Fix Packaging Error Unknown Structure UE4 - you need to refresh all your changed structure nodes

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okay so sometimes when i package my project i get this error uh this one here blah blah blah blah blah blah something about a function library or a blueprint and then uh unknown structure okay and what this error is from is it's when you change one of your blueprint structures but you don't refresh the places where that structure is used um i wish it would refresh it by itself but it doesn't so there were two in my two in my function library and one in a blueprint okay so let's go to that blueprint first uh safeguard modify parent but basically what you have to do is you just have to go in save game modifier parent and you just need to refresh the place where that's used so this this thing here save him infer i added that in dungeon boolean and i haven't refreshed this so i just need to click refresh compile and save um maybe refresh this as well because that's where it's coming from um and then do it in the rest of the places so i'll just do it here and then you just repackage your game and it'll work so that's how you fix that and if you're having trouble finding where it's used just use the search function thing at the bottom um down here so that's how i found this uh that's the same one this is a different structure that just has the same name so that's sort of irrelevant um i don't think it's this one but let me just refresh those just in case like it doesn't it can't hurt um you might be able to do a refresh all actually that could be a cool thing to try uh what are you you're no it's not you it's not you is it you no it's not you i'm just looking over here on the right if you click on the structure you can see which ones it might be i think it's this one no maybe it's all fixed all right but if you wanted to try and refresh them all you can go up to here and then go refresh all nodes and did that maybe that just did this function i'm not sure but anyway go through and refresh them recompile your game and it should work fingers crossed um that seems to be a problem that i have a lot so i just thought i'd mention that
Channel: Slightly Esoteric Game Development
Views: 15,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4, unreal engine, game development, indie games, game dev, gdc, epic games, tutorial, virtus education, dean ashford, breath of the wild, botw, the legend of zelda, jackson nexhip, artificial intelligence, development log, dev log, sebastian lague, raymond cripps, gmtk, unity, gaming, streaming, gamemaker, godot, Matthew Palaje
Id: 1vNBkrg8Qgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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