Five Tips to Help Fly DCS Warbirds | DCS World

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greetings and welcome back to the channel and in today's DCS video we're going to look at five different things to help you become a better warbird pilot so stick around all right so welcome back and we're in the P51 for right now and we'll just go ahead and get started with tip number one and that is trim is your friend get familiar with how to trim your aircraft for various flight conditions for right now I'm looking at mine and my hand is off of the stick and Rudder pedals and I'm almost flying a pretty straight and level path I gotta nudge the stick every now and then it's really you've really got to work at it to get it dialed in perfectly but you can get really close to a straight level so the concept with trim is if you have it available you always want to trim out your Rudder axis first now if we look down at my turn and Bank coordinator you notice that the ball is centered perfectly that means the rudder is trimmed out for this particular flight condition and that is the axis that you want to start with first if you have it available in your aircraft now the aircraft that do have this available are the P51 the p47 the Spitfire and the mosquito German aircraft generally do not feature a Rudder trim so once you get the rudder Runner uh centered up nicely then you can deal with the other axes your pitch and your ailerons if you need to in order to maintain whatever flight whatever you're trying to do with your flight like in my case I'm just doing a steady state Cruise and and I'm trying to trim it out for a hand for as close to hands off flying I mean uh like I said I may have to nudge the stick every now and then but I'm not having to constantly adjust things just with the stick and pedals what goes along with this is anytime you change the power setting of your engine you will have to re-trim and I'll show this right now by throttle on up and you notice that my turn and Bank coordinator immediately started deflecting in reaction to the new power setting and also I'm starting a slight lift Bank so I'm gonna I'm Gonna Roll Wings level with Airline feed in some rubber trim and look at that we're just about spot on again you got to kind of fiddle with this just a little bit to get it to get it just right it it it's not an instantaneous thing it's not like the modern jets for it the computer will help compensate you gotta you gotta adjust watch for the reaction and adjust some more as you need so yeah it looks like I'm in a slight climb now so I've got the rudder now then get the pitch down let me end up with a little bit of oscillation but once you get everything steadied out I think you'll get it all right so tip number one there just led into tip number two and that is and this is pretty Universal amongst all the piston engine War Birds here and that is the correct way to both increase and decrease your engine power so right now I'm in Cruise flight let's just pretend I just stumbled across a patrol of enemy Fighters I need to get my power level up right now and in a hurry so what I would want to do is anytime you want to increase power you want to First increase your RPM and I'm just going to go to Max continuous so I want to increase my RPM first and then bring up my manifold pressure doing that in that way helps keep your cylinder temperatures and pressures in check so that you're not over stressing your engine components namely the connecting rods and bearings now to go down it's the exact opposite you want to decrease manifold pressure first and then bring down RPM as you need sometimes you may not need to adjust RPM but you gotta you'll definitely want to be familiar with the sequence now the battery that you can handle that sequence of increasing and decreasing power the happier engine will be and the better your flying experience will be as far as keeping your engine healthy if you're always having engine troubles start there and make sure that you're not over stretching your your engine by mismanaging your throttle and your propeller all right now let's move on to tip number three that's not good all right so this situation leads me to tip number three and that is how to deal with an engine failure and to do a force Landing now a few things that you need to do you need to be familiar with Your Best Glide speed and in the P51 that is about 160 knots that'll give you the farthest distance for the loss of altitude and I don't have that number off the top of my head but what we're going to do now is trim for that speed so let's get the rudder trimmed out a little much in that tournament coordinator with the ball centered up now with no uh with no torque coming from the engine once you get that centered up you're pretty much all set there and add a little bit of up elevator trim all right so I'm up here at about 4 000 feet and falling I need to trim down a little bit it's starting to slow down you need to be about 160. you're in the Mustang and you may oscillate up and down as it's settling around that speed which is fine all right a couple things that you want to have going through your head how at what altitude are you at when your engine decides to pack it in are you lower or do you have sufficient altitude to make some decisions now if if you have the altitude you may be able to get the landing gear down in time sometimes you may not and you'd have to failure land again this is just part of the decision making uh and if you have time to take actions in this case I would have time to get my gear down to affect the safe landing uh also going into that is look around at your area looking around I see a lot of farmlands I got some options here you may not have that uh like if you're flying over some mountainous terrain you may not have any good options and a bailout may be more preferable to a forced Landing but what I'm going to do is demo a a belly landing and it's very similar to doing a normal Landing with your landing gear down you just want to come in nice and gentle time your flare and set down as gentle as possible it's a if you time it too early install you'll you'll end up going to crash uh time it too late and you may end up planting the prop right into the ground and you'll flip and you'll the aircraft will do a backflip neither of which is a good option all right if you have the option to get your flaps down you know once you've committed to a landing site you want to try to get your flaps down if you can if you got the hydraulic pressure to do so that'll definitely help you slow down and and get your speed down so right now I'm just going to land in this uh just past this tree line again just doing what like a normal Landing now once you touch down you're going to slow down rapidly all right so just time my flare here we go and here we are we are down not always the best but you made it down safely and the aircraft may be able to get fixed later but uh you made it down safely so that is a force Landing now let's look at a couple of other scenarios all right so here we are in yet another bad situation uh and let's just say for the sake of this demonstration that uh you either have some severe damage to your aircraft where it's very difficult to control or even worse your engines on fire now if you're in a fighter that only has a single engine and it's on fire you essentially have no other option other than to bail out if you're in the mosquito you do have a couple options because you do have fire extinguishers on that aircraft but we want to set ourselves up to do a bailout now unlike modern stuff with ejection seats you have to have enough altitude to be able to do this and to ensure the best chances of doing this once you want to commit to a bailout you want to get rid of the canopy that's gone and we want to slow ourselves down and basically just get up into a nice shallow climb and bleed off some AirSpeed and you want to bail out at just about the point before you stall out that gives you enough time to get out and get away from the aircraft before it starts to descend so here's a good point to do so and here we go and away we go it shoots open and there goes the airplane it's all right we can go get ourselves another one all right so that's a good technique for doing a bailout uh if the occasion ever arises all right let's move on to the last thing all right and finally for tip number five how to deal with engine damage now this is largely going to be depending on what aircraft you're flying whether or not it's air cooled or liquid cooled uh the air cooled ones definitely being a little bit more tougher than your liquid counterparts and that's more of just a matter of reading the situation and determining the best course of action now and also where do you have to fly and are you able to escape from combat and possibly nurse your aircraft back home now if you're dealing with engine damage and you managed to get away from random reaction the idea being is to get some altitude as best you can try to keep your engine healthy as long as possible keep watch your temperature gauges like a hawk especially your oil pressure gauges and do make note if and look behind you and see if you're leaking anything anything dark that's going to be engine oil uh gray tends to be hydraulic fluid you know like a grayish white color a whitish color is typically fuel the idea again is just keep an eye on your on your engine gauges get some altitude and just try to maintain your engine as best possible and try to get it home don't don't over stress it at that point because you can quickly lead to an engine failure now a note about the liquid cooled uh aircraft just like the Spitfire mosquito P51 bf-109 the fw190 D9 Dora uh if you catch a bullet or some Flack in your cooling system and you're trailing a nice white clouds of smoke behind you you have a punctured cooling system and in that case it's only a matter of time before your engine runs out of coolant and leads to an overheat and your engine will cease you do not have very much in the way of options when it comes to something like that now the whole time you're trying to deal with the engine damage you have to be ready to do either a force Landing or a bailout and just just something to be ready for but as best you can try to nurse that engine get her home some of these things I can't easily simulate using the failures menu and the mission editor but try to do what I can for you guys know your aircraft know its limitations and fly it to the best of your abilities as long as you can when you're dealing with engine damage all right well that's all I have for this week folks I'll be moving on to another warbird for the next step in my uh Guide Series uh it's noticed that you guys seem to really like the both of the p47 that I'm that I'm in right now as well as the P51 videos so I will be moving on to another warbird here shortly so stay tuned for that thanks for watching and we'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Diesel Thunder
Views: 8,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS World, F-4 Phantom
Id: ajDDQois2UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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