Fleeing the Complex (Remastered) - The Henry Stickmin Collection (All Fails, Endings, & Bios)

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[Music] how's it going [Music] how's it going guys welcome back to the henry stickman collection [Music] glad i realized my mic was on the floor when i did how's it going guys my name is graham welcome back to the henry stickman collection this is episode 4 fleeing the complex the last of the remasters before we're moving on into the final completing the mission which is very exciting we got 60 fails 15 achievements and 75 bios to hunt down it's growing very quickly these episodes are getting quite long but i'm i'm very excited and it's been so awesome i mean it's a new day here new new shirt new continuity coffee instead of beer we're we're at a new part of our lives here but overnight it's been so exciting to see the response that these videos have had people have been so kind and it's oh it's just amazing so thank you all for for sticking around and watching it along with me here welcome to the wall some of the most cunning and notorious criminals are kept here i would say this is the game i remember the least you're going to be here for a long time gregory take him it's probably oh i missed gregory you wait here until there's still time it's probably the game that also required the least like editing to bring up to a remaster like i'm sure he redid some of the backgrounds i know he completely like that opening shot of the cliffside base there completely read that all the shading and everything made the snow something other than flat white added some like nighttime coloration and everything but like in terms of the animation and all that it's probably still at like a pretty overall high level i'm gonna solo it for a few things i think when we do the boost we start incorporating ellie l ellie right away i can confirm that very quickly and easily ellie rose she's locked up in this place too but why we got like an illuminati thing going on there behind that and back in jail huh the icy cold cells of the wall will be hard to escape from you know boost brings her in i'm gonna go uh wait wait for transfer just chill out super hard oh she got taken away first it seems uh pretty pretty boring in here not a lot to do can we just go to bed can we just ride this out that's one ending just stay in jail this life of crime has been exhausting i've i've kept it up as long as i can but it's time to to just wait it out in escaping the prison we're given a cake that has like the different things in it here we don't really have anything teleporter classic same button sequence but the animation is different every time and the result is quite different my life writer i love the voice acting for z lots and starcraft as a whole but then there's felix oh it's so good good game no re just leave it at that i liked playing as the protoss as well and i would just try to rush dark templar even though that's like not a strategy i tried to make the strategy it didn't really didn't really pan out a sonic pulse it hurt my ears and it's nowhere near as useful as that punch gun from infiltrating the airship that one was way better laser plane we've had mixed luck with lasers overall that seemed effective i can't i can't bio-check the guy who got crushed to death i was a little bit curious what maybe he had going on oh i like that depending on like which ending you want to consider canon here you can carry forward as having like an alliance of either the top back clan or the government we never really see how we end up in jail i maybe that builds off one of those one of those endings doesn't matter let's call in charles first because he's the best love this boy oh henry how's it going uh-huh it's not great oh had better at least oh i see huh are you just constantly airborne actually he acknowledges that it's not an all the time thing i think i've heard of that place yeah i'm on a mission but uh i should have some time to swing by one hour later just totally sit tight yeah just try to get outside glad i managed to snag all those he just bailed on his whatever mission it was he was doing you're pro you're on like a contract or something charles people are paying you for that work but i'm pretty stoked that you came to help the one time water bending came up i kind of joked about it being avatar related because i just had my first watch through of the last airbender and then in like infiltrating the airship there was metal bending and now all of a sudden we're getting straight up air bending i want to see him do like really aggressive push on that that's the straight up from the show it's like as earth bendy as it could have been oh it's a room full of earth benders somehow for some reason i really gotta go to russia apparently they got some interesting things going on there you were doing so well it was coming together great funny to have a wasted grand theft auto thing i'm sure this is around the time that grand theft auto 5 would have come out but it's just funny how that has nothing to do with earth bending bubble shield impenetrable but can we really are we just stuck in there now can we not exit that everyone's just kind of waiting it out perfect now you won't get hurt i do not know who that is i don't know what this bubble shield is probably a reference to and then what that connection is someone might have to fill me in on that one doesn't stand out the flash where do we get all these incredible abilities where are you going the flash is a dope hero but that was just kind of teleportation why do we have the teleporter ever nice i think i see you yeah there's a guard in the way i got this yeah it doesn't expect you to get to buy i was way zoomed out like that charles double thumbs up he's as excited as he could possibly be you're gonna try and snipe while you're flying got him i think maybe you were a little too far out friendly fire on come on charles sink that through oh yeah just pick me up i'll just grab a hold of the little bars there and zip away i guess you want to take him down first hey i'm seeing a helipad up here pretty good every single solution should just be helicopters like no matter what the issue is solve it with various helicopter sizes of helicopters a swarm of little tiny helicopters one mega helicopter i guess that's basically what the airship was and so on let's just bail seems like too much [Laughter] we really should have coordinated that better maybe i need a headset i really really don't have anything of my own there i don't know how we're just kind of winging this as best we can it doesn't seem like we have the immediate feedback that we need to our communications report charles bad teammate get him kicked don't want him in there anymore i like how that guy just gave up uh i got kicked you could clearly just stand back up and grab that we backed him down international rescue operative wow all right that was like a pretty speedy progression towards reaching a a possible ending there that went quite well i feel like we didn't have to do any near near as many failures as i thought we would have that's pretty good we had like five failures to get to there that's like a that's a straight and narrow that's pretty solid i'm proud of that and the funny thing is is that technically because i have one ending i could move on to completing the mission which now all of a sudden has this very tempting quality to it but of course i'm going to stay and like revisit all the possibilities here for a second that seemed like it would work oh right the bazooka yes overlooked the devastation that that single-handedly could cause well that went about as poorly as it could have yeah that was some bad execution maybe maybe if we tried it a second or third time and just you picked up the pace a little you know try and set a set a very specific time there getting a rocket right up the oh we shot the helicopter that makes more sense trying to directly hit a person with a rocket wasn't the most logical i guess it's difficult to make a map that makes sense the phone a friend that's funny the way that it would have uh for laying out a map of a prison or uh laying out the museum or any of that i guess the airship was just kind of like a comms like computer device as well so this map is informative if not a little generic i really liked that the prison one followed a specific thing this complex is probably just too huge for that i got the perfect plan this is the greatest place yeah okay that seems to be his go-to move not again you should know better i mean how does how does the logic of that work how many are are we aware of all previous failures fake illness yeah but it's like a runny nose going to convince anyone of anything you've got to start spewing far more toxic disgusting liquids for more orifices if you want anyone to really think that that's something's going wrong there huh well they really really wrecked us on that one the quarantining is kind of weird just given current life circumstances wait you don't like your new friends i do want to just quickly see if this guy has his own bio i'm guessing we uh you can't click him it's probably the same guy who threw us in there post ending probably would have been a good time time to check up on the the endings dmitry johannes petrov the warden of the wall there hasn't been any sort of breakout in the 50 years he's been in charge this is a weird random thing that i'm just curious about i want to see if he reused these one two and three buttons he did i don't know why i was curious about that i just want to see if they had unique artwork and he's charging 15 dollars for this not great don't take jokes like that seriously this game is so great gregory olyat the warden's second in command and main muscle he gets brought in for the difficult jobs he's also lucky enough to be a right-hand man who gets a real name people don't just call him by his rank or position it's uh something unique that the walls got going on that people like the top hat clan have not quite figured out charles calvin he doesn't mind helping out an old ally even if he's currently on a mission bail forget about it you better be available come completing the mission though you got the best plans ready to help at the drop of a top hat i want you around there charles willie wagner a fairly recent employee of the wall still getting into the swing of things nadia marikova she's here as part of an inter internship her real dream is to open up her own complex you gotta start somewhere learn the inner workings there and build up to it it's pretty high ambition though nadja maricova ah why does this happen sometimes with the with the bios like if i go back to the um now all of a sudden all of them are saying it i probably just have to like go do some other things and come back to it i'll have to remember to check up on that it's a shame that i similarly missed a few from the last time because of that we're still playing like the 1.0 release build of the game so you know they're they're probably putting together a list of bugs and getting ready to fix them this hopefully is going to be more useful than just eating cheese is it going to be like grow and shrink like alice in wonderland oh yeah how curious how is that a fail limitless possibilities the numerous times we've grown ourselves before is always great shrinking ourselves not so much how curious i think that's probably something alice says when she finds the mushrooms or is that it's an alice thing well play dead you just play dead too you got to get on board with this plan can't just be me no new one henry okay that was he's dead that's some effective dead playing put him with others okay you guys just have a death trash pretty convincing there a little too that would without the subtitles you wouldn't have a clue what he's saying on the other end there i'm glad i have that turned on charge tackle just take him out oh that worked really really well oh the quick times have begun although for a second it seemed like maybe there weren't going to be any notice that timer now you know exactly how much time you have before your terrible reflexes are revealed for a second it seemed like none was going to come up and i decided to just take the take that first fail it's funny how he looks behind him he's like is this gonna start becoming a thing yeah that's probably exactly what they wanted man in fact i think you ran into the cell that you get transferred into oh you managed to find a cell on your own what a responsible prisoner i was just trying to stretch my legs get some activity into my day speed shoes sonic activate but it's a little hard to slow down too fast for you you'd probably make better use of that acrobatics greatly front flip handstand elite gets used so often in these games that's a good question about the boxes i do really like the uh the like medic commentary of like the two not even two seconds a second and a half of a conversation you get from characters in these games where they're just like yeah i don't know and then he was arrested we never heard from him again which that was back in like stealing the diamond where the now all of a sudden i'm going on a huge tangent here ted mcadams shows up in stealing the diamond talking about it then he got arrested and at the time i thought he was talking about henry i thought back on it while editing he was probably talking about his buddy winston getting arrested your hands are still covered up you know can you even shoot web shot web i cannot shot webb i don't think i can shoot it either though but the bounds of my powers have yet to be fully discovered or appreciated it's like when superman every other day finds a new thing that he can do toy gun no clip let's just fly straight through then oh this is the same guy from the roof connection terminated you've been kicked from fleeing the complex for cheating ah nice cheaters never prosper that seems like crazy effective i'm just gonna let that uh play out that was a lot of momentum you had sliding along on that you know i don't think this guy knows what he's saying about the boxes i don't oh wait the narrative the narrator guy is he referring to himself almost boom that was great you guys have to keep looking at me not looking at me i got a message yes go ahead yeah it looks like uh henry stick man can you just have two of the same degree just one's bigger people are running around really wildly there oh you can't though these are selections they're options i was trying to bio these guys i'm gonna come back to that because when i click the item block one of them is a shoot-a-woop oh my god i just like knocked about they turned into like a weird watermelon for some reason what the hell but also when you're boo doesn't it only work when they don't no when they are looking at you when they don't look it looks like oh they're acknowledging the stickman stickman thing there great as soon as i saw that there was a shoop there bro no getting real tired of seeing this guy yeah like he's totally gonna be another thing here waldorf i'm looking forward to tracking him down like he wouldn't exist here unless he was something that could be interacted with ah so he's going to come up again elsewhere in the games yeah because i couldn't seem to activate it that time we got our punch out guy here big bungo or whatever i i honestly have no clue i've never really played punch out it's just got him good he did get knocked the f out that was pretty quite the clobbering he received well obviously i want the tank but i want to do a quick showdown with karlov here you stepped straight in his chest and groin he's dead right oh it's final uh not fire emblem fire emblem oh who is that he's up here somewhere we cannot let him get through the sky oh nice nice it's a little there's like a little bit irish going on there for some reason and the way that the accents puffballs commitment to doing all the characters himself is pretty fantastic i just don't want to forget to grab this guy running out of the door here so i'm spam clicking like crazy there once i see those things come up i gotta grab them in the moment or else i'm gonna forget to come back to it which that was a good time as i need to start revisiting some some bios gary mann oh oh that's gary's mod i i'm pretty sure but i like how it's just a bunch of question marks to go along with that zorman rylock actually was he a three-star rarity where the heck do they even grab that guy his f uh he finds his work post fairly dull and uneventful he relishes a challenge ooh that's why he was so excited to shoot me down was he taking taken full pride in that who was it who didn't work when i was clicking around on these oh yeah we read about nadia and then nadia's the thing that breaks it then so i can't ever click on her i guess oh dammit now they're all starting to do that it's a strange glitch well i guess we'll revisit those a little later the sandwich which back at the end of escaping the prison of stealing the diamond you're out on on the front steps it was totally escaping the prison and there's like the whole thing about the guy in sandwich city and i was like this is sandwich city that's ridiculous and someone was like well in the comments pointed out isn't that obviously just the name of a sandwich shop and that makes more sense i was really excited for the thought that maybe these games took place in sandwich city i don't think it's anything quite that exciting oh we're going full castle crashers oh you think you can stand a chance there come one come on maybe they're well you didn't have to immediately give up as soon as you were regular stickman again being buffman was great and all but you kind of had the upper hand element of surprise this one weird trick will make you super buff weight lifters hate him i steal the truck you want to trade what was he getting ready to trade like not phone numbers or something was it oh god there's a bunch of guys like on the backs of those tanks and things must collect all bios shoot shoot to the back and someone left their gun behind very distracted charles can shoot a sniper and fly a helicopter with mixed results but try to shoot a gun and drive a truck eyes on the road man it's a bit too much too difficult too much to think about bail oh parachute i don't know where we got yet another parachute i feel like we've we encountered one of those permission you should have followed up with a tether from your wrist strapped grapple hook what do you mean you don't have one of those is that supposed to be like batman in one of the batman movies i legit can't remember one of the christopher dolan ones only that guy only that guy was an extra one just being thorough and slam on oh i thought i meant slam on the brakes well that worked very well up to a point that it worked dramatically not i'm well really i am you're the first let me go escape the wall but this is the end for you okay you stay in there or you return with us back to the complex i like how you're like thinking of options well that's just too bad [Applause] all right everyone back to work i will not forget about this i wouldn't thought that worked out [Music] guess that guy should have stuck around presumed dead should have stuck around to make sure he saw that one through there's an interesting thing i learned when uh talking to and interviewing puffballs there is that in presumed dead in the original flash version he gets on like an airplane and flies away but for the continuity of completing the mission it was altered said he's just kind of left wandering the cold so i'm kind of curious to see how that comes back around and and pays off well we'll warp star first because that's going to be the most exciting one his eyebrows i guess everyone's eyebrows are way above their head it just stands out more on that guy because he's got the bushy eyebrows how could that possibly fail that's so funny and so weird it's like the jet pack of escaping the prison that you just end up back in this room i did not see that coming at all and i don't remember if that's changed from the flash version that's too good i love that kind of self-referential stuff and like call back humor brilliant airbag deploy deploy it took a second oh it just it just chucked me straight out surrendered we're just gonna go back and be locked up again right oh unless that starts a new branch uh fail maximum security what an honor just get to stick around in solitary but you get to live there's a lot of not living in many of these endings huh not even close baby is that a donkey donkey reference that's too good the the simplicity and immediacy of that one is pretty funny that you just only took him two shots terrible reaction time overall costume i thought you were just gonna put a big question mark on your face those guys need to chill get some arnold in there i can't click on it for some sort of arnold mr freeze reference achievement all right i loved that we're going back to the bios to try and read this guy damn you why are you this random character that we don't know i'm trying to like reset ah it's stuck in a loop i'll select henry exit out of it come back damn it it might be specifically that one that's not working so i can definitely keep going with these other guys now friedrich spielen or it's just frederick but it looks like friedrich one in a group of members that doesn't speak any english he supposedly speaks german harold cooper got the job at the ball through his german friend his english isn't the best but he's fluent in german are you guys just german compatriots here will speck he's the type of guy that won't stop trash talking the other team when watching a sports game even if they can't hear he's just just basing that off the fact that he's heckling at all times louise stoop he likes his job at the ball but hates his stationed out it's being stationed out in the cold koko kolinsky i'm so close to getting that name right he used to fight professionally but after losing to a first time fighter he hung it up to work at the wall karlov chur nick a master swordsman hired by the wall to train the employees his skill with a blade is something to behold just in case your many assault rifles and bazookas and tanks and things don't work out you got to have those backups carl pinkerton he may not look it but he's traveled the world his head's looking like an orange isn't it that's gotta be a reference in some way i had to look that up and i don't understand what carl pinkerton has to do with anything here do you know what this character must have like a scottish accent i that's like the one thing i have to think here let me go back and figure that out all right he's up here somewhere we cannot let him get through the skate oh nice hat yeah okay so there's one random character there who is scottish for no reason just to mix things up so the name doesn't have anything to do with anything but his head's looking like an orange in it is from so i married an axe murderer a 1993 film where mike myers plays a scottish guy way before shrek way way before and there's like a kid with red hair whose head is in the way of the tv and he's like ah get out of the way your head's looking like an orange on toothpick and so for some reason there's one scottish character and they decided to reference that random movie from 1993. had to look that up had to know strange but worth it newt stoneheel the stonehill family is known for their strangely dense feet fran's preferred honestly he's pretty clueless most the time he's just meant to look menacing with a spear that mustache really adds to the overall effect of menace daniel dolce he's lived in the area all his life and really knows how to handle the environment lee moy cruetz they call him dk for a while it's short for doesn't know how to drive he's since gotten his license jimothy johnston they've never had to take the car out before so he's really just winging it jimothy i swear there was another jimothy jimothy pug apparently it's a more common name than you would expect i i just wanted to know if it was the same jimothy jim pinkson he loves jelly and jelly sandwiches so there's so many possible combinations jelly and jelly like does he love jelly and he loves jelly sandwiches or he loves a sandwich where the components are jelly and jelly that does open up a lot of possibilities there's a lot of different jellies out there that you could combo together jelly jelly and jelly sandwiches a bridge too far he's not willing to go there lee bumbler he dreams of starting his own gaming company he's already got a name picked out named after himself bumbler bumbler games lee lee bumbler bumbler lee hmm i was looking for like a recognizable something there cato ito he's known how to bend since childhood he kept it a secret until this moment that does sound a lot like an avatar character i don't know if it's a specific one at all ryan halberd one of the youngest employees at the wall his dad is one of the higher ups so he gets special treatment i'll keep an eye out for a halberd i don't know if that's come up yet sten velo his favorite post is on the fire escape he can watch the snow fall into the ocean below sounds pretty serene ken kerdrew joe henson he gets a lot of slack for wearing sunglasses at night that's just his style baby sunglasses at night isn't that like a corey heart thing i would have expected that as a reference alex kempter he's been trying to get a sam turret installed in the complex for years but can't get through the bureaucracy someone said he just has to like hold a giant bazooka rocket launcher rey rudolfo he's come down to the case of leprosy so he's been put into quarantine with the other sickly inmates it's very poor quarantine when everyone has a little bit something different they all just get mish-mashed together there i think you're gonna get mixed results from that the yard i avoided going to this one because i know it's a fail and i know what it is from a video i had made on the second channel let's kind of let that play out see how it's different this time around it's creepy as hell plus there's an extra little scare there it's over a hundred haunted that wasn't scary i love how like non-committal that is i don't think he redid any of the art for this sequence the background yes but the the actual like freddy art i think is the same as it had been i did like a all freddy references in other media video games movies comic books tv shows it's like a 30 minute video of all the different references and that made it into the video so that's like the one thing from this game that i do remember like quite well oh advanced wars every one of these is like a different video game playing out g tanks a lot oh we gotta you gotta love those puns that branches out those two endings back to the start this time this time we'll take the boost initiate the co-op branch of possible endings it's very sheep like rather than just like wow are you gonna come back and lift her up there because like seems like reworking together is going a long ways to helping both of you oh a lot of hair physics going on there thanks and i'm like look at how much i can i don't care i ended up buffing up my guys and doing like 70 damage that's funny super funny guy cool story they really like these types of spears for whatever reason they've committed to that throughout their their complex here i mean if you distract only one of you is getting out of here right there's like a tetris block made out of bricks for some reason i don't know what's up with that but i i like it it's a good dance he's into it oh he's gonna join along oh she's going to get a couple side claps i uh uh just what that's 30 that's half the fails there well that seemed like it worked out great we should ask these guys to join us the synchronized takedown well done if we can get you up there you could get in and open this door is that still puffballs using a pitch adjuster i truly can't tell if that's a different voice actor judo throw the force yes please no no wrong i guess that's effective but it's [ __ ] it still sucked that wasn't very fun for me okay oh god i missed i missed one of them at least there's so many going along with that particular ending there it was a little overwhelming we may have kind of watched that letting everyone out there i i snagged i snagged the one i missed that i don't even know what language that was one each oh i love this different style of selecting things adding a second like character was such a cool choice to to make this more interesting because now instead of just four options like i don't even know what does that work out to there's oh wait it is only still four that multiplication doesn't doesn't become exponential the way that i thought it did grenade and crossbow to start with wow that really sucks oh god if he goes down he's taking you with him that would be really messed up for your like one of the last things to happen to you is take an arrow to your eye and then know you're about to blow up to death that guy's kind of a hero for saving his friends really tasering a grenade well i wouldn't have thought that the explosive power of that would have escalated so much electricity plus grenade crazy explosion apparently who would have thought sniper and crossbow let's take separate targets let's see that an instant replay sound warning doritos dawn dude dirt tortures mlt fight me mate i'll wreck you no scope i like that they included a sound warning pepperonis illuminati what what just happened the achievements noob slayer xx noob slayer xx gotta make sure to pay mind to those uh those x's that's too good that's the most one of the most over the top insane endings it seems like a pretty good effective strategy blending pass by this is like the non-confrontational and this is the hiding and plain sight let's just distract them you guys are going to wonder where that crazy hat came from right oh that actually did work we got them to go after the other other group of guys there oh there's a lot going on here there's some police officers people getting hit by cars oh i can't even click that guy hiding behind the rock there that is a lot of bio is to be tracked down here i'm gonna do one more blind like attempt going kind of like left to right trying to grab as many as i can oh i couldn't even grab that officer off to the side probably like i'd done in one of the other endings i'm better off trying to to look at what i'm unlocking and like learning what i may might have missed based on that i don't know maybe i clicked everyone in that yard that i could have it's becoming difficult to keep track of we'll revisit that in a moment adrenaline go full force wow that's just kind of left holding him like the bodyguard or something i guess they do look pretty similar i can see how you get them mixed up for i thought you grabbed gregory on purpose so you could take him down you just have to like have some better foresight and reaction times to go along with that henry you could you could have done something there what do you think that will upset me thanks i guess no let's get out of here that worked so much better than it had any right to whatsoever if i go this way there's going to be some top hat guys and stuff to to start grabbing oh well that was very uncool of you guy looks like you needed one of these like oh like a crosswalk attended that's pretty funny what about the other guy who like fell down after knocked her off ah nothing nothing new there all right straight into the truck everyone load on up there that's totally markiplier right the the like combed up hair the glasses the stubble didn't your mother tell you not to get into vans with strangers i guess this is a truck all right we're doing a bio hunt here so i can check specifically on that mark emu moo he said he'd try not to laugh but then he left that's grounds for capture [Laughter] there there's your markiplier laugh it's a little bit jokery with it's like untamed quality but deeper and more like in your chest it's the best i can best i can do for my mark my mark laugh oh and also he has like his 30 part series of try not to laugh i was thinking that was more of like a henry specific thing no that's like a series he does heart he's heath stone not hearthstone he guards the storage room with his friend they love to talk about their favorite mobile card game is he also named after a different card game then isaac binderson which isn't really a card game he guards the storage room with his friend he loves collecting random trinkets so okay yes they i thought it would be funny if they were named oppositely like this guy liked trinkets and was named after a card game and he likes card games and was named after binding of isaac horace johnson one of the guards responsible for cell block patrol it's not that eventful unless all the doors happen to open then all hell just kind of lets loose it's hard to contain truly oh riding around in the tank i could have clicked him well i'm going i'm going back for that one quickly then that's going to be a very easy one to grab andre warzow people have said he used to lead armory armies he really knows his way around a tank so maybe there's some truth oh we've completed that entire page which is very satisfying joe joshin just josh and ya he's heard that joke about seven million times he should just claim to have invented it take ownership of it take it back don't let people use it against you mr cool he rarely speaks his charisma speaks for him i actually know a guy whose last name is cool and i've always been so jealous that if he wanted to he could go by mr cool spell spelt to c-o-o-l too it's not even anything crazy gastro a practitioner of the dark arts of fecromancer that's not quite fecal i think that's what it's going for though because he's a toilet wizard he just has like a bath towel on his head it's gross oh and like gastrointestinal it's a gross it's a gross wizard punk houser he's part of a notorious german biker gang he's the only member to have been caught so far that seems like such a weird thing is he gonna come back up uber found frozen deep in the snow on svalbard after isn't that from is that a real location or is that just from his dark materials after thawing out he regained consciousness and became hostile wait svalbard uber that's all sounds like things that's not avatar stuff is it i'm just got that on the brain maybe angry mike a wanderer traveling the desert became notorious in the area and had to be collected he's kind of got like a mad max thing he's a he's angry mike i'm just i've i was thinking he had a bad maxing going on just because of the mac mask and then as i said it i realized his entire name is a mad max thing gus garno this guy is a forearmed alien oh that's what crazy gibberish was being yelled not a language i didn't recognize his uh got a very long narrow face kind of like myself maybe i'm a garno apparently he used to be a big time racer oh it's like a pod racer thing ace apex the raddest dude in the wall just a total bro when did i even click on a guy who had to just deal with it sunglasses on i have no idea where that guy came up melvin pool ridge maybe he was standing next to this guy even though he's extremely nerdy he loves hanging out with the boys tm oh like the amazon series that's funny because this game is like older than that possibly older than the comic it's based on i don't know but i'm pretty sure that's an amazon thing derek gurulek i'm struggling with some names here doesn't have much of a sense of humor at least during work hours colby phelps so he's a great swimmer then thinks of himself as something of a detective he can easily become hostile if he suspects any foul play oh no that's cole phelps what the hell not michael phelps is michael phelps the swimmer cole phelps is the la noir guy dan the man he wanted to go by dan of steel but it was taken just like a kind of a superman reference but not really a little mikey he's honestly not supposed to be locked up at the wall he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and took the fall for someone else poor little mikey pierre francois the most not neterious baguette burglar in france he was finally captured when he tried to take down the biggest bakery in all of france he's got a really singular mission there babushka while babushka his the way his mustache is trailing is great is a female term he wears the title with pride he has a soft interior and looks out for the downtrodden we got another fellow hero carl the clown he ran the huge circus scam 10 years ago he avoided the bust multiple times by dressing like a clown polis petrovic well if you walk around saying that you're clown the clown no one's going to question it and think it's a disguise they'll think it's legit polis he won a sweepstakes and got to name a planet after himself so there's a planet named polis sean s e lemming ah yes because he's the one who just jumped off knocking ellie down right a natural leader mainly because it's the role he was assigned by by puffballs nisha chashova he used to be part of a crazy group of mercenaries he was the only one to be captured and he's honestly probably the most sane one now i mean he's in a thing with marquee move there and that guy's clearly not saying peter weylands he did one of those scare people to bring down the land value so you could buy it for cheap bruises but he was foiled by a group of kids and their dog we just got a scooby-doo victim here hmm cowering behind a rock hey like a coward let's see if we can track you down excuse me oh he might be he might be over in this branch of this oh badass motorcycle there has not been an incident well thanks are going to ellie everything i'm guessing he hadn't been a part of this for 50 years is he already missing those tooth or did you clobber him that hard i mean people aren't just gonna like shrug off getting stop signed in the face it's gonna do some damage tricky the clown does it for a reason convict allies thanks for the bailout not where i meant to go with that at all map and i want to go back a step oh let's let's do the knee for no no i want to do this first because i'm still trying to track down the guy counting behind the rock nope that takes you to here one more step back i gotta do the toss and once i get the guy behind the rock that's probably all of them from this section where are you coward oh it's the police officer i've tried to click him every single time i wish i could click him oh unless that's also the officer now i'm questioning that kyle baxter he's actually the walls ccc so he's not even police he's the chaos containment center liaison their goal is to get priority during any possible chaos incidents i clearly missed someone during the prison breakout section and i guess also part of the prison breakout so i should go try and track them down quickly as well but i'll do the knee i just want to see the knee all wound up you win perfect kinda kind of went a little too all out there too effective whoa whoa you can't go mixing fighting game references like that so it was a smash bros knee but then the you win in perfect i actually don't know what those are from because i don't play a lot of fighting games fps's and fighting games super lacking the knowledge i love the intense music it plays for this section oh there's a guy with a mustache there he just goes and starts wrestling with him and i totally missed oh i got the guy with the hat running past as well it's hard to tell precisely what they're going to look like when it shows them to you in black and white like that i was looking for a guy with a gray mustache i almost missed him wild willy he thinks he's a prospector from the 1800s seems he went on a bit of a rampage grant to give a stay at the wall and jack stick i i thought if there was a markiplier reference there had to be a jacksepticeye reference as well possibly there would be a dan the diamond minecart i don't think the dan the man in this game is meant to be that a crazy loud irishman not quite sure what he did to get locked up in here but he probably deserves it so there i think we've got all everything from those particular branches the prison break and all that we'll go go hunting for alternate failures now it's funny to try to fail that is kind of the tagline for the series where like failure is more fun than success the two elevators just walk on by third floor i'll help them clear out maximum security what do you think that i like did that work oh they thought we were the guards looks like they bought your disguises everyone did didn't they i don't remember what video game that like alert i i'm sure it's in like a lot of different games to show you how much people are paying attention is that straight up hitman or like i can't think of specifically what that is thanks can you believe this inmate outbreak that's a little too aggressive crazy oh are you guys new here could have held zero conversation from the eighth floor [Music] from the cafeteria nice trying mates getting another la noir moment there why did we feel the need to strike up a conversation we could have just been like hey and just been quiet what is that guy a detective or something oh that's really funny that i accidentally kind of went about that in a roundabout way and kind of missed out on the joke here of why that was a thing that's colby phelps so it's just another part of the same reference rather than a separate la noir thing the outside security with ellie oh yeah the judo throat go full austin powers with that one not too good too effective that's about the teamwork i expected yeah we gotta learn each other's rhythms here the gravatore 2.0 uh thank god there's one thing that always works in henry stickman games it's messing with gravity especially when using gadget gabe technologies which is what that assumes presumably is newton's sixth law oh my goodness use the gravity knob to reset gravity to the default setting puffballs knows his physics well i'm learning a lot by playing these games trying to do a tall guy disguise we'll do bounce rows first did you really need to be so extravagant it looks like it just crumpled his spine the tall guy last night okay facing the same deck hey buddy pardon me don't mind me just passing through i don't see how being taller was supposed to help here because they're on the lookout for two inmates suddenly there's only one it was a flawless strategy i i can't possibly see how that didn't work well ellie you're a very effective helper i feel like we we had a good uh dynamic going on there i love the way you choked me up that wall that i'm going solo ally will remember that now we're getting some more telltaleness in the place the gates are open and i'm like look at how much i care zero i don't care i've never played hearthstone i'm guessing the gates are open or open sesame or something is a card the command melody oh which this totally came up in another game that wand is like zelda right yes [Music] my thinking of that is reinforced we didn't we learned nothing from last time that mind controlling people was very difficult that worked shockingly well four one of them too bad you didn't know how to play like an ocarina or something wow did i say that weird i ended up buffing up my robbing them full-on uh skyrim style seems unnecessary carrying too much to be able to stand did you really need all that no loot left behind i mean i feel like within 10 hours of playing skyrim i played quite a lot of that i installed a mod that was like infinite inventory space because i was really annoyed with having to manage that because that's precisely what i did i robbed everyone whoopee cushion with a rock tied to it at that point you might as well just throw a rock at him are you serious that was totally you you are don't you accuse me what you what ah farts the perfect decoy well i don't think it can be done gonna need to recruit ellie oh she's gonna like betray me is there gonna be like an aggressive ending where she's betrayed and comes back and interferes power jump it's quite the sound effect i love seeing the slightly not quite identical sound effects to go along with things uh you can't you just can't like steal those sound effects for a major release like this work out those high jumps there hope you've been practicing in your cell keeping fit and energized well that uh was not the one i expected to work good for you man that's a wish wish i could jump like that i'd be in the nba right now and they'd make a last dance documentary about me let's call the elevator right i'm sure it won't be filled with guards that we have to then like winter soldier our way past is this just gonna be a winning ending nevermind lunchtime already fellas yeah what you doing how many lunchtime breaks you take it in a single day here i see you i see your ploy you're definitely getting reported to the head complex manager whatever his name was i'm sure they'll take my word for it too balance of course ignore the danger don't look down just just balance your way across hmm pipe wasn't very sturdy fatso i don't see how that's possibly my fault i don't think anything can be done i don't really know what good helium will do clearly we just blew helium into that balloon with our own lungs so it seems like we're we wouldn't even need to inhale anything extra it seems like we already have all the necessary possibilities it was very wario land three oh that looks like charles i'm just used to that with the red headphones tanooki leaf [Music] oh there's another guard over there oh i already have him apparently i have him like collecting him that is what it is but it feels weird to say it in that way uh it takes a little dingy no one's gonna be keeping an eye out for a tiny little craft like that the seal runner make a smooth get away i'm sure it could cross i think it was smith the entire ocean probably off to see his family that's ghost inmate uh the smith thing is really funny because i'm pretty sure it was infiltrating the airship there's uh the one path where you get in the elevator or you like you disguise yourself and enter their secret meeting and they're like oh smith good to see you go get out of here buddy your your wife is having her baby and they send you off smith is a generic name so maybe it's just a joke on the sense of how common the name smith is but maybe ah but it's not still the top hat clan is it totally i have no idea i hope i hope that it's the same people mistaking us for smith and there's just some doppelganger in this world where everyone looks like plain stick figures that henry and the smith fella just happened to look that little bit more alike than the rest that was a pretty smooth path i didn't have many failures at all i found the the endings i'm starting to think through puffballs as logic here and finding these things all on the fact that it has like a key start like that i guess it is rocket science i think you're mixing up the staging process a little bit the ss annie are you okay was that us commandeering the ship there that was very like ominous oh but now we're getting revenge did you think none of the crew would notice an unscheduled departure this is a weird thing but i feel like markiplier or someone uses that screenshot as their thumbnail and so i've seen that image a lot just over the years it just comes up in recommendeds and things like that well i gotta redo that one sorry i gotta collect that guy click click spamming the heck out of right click for the second it comes up well i guess i guess i had a little bit more time to like think about that and react than i thought i did 11 11 fails to go moving back to the docks the shedozer which like that's that's a that's a reference to something right i tried to look it up and like everything that came up was a henry stickman thing i thought this was a reference to some like characters catchphrase from some 90s tv show or something the unseen stick is the deadliest blend in become a shadow i'm gonna be honest with you this one isn't that great i mean that means it's probably gonna work wonders then right because gadget games reviews have not been overly reliable to say the least there's never a good way to to come out of these failures you turn into a puddle of liquid how do you become not liquid you turn into a shadow how do you become not shadow now you're but a shadow of your former self go full metal gear on them no one will ever suspect a thing nice and casual just crawl your way across he looked great please he was like a box wow hey at least you weren't found sooner or later we're in the long con there someday that one will pay off someday after they finish their game and the guards change and then the complex car is defeated and everyone goes home there's no one left guarding those docks then it'll pay off back to the bowels of the complex use our sticky plunger shoes what could possibly go wrong a i a e i o u why the vowels what what oh it's a it's a moon-based alpha thing i was kind of like what the is it the joke sometimes why is that because you know a few of the endings are just like why why did you do that but uh let me try that again oh you can't redo it but it's totally a thing where there's like a text-to-speech in that game and people would just spam the heck out of different vowels and then the game wouldn't know how to like respond or like read it and it would just kind of be like and just make ridiculous sound effects and i guess there's plunger shoes in that game or at least shoes that look like they would have plungers on them the bungee is the only one we hadn't done here which i mean it'll work right until we get to the bottom and i kind of figured you know you'd go back up not a lot of give to that rope did did you just bungee jump with a plane rope yes that was the first mistake first of several lined up nice and effectively but what did you possibly harpoon on the other side that seemed like it would have hurt at least a little bit the long shot only hooks onto wood things luckily you hit one it's a cool guy wearing his cap backwards is he the same cool guy from the other all right we're doing a bio research thing here there's another guy who used like a rap name uh mike mulligan it's not kind of a slacker he likes to find a secluded place and mess around on his phone abraham jocelyn a jolly lad when in a good mood he treats his friends to lunch on their break everyone we're gonna go get lunch together and then just a couple of boys who love them some lunch joris borger doesn't speak english too well but he's found a crew at work that he loves to hang out with i feel really good for boris that's really nice man it's hard to put yourself out there like that travis ump he enjoys his job at the wall because he gets to hang out and chill with his friends that doesn't mean he slacks off well these are a really wholesome group of boys here sign them up for the wholesome crew olaf nordgren he usually makes his own lunch but won't turn down a free meal it's funny how often characters in this game are bald and have a beard or have no facial hair and are have a head hair or just always all together bald very very few of them end up having baldness or sorry have a head of hair and have facial hair and that's probably why this guy stands out so much more than any other i think about him all the time he's the one the hairiest characters in the whole series and i guess that's why he's he's feels unique nikolai d trim a master of the slab squat he runs a class on it twice a week in the rec room these guys playing cards decided to just ease squats instead of sits and matthias guardsmith don't tell anyone but his mom bought him those earmuffs and he's a bit embarrassed about it oh man i love telling people that like i'm pretty sure my mom bought me this shirt it like awesome to be like yeah free shirt i love this shirt it looks great i don't trust my own taste well enough captain lazlo ugovich the captain of the naval division of the wall for some reason they have a navy he's in charge of one ship the only one the wall has and milos krakowski a recruit in the walls and naval forces they run sea-based retrieval operations i mean this guy is dedicated very intense as well he's a he's a gnarly gnarly guy don't want to mess around with milosh we're narrowing in on on collecting all of these guys ooh i missed him at what point did i like commandeer uh a helicopter or something i cannot figure out when this guy have i not done that i better like move through a few other endings here because maybe i just haven't encountered the segment where that would be a thing yeah pretty easy come to think of it those boingers are kind of loud i guess that's why that would fail where the power jump succeeded well only one more to go through just run straight past him was that the kind of full-on anime artists yeah i think so what do we start to do when someone tries to escape again uh i'll think shoot him oh yes that sounds right that's no fair that gun was intense bet you thought it was just a spear oh yes i forgot that's what he had uh what is that a reference to like the prong spear that shoots lasers i've definitely seen that in like a superhero movie video gamers something feels like kind of like the wakandan weapons but this game is older than black panther that's not even all the fails where am i missing fails phone a friend oh there's another branch here i never called the talkback there they are that's why i couldn't find it i missed a branch entirely yeah in the complex called the wall oh yeah yes of course so we'll uh we'll be right there thanks guys i'll let you know when we're close everyone's so reliable they're so good about just coming to help where exactly are you how did you guys find it so easily presumably it's a secret complex right uh i kind of want to go back a half second again so many characters show up in this moment here i think i just kind of have to start clicking and hope i'm it's too many i have no idea we'll we'll wait and see by checking the bio section later so undercover agent sneak on through works every time it's me yeah i'm undercover yeah i'm here to break you out what we spent three years undercover what a waste good work dude wait he was undercover for three years just in case someone ended up in there that doesn't seem like a great long-term strategy oh there's so many cafeteria people that i've i've potentially missed there red's oh that's totally the wrong guy damn it the bios are getting flipped around lemoy krauts oh that's the wrong guy too i'm sorry i'm sorry that i don't get to know your name but maybe i don't even want to know your name man you really botched that in like every conceivable way neurotoxin something wrong with these mashed potatoes there we go oh did they forget to hand out your gas mask beforehand oh i really messed people up they really got like zombified a drill pod oh [ __ ] right the arnold character get through the choppa but then we have our very own get to the airship moment uh there's like a funny one minute long youtube video where puffballs found the old audio file where it's just him going like trying to like get the voice right for arnold slingshot thanks for helping out but not the boys tm just boys this seems like a good place to keep a medal click here for a medal well i mean you gotta work for it hmm that still seems too easy nah i'm up here now now i'm down here how did this happen whoa this seems like a good spot sure how's it going enjoying the game so far well yes i'm right at the end of it and i did enjoy it all the way through ah i'm glad no problem so what should we talk about the fact that you have multiple schwarzenegger references including the chill and the chopper and that there's not an arnold related medal as far as i've come to tell and i wish that there was i bet you don't know the capital of mongolia off the top of your head i bet you're just pressing okay without even reading what i'm saying i am reading i was just hopeful that you would give me the answer because no i don't know you're just gonna lord that over me that what kind of bs is that asking whether or not i know the answer to something and not spying the answer like pretending like you're so smart and you don't know either it's important don't skip my words uh dogs have feet or do they only have hands you're asking the wrong questions press the sign in the sneaky the referencing back to the the shoop-de-loop what what what what what all right i got tired of that spot this seems nicer which one is correct that oh you guessed right i have a confession though they were both correct but you press the right most button hmm this is uh some circular logic that i can't possibly win you liar saws don't press this button oh that's pretty funny it just sends you back the main menu huh i'm curious if there is an achievement for kind of like working through that oh wake up and smell the snow that gary guy has his own achievement stuck the landing nailed it waldorf oh still haven't found him and there's a secret ending which i i still haven't found but now i'm curious if it has something to do with actually like navigating that correctly this you guessed right they're both correct this time i'll say yes you liar i guess i guess i'm a liar either way yes it wouldn't have mattered i was trying to skip through that didn't mean to do that don't press this button press this one there we go i accidentally went through that loop like several times because i would just start clicking through things quickly and accidentally hit that one this button will take you back to the beginning well i don't want that do i retry retries better than the menu fooled ya oh a nice one but now you have to press the retry button to continue guess i can't fool you huh all right all right take your medal oop come on don't you want it try to corner it that's the ticket easy easy almost there careful that's it you did it claim your prize easy achievement it's it's nice and easy was that technically the the secret medal it was that's all the secret ones which i'm very happy to have discovered those with no hint whatsoever that's that's fun but this one i like most of these i i truly don't know i got no idea how to find those all right we're like one two fails away one fail a sick ride oh yeah we're bringing back our epic scoots the big old scootsy that was a close one henry but i'm not going to pull you up see without you i become the leader of the tuppet plan again i just wanted to look you in the eyes as i took it all back ultimate betrayal ellie save me although this isn't a branch where i don't think i ever worked with her wow the betrayed damn son he seemed pretty underwhelmed when he was like who a close call turns out he had no plans of of truly saving us in that moment what a jerk that's all i have to say about that well i assume henry doesn't die just splash down huh one last fail to be found the magnet i guess not every win is going to be good it's some magnet well you see because of entropy the uh all right i can't bs my way through that one there are all the achievements for endings and the roll call the notorious failster we can go through the the remaining bios the ones that it'll let me look at reginald copperbottom seems he's been managing the top hats in henry's absence he'll have to go back to being second soon a few of these lunchmen people gordon smith oh is this smith having a newborn at home causes him to lose a lot of sleep he's been falling asleep at work a lot lady lately there is the payoff of the smith joke just like i was hoping joey walnut tends to order enough food for three people and eat it all on his own salman he forgets to bring his uniform into work at least once a week arnold schwarze always the loudest one in the room his voice is booming for his size wilhelm craighouse i feel like he might have been in the uh airship he may struggle with technology but when it comes to action and combat he excels sure shot sherman of the top riflemen in the top act clan he's leading the mission to rescue henry and thomas chestershire he enjoyed henry's brief leadership people could tell he was bummed out when henry went missing oh thanks thomas thanks for for rooting for me seems like no one else really had my back do i have any inkling of how to do any of these i thought i would know how to do that one i unfortunately am probably gonna have to use some walkthroughs to at least get me going on these if not the entire solutions when you're 90 minutes into a game and you know that the sequel is approximately three times longer you tend to look for some shortcuts at the end like it's going to take me like three or four hours that's nuts out at the docks with the shedozer the shadow dozer i'm realizing is kind of what it has going on here the name didn't make a lot of sense at first but instead of looking for the sun we need the moon but he gets he gets hidden covered up before you could truly do it so that's two failed shoopty whoops and that still isn't dead so there might be another one you do need three the third one is the moon in the like credit sequence of the presumed dead ending here the moon there whoa um so sad poor guy waldo waldorf is just hidden behind uh that rock there so you don't even you don't even need to be playing one of the endings honestly this makes the most sense because this feels a little bit more like a where's waldo screen or image i have my theory for for nailed it i need the the power jump and if i just kind of like okay he just he does the jump on his own there he falls there he falls so that first one goes well my theory is that i just need to like click or something this one is fine i don't think i need to help him out here but here just i'm clicking a bunch hey okay so he sticks the landing not ah okay it's probably the same thing where you have to get like a couple of them i needed help i couldn't figure figure out where else there's landing moments gotta do the helium he crawls through this vent to land on the docks uh i didn't click the right time but i think the leaf is actually another one because he turns into the new key then starts flying around and clicking and clicking and clicking nice stuck a landing i did not remember henry being so damn clumsy i'm clicking a little early there there we go stuck the landing totally nailed it and now this gary one that's the last one i need and i don't have a clue he showed up in like the cafeteria i think i don't know where else he is or what to do with it oh he shows up five times in the game there's a lot i think i did click on at least a couple of them i'm pretty sure i got the one in the docks he shows up like legit right over here that might even be him there that we're seeing i got the one where he runs out of that uh door off in the distance i like very frantically went back and got that one i noticed him in the cafeteria but because i already had his bio unlocked i kind of thought that i had like fully that clicked or or like that i had already got it during one of my [ __ ] clicking sections so i didn't even go back looking for it he's right over there there we go he starts that's kind of cool he like walks away when you when you activate it to let you know so that one i saw but never clicked after tossing the hat right before we go out into like the complex yard there's one standing kind of off to this side there he is got him and there's one more also in the cafeteria but accessed in a different way they quickly show up it's gonna do a zoom out of the cafeteria there is chill on up there ah one of those i must have spotted without ever clicking i think of any of them i probably didn't click this guy out here i just like witnessed him oh do you know what i even right clicked maybe i i don't know i right clicked the guy who who runs out of that one door after doing the sword stabbing i think is when he runs out but i right clicked him to get the bio i probably never actually did a left click so i'm gonna i'm gonna be ready for him there it was there's the fifth one you have to right click one of them at least once you get the bio and left click all five of them to get that proper achievement so with that that's all the endings all the fails all the achievements all the bios so now that i've done that i've a hundred percent did every past game and we can finally move forward to completing the mission which based on 164 endings oh my god there's so many bios this is gonna take me like four hours it's i better have some like dinner set some serious time aside i gotta figure out if i'm gonna do that as one long episode or what that's gonna be such a crazy undertaking ah the detail in that screen is so cool it looks so inviting i want to play it right now but i need a break thank you guys so much for watching i'll see you again soon [Music]
Channel: Full Graemeplays
Views: 91,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, graeme games, henry stickmin, henry stickmin collection, the henry stickmin collection, henry stickmin remastered, fleeing the complex remake, the henry stickmin collection fleeing the complex, henry stickmin fleeing the complex, fleeing the complex remastered, fleeing the complex hd, fleeing the complex all fails, fleeing the complex all endings, fleeing the complex all bios, fleeing the complex remastered gameplay, fleeing the complex remaster
Id: -Wosfy3OsQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 57sec (4797 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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