FIVEM | How to install QuantV + NVE together | UPDATED 12/28/23

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okay so in this video I'm going to teach you how you can install nve and quantv together after the latest update to both of them which made them incompatible um there is a way to do it it's just difficult it took me a lot of trial and error and I'm going be showing youall how to do it so the essentials you're going to need are obviously a legal copy of Quant V and NV and open IV if you don't have a legal copy of them I mean I'm sure you can find them somewhere but I wouldn't recommend doing that um anyway not condoning that either so first thing you're want to do you're going to want to do is download open IV which is this program right here um I'm not going to go over how to install that I'll link it in the description if you don't have it but if you are wanting to mod GTA you should probably have have open IV um so after you install that go ahead and open your folders the nve and quantv folder go and open both of those open your 5m application data and open your Grand Theft Auto main directory you can find the main directory by um coming here on Steam uh where is it right clicking and then browse local files and it'll pull up your main directory and 5m just search up 5m right click open file location it'll take you probably here and then you'll just open file location again and open that very simple okay so once you have those open go ahead and open Quant V first or we're going to be installing Quant V first is essential you must do this or they won't work so go ahead and open part one here of quantv go to 5m app and then what you're going to do is drag just drag mods drag this mod folder I already have it installed so I'm not going to do it um fully but this is all you have to do you just drag that all right you can come back got to part two here's where um so if you have Reade and you don't want en which you should use en anyway because there's a lot of optionals that won't work with quantv if you don't use ENB but I mean if you choose to not use en um just click reset open here open the part one open five map and then drag and drop all you got to do and then come back open part two default drag and drop all you got to do now I'm using Reade and EnV oh yeah same process for em2 I'm using Reade plus em so I'm going to use this folder right here so I'm going to go to part one now 5m app plugins drag that go back go to GTA G 5 drag all of this into my GTA V main directory so that is this folder right here drag all of this in there it's very I mean this is not hard to mess up it says GTA V folder open that drag it into GTA V folder all you got to do come back go to part two go to default I mean I don't know what this means so I'm going to choose default like it tells me to five map plugins drag now you can come back and then you can install Quant V optionals this is what um you need you need to open IV for um so personally me I only use brighter emergency lights so I'm going to drag actually I'm going to come into here and pick which one I want I I like very bright lights so I'm going to drag the very bright lights into my mods just like so like that um I only use that and I believe uh um I use both of these so I'm going to drag that into my mods or you can just do that and I'm going to drag that into my mods just like that um and then ENB optionals these are you want these you want to use these so um one I highly recommend using is Corona Light remove Corona everywhere gr lights are very ugly in my opinion um and they just don't help anything so you're going to right click on it this is take note this is a oiv file so you're going to right click you're not going to drag this you're going to open it with open IV like I showed you guys how or told you guys to install um make sure you have the RPF and package installers installed in open IV um you can just Google that on how to do it it's easy you click like two buttons um okay so once you're on this screen click install install a mods if you don't have a mods create one click install confirm installation and it'll load for a minute and then it'll say successfully installed and then you can hit close close out of it do that same process for every one of the optionals you want for um Quant B now I wouldn't recommend using any of these These are ugly in my opinion I don't use any of those uh if you want a quality preset like if you want the if you want your game to look the absolute best you can hyper but I don't recommend it um for people that have mid-tier computers or lowend computers if you have a low-end computer honestly you shouldn't be installing a graphics mod 5m anyway because it's demanding I have a 4090 and I get 60 frames a second Max maybe with Graphics mods installed um that also is because it's Port the GTA 5 is portly optimized um you know but either way you don't get a lot of frames so if you have a mid-tier computer don't even worry about this right here and that is Quant V installed that's all you got to do for Quant V now like I said before this is essential that you install Quant V first um because in this uh let's see in this plugins folder there are files that you can't you don't need to replace um for Quant B otherwise it'll break your game because nve doesn't use EnV anymore and if you replace the Quant V en files or Quant V whatever you know if you replace those files with nve ones then it'll break your game um so come to the main package uh go to go back to your 5m application data main directory right here and then just drag and drop right here drag and drop those need a drink okay so after you did that come back out go to optional add-ons this is where you're going to pick whatever whatever add-on optional add-on you want if you want motion blur let's say you want Mo motion blur uh you'll open this folder you'll pick what which one you want third person let's say I want third person then I'll come into Mods and I'll drag and drop that keeping note keep note that every RPF file you see this little tag at the end every RPF file is going to be Dr in your mods folder and everything else pretty much is going to go into plugins so let's say you got here I'll get to that later but just know every RPF file is going to be installed in mods so you can just repeat this process for every optional that you want um I mean yeah and for example like this right here this says plugins so you drag and drop that into plugins not mods so yeah if it's something like this ASI you would drop that into plugins um but other than that you know see this is RPF I dragg and drop that mods volumetric clouds has two folders so I drag and drop both of those and now you're done with your add-ons re-shade shaders here's where it gets tricky so um what you want to do is personally I only drag and drop reshade shaders but but if you want the nve menu you can drag and drop nve so you can drag and drop these two but I uh I'm not sure if you can use I'm I haven't tested this out I'm not sure if you can use re. I I with it if or it'll break it and dxgi I think is good dud good to drag and drop into that um I think you I think I think you should be able to the only one I did not drag was uh that so I think you should be able to do that um but I I don't know I'd just test it one by one I drag and drop Reade launch my game if it's not broken I would drag and drop these two if it's not broken then I drag and drop that and if it's not broken then a I mean mine's not broken then I have all those but this this this uh d3d11.dll is very important when you install reshade for the first time and you and you put it into your plugins folder like I have it um that is what that is the D3 d11 that you need now let's say let's open Quant V's I think yeah yeah I'm pretty sure Quant V when you install Reade for Quant V it replaces the D3 d11 which is what breaks the game so you need to have your stock D3 d11 that's what this is really the file that breaks it if you use Quant V's D3 d11 when it installs um when it installs it into your main directory because when you inst let's okay here let me open uh here we go okay so um where is it yeah all right it should be part two no okay hold on it's is this one when you install this it will replace the D3 d11 in your main directory in your main directory um which is what you don't want you don't want that Quant vd3 d11 in this one you want the one that comes with the Reet and I mean that's really it is I you know I'm not sure why sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but you know if you install it that way quantv first nve next it should work um just make sure you're not replacing any files and if you do and it breaks your game just go back and put what was there originally um if you do if your game does break y'all can let me know in the comments and I'll try to help y'all um but you know mine didn't break it did for a minute it did break for a little minute um but eventually I went back and it was this file right here that breaks your game if you don't have this is the en file and since nve does not use en anymore um I mean it breaks the game so I believe if you use Quant b as ENB then it breaks the game that's just my theory um but I'm not sure you know I really don't know to be honest I don't know but this file will break your game that's all I got so hope yall enjoyed it hope it hope it helped y'all if y'all want any more tutorials on anything 5m GTA 5 um Red Dead um anything modding I except I don't know how to do l pdfr or anything like that well I know how to do it I just don't choose to um if y'all need any more help um let me know in the comments if you want to see anything else let me know in the comments drop a subscribe because it really does help I'm trying to get to a th so I can make money off of this stuff you know I haven't really tried but I do I would like to make money off of this so subscribe if you want you don't have to I Don't Really Care um but yeah hope to helped y'all
Channel: Dex
Views: 4,792
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Id: 2N-rzEb-ZPw
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Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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