Five-year-old meets anonymous donor who cured him | Humankind

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- [Woman] Ready, Jessica? - Oh my gosh, I guess so. I cry every time, like right now. It wasn't much, it was just my time. - One-fourth cup of her stem cells was all it took to cure my son. Every three weeks, I was at the hospital with him for eight hours at a time, getting blood transfusions. Every night, he would go to bed, and he would sleep with the pump on. 95% is great odds, but any time you hear just a 5% chance you could lose your son, it's pretty scary. He said to me, "Mama, what if I died right now?" And I said, "Oh my gosh, Nicholas don't ever say that." He said it again, he said, "But mama, what if I died right now?" And I said, "Well, you're not gonna die," I said, "but if you did, you would go to heaven." And he looked at me and he said, "Do I have to use my pump and go to the hospital in heaven?" And I said, "No buddy, you don't." And then he said to me, "Well then, I wanna go to heaven." And I had to fight back the tears. And I said, "Buddy," I said, Mama's not ready for you to go to heaven yet." He looked at me at three and a half years old and said, "Well then, how about I go and stay at the hospital, and those people heal me?" He basically said to me that night, "Mom, I wanna be cured or I wanna be in heaven." - [Woman] This is Jessica. Meet Jessica, your donor. - Hey guys. - Hi, how are you? - So good! - It's so good to see you. - I love you! - I love you, too, bud. You are so cute, look how big you are. - How can I begin to thank someone for donating their stem cells to cure our then four-year-old son? A simple thank you doesn't seem adequate. It's hard to describe the life-changing impact your selfless act has had on our son and family. Nicholas is gonna grow up to live a normal life. And I don't think that we can never repay you enough. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and we love you so much. - Thank you so much, thank you. - I love you guys, I wish I could hug you all. - God bless you. - My stepdad had blood cancer, and we had actually met his donor, who saved his life, a month prior to me getting the call. And it was just the most incredible full circle thing. To have a beautiful stranger, you know, give him the gift of life and our whole family, that gift, you know, to be able to give it to someone else, is just amazing. I can't wait to meet them in person. It feels like they're like my family. Like, I just feel like I've known them forever. - [Catherina] Nicholas, who's calling, go ahead. - Hey! Hi!
Channel: Humankind
Views: 978,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: usa today, usa today news, humankind usatoday, humankind, humankind stories, donor, acts of kindness, kindness, positive news, organ donor, heartwarming, transplant, emotional, people are awesome, donate life, good people, act of kindness, incredible acts of kindness, living donor, donor meets recipient, recipient meets donor, donate, blood transfusion, stem cell transplant, stem cell donor, stem cell therapy, stem cells, hknd, HKDEC20
Id: 1cm9aWzVOXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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