Fleet Fighter | World War II dramatisation (1942)

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[Music] la quite still pie I'll have a print along this afternoon sir you're good now before you dismiss and start the real business of training as Naval fighter pilots I want to warn you that this Photograph has not been taken just to give you something to send home a copy of it will go on the wall of my office with the name of each one of you on it you've already leared to fly here you will be taught to apply your flying to fighting and when I say fighting I don't mean the captains of the cloud stuff that you see on the movies some of you may fail to make for grade but most of you I hope will turn out a reliable with a sound knowledge of how to fight your aircraft it's important for you to learn that any a you may have will be your fault there is no such thing as bad luck which is poor camouflage for carelessness and carelessness is the fighter Pilot's worst crime don't forget your photographs will be on my wall together with a progress chart which will show how much you fly what you do and how you do it by the time you leave us I shall have a pretty good idea of what sort of fight Pilots you're turning out to be well a fairly small course you got 8 weeks for them so I don't think you'll have any bother getting through their records seem to be okay one F in your lot Tommy you may have a spot to bother with Robinson right I'll keep my eye on him the rest are all right that's all I'll come down and see the first lot off with you y that's not so bad SMI don't forget about putting your escar in fine pitch before you come into lamb nothing what you off about Robinson you're next yes sir right Robinson I want you to go right through the starting up drill starting up drill blindly I invented it which on generator plug in RT put ourt to receive switch on undercarriage lights put petrol on reserve use the Doper switch on start a MAG switch on mag switches star up switch off starter mag screw up doer and Bobs your uncle right sir ready to take off nothing you forgotten no sir sure yes sir all right then we'll assume we've been airborn for an hour and a half say on a trip from Scotland to London okay coming in land right blimy what is this prep school for kids smart guy eh how's that sir not too bad Robinson we just checked through this imaginary trip of yours from Scotland to London according to your way of thinking you're in London now aren't you yes H well listen to me bright boy you're probably in the drink somewhere around L Lan take a look at that you're still on reserve tank this may seem a lot of kid stuff to some of you but believe me unless you can get this cockpit Dr into your fat noodles your life as Pilots are going to pretty short forgetfulness on the deck is bad enough but in the air it's fatal this will be our first trip from the fat school we all FL in a hurry before so let's see what sort of show we can put up we've all be through the cockpit so say any more about that remember the main points RT drove don't leave your transmitter on and don't take off on gravity okay off you go we'll be looking out for you on the runway four bounces first time [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] what in the devil does he think he's doing know it's one of your BLS not mine but why the blazes can't he let the machine fly itself off instead of trying to dig holes in the day take a look up there head in the office again beats me why some of them can't get their undercard up without looking around for the handle he'd be a lot of use on a moving dick looks he's frightened of using his rudder hello zebra Opa orange calling for standing engine failure o hello o for orange zebra answering okay out sir o for orange says he's going to make a force Landing engine trouble ask him if he's on Main yes sir hello o for orange o for orange zebra calling are you on Main tanks over hello zebra open orange answering okay now out okay I heard him blasted idiot yes sir okay dispersal P okay I'll take it yes Robinson and know for orange one of your BLS yes why what's up oh nothing much just tried to kill himself with a gravity Charlie silly young ass consider himself damn lucky to get away with it this time okay I'll see him when he comes down gra [Music] Charlie [Music] it easy there [Music] what do you think of that sh blooded [Music] carelessness what the devil I wouldn't mind betting at idiot's got his radiator cut I don't like this no not do I there goes another they won't watch their air speed when their engines [Music] fail crash wagon not much use too far off well we seem to be blessed with the usual sprinkling of careless clots what about Jenkins nothing through yet is there no not [Music] yet Chief inst trctor here yes where oh pit here I'm sorry Jenkins is headed [Music] here a little more attention to the elementary principles of flying and he might have made a good fight a pilot I'm going to begin this practical instruction by running through the standard RT procedure I want you to get a hold of this first at the same time bearing in mind the points I made in my lecture on voice production first thing then is the method of establishing contact with an aircraft or ground station now when we go to the cubicles I to want each of you to call me up in turn and make contact with me in the way I outlined in my lecture yesterday all right we'll break up and carry on to the cubicles you got the control no it's just along with the end of the block here you'll follow me I'll you [Music] wow I'm blue oh I'm yellow on the wrong one F doesn't it it's going to take me a long get used to it too a bunch of caries running around here hey hey hold up hello blue one hello blue one calling over hello Clifton blue one answering strength five over hello blue one Clifton answering strength five out okay blue one now but your voice is rather deep try and pit it up a little and Don't Let It Fade at the end of the message I'm going to pass the message to you now blueo hello blueo Clifton calling return to base over hello Clifton blueto answering okay over how's that uh no blueo that message should end with the word out you only say over when you expect to reply you're I said no you want to hello yellow one Clifton calling just a minute just a minute CH what is your Victor uh hello Clifton uh yellow yellow one answering uh Vector 090 out well that's how it's done well there are several points there yellow one first of all you should never put a transmitter on until you perfectly certain what you want to say any sort of hesitancy is a very bad fault indeed over the RT the next thing is the pronunciation of figur should be 090 not 090 the ending to that message should be over and not out because you are making a reports and therefore require an acknowledgement finally there's a hell of a lot of offstage noise going on in there anyway this may seem Elementary to you but it requires concentration if you're going to get the hang of it if you don't you're going to be a perfect Bloody nuisance to anybody flying on the same frequency apart from that you may need RTI sometime to get you out of a tough spot so pipe down and let's get on with the job boy what a strip that's no strip Chum that's the whole damn carpet yellow to I want you to report landed and go through the switching off procedure over the yellow to hello Clifton yellow to calling pancake switching off over up hello yellow to Clifton answering okay switch off off Smith Robinson I want you go to West a Dr there it is bought what types of aircraft they've got on the ground how many hangers they've got can we land there sir no second 1,000 ft tell me what it looks like when you come back off right away that's way you go right we got a good camp how about you yes I [Music] was [Music] now don't be that W as on our Dr and don't forget left hand socket okay all sir right Robinson sir now don't forget your RT procedure and above all don't leave your transmitter on no I won't do that sir well see you down right [Music] sir hello red leader zebra answering okay scramble hello zebra sugar calling over hello s for sugar zebah answering strength five over hello zebra sugar answering strength five oh hello zebra orange calling over for orange calling over hello o for orange zebra answering strength five over okay hello zebra over orange answering strength five [Music] [Music] out hello zebra sugar calling Airborne over hello S4 sugar zebra answering okay out hello zebra orange calling airor over hello o for orange zebra answering okay [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Zer sugar calling request homing Vector Rober hello s for sugar zebra answering okay stand by over hello zra sugar answering okay oh it's for sure we want a homeing vector [Music] right hello o for orange o for orange zebra answering okay standby out o for orange what having V oh tell over orange to orbit and stand by you're homing another aircraft yes sir hello o4 orange zebra calling orbit and stand by we are homing another aircraft over hello zebra orange answering okay out operator yes sir tell s for sugar to orbit and give a tuning transmission hello s for sugar zebra calling orbit give tuning transmission over hello zra sugar answering here is a tuning transmission 1 2 3 4 [Music] 5 hello s for sugar zebra answering okay standby [Music] out I think over orang has left his transmitter on sir oh he he better call the officer of the watch I can't get a bearing on S for sugar or for orang is left his transmitter on duty officer please off the watch huh okay we'll get another transmission try and get a rough bearing ask sugar for another tuning transmission yes hello s for sugar hello s for sugar zebra calling give another tuning transmission over hello zebra sugar answering say again please say again over hello s for sugar zebra answering I say again give another tuning transmission over hello zebra hello zebra sugar answering say again please say again strength two over hello s for sugar hello s for sugar zebra answering I say again give another tuning transmission over there's no reply from es for sugar sir he's not receiving us oh all right uh continue to call him at 3 minute intervals blast [Music] orange PL why must these people leave the transmitters [Music] [Music] on hello zebra orange callling [Music] over hello zebra hello zebra orange coring orange callling over hello zebra hello zebra over orange calling over orange calling over to you over last out of range [Music] you for and so this film on P tatics is to explain to you what attacks you will use at Sea and how you are led up to them during your course here right Operator Let Her Go lights please well you've seen the methods you'll use to get within range of the enemy but never forget that once there if you can't shoot straight you might just as well have stayed on the deck we have here many synthetic training devices to help you to estimate and apply deflection use them intelligently and by the time you leave this you should be able not only to get within range of the enemy but to knock him down when you've got there so much for the th sighting I'll run over the main points once again first of all your positioning position yourselves well outside the target don't crowd it and from your position you make your approach on the curve Pursuit which you start at about 90° off 400 y P your sight behind the aircraft pull it through about 60° off and by the time you got it through got your line L or deflexion you will be at about 30° off 300 yd which is just where you want to be okay and don't forget the time you turn in correctly you start too soon you have to do a hell of a steep turn which will just make you skid and slide all over the sky and if stop too late you'll just get left behind okay yes finally I want you to be very careful of your line as a small lineer will result in a miss and whatever you do don't let the target fly through your sight right I want you to split up the groups and go to the various synthetic trainers where you get some idea of what's going on in the air tomorrow okay Dawson I want you to come the side rest you carry on switch on set aside on the model what angle do you make it 30° what L do you make to there well it's a ju88 carrying bombs therefore it speed is about 200 mph and the deflection for that speed would be 50% by 100 mph the protction is all right I seem to made rather large line errow take another look and I'll show you what I mean now tell me when I got one of these lines parallel to the nose and tail okay now see yes I'm certainly much too high all right this is the Hudson trainer it's designed to teach you angle judging and the application of deflection they won't make many line errors as the target is flying straight in level right I can the target target at j88 cruising at 200 mph what's the angle 30° right have a cracked and see if you can light the lamp Okay okay right we'll try another Angle now now this device will give you a good idea of sighting under actual filing conditions you'll find the first exercise is easy enough if you follow out these cards right Jackson you're first hey Jaxon go easy with that that's a sight not a handle I'm sorry sir okay hop in switch on [Music] [Music] [Music] oh how was that sir barely got him that time didn't I well yes but you've been a pretty bad State yourself you've be out of ammunition and a real scrap and your guns will be out of action anyway the important thing is to get home on the target at once before the fight ah head the CH to avoid you or get at you a quick steady burst what you want 3 seconds is quite enough for most things I've seen worse you did go on the target okay next now you're going to try putting into practice all the theory you've learned and don't forget it the moment you get in the air I've told you what to do a sighting burst from a Stern that's for the film assessing people then three port and three starboard attacks all clear right okay and remember when you come down your films will be a and you will be able to see exactly what you did in those attacks I'll give you the word when to go into the attack okay right now hop off and get ready uh Jackson don't forget your green section yes hey and if I'm St you keep clearing my T [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello redone red leader calling command exercise out [Music] [Music] [Music] hello red one red leader calling that look pretty good okay [Music] um hello green one green leader calling commence exercise and [Music] hello green one green leader calling for Pete's sake keep her steady and don't start your attacks from so high [Music] [Music] well that should be pretty good nothing much wrong with [Music] that get out okay fly clovered him all over hitting him all the way down all the way in well not too bad at all chaps Mason you seem about right I think you're a bit out of range though laming oh you're breaking away too soon you know you want to press home your attack a bit more oh there you are Jackson that wasn't too bad on the hole you were a little quick you Jackson you're starting too high and not giving yourself time to steady up you made the turn too tight and started it too late yes you'll probably find the targets flowing straight through your sights oh I see anyway we'll see when the assessment comes along right that's all for now okay ch I've now got a report on your text remember your instructor told you get Echo details of your text from the assessment forms well here they are this is yours brand your attacks are nice and steady your deflection was good but you aim consistently High throughout the attack Now cast your mind back the actual attacks have you got all that yes Jackson this is yours what have do or takes all over the place you never fir more than half a second then your deflection LS is much too small so in future start your text farther away and just above the Target and then you will have plenty of time to steady down remember start your turn in slowly go into your curve pursuit in plenty of time and then you can adjust your deflection steadily never rush it that's a nice spot of follow [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] who is that that's Tommy I think with young Smith Smith yes I had him up dog fighting the other day made me sweep blood keeping him off the [Music] tow [Music] all [Music] [Music] very very [Music] nice [Music] [Music] well they've turned out to be a pretty good lot hav't there not there TOA Smith turned out exceptionally well Robinson as you know went to hospital he's still there Jenkins R himself off and £6,000 worth of Huracan into the Baran as the rest well God knows they're not inspired aviators but they've applied themselves with common sense and I'd rather have reliable types like that than all the brilliant gen genuses in the world all right [Music] sure got Commandments [Music] huh there they go on that Bell [Music] B pretty good they'll do I wouldn't mind having them in my own Squadron any one of [Music] them [Music]
Channel: Armoured Archivist
Views: 72,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hurricane, Hawker, Sea Hurricane, fighter, Fleet Fighter, training, school, Top Gun, flight, pilot, Fleet Air Arm, FAA, Royal Navy, RN, aircraft carrier, simulators, gun sights, movie, dramatised, film, instructional, propaganda, WW2, World War II, deflection, shooting
Id: 9wkofWDEJXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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