ComfyUI : XY Plot Tutorial. You will use this a ton!

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hey gang quick video for today we're going to talk about XY plotting that's when you want to compare multiple things against each other and kind of see what the best settings are and sometimes you can take a long time to kind of you know string wires around and figure out what you're doing x-ray plot is a very nice way to do it and to do it you're going to need the efficiency node pack so if you go to your manager and I'll show you I have quite a few nodes installed right now we're going to be doing a lot of really crazy stuff here coming up so I'm preparing those videos for you guys but I wanted to show you what I have installed here if I click the right button you'll see there's an efficiency nodes for comfy UI here this is a fantastic pack here it does do one of those things that I tell you to avoid and that is it it bundles up a lot of functionality and exposes just a few controls but it has so many great modules in it that I highly recommend it and this is one of those that I recommend way back on my very first comfy UI videos because it is so darn handy so let's learn how to do an XY plot it's pretty simple to do but I wanted to walk you through one and then you know how to do it so if we don't double click let's find the best way to do this one just search for the efficiency node so we can do this right and you see that there's an efficiency loader and the efficiency loader for sdxl of course we're going to use this one and then go ahead and set the appropriate SD Excel models then once you have that set this is this is pretty much ready to go and this takes care of a whole lot of those things like an empty latent it has these other things that may be a little interesting here the Tuple is the all the other things that kind of uh are in this node and you can pull them out and you can expand them so this works very similar to the pipe that we covered previously so if you see we expand this to Blue we can pull all of these different pieces out now I'm not going to use this so much because I want to use the impact packs version of the pipe because there's so many other things that I like in there but there's nothing wrong with this one just if the efficiency pack doesn't have the node you need and then you need that pipe you have to unpack it so at this point I'm not really going to use these so much at least we're going to use it briefly for today only because again we can put this down in about four nodes which is really great so in here obviously you have all of your base stuff like you would normally all the things you would expect to find when you hook up your bases and I'm just going to go ahead and pop in this uh here and I'm not going to put any negative prompt so 1024 by 1024 batch size 1 and this has the clip skip in it which is kind of cool too I know a lot of people are into this so you can clip skip minus one there and then the refiner checkpoint go and put that in and you'll see that it adds some of these other things in fact this is not optimal for me I prefer 2.5 here but there we go so that's easy to do and again it's one nice thing now we did do a template a couple weeks ago so if you remember we had here we had the node template and then we had the sdxl base workflow which is all of this stuff here and this pretty much replaces this except for the obviously the case sampler here so it is a pretty cool thing to add in by the way I did put all of these different templates and stuff those graphs are available for people who are supporting the channel including this one here which I just posted a little bit ago so I'm going to watch me build it but that is already available in the posts area of YouTube our Channel sponsors or better so again thank you guys so much for your support again we couldn't do it without you all right so once we have this set up we want to do the the case sampler let's just get that out of the way so we're going to actually use the Tuple here because it comes with the case sampler right away so we're just going to pop that in and again you see that it contains a whole bunch of stuff but it does have this other little strange thing at the top here a sampler state so we have SIMPLE hold and script so script is we're going to use for x-ray plotting and hold will hold whatever it generated last and not regenerate this again so it's the same as kind of picking a fixed seed for example but let's say you don't want to change it to a fixed seed and you just want to hold that that's what hold will do but the rest of this is a pretty standard I think we've all Revisited these things a few different times so let's go ahead ahead and create an XY plot so to do that again I'm going to use this double click and just type in x y and we see we've got X Y plot here now I have a whole bunch of inputs as well which we're going to play with and you can kind of get the idea of where this is going so if I put an X Y plot down we can go ahead and see well we have dependencies and that's all this stuff so we'll just plug that right in that contains you know what are we going to what what model are we using and so on but we do have other options if we did want to use different models there are different XY plots for that so we have an X and A Y here so again we just type in x y and we've got all these different things so the one I was looking at today was a scheduler sampler so we'll put that in here under the Y and then for the X again you can also pull these out it'll give you things but seeds plus plus and a batch is what we want that way we know we're going to generate three of these and we can just kind of go from there so so this is kind of replacing this batch size over here with this one and then so we can go down here to our to our Samplers I actually want to use this schedule here and you know because those are interesting we don't really talk about those very much you can just go ahead and pick them one at a time to see the ones that you'd like to compare and you have to do this a little bit manual but it's about a moment and there you go so what we're going to do here is we're going to plot our scheduler against a different seed and I'll create more or less different rows again you can have this if you want to flip it you can space the grid apart if you'd like you can do all kinds of other little things here and then that's it so we're going to run this into this sampler here as the script this then we do need to hook up these other things like the latent has to come over and then the vae it also has to come over if you don't do the vae by the way you'll get a really weird error it'll say zero and you won't know what is going on that's what's going on and then we can pull down a preview now another little tip by the way if you go into your manager here you'll notice that there's a preview method and it's set To None very fast but if you change this one to the TA ESD slow version and hit close you can expand your sampler and it will actually show you a rendering here as it's building whatever whatever's going on so you can do that and now what I would probably do is just save these off but that's that's totally up to you and you can change it to a preview or a save and there we go that's just about it the only thing you have to remember to do is to change this from sample to script otherwise it's only going to generate one image in the Stop and you'll be like why isn't it doing this whole thing that'd be the reason so once you get this ready just go ahead and and run it this is going to take a bit so we'll through the magic of the internet and YouTube will speed this up for you and there we go once we're done we obviously see that this case sampler did indeed produce those images as it was going which is pretty nice you can also save it from here as well so if you'd like to save this off you save image then obviously if you just drag and drop the image into the interface here it'll load up your XY plot now I do have a template that I made in here so if I do node templates I have XY plot as again this pretty much this exact same thing and so if I need to use it again I can just do that as well so sometimes I may want to borrow bits and pieces of this maybe just replace this part here and leave the seeds in sampler but perhaps I mean leave the seeds but perhaps I want to change the sample to something else so that it's really easy to load that in and ready to go so there you go it gives you a really good example of the different uh schedulers and kind of what they're doing and I think this is really kind of neat so you can see which sampler you prefer and again you can mix and match them you can do part of your workflow with one sampler and then switch in the middle if you wanted to I mean one scheduler sorry I keep interchangeably using those which I should uh but this is a this is pretty sweet so you'll be able to do whatever you do and obviously the seeds are the number of columns and then whatever we have here the number of rows and you can always switch that up here if you want to change the orientation so there you go everybody enjoy have a great weekend Everybody Take Care stay safe and I'll catch y'all next time
Channel: Scott Detweiler
Views: 11,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion, stable diffusion xl, ComfyUI, stable diffusion tutorial, AI art, SDXL, comfy tutorial, sdxl tutorial, sdxl template, ai art tutorial, xy plot tutorial, comfy xy
Id: gbSvsSpfnJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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