Fixing Copart E36 M3 in 72hrs and Taking It On A Roadtrip!!

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this right here is a 1995 bmw m3 that we bought approximately two years ago sight unseen from copart this was before they went up ridiculously in value right now they are so expensive but the car sat for two years we moved to the carolinas in the meantime and when the main reason actually sat for two years was because it was not at all what i expected you know sometimes it always looks better in pictures and that was the case for this and that disappointment just made me very questionable on what i wanted to do with the car but recently i started watching roadkill again and that just sparked my joy for adventure so without any planning spending a lot of money or trying to make this car right we're just going to quickly get it running and driving so we can begin our euro venture let's try to push it it's been here for a couple years not really a couple years we've been here for about a year let's see if we can push it out it's muddy in the back it is yeah this thing is hot okay what's behind it i don't want to hit that either there's a lot of bugs all right three two one i don't think this was this heavy damn let it roll back a little bit and then push again i'm sliding over here three two one three two one i know it's heavy and it's uphill yeah come on babe ready set go nope who said you did all the work all right let's get a quick condition report we kind of took out all the stuff that we had put in here when we first moved over here but we got all that stuff out it's not looking too good so yeah there were some mice living in here hopefully it was just one but it looks like there's a lot there's a lot of mouse poop everywhere there's a lot of dust everywhere the dust is probably from we had like all the seats and stuff covered with this carpet material that way you know when it's sitting in the sun it doesn't really get too sun damaged it did its job but it put this whole coating of dust everywhere so i think we're going to vacuum all this stuff up so i had initially thought i was going to pull the m3 in just start wrenching on it i'm so glad we didn't do that pressure washed all this emptied all this stuff out now we're going to vacuum everything wipe everything down try to disinfect it a little bit with all the mouse poop and pee and then we still got to figure out how we're going to get in the shop obviously the car doesn't run we had to push it from there to here now we had to push it up this ramp into the shop and not sure how we're going to do that yet but we're about to figure it out but first let's clean this up a little bit i'm not sitting in there [Music] so here's the situation i don't know if this car runs doesn't even have a battery but before i really try to you know put a battery in and try to start the car up i want to you know get it up on the lift and just make sure there's no other hidden surprises underneath so the hood strut is broken it's actually missing one hood strut but let me pop this up so i can check all the fluids make sure you know there's oil and power steering fluid cooling all that stuff in here before we go underneath the car all right you know what we're going to use this bar of gold as our hood prop all right let's check some fluids let's see how everything looks we're taking bets on if there's oil in here i really hope the oil is clear though not milk shaked up oh this oil is actually looks pretty good i mean yeah it's all it's been sitting forever it's a little thin but no milkshake win now coolant all right let's see this cap might need to be replaced there's a lot of stuff that's unplugged oh low on coolant she smells smells a little funky that could just be from the coolant sitting we'll know more when we once we turn it on but yeah there's a lot of stuff unplugged that i'm seeing here like sensors like here's the sensor on the side of the radiator that's unplugged we've got this connector down here that's unplugged but for the most part it's not too bad all this water and stuff is from me pressure washing all this so that's not a big deal probably wasn't a good idea to pressure wash all this with all this disconnected and actually the dme cover was also unhooked it wasn't even bolted in and i just went at it because there was wasp and stuff flying out of it i didn't want to get stung so i started with the pressure washer but then i went ahead and put that cover on before i continued pressure washing and i also covered up this intake because we don't want any water going in here but this intake was wide open this whole time that the car's been sitting no filter on it so that's one more thing i might want to do before i try to turn it on remove this whole intake boot clean all that up make sure there's nothing no other wasp nest or anything built up in there but it did come with a k n cold air intake all right let's lift the car up and see what other goodies we got on this score [Music] what was that it sounded like the jack fell off oh it's the springs on the rear [Music] no i didn't know you gotta put it there just one of our filming lights second one actually that we broke this one didn't shatter so hopefully it still works first time on the lift here goes nothing all right watch out for spider webs while you're coming in here all right so we knew the exhaust was all cut up not sure why so it's cut on this side right here and it's also cut in the back where the muffler is so i'm not sure why they cut it i just had a bungee tied bungee corded that way it doesn't drag on the floor everywhere and you know i actually tried to pressure wash all this stuff down here but obviously i didn't do such a good job okay right off the bat i do see coil overs in the back with new or newish sax shocks we've got braided stainless steel lines that's always a good sign to see that someone's actually taking care of the brakes it could also mean that they track the car we're not sure exactly which one but we will see once we start driving it there is a little bit of rust just surface rust not too bad but i mean for the most part i'm surprised i mean it's actually looking not bad hopefully i can find this exhaust or figure out a way to fix it or take it to a muffler shop to fix it over the next couple of days that's going to be pretty tight oh there is a lot of corrosion on this drive shaft which means that it's been rubbing somewhere but the shifter the linkage all that is hooked up well this is torn up not sure why that would be torn up and as always it's a bmw so a lot of built up caked up oil and sludge everywhere why is there there's a gap between the transmission and the oil pan so the transmission is sitting on this actual support bar who takes out the bolts out of a transmission who cuts up the exhaust and who takes apart all that intake stuff up there at a salvage yard because on the listing when we first bought the car at copart it said that the car ran when it arrived at the lot so all this stuff was done on the lot that is so weird like that is really disturbing i'm not even sure if i could really turn the car on at this point because that was the plan we gotta first get it running i'm not even sure why i really don't know you know what all this stuff yeah that scares me a little bit but you know what actually scares me even more all these spiders there's literally and that's the main reason i wanted to pressure wash to try to get all these spiders off yeah i don't know if this roadkill stuff is from me mouse poop first all these spiders but a good thing is it's got offset control arm bushings which are actually in pretty good condition stainless brake lines obviously because they were in the back they should be in the front too yeah so i think like the only thing that really worries me there is a little bit of leaking from the power steering pump but that's whatever we can just keep topping it up oh this power steering pressure line has been crushed in probably from those forks at copart all right so for the most part clean bill of health except for this transmission so you know what i think i'm just going to risk it i want to really try to turn the car on i want to make sure that the engine runs before we start messing with all this and the way it's looking right now all of these covers and everything is just like laying on top of the transmission so it's all touching the flex joint all that the drive shaft is getting rubbed on somewhere as well so i think what we're going to do is get the engine running first i'll just make sure the car is in neutral and i'll keep the clutch pressed in the whole time and just make sure the engine runs once we have that confirmed then we will pull off this transmission chances are what i'm thinking is probably the clutch went out because i know on the copart listing it said there was mechanical damage so i'm assuming that the clutch went out somebody started doing the job and i guess they just quit or who knows what happened but gotta get this exhaust off we might as well just cut it if we can't get the bolts out from up there because the rest of it's cut so let's get the car back down hook up a battery and maybe we'll be lucky today and the car will just fire right up let's check the intake boot make sure there's no mice in here before we start it up all of that is clear nice and clear all the way through all right final step before we could try to turn it on i already had this battery charging up overnight so hopefully it's got enough charge oh and the key's in the ignition all right so the fan's running like constantly i wonder why i think it might have to do something with all the stuff that was unplugged i think that temperature sensor is unplugged and the reason all that stuff is on because the key is actually in accessory mode so let's see if we can get that to turn off and then let's try to start the car up oh so somebody's actually jumpered this right here so that way it stays on all the time there we go but i wonder why they did that i know there's no fan like mechanical fan right here there is a shroud but there's no mechanical fan so probably they had the mechanical fan deleted and which is why they have this one running all the time but if i think if i plug it in right here nope that is not where it goes or does it there's some water in there you know what i don't think we're gonna need this right now so i think all the pins are messed up in that temperature sensor we're not gonna need that right now for the startup so let's just get on it and let's see how our luck is today i'm actually scared to push the clutch in because you saw how like the whole transmission was separated but i think i'm gonna have to push that clutch in in order for it to bypass the switch so we can actually turn it on but first i'm gonna try to do it without pressing the clutch it's in neutral all right here it goes it's cranking i don't hear the fuel pump running or anything yeah no fuel pump all right let me try pushing the clutch in oh that was not good that felt really weird like almost like it popped and i can see every time i push the clutch in the whole gear stick everything is moving is the engine moving when i push the clutch in yeah the whole engine's moving when i push the clutch in all right let's try this one more time oh i know why i forgot to plug in the maf sensor all right now let's try this again all right i'm not gonna push the clutch in because it was cranking without it so maybe it'll still be okay let's see it sounds so weird like sounds like it's rubbing on something maybe i shouldn't keep trying to turn it on and the battery's dead all right let's try it again all right now we've got jumper cables attached let's see what happens still nothing i don't hear the fuel pump running at all so i jumpered the fuel pump relay to get the fuel flowing and i took the jumper back off and put the fuel pump another fuel pump relay on there so it might turn on probably just turn on for a little bit and then cut off but we'll see what happens all right i think we're gonna need some more juice on the battery okay all right so now we got the battery we got a battery charger hooked up let's see what happens still needs to charge up some more all right we got the battery charged up let's see if it turns on this time and i also moved the jumper battery to the front to go directly to the starter fingers crossed and even if it does turn on i'm going to turn it off right away because that transmission is not attached so i don't want it you know eating anything else up or chewing anything else up inside the bell housing so we're gonna quickly see if the engine runs and then we'll turn it back off all right ready we got the fuel primed everything should be good [Music] it runs all right the battery light is on for some reason and no more weird oh it runs and it stayed running wow only thing is i don't know why the battery light stayed running hopefully it's just because the battery is almost dead we can deal with all that later engine runs that's all i care about now we can finally start tearing everything apart let's do it [Music] so the transmission is already pretty much unhooked but we have a lot of other stuff we got to take off before we can pull the transmission off i will check back in with you on every spider bite and any other issues that we come across but for right now all the stuff's cut so we're just gonna start tearing it off as quickly as we can let's do it okay that's one damn this thing is completely broken off look at all this we're going to get new muffler mounts hopefully we can source a used muffler or use exhaust system from the headers back that way we don't have to worry about trying to fix all this don't worry about that go towards the back is it dead yeah killing all these spiders there's a small little baby spider that just came all the way down here's another spider oh where to go where'd it go i'm just using this whole can of brake clean get rid of all these spiders [Music] i really hope i remember where all these bolts go i don't have the e36 chassis as memorized as the e46 oh spider egg okay now drive shaft and then we can get the transmission down pull this down like that all right now get on this side what yeah there's a grease to go on this over here all right hold it oh that's there support bearing is trash lucky for me i bought another one just in case as promised whenever we found something i was going to record bet you won't be able to guess what this came off of all right i'll give y'all three more seconds the oil pan this is the first time i've ever seen this i've actually broken block bolts from like the bell housing but i've never actually broken an oil pan like the ear off of the oil pan i really don't know how this happened but we're about to find out the transmission is pretty much unhooked so there were actually bolts holding the transmission in place most of them were just loose the only tight ones were the starter bolts so besides that about pull the whole transmission off part of the slave cylinder actually the piston of the slave cylinder is stuck in the transmission as well so hopefully we don't have you know too big of a trouble trying to pull off the transmission but i'll find out in 30 seconds [Applause] go down you put it down things are just breaking off oh wow the whole transmission's broken i was not expecting that this fell off of here it was like that wow catastrophic how does that even happen though i still don't i still don't know what the story is behind here but i really hope that whoever owns this or used to own this car follows this youtube channel so they can let us know exactly what happened here and why did it go to copart how did all of this break man but i guess now we're going to do is we're going to try to find out hopefully the clutch is still good and if it is we're going to look we will luck out because i've got two of these transmissions right outside on the trailer from previous part out cars so funny thing is quick tip for you guys the e36 m3s actually use the same zf five-speed manual as the ones that are in the e46 330is 328's even the e36 328 so it's easy to find these transmissions so if yours is broken it's not that big of a deal all right more investigating oh no that clutch is gone broken like wow even the pilot bearing is out of here all right let's just take it out see how it looks let's see the damage oh the clutch completely separated so the materials actually there's still a good amount left i would say probably like 50 percent but this right here how does that happen i still i i just don't understand i mean somebody had to really launch it in order for this to like really separate like that because i mean the pressure plate and everything actually looks not bad but now here's the other dilemma you know i don't want to spend a lot of money to get this car back up and running i don't know if i'm going to like it yet you know i've never really driven an e36 m3 for an extended period of time so i'm trying to figure out what's the cheapest way for me to get this you know car back up and running so now i know i'm going to use one of my transmissions i have already but now we also have to figure out a way to get a clutch these clutches they're not too expensive i'll say about 400 bucks but the problem is i know most people don't stock it so if we are able to find somebody that has a used clutch clutch and pressure plate with a good amount of life left in it we'll do that otherwise worst case scenario i know i've got a take off from another car that i did a clutch replacement on with the the flywheel clutch pressure plate all of that but the problem with that is it's actually from a 330. so the good thing about you know most bmws the bell housing patterns are the similar so from like e36 even e30s you can use a bunch of the m52 m54 any of those transmissions that are available and they will all bolt right up and we can even actually use that dual mass fiber from the 330 and the clutch and all that all that should work properly only thing is i'm not sure if it's going to be able to hold you know the power from the s50 but i guess we're gonna find that out on our road trip i mean this pressure plane stuff is actually not bad though like if i could just find a clutch disc i think i would be able to make it work oh i think this is bent or it might not be i guess we'll find out when we put it in so i think this clutch was actually recently replaced though because like all this stuff looks pretty new so this clutch might actually be more than 50 this might be a new clutch what if they just put it the wrong way how did it come out did you see it i know the camera sell it because that's also a possibility someone just did the clutch job and when they were doing it they put it the opposite way so it says jet tree upside which means this side needs to go facing the gear box and it says motor site which means this side faces the engine so if someone had it flipped like this they want to go put the transmission back on and it won't go all the way in so what then what they had to do is they had to just tighten those bolts down as hard as they could that cracked the ear off of the transmission on this side it cracked the oil pan and that might explain everything because all this stuff like the pressure plate the flywheel all that stuff actually looks in pretty good condition still there's no grooves on it it's got surface rust from sitting but for the most part it's all good man hopefully that's i think i figured it out hopefully that's what it is so couldn't find an actual s50 pressure plate flywheel clutch none of that only thing i had with me was this take off 330 pressure plate flywheel that whole assembly so all this came off of someone's car that i actually did a clutch replacement on a long time ago we converted that to a single mass flywheel so we had all this used stuff remaining it's not in that good of a condition but the clutch itself has probably about 50 60 life left the flywheel is pretty much shot pressure plate has all hot spots all over it as well just like the flywheel we did get a new throw out bearing because they had that in stock but everything else was going to reuse this should definitely last us for the trip hopefully it lasts through the spirited driving that i really want to do you know burnouts and everything but we'll see how long it lasts as long as it makes it to our whole adventure and gets us back home we should be fine one thing i did do though is i replaced the pilot bearing as well because when we took out the transmission that was on here the pilot bearing literally just fell out so i went ahead and got a new one of those along with that throw out bearing so hopefully that should you know keep this transmission together here's the clutch like i said before it's got about 50 life left in it a quick and easy way to tell how much life is left in the clutch is you look at the rivets and you look at the material that's left on top of the rivets so there are official measurements which you can find online this one just by the looks of it i know that's about halfway worn down but you can see it still has the grooves and stuff in the friction material so that's why i'm saying it should last us a little bit of time still but this pressure plate it is completely shot i mean there's hot spots all over it and it's not really too grooved up there's a little groove on the edge should be fine one thing that i am going to try you know do a whole experiment with this is this is a self-adjusting clutch because it got the dual mass flywheel so you use a self-adjusting clutch with this like it is from factory for the 330s not on the s50 but on this one it is a self-adjusting clutch so what we're going to end up doing is i'm not going to reset the pressure plate so usually whenever you take a pressure plate off of a self-adjusting clutch you have to reset that pressure plate the self-adjusting mechanism so there's it's loaded with like a little bit of springs like three springs around it that you want to reset and pretty much what that does it allows the pressure plate to relearn the location of the clutch for us in theory what i'm thinking is this pressure plate and this clutch and flywheel were all together so the hopefully the self-adjusting mechanism is stored at that point what i think actually is happening is as soon as you take the pressure plate off the whole self-adjusting mechanism just shoots to you know the maximum whatever so we're just going to see how it works hopefully it still engages and we'll see if you know how the clutch and everything feels that self-adjusting clutch pretty much what it allows you to do is the pedal feel will remain the same no matter how much the clutch is wearing down so that's the whole point of that we'll see how this experiment plays out so here's a self-adjusting mechanism that was talking about on the pressure plate in order to reset it what you have to do is you want to push these forks compress them down all the way and then you're going to push all these springs and the actual plate anti-clockwise and as you're doing that you're going to see these springs compress once they're all the way fully compressed you have to hold that compression and release the pressure plate forks so it's just a couple you know i would recommend doing it with two people it makes a lot easier and there are quite a few guides out there online and bmw actually also makes a special tool to do just that but with this whole theme of just winging it getting it done we're just gonna see how long this lasts and how it feels i'm really curious because i've never done it this way where just put you know the pressure plate back on and to be fair usually whenever i have the transmission off and the pressure plate off we're putting a whole new clutch assembly in anyways but you know if i really end up loving this car after this adventure all of this stuff is coming off i mean the whole car is going to get gutted we're going to clean it up or you know whatever we plan to do with it all this stuff's going to come out anyways trans is finally in took a lot of tries but we finally got it the main issue was the the clutch disc was just not sitting 100 where it needed to be even when i used the clutch alignment tool but we got it squared away still got to hook up the linkage still got to do a lot of buttoning stuff up still got to change all the fluids but it's really late now and i think we literally have about 30 hours before we're planning on leaving so tomorrow we're going to hit this really hard get everything done mechanically we still got to figure out what we're going to do about the exhaust we still have to clean all this up because it's very smells really bad in here so the guy changed all the filters because there's mouse poop and all that everywhere but a lot of stuff we're going to make a list first thing in the morning and we'll start knocking everything off one at a time that we can leave hopefully the day after tomorrow early in the morning this was very late in the evening i had finally got the exhaust stuff taken care of so for the exhaust we ended up doing the flange that was broken off near the headers i had all that stuff welded up at a muffler shop and then i actually was able to source a used muffler from uh from one of my buddies at ces motorsports so they sold us a muffler that goes off of a stock e36 m3 and i was able to just bolt that in since the rest of the stuff was still intact so that pretty much helped us out because we're able to get all that stuff situated without having to do you know too much stuff to the exhaust that was already there so it's like past midnight and i had to actually end up changing those engine mounts because the transmission was resting on this reinforcement bar so we got the new engine mounts in i look like a mess it's past midnight and we were supposed to be leaving around 5 a.m so in about five hours still got to put the interior back together i do a few other things as well like putting the windshield wiper arm on changing the wipers out checking all the fluids and then actually turn it on for the first time with all the work done we haven't test driven it at all yet i did and also i also ended up changing the differential fluid i do want to change the coolant out but i want to do that outside because it does make usually a lot more of a mess and i want to use the water hose to you know flush everything out but we'll see if we get to that otherwise we will just hit the road and see what happens but yeah let me bring the car back down and start working on the top now so i was checking the belts before we did our first startup and i noticed that there was some melted rubber on the alternator pulley but i remember when i first turned the car on just to see if the engine would run that was about two days ago i remember that the battery light was on as well on the dash so i took the belt off all the way and i started messing with the alternator pulley and guess what it is completely stuck like it won't even move so that belt when i had turned it on the other day it was just spinning on that alternator pulley and that's why it was melting so we're still at home a couple hours later than we wanted to be but now at least you know we avoid one failure and that probably would have caused the belt to shred within less than a mile probably because i mean that pulley is completely seized up so lucky for us we can go and order that alternator and we'll get it swapped out yeah i told them i told them that the alternator was stuck it took us like five hours to find an alternator we finally got one it's a 140 amp so the one that was in here was an 80 amp so i bought 140 amp as an upgrade you know i can't help it i mean i'm not trying to spend a lot of money not trying to make it right but kind of wanted to make it a little bit right especially if i do end up loving this car this would have been an upgrade i would have done eventually so i had to buy a new alternator regardless the 80 amp one was half the price of this one but they didn't have it in stock so we got 140 amp installing it right now one thing i didn't know is you need to have a longer bolt um so it's a very good thing that i noticed this before we were on the road trip because where would i have found a long metric bolt like that home depot doesn't stock it lows doesn't stock it but lucky for me i had it stopped here but yeah so right now just getting the alternator put back together then i can put everything else back on and then we can finally see if it's going to run if it's going to run right so a couple more minutes and we should be ready to figure everything out oh yeah it ain't going nowhere just finished putting the alternator in that was actually pretty quick it took me less than 10 minutes it took me longer to find the alternator but now we're about to turn it on i'm not going to let it run for too long i'm just going to turn it on let the clutch out make sure the wheels are spinning that way we could take it off the lift here it goes oh the keys are there right here i got him i got him i got him i gotta take my shoes off cause selena's brother cleaned the crap literally all the crap out of here it's super clean still smells but ready oh why the clutch feels so soft all of a sudden is the engine moving when i push the clutch in all right here it goes [Music] it's running all right tell me if the wheels move ready they're moving all right we good let's hit the road time to go what do you mean that's our test drive it's time to go or not test drive that was our test start up all right so what i really want to do right now we're going to fog the inside because it still smells really bad so we got one of these like air freshener fogger things but for that we have to make sure the car is not overheating because i've got the ac on i'm open the door pull the car out turn the ac on and see how everything handles all right let's do it can you believe this is the first time it's going to move under its own power since we bought it we had to push it onto the 18-wheeler when we moved here from california because it wasn't running so we had to like do a whole push start like it was like we had to go on the hill get it all up on the 18-wheeler and then man we finally got it to the carolinas we had to push it in on to our ramp me and selina were struggling to get it up here but we finally got it all right we got enough stuff to talk about on the road trip [Music] and they're rubbing on so what was it rubbing on then all right first test drive let's see how she does i think it's rubbing in the back but i'm not sure it could just be all the bushings and stuff the ac works kind of brakes work but abs light is on not sure why [Music] i feel like the brakes are dragging on one of the calipers yeah there you see stop working right it's not cold yeah it's not cool i think it just needs to be recharged i don't know why the abs light is on though and there's a check control it says brake lights failure all right so this is a test drive before we actually go on the road trip i still gotta pack all of my tools basically i gotta do all that put some cameras right here put the rear view mirror on somehow and i think we're gonna have to go buy some cans to recharge the ac it drives pretty good all right back to the house all right so it just started misfiring whenever i step on it i think it might just be kind of a gas and also made a weird noise with the power steering and i know i had to top it up so hopefully it's not leaking out i don't see anything behind me but yeah it's definitely misfiring now i don't have my wallet so we can't even fill up gas let's go back to the house pack everything up we're gonna need some ac refrigerant to recharge this we'll fill up gas figure out the misfire hopefully it's just the gas so we got everything packed up and we even filled up some gas and right now it was still misfiring at this point but eventually as we kept driving it cleared out and then we decided to stop by a walmart to get some ac refrigerant because it was super hot and humid and they actually fixed it it was just took a couple of cans of ac refrigerant and then we had ice cold ac the rest of the drive was pretty uneventful nothing really happened and it started getting dark but most of it was just trees so we really didn't film too much of it but here are just some rolling clips of once we actually got on the road alright so it's my first time in the car and stuff is already going wrong but yeah so as soon as she got in here the right turn signal stopped working so left turn signal still works so i'm almost positive it's the the uh the emergency signal thing yeah it's either the emergency signal the flasher the hazards it's either that or the relay that's in the engine compartment one of those just went out oh man the joys of owning an e36 huh we're about to take exit so i'll give her a little bit of a freeway run yeah it ain't that fast but the e36 it feels very heavy i'm gonna do a full review tomorrow during the day exit 196ab yes i'll do a full review of my thoughts my initial reactions of driving and everything tomorrow when we are you know driving during the day yeah see you in fs and that was the fourth year pull two he left at the fork it's not like i was in fifth gear we'll record it better tomorrow and she's also sick so that's why we're kind of been slacking on the content for you know finishing up for three quarters so when we were finishing up the whole car she's been sick the whole time so that's why it was filmed very good at the beginning and then that same night she started getting sick so then all the quality and content went downhill from there so you'll see me on a tripod struggling to put the exhaust up i'm sure you guys already saw that actually but yeah so that was all because she was sick so i had to go back to being a one-man show and didn't work out too well but hey we're here we're on the road in the e36 and i mean there was a huge change of plans which was where we're actually going but we'll talk all about that tomorrow all right that's i think we're gonna cut it out tonight unless something you know surprising or eventful happened yeah we still have to drive like three more hours three hours to our destination for the evening and we're gonna go to sleep good morning everyone first full day of the whole road trip so we're just getting out of the hotel i'm about to do all my morning checks see how everything is i didn't even check the oil yesterday we drove it about 320 or 30 miles so i need to check tire wear you check all the fluids make sure nothing else is leaking out and most of all make sure the car turns back on because the first time that you know battery's been hooked up we've driven it and sat overnight so a lot of variables let's just start looking at everything one by one i gotta get my bar gold hold on one thing that is yet to grow on me is a coop not a big fan of coops as most of you guys already know but it's growing on me which one should we start with first oil you can't really check until a car is warmed up but you'll get an idea if it's filled up or not so we'll check that so so far on the trip we have not had any overheating or anything like that any of those problems we did when we did the first test drive out of the shop we did have issues with the power steering system and that was because the pressure line hose was kinked at coport i guess when they were picking up with the fork they kinked it so i did my best to unkink it with some pliers and i think we did the trick because we haven't had any issues we haven't had any issues since we've been driving so oil is definitely all right hasn't burned any and it hasn't leaked any power steering do i really want to get my hand dirty yeah we'll leave it coolant i think the coolant level sensor in here is not working right because saying that we're low but we are definitely not it still smells funky like the first time but it should be all right now one thing i definitely want to check is the tires because the tires that came with it one tire was showing wires only one because of excessive camber wear and that was on the back hopefully those were just you know they just put those wheels back on before they sent the car to the auction but we're still gonna check everything make sure it's all good so the wheels that we put on had all good tires on it but i was talking about the wheels that came with the car when it was when we got it from the auction it's not camberwear it's not bad but i had to keep my eye on it i think this tire might have already had some camber wear because these have been our og road trip wheel so whenever we were going from california to la when we first moved out these were the wheels that were on the car so these wheels have seen a lot one of them is actually kind of bent but for the most part we've got two brand new tires in the front the back two tires are probably around 50 tread left and these wheels are actually the first ever wheels aftermarket wheels that i bought when i was like 17 and they are some replica aftermarkets of the volk te37s not sure of the brand i just know the size is 17 by eight and a half yes i just had a double check that's why i look down there i don't know the offsets or anything like that but somehow it kind of worked out perfect for this because the offsets fit the e36 so well no rubbing and i mean yes it's not completely flush but it's very close to it so i'm actually very happy with how these came out definitely not going to stay on there long term if we decide to do whatever we decide to do with the car but for right now it should definitely make the rest of the road trip enjoyable and actually doesn't look bad so time to check the rest of the tires and then we're gonna hit the road for breakfast so we just noticed that the mic was not fully plugged in and i was just talking normally because i'm trying to be obnoxious at eight in the morning so hopefully you guys can hear what i said about all the rest of the stuff that happened just before this but now we got it fixed so the rest of the trip should be all right anyways as i was saying i think the most important accessory for all of my road trips is this right here the radar so this specific radar my fiancee actually got me for christmas but i've always used the valentine one i do like this one as well it's a uniden r7 the extreme long range one and it does work really well it does have a lot less false alarms as opposed to the valentine one but overall i mean i like the digital readout i like how it tells you your speed it's got gps connectivity as well it's a very good radar but that's not what y'all are here for we're about to have the first startup let's see what happens first startup of the day oh starts off like a champ not even cold start misfires wow i'm impressed honestly all right let's hit the road all right our first car wash let's see what water comes in from hopefully we walk away with the full car still nothing falls off i could feel my paint getting scratched but too bad's already really scratched out oh you heard that our window fell off our mirror fell off damn it we got duct tape and it's still here no i saw it just hanging there but what about the other brushes oh my goodness that's so disappointing i thought like the weather strip in the back or something fell off oh we still don't know oh the floors you guys open the door and get it no no you're fine oh that feels soft yeah oh wow the windshield actually looks cleaner yeah what the heck [Music] no breaking [Music] the ladies like these kids are clueless because we never go through a car wash it like that no vacuum we just got our first car wash and the mirror fell off let's see how bad it is oh that's not bad i did i think it just popped out oh can you hold the door i don't know why you just didn't close it all right it popped back in we're good but that that's crazy i didn't i thought we lost the mirror for sure it's all good we're in florida back with the palm trees [Music] after 1300 miles in four long days this year venture is coming to an end with some success some success i don't know a lot of failure i think the failure is on the whole premise of this video yeah so the premise of this video was we were gonna fix this e36 m3 as quickly and as cheaply as possible and then we're going to road trip it you know a thousand plus miles just to see how everything feels and we were hoping stuff would break so we would be fixing it along the way and get content but i guess you were too good huh you fixed it too well too well and then i mean we i think we started this whole euroventure off on a on a i guess a bad omen because she got sick after the first day of filming and she was really sick i mean she's still sick yeah really sick yeah but she's getting not covered or anything yeah i just had a really bad cold but so it started off like that but i guess i fixed it way too well because nothing broke and it's really not that quick so it's not like we can do burnouts and you know do oh we tried we didn't answer the clips right here [Music] [Music] we tried i mean i didn't rev it out too much because i know that this clutch will probably break apart and see that's probably a fault of mine is i know how everything works and i know how much time and effort goes into fixing things so subconsciously i don't end up doing stuff that's going to hurt the car man yep but over the last 1300 miles that's how much we've driven it so far we've still got three hours left to go but we've i mean we have driven it pretty hard i mean it's got a lot of weight in it we've got enough tools to rebuild the whole car in the back we've been driving it through some crazy roads you know a lot of potholes we took it to georgia then we took it to florida on the gulf side so tampa bay clear water we drove it across florida through orlando daytona beach we took it to the daytona international raceway on the outside we didn't go inside i wish we could it was raining so much rain i mean florida i don't know what's wrong with florida it rains at least once an hour we thought north carolina was bad with its bipolar weather but florida is on another level florida's so much worse and it's so humid so i think the only thing that actually went wrong on the car or the only thing i guess i didn't end up fixing was the ac so we ended up fixing that within the first 30 minutes of driving the car and it's been ice cold ever since and i mean we sat in traffic with the ac full blast in like 90 plus degree weather in tampa didn't overheat at all i mean the coolant needle has been dead center the whole time we haven't burnt any oil i've been checking the oil checked the tires tires have been wearing pretty good i mean everything has just been going right which is crazy i mean we're still not home but so far everything yeah i mean i try to do a burnout and obviously that didn't happen i'm sure i could make it happen but i will probably end up breaking something if i do make it happen so we'll probably do it closer to home exactly yep yeah it just sucks that i got sick man i know that kind of ruined everything it really did i mean our original plan was to go to texas drive into texas and then do all the texas coast stuff like houston places that we haven't been in texas and that didn't happen because i mean it wasn't only her fault for getting sick i mean i guess it wasn't her fault at all for getting sick but it was also because we had other issues that happened with the car as far as the alternator and we couldn't source that in time so that put us back almost a full 12 hours in terms of our timeline but you know one thing i urge anybody honestly i think this trip it really helps you learn about the car i mean how you feel about the car and you learn so much about the car just driving it and being able to go through different you know roads different states have different kinds of roads and just different atmospheres it you know you really get a good feel for if you're if you're gonna like the car or not and i think this is the first time we've ever road tripped a coupe right yes this is the first time we've driven a coupe over like more than a day yeah like we don't have any coops yeah i mean and to be honest we don't really love it i don't love coops i hate coops they're just not practical i mean you can't we had to bring a whole nother car as i mean we were going to use that car as our camera car and to go fetch parts when stuff was supposed to break but it didn't um but if we hadn't brought that car we have two other people her her siblings her brother and her sister if we hadn't brought that car this trip would have ended three days ago the first day we would have driven somewhere like four hours and then we would have drove right back because this is not comfortable at all for more than two people so i don't think it's a i don't think the e36 would be a good daily unless your daily route consists of just you and driving not that far because really not that comfortable everything squeaks everything rattles and i mean i guess it is an older car that's why it does that but i think most e36s do that yeah but it would be a good track car it would be an amazing track car and i mean it feels very nimble even with some of this worn suspension if it's really tight i mean it feels really good so i think that's that is definitely something to consider but i mean i really want an e36 m3 like a clean e36 m3 yeah so this is like this is like the crossroads it can become a very clean e36 m3 and it can also be a very good track car so we'll leave it up to you guys maybe not i might not end up making it clean but what do you guys think we should do should we make it a track car or should we clean it up and make it back into a clean example of an e36 m3 and with that i leave you guys with this euroventure comment down below on what car we should do next you know i want to keep it cheap that's the whole point of this something cheap something we can actually still find that's not super rare and hopefully if you guys have any suggestions of any cars that you guys know of feel free to message me on instagram with the post or a listing for it and we might make that our next euroventure car but there will still be videos on this car we'll figure something out diys anything or a formal car review or combo problems etc etc there's so many so much content that we can make on this car and we will now that is on the road registered and insured yep because we do not plan on selling it yup well we're definitely not gonna sell it so that's it for this video i really hope you guys enjoyed our euroventure and we will see you guys in our next one
Channel: ShopLifeTV
Views: 43,693
Rating: 4.9085441 out of 5
Keywords: bmw, e36 m3, copart rebuild, car build, e36 build, 1995 bmw m3, broken bmw rebuild, broken m3 rebuild, e36 m3 build, s50 rebuild, broken transmission, cars, wrecked rebuild, roadtrip, bmw roadtrip, roadkill, bmw m3, rebuilt bmw, broken clutch, bmw e36 m3, road trip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 2sec (3542 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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