Target For Tonight | Bomber operations over Europe (1941)

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[Music] the [Applause] la [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] how would they come along well not too bad quite a decent negative right to Y get them along to the squad leader as soon as they're done all right many aircraft on the a five j50 twos and quite a lot of 109s oh good well let me see it will you when you're finished yes sir thank you P the last sself thank you what they like very good sh thank you very much that's fine this looks pretty good I really think we have got something this time Donald would you get me the um fous file please certainly sir you know this is most interesting they've done a most tremendous amount here it's a colossal installation now let's have a look at that file thank remember we saw it about 3 months ago quite a small little place nothing much happening just the wood here we are you can see just small sidings and an empty wood practically no traffic no barges and nothing but now look at it quite different greatly extended sidings oil tanks Along on a row by this Railway line pipelines coming out of the wood where there are more installations coming down to these barges in the river and it's very big certainly is a peach of a Target isn't it so it's just what the CNC must have now look if you'll write the analysis I'll get on with the intelligence support for him certain thank you very much good morning the Met officer confirms the good weather forecast for tonight sir right then we'll go ahead with our maximum effort controller warn all groups to carry out operation K tonight yes sir the thing here go yes Bama command to all groups targets for tonight maximum effort tonight Town 434 Germany Target Naval docks and Barracks I will repeat that what do you think of these five photographs 43 I think they're excellent Target Naval dos and bar let's go and have a look at the M controller get me a33 group sir that's the spot sir yeah you're through to AOC 33 groups huh said you make them I've just been looking at the photographs of frous they confirm exactly what we thought I want you to divert one Squadron on this target tonight an experienced Squadron which will go in low that's it I'll send you the photographs immediately thank you give me all stations yes sir stand by all station for the AOC I'm putting you through now 434 that's K isn't it yes sir you're through sir maximum effort tonight on keal objective Naval ducks and Barracks I want every available aircraft on this Target have you got that right in addition milon will provide one Squadron to attack the new oil storage and tankers at Frost Frost you get full details and photographs from intelligence that's all [Music] right get me the intelligence room please may sir ask the wing Commander to come in yes sir hello intelligence room the group Captain wants you yes sir fry sir it's on the r sir it's the old man Jimmy yes sir yes sir it's on the right Bank about 15 Mi north of Friberg in the Black Forest oh yes I know that what I want is Target information the latest Target Maps any recent photographs showing the new oil tanks and storage briefing is at 1430 hours got it very good sir that's our objective briefing at 230 that what's it got that ham hasn't [Music] got that's a good thing I haven't been off the ground for a week it's all very well for you I had a party tonight that saved your headache thank you very much that's a fine thing that's the second time INF for nuts has been washed out you the best never you go off now listen Jack who was it didn't know whether they over Handover or Hampton Court that's a joke I joke my eye I I'll your plug and Lead all right thank you operations tonight fellas how do you know I get around I'll get all the J hey cly what's the odds today wait a minute I'll tell you kill Willams har and the channel Port 2 to one GS and curan 7 to one Hamburg and cologne 8 to1 all others tens I'll have a 10 on a channel P okay you're on you can say it's a reasonable Target to spot seeing that we've got the Moonlight and these water landmarks but anyway I should send your two Best Men First with incendies in that case I'll send in Phillips and Anderson first they might you best yes that'll do very well the rest better have AG these tanks look as though they've got heavy concrete tops and it's no good trying to draw their far they won't open up on you until they're sure you found the Target no I don't suppose there will are there's bound to be an awful lot of stuff around there there always is around that type of Target it's mostly light flare thir I think we better have a delayed action bomb in each bomb load they won't be able to get near the place after that very good Z you better send O'Reilly last to make sure he's mad enough for anything yeah let be good Tom up morning Cal here's today's orders A and B flights to be operational C for Charlie and R for Robert incendies rest 4 500s and 1,000 pounder what time take off sir around 7:30 oh and uh there's a camera on you for Uncle that'll mean a flash bomb [Music] [Music] go what's the T sh that's me there b for f for Freddy got over here got over okay which turr do these gun barrs go Jimmy front or rear if for the rear T bill I'll be down in a minute okay 131.5 19.6 131.5 18.5 wind is 22 miles now at 39° VIs 12 mil 310 accumulus Cloud at 3,000 ft right come in morning Wilson good morning sir here's the information about tonight's Target good have we got sufficient dope on it do you think oh I think plenty with the photogra good right I see at the briefings afternoon then yes sir [Music] sit down [Music] D you're on to a new Target tonight fry housing it'll be rough housing by the time we through with it not as funny as you seem to think s called up happens to be an extremely important Target there is one thing first um crew of f for Freddy Dixon your captain I want you to take le as while it's operated tonight and not catford bad luck catford um so the crew will be Dixon Willet mcferson Lee Bell and Harrison the rest are unchanged now for your actual objective as you'll see from your target Maps it looks like an unimportant Railway siding in actual fact as you'll see from photographs it's the site of a large oil dump it's very well hidden amongst the trees but there shouldn't be very much difficulty in finding the position and your job tonight mads is to find it and destroy it now squ leader Wilson will describe the target to I'll say some more afterwards put out the lights this is your target oil storage at fry Housen there are indications of considerable storage in the wood here and here but the principal feature is the accumulation of oil wagons on the sidings and barges on the river the river you will see from your target map runs away to the north when it gets off the picture the canal runs from east to west about 3 miles I suggest that you make your bombing run parallel the canal from east to west and that will bring you straight up to the Target other landmarks are the railway to the south of the canal with a bridge over the river half a mile south of the target you can get your target maps from the clock outside the door [Music] afterwards any questions would it be okay to go and low tonight sir I'm coming to that Phillips and Anderson you're full of Inc Sanders tonight you take off quar of an hour before everybody else and your job is to definitely locate the Target and set the wood on fire right sir take your time about it cuz the others will be following you up there's no reason for the rest of you to bomb the first fire that you come to you must definitely locate the target before you bomb after all even nanderson can make mistakes R there you'll go in Lost and make sure okay I'll do that sir good man but remember the trees is very high around the target method of attack for the rest of you I leave to individual captains um as soon as the Hun knows that you found the target you'll get the usual plentiful supply of flag there's no good expect ing an easy passage because you won't get one remember don't risk aircraft unnecessarily your main object is to bomb the Target and then to bring your aircraft back safely what's the alond do say not much sir you'll find your bomb load written up there one of the bombs in each aircraft is a Delayed Action that is with the exception of C and R uh you don't need to worry about that it's being taken care of in the section right what weather man got showes this time well the weather should be favorable Cloud increasing across the North Sea but with Brakes in it good visibility navigational winds Northwest 30 mph at all Heights risk of fog at Base air drone towards Dawn the charts you can see upstairs afterwards and call how about signals while operators will get the call signs for tonight from me and my office and don't forget as you're well over the other side you can usually get your bearing from Bal if you're stuck that also yes I think it's a lot you say something yeah well chaps no doubt about it we've got a good one for tonight it should be fairly easy to find and with those water landmarks and the light you should manage a good run up go in and flat it and good luck too I'll go along and get the car signs and signals given okay we're going to have a look at the gun set all right but don't be late okay so we'll be in the crew in on time where's that Scotch Navigator all sir but go along and have a look at that CT [Music] just the man I want you owe me half a crown listen I can't pay my Miss Bill let earn you can I all right see me after the trip I know you would remember that hey some cluts pinched my boots come on pull your finger out where's my boots thank you we had the hell of a par you may see a big cone of satellites over here but I shouldn't let it worry you what did you do oh being a gentleman I turn the other cheep a bit heft isn't it she is oh I see and we'll probably see our other Lads giving the channel ports are bashing but on the whole we'll probably have a pretty clear run right into the target I'll give you a good long run up and you have plenty of time to see the target there'll be no need for a dummy run yes okay over from Mr Freddy here I'm here anyway here sir I'm here Skipper okay sir okay sir well that's a change [Music] anyway tell them it's here and say she oh my God where's my helmet where the devil's my helmet a hey [Music] [Music] the [Music] right set up cont for cont C anybody come through this no not all trans hello control hello control path calling are you receiving me over hello flare PA control answering I am receiving you well over okay hello FL call Flat May T up and take off May T up and take off over hello C Charlie hello C Charlie path oning path oning Yes we made taxi out and take off we made taxi out and take all [Music] hell see for Charlie Airborne sir 19 hours 35 minutes thank you please hello control hello control C Charlie to [Music] 1935 [Music] hello hello Park Waring on Rober off 1938 Rober 1938 they Apple calling flare P may we T the up take off move up [Music] CL cling took off 19o hello hello calling calling take off take off over [Music] B [Music] [Music] 1946 hell hell call call off take off hello FR hello Freddy estate take off offer go offer go ever okay chips here we [Music] [Music] go Freddy off 1951 some and [Music] [Music] going hello rare Gunner can you hear me I'm okay Skipper hello FR Gunner can you hear me okay Skipper hello mck going to sleep yet no I have not Hello Operator everything okay well it seems to be all here sir hello second pilot ready to do some oil pumping that's all the second pirate St well that's all right try how here we we [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] hello ma where are we now as though you're likely to know I can't find where we are we're coming to Carl's Road famous for its breweries here you know good old ma let's go on as last [Music] breed [Music] hello everybody let me know if you see [Music] anything hello skip safe lights and pl the stab at quarter my God so there is the natives are PA hostile hello Skipper the target's about 50 m up River I suggest we make a sweep and approach it down the river we'll see the canal better then over to you okay [Music] up I can see the canal as plain as my face okay I'll turn around and check [Music] up any signs of life not a thing skip I wonder where Andy is he was going to light Us in they got incendies [Music] [Music] alarm the target I can feel fighing okay stand by I'm going in in a [Music] Glide can I start the flight scer yes [Music] okay let go the 1000 last [Music] me [Music] bomb doors open bomb doors open left left steady right steady steady at that bom's [Music] gone [Music] I got a bull guy with the last one good man they not s cigar I think I just some a [Music] [Music] sandwich Hello Operator you send the target bomb signal okay sir [Music] fire okay CHF don't worry everything's all right anybody heard the wireless operators coed it badley no I don't think so only in the leg okay you take her over [Music] Willow she seems to be okay uh make kite but don't fog [Music] her an interrupted message M for Freddy sir is this all we've got yes sir it suddenly stopped after giving the target bomb signal oh all right well how's it going uh SE for Charlie and arer Robert are on their way back soon several other aircraft have bomb the target oh good better mark it for Freddy over the target [Music] rers hello seen this not so good s m wild fa perhaps let's hope [Music] so I can't get nothing on the set sir it's dead let me try sir no you keep quiet we'll manage without it a say Skipper here a moment What's the Trouble O pressure dropping on the port engine I can't make any height losing any no but I can't make any all right I'll take over you go back and look after the wireless operator [Music] is nothing more on for Freddy I'm afraid sir Freddy is getting a bit late how's the weather holding not too good I think but I can't find out hello flare paath control calling how is the weather please over hello control path answering visibility is now down to 500 yard the Mist is thickening over I was afraid of [Music] that [Music] hello Skipper I've got a s we're about halfway to harage okay if I can keep her from losing any more height then Bob's your uncle don't forget about our balloons Mack don't worry I'll not forget the balloons but how's the inid oh he's fine but feeling awful cold it's a shock I expect I had to se when I fell off my bike [Music] [Music] sh oh Wells sir they're all down now except for f Freddy of course all right call up the Observer call and see if they can give us a line on him yes all right sir and tell all a drones to be prepared to light up immediately in case Wellington comes over [Music] yes [Music] that gentleman is good old England and I must say I'm damn glad to see him do you see what I see Skipper what do you see my young Scottish friend fog dirty yellow stinking fog hello come on let's get out and have a look at the weather get a breather at the same time Hells Bells just look at this muck hope Dixon gets a move on he's probably got engine trouble of course huh wait a moment huh S aircraft bless them all shut up your bat stand still that's one all right must be a Fred in that case huh I'll go straight down to the flow path right [Music] hope [Music] oh I got than call pay atten everybody we are over the aerodrone but I can see practically nothing the port engine is very rough we could make a bit of height and jump out or we could have a stab at Landing let's try it sir I'd go in and land sir uh try Landing sir have a crack at it sir I'm over Landing okay keep your fingers [Music] crossed coming in now sir right put the flood light on quickly right sir [Music] p [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] go and get an ambulance will you The Operators coped come in Dixon I hear you made a nice landing I hope we haven't kept you waiting sir good Lord now come sit [Music] down well how'd you get on well we did a lowlevel attack we were over the target at 2345 bombs were dropped at 2353 uh the first four bombs I'm afraid fell short of the target but the the last one was a a direct hit that was the big one yes it was a Smasher right onto it caused a hell of a great big fou buckets of smoke visible o 50 mil away way yeah a I should say what color dlish red with black smoke that sounds like I all [Music] right I'm afraid I didn't see very much I was rather busy at the time right well that seems to be all good sure good night good night group intelligence please intelligence militant speaking tonight's operations objective was reached and heavily bombed large fires and explosions were seen all our aircraft returned I'll send you details in the morning good [Music] night well little boy how about some bacon and [Music] eggs [Music] la
Channel: Armoured Archivist
Views: 114,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vickers, Wellington, RAF, Bomber Command, bomber, World War II, WW2, night, heavy bomber, medium bomber, night bomber, Royal Air Force, movie, documentary, War Thunder, Masters of the Air, propaganda
Id: 9L8tXDt6Wr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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