Taco Bell employee's act of kindness goes viral: He makes a customer feel welcomed and understood

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a touching moment at a local Taco Bell has gone viral and it started after an employee signs to a death customer that exchange was caught on camera and is now being shared across the world as the NAS Lauren Wilson explains the moment was two years in the making Caleb Francis is your typical eighteen year old just trying to figure out life after high school I'm always trying to like keep busy so whatever I can do to not sit around and do nothing is kind of what I like to do but when it came to choosing electives in school two years ago he knew he wanted to try something a little different and I didn't want to take art anyone think ceramics I thought like oh you know like everyone I know here takes Spanish you know French my dad speaks French so he took two years of sign language never knowing when or where he would use it I was like all right like I'll just take sign language like no big deal like God it wasn't like oh I really want to take it and it was like I picked it up like that I definitely knew that there was gonna become a point where I could use it but one day as he was working here at Taco Bell during the day shift that thought became a reality as a customer who was deaf stood in line lost and confused until Caleb stepped in he wanted a side of salsa and sour cream but he didn't know how to like order aside a salsa sour cream and then we just kind of started communicating a little bit through that another customer in line caught the interaction on camera posted on social media and that's when it went viral when I saw the video I was very very happy and very proud he's so super with customers with over 200 shares in less than two days Caleb tells me for him it's just about helping someone in need and speak in the language he's grown to love I think the biggest misconception about all of this is people say like oh you probably made his day like so much easier but what people don't understand is that it is just as exciting for me to get to sign to people so when someone says oh I sign it's like oh that's it's so exciting to me Caleb tells me that since his interaction he has had three other deaf people come in to specifically sign their orders with him he says he's going to continue to practice and become more fluent for the now I'm Lauren Wilson
Channel: News 5 Cleveland
Views: 24,203,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NewsChannel5, News, Local News, Cleveland, WEWS, Local news, metro, cuyahoga county, cuyahoga falls, taco bell, sign language, signing, act of kindness, viral
Id: Tuwg86ypMG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2016
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