the coordinates find a book then flip to the page number that you are giving and using words on that page create the name of a school next coordinates are 618 rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins we're going to page 327 we'll pop there are an array of words on here so I'm just gonna shout out some of my favorite ones hi I'm standing this punch sheet fly killed a bot simple stepping single Cakes house shook crash light rust so those are some words that I found on this page let me come up with something right here right now I think punch fists Academy sounds really cool it's going to be a boarding school that way I can get Lucy and her freaking bear out of here she'll go there and she'll find that it's a secret school we're assassins trained even though the name is pretty telling that it's like kind of a action-packed school like punch Fist Academy is pretty telling so she'll end up training and becoming an assassin and her bear will be her sidekick but now that I'm thinking this out this does not sound like a good idea like she already wants her parents dead and now she's training to be an assassin so essentially she'll take all that she learns an assassin school and come and kill me and Josephine why have I created this idea of a child that just wants to kill her parents like the second we had Lucy I'm like she's gonna murder us number 12 you've decided that you're gonna start a YouTube channel as a side hobby now that Lucy's off an assassin school I guess I've got time on my hands using the coordinates and the page number finds something on that page that you can use as your core topic for your YouTube channel our next coordinates are 9 and 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 the doldrums by Nicolas Bannon we're going to page 217 so the first thing I'm seeing is like winter clothing it's got stalks of earmuffs love's scarves so I could do like some kind of fashion channel with like winter clothing like specifically about winter clothing um we've got eating ice I could do an eating ice channel where I just sit down and do like muck bongs where I eat ice and talk about world topics that sounds great I mean the fashion one is just like to normal I'm already living this really normal life I've created this really basic life for myself you know outside of marrying a grandma and the fact that my daughter is like trying to kill me with her pet Baron is off at assasin school outside of that I have a really basic life so we're gonna do a mukbang channel mukbang channel where I just sit down eat ice and talk about stuff perfect crushed it like crushed ice number 13 using the book that your coordinates leads you to and flipping the page use words on that page to create a channel name next coordinates are 6 & 6 a totally awkward love story by Tom Ellen and Lucy vision we're going to page 66 we've got some words we can work with but think talking tiny laughing - cool jabbering night falling clattered back it's wandering front ball of energy dramatic we got to try to come up with something catchy here unfortunately there's no references to ice on this page not that I like imagine that there would be ice randomly on this page but I'm kind of sad about that I would have liked to work to ice into the title I like jabbering ball of energy I could do talking ball of energy but that's like too basic jabbering is a spicier version of talking so we're gonna do jabbering ball of energy I think that could work it has you kind of questioning what the channel is all about what are they jabbering about do they really have a lot of energy so jabbering ball of energy it is number 14 using the coordinates to guide you to a book and flipping the page the page number that you've gotten the first piece of dialogue that you find on Paige will be how you greet your viewers when you start your videos next coordinates are 2 2 1 2 1 2 we've got a darker shade of magic by ve Schwab we're gonna go to page 2 2 2 aka 222 ok so the first bit of dialog that I see it's not in English it's in what I believe to be our nation I think that's the language that's used in here anyways it's curse law which I'm gonna look up what that means cuz I don't remember what that means let's see here ok curse law means what's this so I'm basically starting out my videos saying curse not what's this which honestly not that bad of an introduction for a video where I'm gonna be literally sitting down eating nice talking about things having a nice eating mukbang like what's this curse nah it works number 15 you've decided to write a book because why the heck not using the coordinates find a book then flip to the page number that you were given and from words on that page you must create a title of your book next coordinates are 13 21 20 21 I just flung my book this is not the flinger book challenge by the way anywho we're going to page 399 to find some words to create a book title here's some words you've got to work with hitting forces shower the toothpaste teeth eyes mystery sugar man thousand Radio hair hustler romance lessons okay so combining some of those words to create something Dibby Dibby did but a bit a bit a bit of but we're gonna go with the mystery radio hustler and I even have an idea as to what I want to happen in this book basically we have this radio DJ he's super popular but he's a super mysterious figure nobody knows anything about him nobody knows where his location is where he does his broadcasts or anything we have a van of his who's like desperate to know who he is what he's all about he wants to like leaguer out who this radio DJ is and once he starts like looking into the radio DJ he realizes that the radio DJ is involved in the Mafia which I guess is where you could say like the hustling part comes into it the hustler part so this fan who's like trying to figure out the true identity of this radio DJ ends up on the radio DJs list of people that he wants to take out yeah what a story right I have a weird imagination number 16 using the coordinates find a book then flip to the page number that you were given in the first line that you see will be how your book opens next coordinates 1313 we're gonna go to page 13 and I'm gonna try to let go towards mid page I'm finding the first line cuz as you guys have seen in this video things have gone pretty badly so far with this whole like random line situation I've gotten some pretty bad stuff hopefully we're gonna find a good one here I'm on page 13 boob page we're going this is our first slide actually pretty good I like it it says without looking up she motions me towards one of the chairs that's a nice mysterious line I could work with that I'd continue reading why is she motioning him towards the chair is there something on the chair what's with the chair also who's this girl who's this guy I need answers number 17 plot twists the whole reason why you created this whole new identity is because of the fact that a killer was after you now that you've become a super mega famous youtuber and author the killer has found you again and they're coming for you using the coordinates find a book then flip to the page number that you were given and the first character that you find on that page will be your killer I told you guys this was a weird tag next to the numbers is 222 22 we have here a conjuring of light by ve Schwab I really hope I don't get spoiled by flipping the page on this one I haven't read this yet because I'm a reader sinner anyways we're going to page two to two aka 222 I've arrived on the page first character I see it's gonna be my killer I'm a little nervous who's gonna kill me we're gonna find out why love No what the heck did I do to you I thought we were good sis I enjoyed reading your story I'll admit at first I didn't love you but you grew on me we might not be as tight as me and grandma Josephine but we're pretty tight I thought that's not number 18 one day you're setting up your filming equipment to film a YouTube video when you're suddenly struck by the killer using the coordinates to find a book and then flipping to the page number that you were given the first object that you find on that page is what they used to kill you next coordinates are 623 I know where six is because I've been there a lot how to make friends with the dark by Kathleen Glasgow okay we're going to page 326 and whatever object I find is what Lila is gonna kill me with so morbid bursting I see pickup truck is that kind of an object I guess that counts I guess this is how I'm gonna die she's gonna kill me with a pickup truck I'm gonna be setting up for a YouTube next thing I know Lila comes crashing through my room with the pickup truck and runs me over and then just drives off I mean if anything it's a pretty iconic way to go I'll take number 19 unfortunately you've dived using the coordinates find a book then flip to the page that you were given the first line that you see will go on your tombstone alright last coordinates coming from Lala and it's 11:11 which we've had before but we're gonna do it again Minot that's gonna lead us to this shelf and it's going to lead us to tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare and a bunch of other people and we're flipping the page 1 1 1 aka 111 so let's find out what's gonna be on my tombstone okay here we go okay the first line is literally dialogue and it says we are all what our past have made us so that's not bad of a line you can put that on my tombstone it's kind of inspirational I'm down for that cool thanks a lot Katerina who said that that's a good quote alright that's it for the flip the page book challenge tag game thing I hope that you guys enjoyed it it was quite the journey of creating a new life for myself and then dying at the hands of a fictional character I hope you had fun on this journey now I want you guys to do a little favor for me I want you to pick a random book from your bookshelf it can be any book then flip to page 234 using words from that page I want you guys to create a title or if what I just told you was a Lifetime movie from this whole fictional life I just created let me know what title you came up with down below in the comments I hope that you guys enjoyed this video if any of my fellow creators are watching this and want to do it then pew pew you've been tagged if you like this video be sure to go and hit that like button if you want to see more bookish content from me be sure to go and hit subscribe or go and hit that Bell icon and you'll be notified every time I post new videos as always thank you guys so much for watching I hope your day is bright that tomorrow is brighter keep reading what your heart desires and I will see you soon with a new video bye
Channel: jessethereader
Views: 164,990
Rating: 4.9810061 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, books, reading, read, literature
Id: tLh4H8afgN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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