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[Music] [Music] got about 1 and 3/4 yard of this $70 for this let's go rocks in it that's annoying it is soil I'm going to show you what I'm gonna do what I plan to do with this stuff so I've got these low spots around here where I kind of tore it up and built this patio so you need to fill in this gap right here with soil and I need to fill in the gap over there with soil and the huge ruts that I made with the loader so I've got the topsoil I'm just gonna kind of feather it out right here I'm gonna need several of these wagon loads to make this work to fill in this area probably six or eight [Music] so now that I've got a couple of piles spread out over there need to get my landscape rake knock down the piles and spread it out make it smooth quick update on the shed so nothing much has happened but I did put the fascia on that's pretty much it put the blue board on and put some of the sticker boards on or the rain screen and then I got the fascia on and that was tough cuz they had to stain stain the fascia or stay in the 1 by 10 cedar boards and then the 2 by 6 cedar boards and then cut him and put them all up and screw him so that was quite a bit of work next thing for the she shed will be to do let's see the soffit so I'm gonna put Gorman pine tongue and groove soffit on there and so I gotta get it and that's gonna come in a couple days and I've got to stain it and then it goes up so I just want to stain everything first I don't have to stain it while it's up I'll just do a little bit of touch-up with a brush now I got this landscape rake here and then I'm gonna knock down these piles and spread out this dirt the plan for this area is to put this topsoil down and then put some seed down kind of get rolled out flatten down and put C on [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's see if this forward bolus so I need to keep working it and leveling it up I'm gonna have to put some water on there so I can pack down but I just want it flush to the concrete this is where sand would work very well but I don't really want to grow the grass stand straight sand a little bit too much dirt here so I'm just kind of pulling it into this section right here which I know this is a low section the water kind of always pulls here the water used to always pool right here on the this walkway so I'm trying to make sure I leave it low here so it can continue to flow this direction this is downhill here high end over here low end over there high end over there low end over there I know it looks flat but it actually slopes like this there are some big ruts right here and I need a foot probably at least half of that soil over here to kind of bring this up and fix this area so the lawn looks really bad right now I've got a lot of dry grass or poha I'm not sure I think it's ryegrass [Music] you see all these little splotchy or or bunchy bunches all around see all these different colors in the lawn it is not good folks I am NOT gonna sit here and say that it looks awesome because it really kind of doesn't you can see these these yellowing bunches of grass here that's where I came up with the secret grass killer stuff with the paintbrush did that on Monday today is Friday let's continue on with this project and just keep breaking it just keep working it and working it and working it I need to move this sprinkler head over here this direction if you see it sprang into the street but I need to measure about how far it's reaching into the street and move it that much this direction I was hoping I could get it to reach all the way over to this corner so I can do like 270 here and all the way to there I don't think that's gonna work but maybe so I think it eight feet will do it I think they'll be safe if I move at 8 feet ooh that's not good so 8 feet is only 2 here so it gives me another 2 feet maybe I could change that head on there and maybe make heat maybe make it shoot just a little bit further but I don't really want to do that so that'll be the next thing you need to do is dig up that line a sprinkler head and move it over here eventually the plan with this flower bed is to recut it so I'll match up with the line of this concrete here there comes the guy that got the ELSA north so this is the dude that's getting the Elsinore remember was about what a year ago you're riding now yell snore and I told him that he just needed to wait a month or two and he'd get it as low and behold he is getting it whose is this yeah yeah I know so was that like a 74 yeah for real on it what I wanna take away from him he won't labneh yeah he sells everything he won't let me help out he'll sell it to you in like a month he only keeps things for like I'm on okay I'll wait for the month then so what we got here in 1974 Honda Goldwing er no no no Elsinore Elsinore 74 Honda Elsinore oh look how 250 it's a two-stroke yeah oh that thing's a 1400 miles all original that thing's a beaut folks what did he pay what you didn't ask him I don't know come on you won't tell me they sell for about three grandma have you got it right now oh he's gonna go get it so we got to go over there so wait a minute are you gonna put it in the truck oh so he's just gonna ride it over to his cabin so it was a year ago Memorial weekend and he did some trade work with the neighbor and painted his school bus a bright orange red or something like that alright guys so you got the motorcycle it's all his now so look at that smile on its face oh yeah gonna polish hittin parking folks so what kind of bike is it again two years only 74 right 19 say so this is a two-stroke now that folks is a beaut see the smile on his face he's happy God his fight and it only took a year and I told you that he was gonna let it go that dude sells everything there is my god yeah a year later needs got it so this dude told the neighbor he sells everything so if you think you want us gone it's gonna wait later so working on this project I've got the skid-steer here and kind of just kind of leveling out the dirt here I remembered that I've got a sprinkler to fix hair and a sprinkler to fix here so that oh yeah that's not good so I got to fix those before I can do anything else or go any further I'm just trying to level this out as best I can and then I'll come out over here with the rake and my drag if I can get that thing back from she'd good old James James Lewis so yeah that's what we got going on he's happy he got his motorcycle I'm happy cuz I'm working on my project here so that's that's good stuff folks [Applause] I ended up spending the rest of my night working with the skid-steer on this section moving dirt around as for this hairy over here it needs quite a bit more work but I ran out of daylight and I was working with the skid steer so kind of secretly hoping that maybe tomorrow I can plant the grass here I don't know that's gonna have to wrap it up for this video just time kind of got away with from me and I had the opportunity to use the skid steer so I took it so [Music] [Music] I'm gonna get the sprayer spray fire
Channel: Connor Ward
Views: 241,892
Rating: 4.7275863 out of 5
Keywords: lawn care, how to, how to grade a yard, grading around house, lawn renovation steps, how to level a lawn, lawn care tips, lawn care life, connor ward, bluegrass, kentucky bluegrass, seeding a lawn, lawn care stripes, lawn mower, reel mower, lawn roller, top soil, lawn care for beginners, gardening hacks, flowers, how to level a lawn with sand, how to grade a yard with a skid steer, grading a yard by hand, lawn care tips for april, lawn care tips weeds
Id: ZbcR5SBEbZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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