FiveM | *UPDATED* How to get a Custom Crosshair “EASY METHOD 2023” (TOP 100 BEST CROSSHAIRS)

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what's good YouTube redino's facings here back and again with another video and save video guys I'm gonna be showing you guys how to get a custom cross here in 2023 it basically works on any game you guys want to use it on mainly we're just gonna be focusing on 5m and also it's not like reshade or Hudson because I know a lot of people for reshade did have problems using a custom Crosser due to the Bucks and everything you know it's different for everyone for Hudson you know that's a paid software a lot of people don't use that anymore so mainly we're just gonna focus on this one today I suggest using this ones as an overall better and easier to launch easier to install and everything so to download this go ahead and join my Discord first in description once you guys join you guys want to head over down to Crosshair setup you guys will see the latest free custom Crosser 2023 download now I already have this downloaded but just download it super easy once it's downloaded you guys can open it up all right then you guys are gonna close your Discord in the back open up app from there on run Crosshair x dot EXE then you guys can close this now when it opens up everything's just gonna look like this so you guys want to head over down to community then you guys will see the top 100 crossers you guys can use any of these let's just say we want to choose a random Crosser I'm gonna just save this one over here this red one just Heart It is going to tell you to save just put in a name I'll just put in one save now let's just save like like two three more just in case uh let's go with this green one I'm Gonna Save that as two look at this one over here three don't just do four for this one once you guys do that you guys want to head over to saved then you guys will see all the saved ones over here now I want to go with the red one I'm just going to press on it as you can see it's changing two changes three four so I'm just gonna stick with one head over to designer now this is where I could change everything like the size so mostly when it comes to Lines Just Go with the second option because you guys could be able to change the lines make it smaller and everything so I'm just going to stick with this size over here you guys can change a bunch of other stuffs you know add a center Dot a bunch of more things outline we're not going to mess around with that so once you guys do that all you guys want to do is press save then you guys want to press X as you can see it's still over here and then you guys want to launch your game so basically what I'm gonna do I'm going to load into 5m and show you guys everything from there on all right once you guys load into any of the game you guys are gonna use a custom Crosshair on it should appear just like this the one you selected now this goes for my 5 minute players if you guys want to get rid of the original GTA Crosshair press f8 on your keyboard I go to my description copy and paste that command over here press enter from there on you guys will lose your original GTA Crosshair now also I know you guys are probably like fuzzy I don't like how the Crosshair looks I want to change that I want to change the size either of the Crosshair that I'm using right now I want to make it bigger one and make it smaller how do I do that now you guys want to open up your Crosshair X app again now what I suggest you guys do is also right click on it and you guys want to pin it to your taskbar so it could be easier just open this up go to designer and make sure you guys are looking at my crosshairs so when I go to um lines and just move this down shrinking if I go up it gets bigger a little bit so I'm just keep it like over here you can mess around with this too but I don't suggest that you know it's different on every cross here you guys can just mess around with the settings so as you can see it will look like this I'm gonna keep it like that since I think that it looks pretty pretty good um deceive that from there on you guys go back into your game it should be looking like this now if you guys want to change it open up Crosshair X again go to saved and now let's just go with the number two as you can see you just apply it just like that now you can do that with any other Crosshair too if I want to go to the community one I want to go with um oh this black one looks nice so as you can see super easy super simple easy software to use but other than that guys that's all I want to show you guys if you guys are new to my channel make sure you guys hit that Thumbs Up And subscribe hope you guys enjoy the video
Channel: FuzzySynx
Views: 190,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u1ltSzfmDEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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