DCS P-51D Engine Management

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in this video I'll be going over engine management for the P51 okay so first we have these two levers here on the left this big one here is the throttle and that little one is the propeller so first let's go over the throttle um this controls how much gas and air goes to the engine so obviously the more you push the throttle forward the more fuel and air will go in and the more powerful the engine will be and the faster the plane will fly now there's this gauge here called manifold pressure as you adjust the throttle you it moves this gauge so when you push a throttle forward obviously there's more pressure in the engine so the gauge goes up so basically you always want to have the uh meter here in the green section whenever you're just cruising around and your engine should be good you can bring it out of the green section if you want into this section however you can only keep it here for 15 minutes at a time so you don't over stress the engine and if you're wondering what the red line is that is the maximum you can take it uh during takeoff now there is a way to get the needle past the red line which is called War emergency power but I'll talk about that later okay so now we have the propeller lever which is this one this lever changes the speed of the propeller the more you push it forward the faster the propeller will spin so basically when you move the lever you'll see this meter here moving for the RPM you basically set the propeller to the speed you want and the engine will try to keep the propeller at that speed so the rules for this is the same as the throttle as long as you keep the needle in the green section you're good if you get into combat and you need to go faster you can take it out of the green section if you want to but whenever you're cruising around it should be in the green and the red line if you're wondering is just the max that it will go so these two levers here the propeller and throttle are the ones that you're going to be using the most 99 of the time but I'll go over the other ones just in case so first we have this red lever here called mixture there's three positions cut off run and emergency so cut off cuts off all the fuel so that's just used for shutting the engine down run or the middle position is what you want this to be in 99 percent of the time and run the carburetor will choose the right amount of fuel to put in the engine and you basically just always want it in a run and then the last one is uh full Rich the the thing that controls how much fuel goes to the engine is the carburetor so if the carburetor breaks you can put this to full rich and it will just put a constant amount of fuel into the engine the problem with that is it puts a lot of fuel in and wastes a lot of fuel but if your carburetor is broken there's nothing else you can do so basically in summary just keep this in run always okay now we have these two switches right here you can click these black covers to lower them so first we have the oil cooler I would recommend always leaving this switch in automatic but you can manually manually close and open it if you want to in case you're wondering what this adjusts is the oil temperature which is this one right here and also in case you're wondering whenever you're moving that oil switch there's this little door right here you're actually opening and closing that door but I would just leave it in automatic and then there's this one the radiator cooler here so there is a liquid inside the P51 that cools the engine and this switch controls the temperature of that liquid you can see the temperature of it right here coolant temp this switch is the same philosophy as the oil cooler I would just recommend always leaving it in automatic however you can manually close and open it if you want to and in case you're wondering whenever you close and open it you are closing and opening this big door in the back right here now keep in mind in the manual it recommends that when you're on the ground you have these both manually opened all the way to keep it as cool as possible but in DCS I've never had any problems with that so I would just leave it in automatic so let me just close these switches right here okay now we have this big black lever you can see all the way forward it says Ram air and back it says filter there so 99.99 you're going to have it all the way forward for Ram so that means the air for the engine will be rammed through a little port in the front now if it's super duper duper Dusty outside you can pull it back to go to filtered air and it will close off the front port and the air will come in through these filter ports on the side so dust doesn't get in the engine but in DCS I don't know if that can even happen so I would just always have it on Ram Air now the other thing you can see here is this thing this other small lever normal and hot air so if it's super cold outside and the front Port is freezing what you can do is you can pull the big black lever back to filter there and then you can pull this little one back to hot air and it will send hot air into the engine so it doesn't freeze but 99 of the time you're just going to have both of the these levers All the Way Forward okay so now I'm going to be going over the Supercharger so the supercharger is basically something that increases the pressure of the air going to the engine so you can control it with this switch here you first lift this cover so down it's going to be an automatic so I would recommend always leaving it in automatic mode and the way that automatic works is that whenever you're at low altitude the supercharger will be in low power mode but whenever you go to a higher altitude the air up there is thinner so I don't remember what it is I think it's like 10 000 or 15 000 feet once you cross that then the supercharger will automatically kick into high power mode so if you put the switch to the middle position then it goes to manual low so what that means is that even if I go to a higher altitude the supercharger will stay in low power mode and if you click up here you can put it to the high position so this will manually put the supercharger into high power mode and you can see when it goes to high power mode this light turns on now this is just for testing the high power mode you're not really supposed to put it in high power mode at low altitudes I would recommend just always leaving it in Auto now you can see right now I'm in low power mode but I'm going to go to a higher altitude and you'll see it automatically kick into high power mode okay I don't know if you saw that the supercharger just activated you can see whenever it turns on to high power mode the pressure jumps up so you got to bring your throttle back to go back to the green but you can see the lights on so it's on high power mode now and it activated it around like 16 000 feet now keep in mind it's not always going to be exactly 16 000. it just kind of depends on the pressure of the air but around 15 000 feet it should go into high power mode so that is what the supercharger is for okay so the last thing I'm gonna go over is war emergency power let's say there's like five measurements behind you and you just need to get away and you just need as much power as possible to fly away as fast as possible well what you can do is you can go to war emergency power which will let you bring the manifold pressure past the red line so first you need to bring your to go into war emergency power first you need to bring your propeller lever which is this one all the way forward so we bring our RPM all the way up and then you need to bring your throttle all the way forward but you see there's this little I don't know if you see it there's this little wire right here so in real life they had to slam the throttle forward to break the wire but obviously you don't want to slam your throttle on DCs so in DCS there's a button you can click if you go to your key bindings here you need to find this button War emergency power and you need to bind it to something on your stick so what you can do you need to bring your throttle all the way forward and then you need to click the button and after I clicked it you can see the string is broken now so after you clicked it you bring your throttle back and then you can bring it all the way forward and you can see now my manifold can go past the red line now keep in mind according to the manual you can only be running War emergency power for a maximum of five minutes so you don't over stress the engine so this is only for absolute emergencies so that was the P51 engine management tutorial thanks for watching and I'll see you later
Channel: DCS Tutorial
Views: 1,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dcs, DCS, dcs world, digital combat simulator, combat giraffe, CombatGiraffe, combat giraffe dcs, digital, combat, simulator, world, gameplay, p51d, mustang, tutorial, engine, management
Id: GcclhiD7s3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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