Mix Vocals Like A Pro (Bedroom Vocals)

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what's up y'all it's your boy john dummy and today we're going to be talking about mixing vocals and specifically we're talking about mixing bedroom vocals so what i mean by that is i know a lot of us we record from home studios and we don't have the best acoustic treatments on the wall and we don't have the best microphones and we don't have the best pre-ops and uh i just really want to show you uh an example today yeah and i just really want to show y'all how to mix bedroom vocals the best wrong way possible and um i recorded in a bedroom myself i don't have the best acoustic treatment but i do have somewhat you know fairly good treatment so yeah the artists go by the name of eurostep it's a dope song and um it really wasn't recorded the best way possible the reason i wanted to show you all this is because this is how a lot of us record vocals so in the vocals you're going to hear a lot of uh mid-rangey papers sound in the high-end you're going to hear a lot of mud in the mid-range i mean you hear that in a lot of recordings anyway but you can clearly hear it in this recording but i can show y'all how to make that sound the best way possible because a lot of us are recording like that so i don't want to be one of those channels that have the best recorded vocals and show y'all how to mix that and y'all still be wondering why y'all's vocals don't sound like that the reason is because we don't have that same type of room so this is the perfect opportunity to show y'all exactly what we all be recording around so let's jump right into it all right guys so now that we load it up we're going to go ahead and get started we got the beat pulled in we got the vocals pulled in we got the ad levels pulled in fairly simple session so right off the real we're just going to take a listen and see what we got uh well add everything to the tracks and see what we got we'll just take a listen [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we get the gist of the song so right off the bat you can hear that the vocals is kind of getting lost in the beat so what we'll do is we'll just go in and add a compressor all we're trying to do is bring the quiet parts and the lower parts together so when you listen to this back it'll sit on top of the beat we'll just mute the ad-libs for now but we're just trying to make it to where it sit on the beat a little bit more consistent and one of my rules for mixing that i would give y'all is don't you don't have to get carried away with using this one you don't have to go too harsh with this one we're just gonna use it just to get a little a little bit more balanced [Music] [Music] we tight on that [ __ ] like eagles put that shank on that stick make that [ __ ] look medieval my [ __ ] sliding that reel so yeah when i was just cutting the game down all i was trying to do was match the same game that i already had i was just trying to match the volume that i already had so uh now that the vocal is sent a little bit more balance and it's not going in and out now the vocal is sitting balanced we're going to go ahead and grab the eq what we want to do is we want to listen to the vocal and then we just want to cut the bad parts that we hear and i mean it sounds simple but believe me you will find yourself trying to notch this thing up and cut all the frequencies that you really need to have body and your vocals out of your vocals and it sounds very simple what i'm saying just listen to the vocal and cut it but just hear me out watch this [Music] [ __ ] playing both sides so right out the back what we hear we hear a lot of low end in the vocals so we're going to cut that out and then that's our first cut we're going to be very uh efficient with our cuts we we're doing a lot of the work with you know we making the right cuts we're not just trying to be cutting random stuff so that's our first cut right now let's go [Music] [ __ ] playing both side went [Music] [Music] your daddy at the red mode play em mate alright so now we'll just get some of that boominess out the vocals [Music] [ __ ] playing both side went with that had them killers at the spot like a kickback i ain't serving [Music] [Music] prune that we ain't [ __ ] no bird a seagull put that pack in there that's the eagle young [ __ ] making play like illegal little [ __ ] pulling stat like he evil knievel we tight on that [ __ ] like kegels put that shank on that stick make that [ __ ] look medieval my [ __ ] gonna slide in that regal know the gang will rock out like the beatles ain't [ __ ] no bird that's eagle put that pack in there that's the eagle young [ __ ] make him play like a legal little [ __ ] so what i just did i just cut everything that i heard i heard like paper sounds in the high end i heard a little bit of boxiness in the low end in the midst and um i just cut what i heard and i'm gonna leave that just like that for right now if we need to cut more at the end then we'll keep going back we're going to go ahead and get a de-esser [Music] [ __ ] playing both sides [Music] [Music] all right so i like the way that sounds so now i'm gonna go ahead and add the ssl eq [Music] [Music] jab boy we don't run around your daddy at the red mode player made what i'm cuffing on the [ __ ] lose one [ __ ] around get sick mo gotta rise the field up about six does that new [ __ ] super bad that big love him baby we tight on that [ __ ] like kegels put that shank on that stick make that [ __ ] look medieval my [ __ ] gon slide in that regal know the gang will rock out like the beatles ain't [ __ ] no bird [Music] all right so i like the way that sounds so now i'm gonna go ahead and grab me my artbox because i think i want a little bit of gain out the vocals and just a little bit more compression so let's add our [Music] [ __ ] playing both side went with that handing killers at the spot like a kickback i ain't serving that lead in the zoo flat [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the eagle young [ __ ] making play like illegal little [ __ ] pulling stunt like he evil knievel we tight on that [ __ ] like kegels put that shank on that stick make that [ __ ] look midi i just want to go back and add one more pro q3 and now we'll just come back up and just clean up anything that we're still here and that's popping out because we're adding more compression so with more compression more stuff gonna hop out so [Music] [ __ ] playing both sideway with that having killers at the spot like a kickback i ain't serving that lead in the zoo young [ __ ] came up off a knee heard the twelve looking for him and had to get low racketing how you get that i was a kid though downtown got a label to the jab boy we don't run around your daddy at the red mode player made what i'm cuffing on the beach fold lose one [ __ ] around get seat mode gotta watch the field up about six dozen new [ __ ] super bad that make love man we don't babysit the stick let it hit [ __ ] shooting in the air [Music] that's the eagle young [ __ ] making play like illegal little [ __ ] pulling like he evil knievel we tight on that [ __ ] like kegels put that shank on this all right so now i'm just going to add a mani distortion if y'all have waves y'all can add this uh i love using distortion on vocals it just give it a lot more character and i'ma just use the default setting and just really dial just a tad bit in i'm not going to use a lot [Music] [ __ ] playing both side went with that how do killers have spotted like a kickback i ain't serving that lead in the zip flag young [ __ ] came up off a neat set heard the twelve looking for him and had to get low racketeering how you getting that i was a kid though downtown got a label to the jab boy we don't run around with daddy at the red mo all right i like the way that sounds so now we can go to add an effects and i like to do that once i get a good balance and a good eq setting i like to go ahead and start adding my effects and damn if i hear anything i don't like then i'll go back to the vocals and uh change a little bit of the eq and up or change a little bit of the compression up so we'll just try to work with the uh reverb first and see if we like the way the vocal sounding and then you know we'll go to delays and other things [Music] [ __ ] playing both side went with that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how you get that i was a kid though downtown got a label to the jab we're gonna go right in here at us delay all right we got on uh [ __ ] playing both side went with that handing killers at the spot like a kickback [Music] [Music] that's the eagle young [ __ ] make him play like illegal little [ __ ] pulling stat like he evil knievel we tight on that [ __ ] like eagles put that shank on that stick make that [ __ ] look medieval my [ __ ] gonna slide in that regal know the gang gonna rock out like the beatles ain't [ __ ] no bird that's a seagull put that pack in there that's the eagle young [ __ ] make him play it like illegal little [ __ ] pull a stack like that like that [Music] [Music] i ain't serving that lead in the zip flag young [ __ ] came up off a neat set heard the twelve looking for my head right now we're gonna use a double just to give it more space uh just to make the vocal feel more wider and we're just gonna add a little bit man both side went with that had them killers that spot like a kickback i ain't serving nothing left in the zip flag young [ __ ] came up off a knee said heard the trouble looking for him and had to get low racketeering how you get that i was a kid though downtown got a label to the jab boy we don't run around your daddy at the red mode player made what i'm cuffing on the [ __ ] lose one [ __ ] around get sick got a roster filled up about six dozen super bad that make love now that i got the vocals in the way i want it to i just come to save mix a track and then i just throw it right on the ad libs and i switch it up just a little bit so i may add a telephone effect to it and let it go just like that both sides [Music] i don't really like the telephone how it sounds right now so i might just take it off and let's just work with it for how it sounds right now both sides and the killers at the spot like a kickback i ain't serving that lead in the zoo young [ __ ] came up off a knee hurt looking for me to get low bracketing how you get that i was a kid dog downtown got a label tight on that [ __ ] like kegels put that shank on that stick make that [ __ ] look midi my [ __ ] gonna slide in that regal know the gang gonna rock out like the beatles ain't [ __ ] no bird that's a single put that pack in there that's the eagle young [ __ ] make him play like illegal [Music] [Music] [Music] make that [ __ ] so now we're just going to add a limiter and basically what we're doing is just turning the song up and we're going to put the cylinder right here negative negative 0.1 decibel so now we're just going to take this and wherever we see the volume going to we're just going to take it right right to the volume maybe a little bit past it and just get a little bit of distortion going on out of it and that'll be it sideway like a kickback i ain't serving that leg in the zip flat young [ __ ] came up off a knee heard the trouble looking for him and had to get low racketeer how you get that i was a kid though downtown got a label to the jab boy we don't want to rob your daddy at the red mode player made what i'm cuffing on the [ __ ] lose one [ __ ] around get sick mo gotta rise the field up bout six does that new [ __ ] super bad that make loving one baby so now that i got it turned up so i just want to go back in and make sure that nothing is popping out of the vocals i can kind of hear a little bit of high end i'm just go in and try to tame some of that just a tad bit so what i do for that i'll go take a multi-band compressor and i just grab a little bit of those highs and then we should be all done all set to go because what we don't want to do is try to get too technical and too precise with the uh eqs because we already don't have the best recorded vocals if we start to take everything out of the vocals the vocals will become very thin so we have to be very careful about what we choose to take out of the vocals but let's get to it [Music] [Music] how you get that i was a kid though downtown got a label to the jab boy we don't want to rob your daddy at the rig mode player made what i'm cuffing on the [ __ ] lose one [ __ ] around get seat mode got a roster filled up by sisters and new [ __ ] super bad that make love and baby actually dis at like i think around we distant around 4k so we'll just go ds in the higher range around like 8 9k and then that'll grab some of those real high-end peaks and we will be done with this vocal that's all i hear that we need to go and tame so let's do it having killers at the spot like a kickback i ain't serving that lead in the zoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] lookit evil my [ __ ] gon slide in that regal know the gang gonna rock out like the beatles like a pit bull at the front though all full of big guns like a gun out on your block like a rock band a [ __ ] block for the uncle hit the stick [Music] [Music] [Music] regal know the gang gonna rock out like the beatles [Music] so there we have it it sounds very good um especially for the quality of recording that we have i just want to tell you guys like really when you're mixing you have to really think about it so simple three things guys and i can promise you i've been watching mixing tutorials for years three things balance is the eq good and the spacing think about mixing in three ways like that and i can promise you guys y'all will get some of the best sounding songs you can possibly have yeah if you guys want more tutorials on this be sure to like subscribe comment i appreciate everybody been subscribing to the channel lately man we going up real fast right now and i hope we keep on going so yeah drum dummy game we out y'all have fun
Channel: Drumdummie TV
Views: 72,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonas aden, mixing vocals, how to mix vocals, vocal mixing, mix vocals, jonas aden vocals, paul hers, how to record vocals, mix vocal, mixing vocal, how to mix vocal, recording vocals, jonas aden vocal, how to mix vocals in fl studio 20, how to mix vocals like a pro, vocal mix, how to record and mix vocals, how to record, how to record vocals in fl studio 20, #jonasaden, jonas aden late at night, vocals, mix vocals fl studio, vocal mixing fl studio 20
Id: 5rfVU6Ow9Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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