Fixing Last Year's Issues!!

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good morning air force one time to wake up i see uh duggars down there doing doggo things we're gonna stop in with him after we uh get the corn head on here maywest is coming out we're gonna put some upgrades on our corn head and should be should be a fun experience i like hanging out with them guys but we gotta get the combine out so we can clean the floor get the cornet on here and get it back in here before it gets really hot outside we can close the doors and work under shade and wind from the fan [Applause] [Music] so i forgot what this view looks like and i sure missed it i love corn combining that is the like the funnest job on the farm in my opinion um it's just awesome and i love putting the corn head on for the first year it just gets you pumped up i know we're a long way away from corn harvest still we got all the beans to do and we're a month away from bean harvest so we got a while yet but it'd be cool to get these upgrades on here and it's just fun to be back in a combine and getting closer to the date where i can just sit back and relax in here which it's not really relaxing because harvest is very stressful but you work all year on the stuff it's awesome to actually drive this stuff i apologize guys if i sound a little stuffed up because i am got a cold for like the last five days and today is really congested look at i haven't seen martin out in forever i've been a busy summer again yeah haven't been in here look at it look at doggo's shirt martin's even on it his name's even honest who would ever think i could have thunk it but i didn't think it you know what i mean cleaning did you miss martin i have actually not had dreams about it but uh yeah it's good to be back on it oh i need a new hat yeah it looks like that looks pathetic so i don't know if you guys remember last fall how much i was complaining about these stock stompers on this corn head which is basically just a big shoe that pushes down the row that's been harvested and cut off to protect your tracks protect uh your grand cart your rippers your salford all the tires on the farm all the tracks on the farm that's what they're on this head for very very important you also get better covering with your tillage tool of whichever sort you choose to use so i would never not have stock stoppers on their corn heads and we have them on both of our heads anyways we're upgrading those today because i hated the ones that were on here they didn't do a good job and maywest is coming out the poly people they have a super cool design i'm interested in trying them so we're going to put them on one head we're on them this fall see what we think before we do the other head so that's what we got going on today and should be a fun video where the heck do you come from [Laughter] so this is eric from may west you guys probably recognize him from last winter when you guys were out and nancy and what was your name again ryan ryan so they're out here we're gonna i guess they said we got to take all our old brackets off i was hoping to recycle but they said theirs is better so we're gonna take this off we're gonna take all this off and put our new g4 made with stock stoppers on well let's get to it [Music] [Music] all right what do we got here well um so we have a sock stopper kit for a 4412 case site each here chet all our kits come with a full set of instructions but we got the professionals here so we yeah we can throw them no we seriously do need these no it's helpful it also helps to put a couple of these on for okay we got all different models here 16 18 oh you can go down to two rows two rows just just do your wheel tracks yep some uh like just cover wheel tracks we're gonna do some drilling a couple holes well i guess nothing to it but to do it right let's get to work nice thing about our kits and our header brackets these will accommodate both the five inch main frame and the six inch okay so earlier than 2012 had a five inch main beam two thousand later was a six by six okay our slotted holes will accommodate both and our little straps [Music] where have you been in the ac you know we were gonna put that over there and you said no they need to work in the heat does this thing look like it would fit the load auger doggers longer than that shop that's right we just stick it out the window make a window yeah stripping down the 8430 it's going to the dealer yeah and you're running out of time i told them noon and it's uh 11 20. well you got nine different two ways in there that i gotta take out so two ways planter harnesses that planter takes a lot of sprayer harnesses random harnesses are just cut and put under the floor seabees two ways it's endless a fuse box it was the tractors there are so i took it row cleaners i left that for the next guy yeah it's a nice little box [Music] but oh and i took all the brackets took the bolts kept the hardware uh does that radial bluetooth we'll probably take that out too [Music] like the lighting in there we'll take the take the lights out yeah bare bones just goes to the next guy doesn't have a single light in it might leave the steering wheel well good luck yeah get to it geez you weren't lying there's a lot of stuff in that thing are you having fun we're done we're done i think there was a couch in here too so much junk there is a lot of junk in that cab from moving into it for watch how long do you guys own this oh a long time long time 25 years no not that long no 2012 2012 i think we got it the question is where we're gonna hide this sticker he found a spot yep even put it on crooked so here's here's the magic right here huh that is the magic tell tell tell us about these things a compression molded shoe it's going to be half inch thick same material is what we use on our cna pro skis okay snowmobile skis no same thing same material just normal skis okay the g4 shoe is going to be mounted onto a torsion unit okay so there's actually rubber inside there would be rubber on the inside yep so same principle what you have so that's where you get the flex that's where you get the flex okay what kind of lifespan you see with these we've been getting a lot of guys that are getting 5000 plus acres off of them you know again depending on what type of soils you have different abrasions um standard soil uh you're gonna get that you know five thousand fifty five hundred acres okay sweet our heavy gumbo we might get ten thousand acres out you might get ten thousand yep so flex both ways so if you're in the mud that was my complaint or with all the stock stomper brands that we've had we always would come in with sink right into the mud backing up because of the mud bend them all rip them off yep so what's really cool this whole um you know what set the standard for stock stoppers back in the day was more of a shovel shoe type yep and obviously if you do get stuck stuck and nobody gets stuck no no never not here no but when you drop that front end of the combine in yeah you raise that head that combines still on the ground and when you back back up you would back drag yeah that shoe would act as a mobile plow yep and either that broke or something on the headphone yep yep i've experienced it myself nice thing with the torsion unit you're going to get rotation both directions approximately 35 degrees both ways okay plus a little bit of flex probably out of the pocket oh you're going to get a little flex out the shoe itself sweet i'm excited for this you're going gonna like it height adjustment height adjustment so you can go one inch up one inch down okay we also have adjustment on your vertical bracket i have it set in the center hole now but we can go one inch up and one inch down as well sweet that'll work i'm looking forward to it you're gonna like me is it hot in here you know didn't your dad ask to put this in air conditioning shop if it was big enough guys i would i promise [Music] they're never going to know i think you're supposed to turn the camera around and talk to it hey how's it going the wrong way there you go yep boring for the camera here's extra parts since we went on a roll center there so we could use a bunch of them so everyone likes extra parts that look that turned out really straight i like it i don't know what he was talking about i think he's i don't know he's might be dehydrated or something yeah they lost it all [Music] someone vandalized your toolbox on the back of it [Music] sweet i love it i love it so we got the project all wrapped up here everything's tight you promise everything's tight and good to go everything's good so first day first round there went one no well they should be tight so you see the torsion on here yep where you rotate right here [Music] right on that torsion yep [Music] in both directions so if you're backing up and it hooks something or in the mud right good travel both ways they travel both ways so as far as maintenance there's nothing to them very little little maintenance um for storage okay if you want to put this on the uh head trailer again got a little safety clip there that corn stock doesn't get in there and lift that straight out [Music] you can lock them in a quarter position okay or you can lock them right up nice so what's weight versus competitors competitors we're going to be about 30 lighter okay so when when you're talking 12 rolls that's that's a lot of weight savings a lot of weight saving definitely them other both of our other sets other brands we have our it's heavy lift to put them on right once they're on they're on it really eliminates us from taking the head off going down the road because it's just so much work and the cool thing about this is how balanced these are you know one hand well you're pretty strong not anymore i lost a little bit um but you hmw molded shoe so many people ask there's no way that can withstand all the friction caused by the stocks same material same thing as what snowball skis are made out of our cna pro uh snowmobile skis extremely durable extremely tough and what's cool about that about these stompers here [Music] you had a dealer come out and had mentioned how many of these he actually sells yeah kibble justin the first guy at kibble and milbank was out here and it's like oh you're putting those on i saw the heck out of those things yeah they do they they sell quite a few so yeah again chet if um and i'll double check uh now we're finished uh we'll take your cylinder lock off we'll double check we'll set it down and operating height and see what we're what we look like across okay again if if adjusting these be mated we can go up and down one inch on a vertical bracket yep okay as well as we can go up and down on the shoes themselves okay sweet let's jump in so we're gonna fire it up lower the head down to operating level and then make sure that they're sitting at the right height off the ground so they're not pushing too hard or getting bent all the time everyone's clear and so that they're far enough down so that they're actually doing something ah it's been so long i don't remember how to run this thing [Music] so how do you like how much pressure do you run on on these when you're actually in the field do you like them dragging all the time yes and just operating in during operation uh run the shoe is ground level you want you're going to want to put some pressure on there okay so in the shop here we got this picker snouts off the ground seven inches and we're one inch off the ground here it appears like it's at the way i would run it in the field hard to know because it's tiltable field feeder house and i don't remember yep initial setup level ground on the cement when you get your desired cut and height you know you want to be approximately about that one inch or so off the ground on flat surface whether it's concrete or whatever flat surface you're working on so if conditions are where you maybe lodge conditions and you need to run the head lower to the ground how much pressure is too much before you should maybe do a different adjustment or you'll be able to put a you may put quite a bit of pressure on there okay obviously you don't want that uh you don't want to kink the plastic at all right no they well if we need to adjust them but we set them the way they set them all the time i guess or they suggest to set them so what do you think looks really simple which i like yes so if you had to you could raise it up a bolt hole in an inch there and then you can actually raise the whole black bracket up to a couple inches and then when you're in transport you spin them or something yeah they rotate you pull that pin out and then you flip them right upside down so you can put it on the head trailer oh that's going to be a lot nicer not that we use the trailer a lot but for storage right if you guys are interested in any of maywest stuff link is in the description go check them out uh they would appreciate that and swipe up that's instagram no we're on youtube right now no this is youtube it's live run live stream mode didn't do my makeup you don't quite smell it greatest i know i just was in morris how was the vinyl seat in the shop truck with the duct tape on it yeah yeah not good and then nothing against the guys there but i was running the chain while we were loading the concrete blocks two by two by six foot blocks thirty eight hundred pounds a piece that trailer is not happy right now yeah how many do you put on there about twelve to fourteen tons worth seven of them so oh my gosh anyways running chain sweating jumping around and i'm sure that i bet you that guy had a c in the cab of that payloader guaranteed he had tint on it actually tint like down two thirds of the way wow which we should did they discount them for the labor that you had to do yeah but i i kept that you know might i have my credit card back it's gone it's gone yeah they called they're like yeah you maxed out the card at that restaurant afterwards [Music] so you did stop at old number one i had to cut the corner off of it it's it's junk nice i'm supposed to pick up the two gallons of paint that you got i bought five eight eight ten i bought ten you can see how much he likes youtube you know that paint costs more than the twelve tons of concrete [Music] [Laughter] i don't know what kind of paint that is but you seriously did go nuts on my card oh yeah i don't i don't have it [Music] unbelievable all right we're gonna take this thing out put it back on the head trailer so that maybe tomorrow we'll bring this head and put it back in the other shed to get bat pooped on again and get it off the yard and go to the shop [Music] well that didn't go too bad for the first time we had to take the stompers off obviously where the tires are at and underneath the feeder house so we don't wreck anything but it everything clears here it's tight but we didn't have to move anything our other ones we always had to move the bracket you know what truly is hot out yeah it's it's terrible oh hold on okay there we go we're back hydrating yep still got half my balance all right that project is done that's been on my list for a while got that done so corn heads are ready to go for uh this fall combine should be ready just gotta put covers on uh grain trap so the grain tank and that should be ready to go put the globe on it i think that's it for today guys thanks for watching we appreciate it i hope you guys enjoyed it learned something got a laugh or two anyways we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 248,225
Rating: 4.9796295 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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