Flashing Tasmota on Sonoff MiniR4 Extreme with web tools

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the reason why I have this cable connected is I was basically checking so small that is working properly this is the video for you [Music] hey guys couple of weeks ago I talked about this this is enough mini R4 one of the first devices from the extreme series that I covered in this video and that was all about evil link app because well let's face it I was one of the first people to get my hands on it and up until today you were not able to buy one and since now it's been released to the public and you can jump on it website and get yourself one of these for 9.90 I thought it's time for the most relevant video about solov mini R4 how to flush it with asmota and how complicated it is after all it's only tiny as things has changed inter-smota world I decided to try something new this time around I've discovered after flashing a couple of ESP devices on the side that there is a new way of flashing things with tasmota via web interface so that was something I really really wanted to try and share my Impressions so that's what we're going to use in this video from my original video and tell them I knew that there is a esp32 inside so there was no way of I'm going to use tasmodizer can someone please make a hospitalizer for esp32 pretty please also after closing inspection I discovered there are some death pods which is nice thing but there is no gpio which means you're gonna need some tools to carry out the flushing you only have to do it once but nonetheless speaking of tools this is where I have perfect opportunity to show a little bit because it's going to be for you and my benefit of course so there's a couple of tools you need we're going to obviously start with FTD flusher and please please those things aren't terribly expensive you can get a very nice decent one I'm going to link them in the description of this video for about two to five dollars do yourself a favor and get a good one because my number one email inquiry about well inability to flash something with this motor is usually resolved by using a really good FTD serial adapter and if you think I was done Shilling you're gonna need one of these not this particular but I would strongly I encourage you to get a ts101 soldering iron which is here but any soldering iron will do as long as you can actually have tips small enough to reach to the death paths only tiny so if you're planning on doubling in electronics now and then that's going to be one of the best investments you also need couple of wires to get everything connected and few alternative things if you want to do things like that on a regular basis I have this fancy toolbox from Jimmy Hall which have everything including prying tools and I would strongly recommend you to get yourself a multimeter you don't have to get anything fancy this 10 one on AliExpress will do just fine and obviously I was using it for pretty much everything anyway job stock let's get started as this is a single Channel relay is pretty much as simple as it gets plus exposed that bus help because well by default we already have three of the death parts available in the my hands started with actually locating the power supply pen because it wasn't exposed anywhere at least I thought it wasn't exposed and after probing couple of other parts Exposed on the main PC we have discovered that under U2 you can actually submit power and how did I discover that you may ask well I did download the data sheet for esp32 d o w d D3 which is the ESPN sign this and I traced the vdd pin from the datasheet to that YouTube death pad using continuity and meter mode on my multimeter you see I told you it's going to be useful I already suspect that the gpio is connected to the bot Button as with most of some of the places so all we have to do is just press it down when powering the device to get it into a boot mode so you can start flashing so what's left to do really start soldering those death pads are tiny so it took me a couple of attempts to actually do it right keep the temperature of your soldering iron between 300 and 330 and you'll be just fine once the cables are sorted to the TX RX ground and U2 make sure that your FTD flasher is set to 3.3 volt 5 volts can actually kill your USB so so bear that in mind at this point the mapping is very simple connect VCC to the U2 then tx2 RX and the rx2tx because why not and lost the ground to the ground and do not I mean do not power this device using Mains your FTD flasher should have enough currents to actually wake the device and make everything possible if it doesn't happen well chances are you've got crap FTD fascia I told you yeah probably one before we open the web interface one more warning now web interface won't make a backup of your firmware and you're going to need that backup if you ever want to go back to the Ewing functionality I don't know why you would but you know just in case now bear in mind that this firmware backup is linked to your Mac address so you won't be able to download anything from the internet and use someone else's backup to restore it to original functions so at this point you can either take a dive and carry on without the backup because you like to live your life dangerously just like me oh switch over to CLI tools which I'm going to link in the description of my article and then you'll be able to use ESP tools to make a proper backup and continue flashing if you prefer to do it this way I know already that I'm not going to go back so I'm just going to risk it and use the web interface and flush my firmware now you can select if any firmware that you seem to like it also especially the language versions if you prefer just stick with its motor in your language however do check out the drop down menu because it will tell you whether the selected firmware is compatible with your IC now remember this is esp.g2 once everything is set up simply hold down the button and then power on your sonoff bdr4 so you would enter boot mode then press the button authorize USB connection via web browser and three minutes later you'll have to smarter installed on your device there you have it we almost don't at this point your son of mini R4 will reboot and couple of things can happen in here mostly it probably won't boot and it won't show you SSID AP pointer to which you can connect that will strongly depend on how strong is your USB and how much current you can output these devices are quite power hungry when the Wi-Fi is involved so that might not happen so if everything went okay and you didn't see any errors you can desolder the wires that you soldered before to the dev pads and reassemble the device and connect it to Mains following the instructions do not please do not leave those cables soldering and do not try to power the device without enclosure I like your life I prefer you alive I mean who's gonna generate the revenue from all the ads that you're watching right now who once you've got it powered you should see the new IP pointer with the SSID saying something about task motor and then some random string of letters and there will be no password but you have to navigate to a new IP address which is 192.16841 this is basically the IP address of the host in this case son of mini R4 running a small town select your Wi-Fi enter your credentials and device will reboot once again but this time connected to your Wi-Fi now you can use something like fing desktop app to discover your devices and find your newly created taskmodized son of mania for and connect to it you can also use hostname if you prefer the next step obviously is to tell test mode what kind of device you are using because it's not going to be in a drop down list because it's too new and configure everything and how do you usually do that well there are a couple of things some of the and how do you usually do that well there are a couple of options some uh multi-views they're not if you're not interested in tedious that's going to be a template that you can copy and paste head to my website to copy it because you're not going to type all those rows of ones from the video and that's it you don't reboot the device and you can start using it but if you want to play a detective and find out for yourself or learn how to do it for yourself there are a couple of ways of doing it some ways are more tedious than the others so you'll have to excuse me I'm trying to explain this I usually start with a data sheet and make a list of all the gpios that America's gpios because they are more likely to be selected for controlling devices acting as an input over the time I flashed so many different son of devices I kind of know what are the ranges of pins that they use for what it's kind of a standard they probably have it as as well so it's easier for me than it's going to be for you to make it less tedious the multimeter comes in handy because it allows you to trace individual pins on esp32 to actual outputs and inputs on the device and that way you can verify that the gpio or you're trying to understand or trying to map and it's actually connected to something and if that fails or I don't have a physical access to the pin because it's hidden away in some crevices then good old guesswork is also an option because at the end of the day there's a several different pins that you can Mark as a relay and similarly they're going to come across the correct one it's not the best approach but it works and you only have to do it once then you have a configuration for a specific device now that I have tassmultized sonoff meaning R4 I can start using it with node red I have lots of tutorials and everything about that so do check it out I assume you're gonna watch this tutorial once more again when you receive one of yours so if you haven't ordered yours already you can go to description click on my link and that will take you to the listing for Sonic mini R4 and it'll also tell idea that I've sent you which is great because that way they like me even more alright that's pretty much everything I've got for today but if you want to know what next I bet this little Raspberry Pi case which probably you want to know more about out and this little screen that I'm also also going to talk about very soon so why don't you use the YouTube tools providers too keep in touch stay subscribed and all that jump you know how YouTube works there is no point of me explaining but I do have a social media on which I share Snippets and previews of my work so if you want to know all that information before it's available on YouTube that's the way it all works start my conversation say hi and I'll see you next video thanks so much for watching bye [Music] thank you
Channel: NotEnoughTECH
Views: 11,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NotEnoughTECH
Id: vHS5FtkzsXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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