Getting Our First Employee ~ Supermarket Simulator

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what's happening everybody I'm gri Master welcome back to more Supermarket simulator I can't move I can't move I can't move oh my God uh all right well cars oh that's right I did see a comment so apparently the boxes won't uh be moved by cars but I will I think that was a comment I I I know at least did not about the comment well at least no matter what I know that I can be moved by cars but I guess boxes can't I don't know now I'm questioning that it starts you like in the middle of the street or over there or something I don't know I generally start the game and I walk forward just kind bit do something I don't know anyways uh that was weird let's continue on here and expand our store more that's what I'm thinking you guys really enjoyed this I had fun with this I don't think we need to buy anything but do I need to pay any bills I do okay I don't have enough money $35 because we expanded our store so it does cost more money all right well we already fully stocked up it looks like uh do I not have any cheese I'm so I can get I don't have any cheese okay well that's fine no don't throw it I'm trying to put it down I'm going to buy one thing of cheese uh and then I want to get a new license I want to get new products today it's $400 how quick we were making money last time I'm not really super worried about it okay go ahead and purchase that there we go get out of this there we go all right jeese sells like crazy so we'll have the extra and bloop and there we go all right so we're going to open uh but yeah you guys keep leaving comments it's been doing really well and that's awesome because I I really want to see how far we can go on this I mean it it how many levels of expansion are there we back management growth there is 23 levels of expansion there's a long way to go and it really does start picking up but I imagine just how kind of fast things started getting on the amount of money we were making when we added that second thing oh I didn't check to see if prices changed oh well hopefully they didn't okay stop waving your hand around 11.4 all right this lady's bought a lot because she's been walking around for a minute all right $31 boom boom all right and get out of this we're going to go over here we're going to pay every one bill I have bills hey there we go all right I have $19 left we by the way only have like one level left until we can technically get an employee but oh in fact I can get an employee right away okay cool I super happy about that then oh like there's more people than have than have ever been in here before only ever two or three maybe think I've ever had four people at once oh man 25 10 that's not what I want give me that back 10 90 why did I think 90 I don't I don't I don't know so many people in line oh God there's even more people in the store oh I really want a cashier okay so 10 1 2 3 boom get out of my store give me give me a card okay perfect that's fine ah thank goodness okay so for 43.2 bam get out of here all right 2710 all right this is fine all right and then you holy everybody's buying so much stuff I mean this is a grocer grocy store makes sense oh you need 80 cents 50 1 2 3 bam all right all right holy chaos this is temporary chaos we already have we already up to 241 though there's that that's amazing all right Chuck that on there and I'm going to Chuck this thing over here or I could do that whatever oh there we go this this 20.6 all right $27 oh exact change all right uh you there you go 310 one 2 three and 10 okay what we have we have tea I they about a few I'm go put some on there holy wait a second do I have flour tell me I have flour I have two flour good Lord all right give me one second people I'll be with you in a minute I gotta gotta gotta got to get rid of this all right card this $47 all right boom like crap the amount of money we're making right now is nuts five 6 7 8 N9 and 90 50 70 80 90 bam get out of my store you have to count monies super zombie brand says no three all right you guys aren't buying much now 16.5 okay 40 cents 1 two three four all right you you you you cash what we got perfect change good good all right and perfect change cool uh I am actually going to Market and buy more flour I'm going buy two oh I got to actually click on the buy okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got to do this because people are going to freak out otherwise okay that's not even like one full box that's crazy to me okay I'm just going to stick you down right here and deal with this all right 1470 okay and spasm good Lord 19.5 five you guys aren't even buying much 4.8 Okay I lied this guy by a lot hard 41.4 Dam all right see about putting some more flow up here yeah that's crazy they went that quick a pasta cuz yeah say we can only have so many of these ones this is where I feel like I need like a full shelf things here right who very disorienting but it's it is nice to just be able to click on it anywhere okay so 39.8 go give me the one thing what five six one two all right turn the light on because it is getting dark in here and water bottles yeah okay just keep going there we go I guess it depends on how you got to put it down what it does right card nice and easy 32.6 these people are buying a lot now oh perfect love exact change I'm assuming there's like only so many customers in in the world at one time so I do want to go fasten these so we can keep making more and more money uh 30 cents 1 2 3 get out of my store ah come on I want to go stock some more stuff okay 2260 22.6 all right all right uh sugar this is a whole box in plus all right I need more lights dark right give me all the goods what you got cash okay perfect get out of here all right there we go go they they really do love the cheese everybody loves the cheese so much what w I'm out of stuff right now uh cheese okay cheese is gone in there uh eggs okay eggs are gone boom dark so dark in that corner holy again it is a grocery store it makes sense Okay [Music] 48.5 Go Okay 47.8 boom right $30 must push three and then hit enter oh that would have sucked right what do we got exact change hooray you're coming over here now I think we're closed so right what do you got exact change hooray I think we're done I think we're good I don't see anybody coming can I jump on a car and go for a ride no like the fact TR can move made me want to made me question everything and and that's it right yeah I got some more right there all right that's it all right so we holy crap yeah I need like a full freaking shelf for each thing what it feels like it's going to be by the end it's like this this is crazy on how fast we sold through stuff coffee that's like it's just it's just so fast I have one more I I'm I'm I'm really that's all I have wow wow like the especially the big things like that we really that much out of bread good Lord we have $1,000 I didn't even notice we broke a $1,000 this is our first thousand day that was it yeah I was say I'm pretty sure all there was was four in there water bottles that it I think that's it yeah that's all all right that was the whole box good Lord I'm going to have no back stock left no except for this well no I think I think I may actually run out of this I think that was it yeah that was it holy crap I mean we're going to have to spend a lot of money on that enter to finish the day we have these extra shelves so there's enough spacing for all four of the items to have a full shelf facing as the next thing is management level 10 which we didn't get today but we will get it tomorrow so we're going to get our first cashier today like on the recording today oh wait no two four six there's six items being added salt rice pasta olive oil and peanut butter yeah see none something's like it would suck if the next thing is a freezer this doesn't have a freezer none of that stuff seems like it be cold stuff you would think I I don't I don't I don't know for certain but you would think okay uh I guess yeah let's end her day wait what yeah it's closed oh I got to hit enter to Sleepy brain says the total profit was only 249 upgrade cost oh cuz I bought another fridge that's right it be more like 600 oh pasta went down cereal went down IC bread and milk went up okay 5.7 I sayit enter on that okay it does aasta 258 so 2.6 okay I know milk was one of them and I've already forgotten the other one 2. yeah okay oh somebody said you could see it here oh right there okay cereal Z was the other one that went down 650 that's a that's quite the drop from where it was that sucks is an unpleasant drop okay so I'm going to buy one of everything see where we sit okay we go all right $214 let's go grab everything so apparently they won't do anything with this so I'm I'm hoping I'm hoping that's going to be correct okay have a bigest space for this is why I don't generally worry about that one too much like certain things that only hold a little bit of product on the Shelf that's where I'm like I'm a little bit worried about that okay give me this this is the cheese and I'm going to have to order another cheese this this is not enough yeah cuz I mean I'm going to have to order probably two even even with three facings that thing is just like all the cheese just goes poof I guess I'll put this back here hey flower us me with half a box extra that should be fine for now water bottles well no I know that one's done was that was the one that was like perfect all right I have the sugar all right that seems fine I I think we'll have enough for today stop for a second I was afraid I was going to get hit by a car okay that's all for here Boop [Music] cereal I think we're fine I don't need to buy another one of those okay and then and finally oil which I think I'm going to need to buy another one of these yep I'm going to need to buy another one of these okay so close this I need the last two for sure milk and tea and then another cheese I'm going to get two is there anything else the oil oil pasta I think that's mainly it oil pasta if there's more we can figure it out still have $662 so not enough that I want to start another we go quite close enough not enough that I want to start another uh the new license quite yet but we're getting there he so this is all I have for this let's just put you right here or cheese was that was the whole box really yeah okay whatever and how okay so I open the box close the box so I was told that if you close the box and there's nothing in there it will actually not have a logo on it so that's a easy way to tell without having to put it down if there's something inside thank you for that cuz I had no idea okay so we're all good with [Music] you and milk okay we're fine that should hopefully be enough all right all right so we have extras extras extras extras I think I have extra sugar yeah I do okay the only thing I could think of is maybe more bread but I think we're going to be fine I think we can open up $662 yeah cuz no if I if I bought the license it' be $400 we need to basically just have that extra money plus we're going to be getting an employee today so I'm going to need the extra money for that we're just going to open up and have a starting balance of $662 ain't nothing wrong with that I also don't know what the overall space is I'm assuming when you grab these shelves it shows like a space in front of it I I would assume that's what we need for like the customers but I am afraid about hitboxes being weird because I was thinking we could do something like this the problem is I can't I don't know how much space I don't know if oh I guess they don't have physical Mass with each other I watched people be like inside of each other when they were like trying to grab stuff just kind of clipped through if I put that there I could potentially put another one on the other side only downside is I can't look to see what people are doing I know I don't think there's thieves yet I think shoplifters or something was a future planned update okay uh 840 bam all right buy Bunches of things we're almost like we're definitely hitting level 10 today unless we have everybody come up like that and only matters on that front why would you do this 20 40 50 60 or not 60 holy crap can you tell I've only running on two hours of sleep all right give me all this 22.6 there we go right yeah see it just so quiet and I'm like I don't know what's happening because I can't see anybody they do walk around it though it seems like there's no [Music] problem all right between your wobbly hand and my wobbly hand tring to grab that thing he's like oh Lord all right sweet perfect yeah see I can't see the products either so I don't know if stuff's starting to run out or not the one downside of this all right I can finish this real quick here we go all the bread is gone y hello and monies $2 one two and 10 get out of my store all right all right we're up to $846 I like the sign of that you give me this 45.1 I probably won't get the employee today just because I don't want to have to pay him for like half a day I can finish today and then tomorrow we can buy all the new products and maybe hire the employee at the same time I I do want to hire the employee is the main thing having somebody be able to work the cash register would be wonderful CU then I can constantly make sure the shelves are full right you this 5.8 okay one more person I think we leveled 10 yeah cuz it's already like 2: p.m. I think it's fine 1 2 3 10 I feel like today was not like today's not been felt as busy as yesterday yesterday felt like crazy oh oh you know what else I have to do I have to do this I forgot about the stupid bills can't tell there's anybody in here because I moved those shelves I also need to buy more shelves too because if there's that many products I can't do I was thinking I was going to do one full facing of each product but that means I need one more shelf right [Music] 23.1 oh now we got a lot of people coming in what you [Music] got okay it's going to come up and just be like a big old pile of stuff and it's like one item okay that's way more than one item all right give me the card you 34.1 right uh 80 cents 50 one two three okay good good good you got lots of things what I want to see Ah that's not what I want to see actually that's nice and easy 55 1 two 3 4 there we go all right uh 31.4 oh we're at level 10 now 31.4 boom what you okay so that's what happens if you overcharge nothing all right you uh 30.8 oh wow you got a lot of stuff okay [Music] 49.7 Dam 42.7 oh God why 20 40 5 1 2 3 4 50 boom there we go starting to get dark I need to turn on the lights I guess I don't technically need to but I feel like it's nice to be able to see okay card 11 7 oh the rush is over what do you mean I'm out of flower good Lord this is why I need a full facing of this this is insane insane to me we're like that the flowers it just goes that quick there's only so many things that could be on a shelf and that's why like I get why I know I you got to give me a second I don't want to get dinged by anybody else she already grabbed one that's already maxed out all right that's fine you just Chuck this over here or put this on the ground I guess can I just put it on down there we go oh it's the freaking out hair lady 1 two 3 uh 50 1 2 3 4 hair freaks me out 33.3 right and 29.3 29.3 okay we have $1,300 right now well that's not helping me 550 this helps me out a lot more okay one two and 10 oh my goodness so many items okay go ah and give me this 43.9 all right all right all that 31.6 holy I feel like we're flying up on monies right now there's still people coming into oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait water bottles uh you okay I think is that all that I got in here yeah that's all I got in here all right all right uh there we go 55 oh it's just even okay yeah it is B Waters that's insane like I really have to have an entire facing of everything I mean our eggs were running out of too okay I think it's the last person all let's go ahead and help you out it's 9 o00 right now already 28 dark I'm out of coffee good Lord yeah I I need to I need to have an entire facing of just one product like this is crazy it it's just not possible I'm going to start doing that right now I think going to put our coffee on this side means I'm about to spend a crap ton of money with how much everybody's buying and everything like we're going to need an entire facing oh except for maybe like stuff like this this where there is just so much that I can put on a shelf like there's there's a lot I can put on a shelf here I like the specifically the small items like pasta the coffee I don't remember what's down there I'll make a whole thing of coffee here that away like cheese there's a lot of cheese that's why I'm not super wored about the cheese like they buy a lot of cheese but there is a lot of facings of said cheese wait is oil gone too dude okay you know what no no no no no no you come back in here we're going to start doing this now okay that's all I have oh wait no I yeah I don't have any other cheese or any other uh pasta so I guess it's fine or whatever the thing is words good Lord okay so pasta says empty we're going to put pasta right here then I'll just make a whole thing of that all right as far as this one's concerned I mean like this is an example of one I think I only need two so you know what we'll do this I mean that's literally all I have anyways okay and then sugar is another one where I feel like we just have a ton of so I don't think I need to do a whole shelf for it I think just a half and a half okay that's what we'll do we put this up here and right here we'll put the bread take the bread and we'll put the bread here and here this will stay here and here this will be here and here here and here then all this is all right there could be pasta down this could all be something else down oh my goodness rearranging our entire store but I don't have a choice okay we're all done right so pasta you're just going to go all the way down here like that and then we're going to take you off of here and we're going to bring you down I need a whole bunch more I think that's that's that was it that's everything that was all we had all right I'm going to close I I keep doing that but I just need to put a genter hey store Point 2 12 so a $600 profit today that is amazing so oil is up and bottle water is down all right 2.6 and what was it pasta no I don't remember what the other one was I've already forgotten wait right there oil oil went up right here okay so we'll just do wow that went up by a lot really 5.4 okay so first things first I am going to go management there bills uh hiring can I hire somebody Okay so we have we have our first cashier uh Market oh yeah I was also told that I can apparently move all this stuff oh okay how's it going buddy realize you just be standing here already okay so I'm going to 100% buy everything like usual I know some of these were definitely going to need more than what I currently am buying okay there we go purchase that I loved everything just falling over I don't know why I find it so humorous but I really do so we're going to put this ah you know what no I'm actually going to I I think I'll have enough money to buy a new shelf if I can put a new sh or put another shelf here I think it'd be perfect hey you're all full you're all full wait is that I think that was it yep I could do with an extra a EG we're going to put you there and we're going to take all this off and we're going to put this down here CU see there's just there's just so much that can hold there so I don't see the point in not making those ones too necessarily we we don't run out of these two super often like yeah I need to buy some more for the next day but don't really run out of them super often okay so that's it that's it all right we're going to go put this back over [Music] here uh coffee coffee we need I'm going to need a couple boxes of coffee all right put this right there so that's all good I may have to move this stuff to so this is the pasta so this has got its own thing right here right go get rid of that uh you oil so I want this this is going to be several facings yeah cuz one box is a full shelf all right this one's going to be fine am I really one no I'm yeah I'm one shy I'm one shy from finishing the whole thing thing all right there we go there we go all right so this is all this is all empty so as far as what we need going to buy these last two I know we needed more eggs coffee flour I think I actually need two flowers two oils and pasta let's go with that see how this goes 983 all right there we go so that wasn't I I I was right about needing two boxes of that I don't think I ordered two boxes of that but it's fine Place full good Lord I need three boxes of that one I did I did all right we have some extra but there's a full thing it's got to make it through a full day right you got to make it through a full full day he we got the coffee my gosh just insane on how much of the stuff it goes through right there we go uh we got our tea I know I don't need a lot of that so we're fine this is going to hold out for a bit too he eggs eggs were good oh wait did I have some of this back here oh that's cheese I bought an extra cheese which doesn't really matter I not buy an extra cheese I'm suck guessing everything no I didn't I bought an extra milk which we actually needed okay we're all finding milk put your ride there all right so so what are we not maxed out on is there anything that I'm actually missing well no cuz I bought one of everything so I do have some spaces still it's not as bad as I was thinking so if I take this there enough room to put this here no I need to move this over a bit go ahead and move you over here for right now this thing over into the corner oh well that is really too far away from the wall so we're definitely going to have to fix that okay right there should be enough room to fit this in with the two fridges can I guess cuz I was looking too close to the floor God I like that you can manually put it wherever you want but I also wish I could snap it into place so they'd be like perfect now it's not perfect and it bothers me okay and then we're going to put you right [Music] here I don't know should we leave one side open I think we're going to leave one side open which space is that like that's not a lot of space I'm going to give it a little bit more that that just makes me uncomfortable having to move through it I don't care if the customers can get through as long as they get through that's all that matters okay so I need buy two more pasta and then I think we're good this is the most setup I've had for a Day 94 968 968 you know what while I'm at it buy another shelf I'll even buy two shelves purchase two shelves okay let's get our pasta going real quick there there we go that was wait was that serious yeah okay this is just empty whatever I didn't expect it to thought I'd have more than that okay we're finally good holy crap he we got our Shelf I'll put this kind of like right next to this one we will leave this one here then this one is going to go against the wall I mean I guess I could move it over I don't know I feel like that's enough space that's that's pretty good that's a good walkway right there I just want to make sure that there's a way for them to get out on by the side then I want two more right here to just finish off this side we can move this thing back just by a little bit and just want to make sure I have enough room to get by myself yep okay and then two room for two more of these things 5 66 so I don't have enough to buy the actual stuff yet so I guess we're just going to open all right he's running the store so I can go run around I'm going to go run around the city and see how he how how everything goes take a look at what's going on while he's making us some money fig why not so it does look like it's a circle District I'm very trusting of my cashier that I have never even experienced doing his job hope this goes well all right I don't think there's anything in the city my guess is this is just all decoration but you know you give me the ability to run around and I got to go take a look where are these cars coming from by the way all the cars come from over here but if it's a closed City where did the cars come from this is quite the road here are they wait is everybody in the city just doing circles everybody just driving around in circles what it kind of looks like all right well we took this time to explore the city let's go see how everything's going in the store okay I he's not super fast he's probably about as fast as I am minus the that part that part's kind of slow all right all good on everything right I just I'm I'm a little worried that I forgot something pretty sure we have all the products right just just let's yeah cuz I ordered one of everything so it should be all the products probably use another one of these though okay and then management bills bills are paid next growth is $750 which actually to be fair is not that much $400 which should leave me 260 to buy the new products a big part of me wants to do that have a lot of shelf space wait I really only have that much coffee okay I that's what that's what I needed from the market uh give me coffee coffee that's a lot of money right there that just went poof but I also didn't realize how low on coffee I was I can't even imagine when the store is like fully fully open and everything oh you know what this that's not inside the range though is it I don't know people are still buying that cuz I feel like we did have some of this I don't like how many people are getting in line here that unsettles me all right this is fine this nice that I can just keep track of this why you the cashier is doing his thing really slowly it's already 2 o'clock I mean I oh you're really that fast with every single item I'm sorry he's really not very fast okay it's fine all right uh let's let's use the rest of these there's only four left and it looks like there's four spaces so we're good yep okay and I got more coffee to put on here because I still needed more right there there we go think it's done yep all gone okay and then we got eggs I have those right here right so I'm filling the Shelf wait is that the last one hey thank you lady you actually made it so I empty the Box okay we got cheese apparently today is not cheese day wait was that it that was it oh I didn't realize it was that perfect also was there any price changes today that I didn't do I did them right I swear I did them yeah oil and stuff everything's looking good I need bottle of water e I'll just grab the milk we'll just do this I do like this this is nice so now I can actually focus on specifically okay I don't I'm confused now about this There's No Label so it's good right yeah it's it's like the international thing I'm like what wait what isn't that out isn't it good I don't know second guessing everything right all you you need to stay on this side and keep like that stuff [Music] here oh yeah I just have to empty spaces okay so you are garbage as well man see we're getting a lot of people in line here man you got to pick up the pace I'm pushing I didn't even know I could do that okay we're all good here turn the light on all right you sugar boom boom boom and we're all good with this okay yeah there's a lot of people in line here man you need to go faster you are letting me down here man holy crap like can I take over I'm going wait till after this customer no I cannot I cannot take over he's just oh Lord he's so slow look at the line oh my gosh dude you got to go faster than this can I like upgrade the worker cuz this this guy sucks management hiring automates checkouts yeah but I need to like automate him he's so slow it's not good there's nothing I can do here I don't see anything about any options to do anything there's so many people in line all right um what happens when I put something right here we still have customers coming in here because it's just taking them so long to do it come on man right let me put some more tea up here and just make sure the once I can't fill I'm going to fill okay I don't think we're out of any products today though so that's nice though I they really went crazy on the eggs it's not normally a thing I keep seeing these and thinking man what am I missing I'm not missing anything I forgot I moved the shelves around wait is there another person still coming in dude it's after n how are so many people still coming in we're still not even through these guys and I know I could buy another one of these but I isn't the cash register really expensive yeah it's $500 I don't want spent $500 on that also I don't know if it how how how it works exactly like will people just be sitting at my cash register I don't necessarily want that and can I buy anything while we're still checking stuff out products yeah I can't because it's after nine so I'm literally just waiting on this guy dude you're so slow come on man come on want to get the new products there's still four more people to go or three more people to go through yeah I click on interact and no no no interact button oh I would take over if I could send you home holy crap could you imagine if you went to the store and the guy was like legitimately just moving this slow I mean guess maybe that's I don't know that doesn't feel like normal speed I never worked as a cashier in in in a grocery store only place I worked as a cashier at was at the movie theater which just concessions never did tickets and then uh I mean I guess I guess working to Joint Fabrics there was a lot of lot of product being moved so we're all good you're not seriously coming here right now right no I didn't think people walk by and man you guys are creepy at night time holy crap this guy right here is just like he just straight up it's like uh I don't know no color at all on his face just completely like black and white shadow figure type thing happening with people as they're walking around even with like the vehicles like you can see the color when they drive underneath there it's green but when it's not it's just gray and black I mean the the car is a little bit brighter but even at a distance now even that starts trying to change and lose any sense of color all right anyways I'm going to start the next day sorry I'm like completely sidetracked by the crazy just new Noir Noir Noir yeah yep that's the right word Noir look going on it's happening at night time eggs eight pack it went up and I yeah didn't even catch the other one so 4.6 okay um what was the other one I don't see it two things where's what what what oh water bottle water bottle went down oh I guess it did just go up right oh that's awful that's not a good down okay so before we do anything let's do our normal we buy at least one thing of everything get that out of the way purchase that boom there we go so we got $1,200 still $1,200 still okay that makes me feel better I mean I'm probably going have to buy more than one box of some of these like the eggs for instance but it makes me feel better yeah if I want anything in the back I I'm definitely going to buy another coffee guys didn't take my products with you right that's legit a concern to mine put you right there water bottles I mean I think we're fine on this we need to okay put you right there uh sugar I'm I swear to God I get stuck in that spot so many times sugar right here okay I mean uh guess I'll buy one more definitely going to be buying one more let's just do that right now while I'm thinking about it I want one sugar I want one pasta and just kind of add them as we go oh I need another egg right eggs boom all right all right looking good oil I'm going to definitely need another one of these man this crazy on how much people are buying of certain things okay set you down for a second so I can add that to the list okay and we got our pasta no this is flat we already did our pasta oh I'm okay all right pasta I'm glad I got a full facing because in all reality I think I probably would have run out of several things yesterday oh even the bread this is why I was kind of thinking about the bread getting extra but long as we have extra extra I think we're fine you this this um bread over here they put our cereal on there we go we're all good we're good all right sweet I still have some extra of this I'm going to put this over here he's good wait did 75 buy more tea they did buy more tea I don't even know how I guess cuz they came in at the last second and I didn't see them okay I got to actually push the order this is only $92 we have enough that we can get the new stuff to so let's get out of here let's go management let's buy the new license okay so we have new products available get out of here go to market I'm assuming they're going to be down here at the bottom yeah they are okay so they gave me six so one two three four five six purchase okay so we we have enough that we can actually do multiple shelves then okay so let's finish this these me two extra all right put you right there this this is spaghetti okay uh where's the pasta pasta's right there we're going to put the spaghetti down here then okay so one box is a full shelf that is that right yep that's right okay well that's insane guess flowers is probably the same way yep he we have our eggs okay so that's fine this is all back stock stuff uh this another kind of oil that's it yep all right well this is going to be interesting to get this to fully work yeah this is crazy why buy two of those right no maybe I only bought one okay there we go then I just need one and the rest is back stock there we go we're all good it's other one of the things they planned is having storage for these boxes which will be nice he what about you this a whole shelf too all right anything that is just like that few of items I want a whole shelf for this is crazy I feel like that should be too wide what is this this is Tiny oh no oh this is salt I thought for sure I was I did the wrong thing oh let's try up here I mean that's a whole box you're telling me I can't put more in here that is the most UN useful stacking ever okay we're all good on this wait was that all the new products hold up did I have a shelf for oh so one two three four five six I have a shelf for everything I had no idea awesome one two three one two three one two three one two three I can only have 10 think I may have clicked that four anytime four times no I can only have one anyways doesn't matter all right holy crap well we do have a massive new section to our store of products we have a employee today like I'm feeling like we've made some good progress I definitely could do with more okay so I can't add more down here no just had to double check right you this okay got to kind of keep things together a little bit not perfect but it's it's something it's something I mean I'm assuming more products eventually there's going to come a point where there's they'll only buy so many items but I I could be very wrong they may like buy like 30 items now the downside is my freaking cashier sucks nope don't do that put it in the wrong place thought the blue and just connected the dots to something that didn't exist go in the thank you all right last one here that one's full I'm so glad the store doesn't open until I actually or the time doesn't start moving until I open it because that would really suck I also have to price all these just realized that with that one right and then the last of the oil and then we should at least have oil being done all right there we go so we got oil done I still need fette and two Salt [Music] two one two three was it the rice or is that the other one yeah yeah yeah one two three real quick I didn't change any of the numbers right because that then it's going to be it's it saves that I don't want to save that I don't have enough money no I'll take off one of these and one of those I don't have to take off one of those I only need one hoay we have $446 I can't pay my bills crap just hit me soon as I ordered it I was like well there goes all my money and uh we're at to pay our bills well we can pay it throughout the day it's not like we're not going to have enough money guy sucks then we we won't but this go so slow okay this spaget continue this there we go and this is the last of that I'm going to have most of it's going to be literally like one shelf not not full that that's fine isn't it it might I mean I guess I don't have any back stock for any of these but that's I guess we we'll be fine amount of money I spent today though oh man I'm not going to I don't think I'm going to make a profit today cuz I've spent so much today well we'll be making our money back but I mean I bought what $1,400 worth of stuff today only thing I don't have is one rice so yeah we're we're I mean this is this is good I feel like we're good we got new products we got cashier like it's it's it's been an overall it's been a good day uh I am at an hour though I didn't realize until I like when was walking back in so I mean there is a storage here what is this storage then say storage but I mean you can't open it I was there an option to buy this at some point I don't know I don't know I'm at an hour so I'm about to leave it here uh hit the like button leave comments let me know if you guys want to keep seeing more of this the last one did really really well so I hope you guys do want to keep seeing more I find this game to be very fun uh and yeah I'm going to leave it here for now thank you for watching byebye for [Music] now
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 8,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supermarket, Simulator, Supermarket Simulator, early access, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, first, look, new, February, 2024, what, is, what is, run, supermarket, stock, shelves, set prices, take, payments, hire, staff, expand, design, store, orders, delivery, March
Id: ftdY--BQI3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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