Fixing and Cleaning a $1900 Miata

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good morning so if you don't know already this is my Civic and it's my project car my drift car and it's also my daily um and I love this car but there's a couple of things wrong with it firstly and maybe least importantly uh it's not very fast second it's an automatic transmission and third it's really rusty and that's the main problem with this one specifically I've been searching now for a few years for a new Civic altogether either already swapped or one that's really clean that I could swap myself and after a long time searching thankfully uh the other day on Marketplace something popped up and I reached out to him immediately and I I managed to get pretty much exactly what I've been looking for and what I've been hoping for for a while let me show you foreign and this one it's got a stick in it come at me now world what are you gonna do yeah I'm that cool now what are you gonna do that so overall the car's in really good condition there's barely any rust on it except on the side rocker panels the inside's in fantastic condition except it needs a new shift knob and shift boot this tail lights crusty that tail light's broken and honestly it's the worst thing on the whole car old broken crusty soft top it's broken worse than the last time I saw it just so happens by pure coincidence I have a brand new all of that stuff so um let's get to putting it on and cleaning this car up [Music] okay that's a start [Music] foreign [Music] you can see why I'm replacing it it is very broken [Music] and there's a second one and you can see how clouded and faded and Sun bleached that one is versus this one um and that's why we're shopping about because this one's gross and that one's broken [Music] [Music] that was easy let's go throw back in the car foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] was already out it's only one has to work for it to be a success that was better work it's your reflection in the car that one's working dub I think I just ripped my pants down here confirmed so now we're on to five I'm dying to do we got ourselves a shift troops and we have the shift knob a new one because this one has a cool feature very cool feature thank you uh AutoZone that was a very very good design I gotta start by removing the center console here [Music] inside this I think you're supposed to cut this here to like fit in there but these brides are notorious for fraying when you cut them so I'm gonna just see if I can just kind of wedge it in here and see how that looks might look terrible we'll see threads are pretty much in the middle it's pretty flush so let's see how it looks on here [Music] for that now for the part that I've been waiting for [Music] now let's do it [Music] that makes an annoying sound I'll have to do something about that but other than that bruh [Music] I like it I like it I know I say I get all this garbage out of here let me go take it for a drive let's go foreign [Music] [Music] all right well I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy with that oh you're good bro damn this car is slow let's go um I'm gonna pull these headlight shrouds off because they're all nasty and you know the paint's wearing off so I'm gonna paint those before we do this and then throw them back in with the dry [Music] stressing up you see why I'm gonna paint that because that looks like that or just leave it like that steampunk man [Music] time to replace the top honestly I don't even know why we're changing this thing it's solid [Laughter] take it easy [Music] all right that's how you proud to remove the softer foreign [Music] [Music] fall out foreign [Music] realizing I have a severe lack of knowing what I'm doing I'll check back does this look fun from over there Steph right there obviously they're just a few more steps but that's the step okay so it seems like the next step is to put all the nuts we took back in off of here and slide this thing into the rain rail so let's do it you know what I think about our ideas right now going to bed picking it up tomorrow that sounds like a great idea I'll see you tomorrow stretch now baby let's get this done [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now this problem won't work between the power not stretchy this thing is but let's give it a shot okay but these things are adjustable because of that [Music] foreign like sit something heavy up here for a little while you know in the meantime I'll put the headlight shroud back on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go we're gonna close the stop [Music] it's like very similar to how it was before yes it's like done okay now I just gotta make this thing road legal real quick China hit him yeah all right I'm gonna swap their plates over and then I think we're good to roll [Music] it might be out of gas thank you [Music]
Channel: Screw It Garage
Views: 774,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Miata, Soft top, NA, headlights, taillights, replacement, detail, cleaning, new
Id: YmSdNP_Aufc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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