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hey yo what's good reader fam welcome back to my channel hope you're doing well hope you're drinking lots of water hope your books are staying dust free today I decided that for whatever reason I would go on Goodreads to look at books that I gave a high rating that have the lowest rating on Goodreads the overall average rating of these books on Goodreads are gonna be heck Allah what's the point of this video you might be asking well let me tell you content no but really I don't have any real reasons for this maybe I just wanted to get into some fights today maybe I just want to get mad today or maybe I'm just a lover of differing opinions and I find it so fascinating how we can all read books and have such different experiences with them I think that's honestly what mostly rings true with this you know you live a boring life when this is your idea of fun so basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go under not to completely pull you out of this video but this is really distracting me oh you want to know what I'm referring to this patch of hair on my neck that I missed while shaving you can't unsee it now can you me either well do me a favor and act like it's not there Goodreads I'm gonna go to my books and I'm gonna sort them by their lowest rating then I'm gonna go through those books and I'm gonna find the ones that I gave a high rating that have the lowest rating I'm going to investigate people's thoughts on them and I'm gonna see if I agree or disagree it's gonna be a grand old time I feel like this could turn into a try not to be hateful to people that have differing opinions than you challenge not really though I'm a pretty reasonable person when it comes to stuff like this like I really love when people have a different opinion than me because again it's just so fascinating to me how we can all have such differing opinions I love it it's the best we love differing opinions in this household someone needs a hobby and that person is me alright without further ado let's get started or rather let's get opinionated don't worry I hate me too I've got good roots open here on the side I'm gonna go to my books and sort them my view lowest rated and see which ones I've given the highest rating literally the lowest one on this list is one that I gave four stars and it's got an average rating of two point eight six and that's super low how low can you go whoa both in terms of rating and low and the fact that people are rating it so low how low of y'all and that book is run it in Jamil this is a Romeo and Juliet retelling told in verse it's about a forbidden love between a Palestinian boy and an Israeli girl what I liked about it to be fair I'm honestly surprised that I even liked this one because this book has a lot of elements in it that I don't even person I think a big reason why people probably weren't that interested in this book is because of the fact that it has some major instil of in it it's got that instil of up in here and I think that I was a little bit too distracted by the beautiful writing to even really care about that which I think is another thing that people probably won't like about this book is their writing alone it's told it through verse and I think I remember even while reading this book that a few things didn't really even make sense to me while I was reading it I just kind of went along with it because it's poems sometimes poems just don't make sense to me sometimes poems go over my head sometimes poems make me cringe but I still just keep on reading this all those things happen a lot when I read poetry so I just kind of go with it I ride the ride also going into this book I knew that it was going to be less lot focused and kind of less focused on the characters I feel like it's more so about the author having something to say and doing so by stringing pretty words together in fact I feel like that's why so often I don't enjoy books told in verse because those are all elements that I need in a story like I need those great characters with amazing character depth and growth reach and I need amazing plots that leave me shook yes we do which again is a big reason why I'm surprised I like this book because it's not really character heavy I mean I guess it is it's really focused on the relationship and it's also really not plot focused either like mostly I liked this because of the beautiful words I liked the beautiful writing I liked how flowery it was what people don't like about it okay I went through the reviews on Goodreads and I picked out two points that I feel like I saw kept coming up so I'm gonna go over those the first one is that people said that the writing style was a bit of a cringe fest and yeah it was but if you know what kind of party you're attending you show up prepared you don't watch a Disney Channel movie expecting cinematic greatness you watch it knowing that you're gonna get secondhand embarrassment and a platter full of dialogue that will make you sweat with Confucious wet with confusion I knew that it was gonna be over the top writing it's told in verse can kind of expect that going in it's gonna be super flowery there's probably gonna be stuff that doesn't make sense so I get this argument and I don't disagree with it either because yeah the writing wasn't the greatest but like I said if you know what kind of party you're getting into you know what to expect and the second thing that I saw that kept coming up was that the relationship has a lack of foundation and realness a lot of people were saying that their relationship kind of was built on the birds and the bees if you know what I'm saying oh yes Reno I don't really agree with the argument that people felt like it should have gone farther than the relationship I feel like you know going into this book that is going to be heavy on the romance the book title and cover alone is pretty telling that it's going to be about a relationship I do feel like it would have been nice to see a little bit more pushback with their relationship because this is a forbidden love story and maybe this book was selling the idea that it was going to be more political when it came out but I didn't read it around the time that it came out I just kind of randomly picked up this book which might be why I enjoyed it so much it's a really a story that's heavily focused on these two characters coming together so if you go in knowing that it's going to be an easy pill to swallow the next one on here is really shocking to me with how low of a rating it is because I really enjoyed this story I think I gave it a four out of five stars and that is graveyard shakes by Laura Terry this book has a 3.25 average star rating on Goodreads that's pretty low this is a middle grade graphic novel following these two sisters who end up going to this private boarding school one of the sisters Victoria is doing everything that she can to fit and even if that means changing her cell while Katie yet the other sister on the other hand is owning her differences and being her true self after a fight between the two Katie runs away and Victoria runs after her and she somehow ends up falling into the underworld it's an adventure about these two sisters coming to an understanding for each other owning who they are and getting the heck out of the underworld what I liked about it this graphic novel was dope not just good not just great it was dope I'm over here givin frosted flakes a run for their money I loved the overall core message of this book this book is heavily focused on the idea of like not fitting in and how sometimes it can really take a long time before you find people in your life that you really connect with and want to be friends with and another really big message in this book that I really strongly loved is the idea of acceptance accepting people for who they are and not trying to change them also though the art style I just completely devoured it and loved every bit of it he begged my art loving soul what people don't like about it okay I read some reviews that I picked out three points the first point is teachers not seeing bullying so they're saying that they kind of felt that was unrealistic that the teachers didn't pick up on the fact that these characters were being bullied in here and I could see that being a frustrating thing but I think that that's still a thing that's happening in this day and age kids are unfortunately still being bullied and it's still going unnoticed c'mon my dudes it's 2019 let's bullying out the window so I would say that it's a relevant topic and kids who pick up this book might need to read a book like this might need to see that they're not alone through books like this the next point is one that I kind of strongly disagree with but this person felt like the characters changed themselves to fit in which that is the thing that one of the characters does they do try to like change themselves but the story is about how you shouldn't do that how you should be yourself and own who you are it's about the characters coming into their own and finding and understanding for themselves and realizing that it's better to be yourself and to try to change yourself that's what I got out of it but again we all interpret things differently in different ways so it's all good we Gucci the last point is one-dimensional characters I see this argument a lot with graphic novels and comics and I agree to a certain extent I definitely think that going into graphic novels and comics more so nowadays I kind of go in with the expectations that this is going to be more of a plot driven story I have seen a few graphic novels like nailed it there's this graphic novel called sheets that does a great job of like exploring the character and like really giving them a lot of depth chef's kiss but for the most part I do feel like this is something that a lot of graphic novels just don't focus on like they're not really there to delve deep into the characters which is an OK thing like that's not a bad thing it just sucks when that's something that you're really hungry for when you go into a book which that's something that I'm hungry for a lot when I go into books like I want some good characters with some backstories lots of depth just gave me some great characters but again it's not something that I see often in graphic novels so I definitely see this argument and I think it's valid the next one is one that again I am NOT surprised to see on this list it's one that I think I gave like a 3.5 out of 5 stars maybe a 4 out of 5 stars but I just had a feeling that this book would pop up on here I had a feeling anyway that book is genuine fraud by E Lockhart this book has a three point three four average rating on Goodreads how do I even explain this book good luck this book is confusing that's all you need to know know so we follow this character named jewel and her story starts at the end of her story so we're starting this book and it starts with the finale basically and we're working our way forward we're working our way to the beginning of her story the face I make when I'm not even sure I'm explaining the book accurately it works its way from the end to the beginning ie Lockhart was like who decides how books are written I decide how books are written jewels character is like the epitome mysterious which is why I feel like I shouldn't say more because a lot of this book is just like digging out her character figuring out who she is what's going on what the heck is going on but you're basically just unraveling her story as you go on and trying to figure out how she ended up where she is at the beginning of the story because the beginning of the story is the end confusing but I think that's what causes this story to have such a unique flavor who's doing it like a la carte what I liked about it the reason I mostly like this book is because of its unique quality sure it had me scratching my head a bit in confusion because I had no idea what was happening it's also not a story that I would necessarily gravitate towards because it's not really a character-driven story at least I didn't really feel like it was you're not reading this book to have your heart grow arms and wrap itself around the main character that was a bad visual at least you got your point across I feel like this book had the plot as its main course I also liked being in the dark for most of this book I like the fact that I had don't work to find answers when you're used to such a specific book format it can be hard to kind of get into a book like this but I got into it it was refreshing to have a book like this come in and kind of shake things up with my reading life this book takes you down a less conventional road when it comes to storytelling I haven't read all of a Lockhart's books but I just have this idea in my head that she's not the kind of author that wants to be churning out the same kind of stories you lockhart be like I'm not like other author Sarah authors out there who kind of stick to the same thing and things that they've had success with which is not a bad thing get that coin however you get it also if it brings you joy then let that joy joy joy joy be down in your heart we're down in your heart I always make those Christian references helping someone out there will understand what people don't like about it again I read through some reviews and I picked out three things that I kept kind of seeing the first point is that people felt that they were being sold something entirely different he'd be like that sometimes this is really interesting to me because the description of this book is very mysterious too so I kind of knew what I was getting into like it really does not tell you what you're getting at all it just like gives you these keywords it describes all these things that the character is but doesn't really go into much detail and it really does not tell you anything about the plot it just like vaguely explains some things about the character I guess it was kind of being labeled as a thriller when it first came out so I could see people being thrown off by that factor it is a thrilling book but is it a thriller I don't know about that chief the next point was that I saw a lot of compare since two we were liars I feel like I saw a lot of reviews that were like I loved we were liars so I thought that I would love this but I didn't love it so twisting we were liars had more of a punch we were Liars had me shook this one did not shake me up I totally get that because it's so hard not to compare a book from an author or you loved another one of their books like you're just automatically going to compare those books I feel like that's just an inevitable thing that happens but I personally think it's good that it's not anything like we were liars I feel like had I read this book and it were anything like we were Liars I would have been disappointed to me even the writing style was a lot more different than we were liars we were liars kind of has this like really flowery dreamlike state writing style if that makes any sense that Oliver as this one which is kind of more straightforward but I totally think that this point is pretty valid the last point that I noticed a lot is that a lot of people wanted more from the ending which I completely understand this one because the fact that the book technically starts out with the ending and we're working our way forward I feel like the beginning of the story that we're working towards could have had a little bit more umph to it it's a little more shock value something to make it a little bit more satisfying it's like getting a milkshake and there not being a cherry on top tragic the next book is one that I love one that I gave a 5 out of 5 stars and that is why we broke up by Daniel handler this book has an average rating of three point four eight stars on Goodreads why don't you guys love one of my favs that's not even that low clearly I'm just dramatic in this book we follow a breakup or rather the breakup has already happened but we don't know how it's happened yet exactly that's what this book is kind of detailing over the course of this book we get objects and we get a letter detailing different points of the relationship and we kind of try to unravel how these two characters ended up breaking up what I liked about it I really loved the concept of this book how we get an object and we see how that object comes into play and how it's an importance in the story for me this is a situation where the book had an excellent concept and it was executed in a great way I've read quite a few books over the past few years where they've had these great concepts and going into them I'm really excited but then I get disappointed because they're kind of underwhelming this one I feel like it kind of just nailed it I also remember something from this book that I really loved was how real it felt like I felt the weight of the relationship ending I got so invested in their relationship that by the end of it I felt like I too had experienced the same breakup that they had experienced he was a while dealing at the end of it I felt like was grieving the end of a relationship that I wasn't even involved in and yet somehow I felt like I was involved in it it made me feel like I was having my heart ripped out of my chest thrown on the ground and stepped on obviously that's a bit of an exaggeration but it made me feel things I'm also just a sucker for handlers writing style like it's full of cleverness I also really liked the main character I feel like this is something that we're gonna see with the negative reviews is that people aren't going to like her character because she's kind of unlikable no let's not get it twisted she's really unlikable but I liked that their relationship wasn't the most typical like they both kind of come from different worlds and they come together to make things work and then obviously they break up but I like the fact that they kind of came from two different worlds and made love happen for a little bit what people don't like about it okay I read some reviews and I picked up some points that I kept seeing I did read a two-star review that left me really confused because the person said that they loved everything about it and yet they gave it two stars so someone's got some explaining to do unless two stars is a high rating for them then my bad you do you I do I the first point that I'm gonna bring up is one that I kept seeing and one that I knew that I would see and that's the fact that main our main character is really boring I can understand this because man is like the epitome of a hipster and that can be something that really rubs people the wrong way so I totally get that even I was like sis can you crank it down a few not just with the pretentiousness but I got used to her and I ended up really liking her by the end of the story the second point that I saw is that it lacked depth in terms of what it was trying to say and for this one I don't know how I feel I don't necessarily agree I don't disagree either though because for me all I was really talking about was like first love and breaking up I felt like I did a really good job of talking about both of those topics not only did it do a good job of kind of uncovering the break-up but it brought in this level of intensity with the breakup where you yourself felt like you were experiencing a breakup to me you really felt the weight of it all and I don't know I feel like I kind of disagree with this point because what else was it trying to say it was just kind of dissecting breakups and talking about first love and how much love can affect your life and how you don't really realize it till you get to the end of a relationship so methinks I disagree with this point the last point that I saw is one that kind of makes me laugh but two artsy uh block that's whack just kidding you're free to your opinion it's just that I wholeheartedly does agree like these pictures they were a serve the last one is one that I kind of figured would end up on this list because I remember actually reading the reviews for this book before I read it and a lot of them were not very positive and that's for as you wish by Chelsea Sidoti no I did not give this book a perfect rating by any means I think I gave it like a 3.5 out of 5 stars and its average rating on Goodreads is three point five four so like I said I had read some reviews before reading this book and not a lot of them were positive like I mostly saw negative things but I was just like I'm gonna give it a chance just gonna see what it's all about and I ended up really enjoying it this story takes place in a town where when you turn 18 you get the chance to make a wish and that wish will come true the catch is you have to be really careful what you wish for because there could be some big consequences as the Pussycat Dolls preached in their hit song when I grow up be careful what you wish for because you just might get it so many people in the town have wasted their wishes on stupid things or even just like jacked-up their lives because of what they've wished for so this story follows a boy who was turning 18 and he finally gets a chance to make a wish let's be real here all of us would be wishing for immortality that way we get to literally read all of the books what I liked about it I feel like this book did so many great things something that kind of sticks out to me in my mind is that throughout this story we're not only following our one main character we also see all these other wishes that have been made and the outcomes of those wishes its kind of vary the son is also a star and they both died at the end vibe in that sense and because of that I feel like we got to see like a lot of different messages those little insights that we get gave this book an opportunity to kind of discuss different wishes and how altering different things in your lives can end up being a really negative thing and kind of lead you down a bad path and I liked that inside I like seeing that so I like that this book kind of explores some really interesting topics I also liked how unlikable our main character is I know for a fact that that's something that we're gonna see with these negative reviews that I go over because I remembered that being something that really stuck out to me honestly that's an appeal for me when a book has an unlikable character I'm more likely to be interested in reading it it's interesting to me that I don't mind reading about a jerk but I don't enjoy interacting with jerks in real life I guess it's technically because I like to investigate their minds and figure out why they're jerks have they been eating too much beef jerky is that the case what people don't like about it okay again I went through negative Goodreads reviews then picked out a few things that I kept seeing the first one is that people did not like the main character at all our main character is so unlikable but that's why I liked him no.1 me but did you know that I like electable characters I loved how unconventional he was he was a brat times tame and that's what made this story interesting had this story been told through the eyes of a goody two-shoes I would not have been interested I would have checked out by chapter two I needed that edginess that the main character brought in the second point that I saw is that there was no real development with the characters I don't really know how I feel about this one because I can't really remember the development that might were just kind of a little bit telling that means that there probably wasn't that much development if any I would say that our main character does change in the fact that he does something good for a change in this book but I feel like we don't see enough of the aftermath to know how much it really alters the characters like the situation that they go through in this book how does that really affect them we don't get to really see that at least I don't remember seeing it because it's been a while since I've read this book it's not even been that long bro it's been a year that's pathetic oops and the third one is one that I completely agree with and that's the fact that there are some potholes in this book yes there are but I didn't really throw me off completely from enjoying the story obviously I was able to overlook those issues and suspend my disbelief I filled up those plot holes with my own imagination take that plot hole as I filled you up all right well that's it for this video guys I hope that you enjoyed it you guys should let me know down below in the comments a book that you love that you feel like a lot of people don't love what's that book for you let me know in the comments down below if you like this video be sure to go and hit that like button if you want to see more bookish content from me be sure to go and hit subscribe or go and hit that Bell icon up you'll be notified every time I post new videos as always thank you guys so much for watching I hope your day is bright that tomorrow is brighter keep reading what your heart desires and I will see you soon with a new video bye Oh
Channel: jessethereader
Views: 172,094
Rating: 4.9740958 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, books, reading, read, literature
Id: jVbtRNCuOu0
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Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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