Fix Tight Shoulders, Rhomboid Pain, or Arm Pain (FOLLOW ALONG)

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here's a follow-along routine with the five best exercises to help correct and prevent shoulder tightness rhomboid pain symptoms down your arm even poor neck posture it's the kind of thing that you can do at the end of the day if you spend all day on your computer or looking at your phone or if you've had a stressful day and you've got tight shoulders if you've got a towel and access to a floor or a hard surface awesome if you don't I'll give you Alternatives as I go do this first exercise on a rolled up towel of about seven to ten centimeters wide the Alternatives is just a folded towel or no towel if it feels uncomfortable or you don't have a towel okay with legs bent lean back over the towel so that the towel ends at the base of your neck then hold your head with your hands and with your chin down lower back over the towel and relax your elbows back so that's one rep now lift up lifting your elbows and head gently and then lower back down chin down and relax over the towel again so that's two reps and we're going to do ten rep3 as you lift up your head don't lift it up too hard or too high maybe just 70 percent of the way up to keep it nice and gentle four when you relax back down over the towel relax completely and let everything go breathing out as you relax down can help five you can vary the pace and do it a little quicker or if you prefer you can relax for a few seconds or longer when you're down six make sure you keep your chin down as you relax back over the towel don't lift your chin up as you descend seven it helps if you lengthen the back of your neck with your hands just tractioning slightly and that helps to keep the chin down eight this motion opens the joints at the base of the neck and the upper back releasing them nine as you do this gravity extends your upper back over the towel helping to mobilize it and straighten it ten after the last one you can just relax over the towel for a minute if you like but only if it's comfortable or get straight into the next exercise exercise 2 starts off in the same position on a rolled towel a folded towel or just a firm surface I'll show an alternative up against a wall on the last rip with the head down low lengthen the back of your neck as far as it'll comfortably go and hold that for a few seconds and that's your first rep then two allow your neck to come back in and then draw it out lengthen the back of your neck with your hands and stretch it and hold three keep your head back as far as it comfortably can go it should feel like a nice stretch four if you can just slide along the floor with your fingers without lifting your head five tucking your neck in slightly as you lengthen the back of the neck adds to the stretch six and breathe out as you lengthen your neck this helps the spine joints to release seven you should feel a nice stretch in your upper back as you lengthen the neck eight as you pull with your hands you can gently resist with your neck if you like nine this gentle resistance helps the stretch and lengthens the Deep spinal extensors 10 and the lengthening movement opens all the sliding joints in the base of the neck and the upper back better next flip over to all fours for exercise number three start off by putting your arms right out and dropping your chest down so that your torso ends up roughly parallel with your arms then from that position drop your head forward slightly and then draw it straight back chin down and hold that for a few seconds then finish by returning to a wide tabletop position then rep 2 lower your chest and repeat you want to be facing about 90 degrees to the line of your arms and torso as you pull your head back to hold for a few seconds keep your chin down but not too hard three aim to keep your thighs vertical when your chest is lowered if your shoulders hurt you can rest your elbows on the floor or move your arms wider apart four this exercise helps flatten out a rounded mid-back because poor posture often starts in the mid back but it also mobilizes spinal joints and strengthens postural muscles 5. you should feel a stretch in your lower mid back as you lower your chest down but then feel the muscles working further up in your upper back as you pull your head back repeat five times slowly then it's easy to move into a kneeling position for exercise number four an alternative for this is doing this on the chair for people with bad knees which I'll show on the last rep again so start off by rounding your mid back and dropping your head down then arch your mid back and bring your head back but again with the chin down two repeat this slowly aiming to extend your mid back first by pushing your chest forward and then slightly afterwards moving your head back slowly it's a little bit easier to coordinate that way three only move the head back as far as is comfortable which is normally not much further back than the mid back and again don't tuck your chin in too hard 4. this is a variation of a chin tuck that mobilizes joints at the junction between your neck and your upper back five you should feel it stretching just below the neck now five of these should be enough for this routine to finish we stand up to move into a different plan of motion the aim of this last exercise is to lean away from the side of any pain particularly arm pain but if you have gentle shoulder stiffness you can actually do this on both sides so start off by putting the forearm of the side of any pain behind your back and securing it with the other hand and then tuck your chin in and lean away from the side of pain hold that for a few seconds and then repeat two you should feel the muscles on the outside of your neck stretch a bit but don't do it if it hurts on the side that you lean to three tucking the chin in opens the spinal joints but again don't tuck it in too firmly because it can make the movement uncomfortable foreign ing away from the side of pain opens the joints on the painful side relieving and releasing stuck joints five do this five times slowly if you just have shoulder muscle tightness on both sides as I mentioned you can do it on the other side too doing this routine regularly can help stop joint restricts from building up and keep this area nice and free just make sure you don't do any exercises that hurt and go gently the first day maybe just do half the Reps and see how you go the next day just in case it's a bit inflamed and obviously if any pain or symptoms persist go and see a professional now I've got several videos with exercises and advice for this area so I'll leave some links in the description box below anyway I hope you liked the video if you did please consider liking and subscribing because it really helps and I'll be really interested to hear from people which exercise they like the best so let me know in the comment section below okay cheers
Channel: Body Fix Exercises
Views: 41,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cervical radiculopathy, scapular pain, shoulder blade pain, upper back pain, mid back pain, rhomboid exercises, scapular pain relief, costovertebral pain, fix rhomboid pain, shoulder blade, pinched nerve in neck, pinched neck nerve, arm pain from neck, numbness in fingers, nerve pain in arm, arm pain, hand numbness, pinched nerve, rhomboid pain exercises, pinched nerve exercises, forward head posture, text neck, poor posture, tight shoulders, physical therapy
Id: SQGkw8psTIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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