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what's up youtube today we're doing the secret sauce of one of the most asked questions in the world which is tricky how do i mix my vocals inside of fl studio [Music] before we get to the video please leave a like subscribe to the channel because apparently only 60 of y'all are actually subscribed so just subscribe right now and subscribe later if you want to but subscribe right now and follow me on instagram at youtube for the z because somebody else saw my name and if you've got any questions like this be sure to stick around to the end of the video because i might have already answered your question okay so we're inside of my fl studio i loaded up a song that a lot of you might already recognize because to demonstrate my vocal mixing today i've used a song that i made so it's me singing on the mic i'm just also just be prepared i'm going to show you guys or let you guys listen to the dry vocals to the dry recording of me recording a song which is pretty awkward but since you all need to understand what vocal processing can do i think this one is just it's for for the culture you know it's for for for for you guys to learn so i'll just take this l of you guys having to listen to my dry recordings but hey you guys said i sounded like travis scott and whatever and you all wanted to really know how i get this certain type of effect and i would say the first thing is learn how to properly perform a vocal recording because it really matters how your voice will sound and how the auto-tune will be able to tune or grab onto your voice and and tune it it will really depend on how good you perform the actual performance i'm going to let you guys listen to the dry recording right now just don't don't listen to the tone and whatever but just listen to the intensity and to the place where my voice is when i'm recording the the vocal i'm going like i i all right you know it's it's got a lot of power and a lot of it's got some i don't know the auto-tune and whatever the effects can grip that part of the voice that's how it feels in my head [Music] your life is boring okay that wasn't you know the best but as you can hear i'm i'm really going for it you know and that's what you have to do if somebody's on the mic like [Music] it won't sound good with whatever processing you do and also i was doing some [ __ ] and you know this gives a lot of energy to the to the actual vocal performance which is something a lot of people don't really think about when mixing vocals it's like the performance needs to be good as well so i'm going to let you listen one more time also i stress certain rhythmic points you go got a brand new mic every day you see i can go like got a brand new mic every but it's not the same it's got a brand new mic every day you got to be rhythmic in your performance to get this type of uh sound so now i know y'all are waiting yeah but just show us the effects i know but this was really important so um let's just loop this hook because this is all i did on the song um the first thing i added was uh i put on let me mute all of the effects i added the first thing i did was add the auto tune uh which is the waves real time tune i use i just put it on the maximum amount of tune uh i wouldn't recommend to do this for every type of voice but but for this it just fit what i wanted to go for the first thing you need to do is select the right key for your beat how do i find the key just just get a key finder or just listen for the key which is simple you got a brand new key is g minor uh so that's the key uh it's right here uh you just select that and then you turn it on [Music] as you can see i selected the correct vocal range if you can see that there's a lot of notes out of this range select a better range uh where your vocal is in because the autotune will have a better understanding of okay i need to keep the vocal within this range and i only receive notes in this range so it's really important to select your range uh if you have a vocal performance where for example you first you go really low and then you go really high it might be better to put them on two different tracks so you can just optimize each instance of the auto-tune for that specific part of the vocal so uh next is an eq i use fat filter eq because you can really control each individual point which is really important for me in the vocal mix i just cut out a lot of the bass me i've cut out until about a hundred [Music] and then after that i also cut out a little bit of these uh low mids right here to just uh there was this kind of boxy or like a little bit of a whatever going on so i cut that out and i boosted the highs a little bit it's not really necessary but just make sure that you don't over eq your voice because a lot of people i see them butchering the eq and it's like it's not really necessary like i could i could i could have done this it's fire only eq a lot if there's an actual real problem going on in your vocal like for example if there's i don't know uh some part that you really don't like in your voice you're going with with too much air or whatever then you can eq that out a little bit but most of the time it's pretty it's pretty okay you know just you can just leave it like that okay so after that i put a compressor but i'm just going to put a different compressor here to just explain you guys the principle of compression a little bit better i'm just going to use the 3d compressor so um basically how compressor works is you got a threshold which is the level of decibels where the compressor gets activated then you got a ratio which is how much your sound will be compressed by it's like a it's like a ratio so for example um if it's low if the value crosses the threshold it will act a certain way and if the ratio is higher it will be more aggressive and then you've got your attack and your release your attack time is how long it takes after the threshold is being reached for the compressor to start working and the release is how long it takes for it to return to normal so that's basically it i know it takes a while to really understand compression but it's actually not that hard like to just understand the basics of it so i'll i might just explain to you guys like this so i'm just going to play it [Music] so now you can see it's gotten pretty quiet because i set a pretty low threshold so everything above minus 27 gets taken down by the compressor but what i want to do right now is just gain it a little bit more after that so it it it you don't lose as much of the volume just set a slow release time so what's happening is basically it's letting through all of the initial loud spikes but then after that is compressing it so i get a good compressed signal but i'm still getting all the the the rhythm and the and the and the bounce and every pronunciation of every syllable and word is still coming through that's basically what a fast attack speed and a slow release uh does it it makes sure that everything is compressed and nothing's too whatever but it will you just gotta have a little bit of the attack to just let some of those frequencies true [Music] like that is pretty okay i know it's a little bit uh compressed really hard that's because i'm using the hard compressor but i hope i did a pretty okay job at explaining compression to you guys i'm not a professional sound engineer but i kind of i know what compression does just don't overthink compression or think that it's some sort of like crazy understandable thing it's just it's pretty it's a pretty basic principle so after this i put a mani triple d which is a waste plugin uh which will just help me get out some extra boxy sounds or harshness or i don't use a dessert i use a separate de-esser so yeah that's that's basically what it does [Music] what you do is you just listen for more for the sounds that you don't want to have got a brand new microphone in the morning i'm feeling like i'm sorry they're sleeping on me [ __ ] you a hating [ __ ] cause your life is boring and that's pretty okay i don't need the harsh on this one because i changed the compressor so next up is the esser which will just get out all of the s sounds it's set to basic right now but let me change this to about uh 3 or 4k which is where most of the s sounds that really disturb the recording will be really pay attention while the essaying because you if you overdo it it will make your recording sound like absolute trash so don't overdo the de-essing really it's really important after that i use the renaissance vocals it's a frequently used plug-in uh for vocals it just it's a compressor it thickens it a little bit it's yeah it's just fire it i don't really know what it does exactly but everybody uses it and it starts fire so just use this [ __ ] got a brand new mic sing it till the morning yeah i'm flying home feeling like i'm soaring yeah [Music] and then after that i got one final eq just to get out some annoying points that that still was annoying me after this but this is really just optional like just do whatever you want after that that's just the basic you process the main voice and then obviously there's no reverb yet or no delay or whatever i would advise you to create separate buses for that and then route your vocal to those buses so for example i've got a reverb bus set up right here with my uh valhalla reverb then we just route this uh vocal track to the reverb bus your life is boring by the way if you was paying attention to the lyrics i was i wasn't being serious like i wasn't i like i was doing a video about a microphone that's why i'm saying austrian audio so don't pay attention to the lyrics so that's basically what i did for the main vocal just quickly processing it uh then i also recorded some backings uh put them to a separate track and on that i pretty much copied the same processing but then after that added an instance of cla effects which is like an all-in-one plug-in i know there's a lot of jokes about cla vocals and cd effects or whatever but cla effects is definitely a really good plug-in for backing vocals and everything because it's just got some effects that you always need with blacking vocals just inside of one plugin so i just use it it's also routed to the reverb channel so it sounds like this before the cla effects [Music] now with the cla effect i've added a filter like this a little bit of drive so it's distorted some extra reverb inside of this plugin some delay and a widener which will make it just sound [Music] so that's basically everything i added to this quick vocal mix obviously this is not like a fully finished vocal mix you would have to go more in depth into every single part and everything but this is basically how you do basic vocal processing inside of fl studio i want to let you guys listen to the end result but first let's answer some of your questions what kind of auto-tune do you use uh with your artist basically what i just said the way is real time tuned because you can put it on your vocal chain and it doesn't cause a lot of latency so you can just record while hearing yourself with autotune which is one of the greatest things ever it made me able to just record and just feel good what's young mafu's beat email will be right here bro what do you put on the master uh for my beats always just soft clipper it's really really really important just do it because you know it's it's the key for fl studio beef uh do you got any tips for keeping a beat interesting uh yeah just use a lot of transition sounds and just if you already had the structure of your bead just go into certain patterns make them unique and just change little parts so you can just create a little bit of of a variation to a pattern you already had so it so it doesn't feel like it's looping the whole time it's really important how much time should i spend on a beat there's really not a certain amount of time that you should spend on a beat spend as much time as you want to on a beat but just know that at a certain point you spent enough time so just know when you've reached that point and then just let it go some people they never finish anything because they just can't let something go and you need to if you're one of those people get over it and just release [ __ ] but don't don't don't ever feel like you you can't spend a full day on the beat because some other people are saying i'll make beats in 10 minutes or because i make beats in 10 minutes you can do you can take a full year if you want to uh do you feel like music theory is needed to make beats or not um that's a difficult one because myself i do have a classical music theory and everything stored in my brain because i did music class and music school and everything i guess it's not really needed to make simple beats but if you want to get serious about making music i would say yeah and learn music theory because eventually you know you want to make music so then if you want to go far learn music theory how do i know that my beat is ready for relief when you feel like it's ready for release bro just feel everything feel your way through life and you'll be good hey so let's listen to the end result uh know that i'm not super serious with this track i just made this in a previous video if you want to see me make that track check out the link in description down below uh subscribe to the channel because apparently only sixty percent of our audience is subscribed which is crazy so just subscribe right now you can unsubscribe later if you want to but just right now subscribe and follow me on instagram and spotify is actually give you to the z i know spotify is just cheeky beats so enjoy the song let's go [Music] [Music] [ __ ] with these videos bro damn
Channel: Chuki Beats II
Views: 197,347
Rating: 4.9702325 out of 5
Keywords: making a beat in fl studio, making a beat, making a beat for beginners, fl studio for beginners, fl studio beginner tutorial, fl studio beginner, fl studio beginner beat, beat making tips, beat making tutorial, chuki beats, how to make a beat, fl studio 20 for beginners, fl studio 20, secret sauce, vocal mixing fl studio 20, vocal mixing, vocal mixing tips, how to mix vocals in fl studio 20, how to mix vocals
Id: r6QnNJpuTEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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