Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location - Custom Night - Part 1

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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome to Sister Location, Custom Night. Now, this isn't just an addition to the game this is completely new content, and point being, there's new characters here. Frankly, I don't know who the hell "Yenndo" is, I don't know where "Yenndo" came from, I don't even know if "Yenndo" was in the original game, but Yenndo is here and Yenndo has weird effects! Kinda like Golden Freddy, He'll appear if you drop your monitor, and you gotta open your monitor again to make him go away and I bet if you don't, he KILLS you. AND there's "Bonnet" who is not Bon Bon the blue Bonnie that was on Funtime Freddy's hand, that is Bon Bon, this is Bonnet. Bonnet will streak through your office, and you gotta 'boop' her on the nose before she goes away or else, I'm assuming, you die. And then there's Bidybab, Electrobab, and then there's Lolbit, who appears on the monitors in your office, and you gotta type out "L-O-L" on your keyboard to make her go away! Him? Her? I don't KNOW!! The computer program, I guess! Then you got the Minireenas, and Ballora, and Funtime Freddy. It's- It's just fuckin' bonkers what custom night is gonna be, and this is just Golden Freddy mode- there's more modes in here that have different assortments, and various levels of difficulty. So it starts out with "Angry Ballet," goes to "Freddy & Co." "Funtime Frenzy," "Dolls, Attack!" "Girls' Night," "Weirdos," "Top Shelf," "Bottom Shelf," "Cupcake Challenge," "Golden Freddy," and assortment levels of hardness, this being the most twenty-est of twenty modes. So, If you guys are ready, I'm not gonna start with- you know what? Actually fuck it- i'm gonna start with "Golden Freddy" mode, 20/20/20, and just to see, what the shit I'm getting myself into! because if I'M anything I AM A MAN WITH RED HAIR, and that's what I am, so "Vent," "Shock," "Left Door," "Monitor," "Right Door," I've never fucking played this in my goddamn life. Here we fuckin' go. I'mma start off with the top, and then work my way back up from there, cause hooo-lllyyy shit. *foot steps* Owh, what the fuck was that? [Animatronic: "Hell-Hello, Again!" *laughing*] Ah! LOL! aha ha.. [Funtime Freddy: "Hey Bon Bon, go g-get em'!"] [Bidybab: "I'm going to find a way inside."] Helloo.. Ooh jeez, this ain't good. What's happening? Ohh, what the fuck?! Stop that! Hey! Hey! Stop that! Stop it. Jesus. Oh, hi Helloo How are you doing? Oh this seems less than- HI Oh jeez Ohh jeez It's probably not fair for me to just turn off all my ca- my- my doors, waste all my power.. How- ohhh *Lolbit's "Please stand by," ringing, Bonnet running across the screen, and a jumpscare by Yenndo* I didn't do THAT- WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?! HELL FUCKIN' NO! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! HOW THE FUCK IS ANYBODY GONNA BE ABLE TO DO THAT?! How the fuck would ANYBODY be able TO DO TTHHAATT?! HOW IN THEE FUCK WOULD ANYBOD-AY be able to do that? I dunno, but eventually I'munna do that. Jesus I don't have time to do that.. Not now anyway. So what I'm gonna do-- there's so many new mechanics here. I don't have any knowledge to approach them. So what I'm gonna do, because this is completely new content, new content that I have never explored before, I'm gonna go through these other custom nights, all of these, and try to learn as I go along, piecemeal style. I'll start with Dancy Pants, you know, I feel it's kinda fair. I was rather insulting to her and- frankly, she was the only one that was on my side during this whole ordeal. So, I'munna start with her, I'm only gonna do "Very Hard" by the way. I'm not gonna do "Easy", why would I do "Easy?" I'm gonna go "Very Hard." So, Ballora will approach from either the West, or the East. I gotta listen for her music to become louder, then shut the appropriate door. Minireena will appear at random to begin draining your oxygen supply, and eventually causing a black-out. Administer a controlled shock to de-activate them. That's what I did when I saw them on the camera.. And then the Minireenas will appear and block your view. That doesn't seem so bad, I think I can handle that. So long as I got a control on Bbaaaaalloraaa. Also it's pretty cool that in the- ah- in the- in the camera now.. there's a bit of mobility here. W-Uh oh Oh! Ooo.. Hello.. Hi! Heyyy.. no no no! Stop that! *HI [Minireena giggles] fuckin- fuck you. Don't giggle at me! How do you- Oh Uhh Are you gonna be there forever now? Oh boy. Stop that! I- Whoa.. jeez, okay well- I-...... Okay, alright then. Hey- fuck off! Ohhhh.. Okay.. Alright then- this- that's actually really cool because it's exactly like how it was- [Minireena giggles] STOP GIGGLING AT ME!! -it's exactly how it was when you were crawling through her room. Okay, so that's probably the noise when it's really close, So I gotta wait for her to go away again. oh... I've got time! Hup! No- that's not really close. I gotta see the limit of what "really close" is.. Stop because she dances around. Huh..? [Minireena giggles] STOP LAUGHING AT ME!! Stop Why?! [Both Minireenas giggle] Go away! Goddamnit I can't- okay- so THAT, right there, that's really close, cause that feels like it's IN my ear. [Minireena giggles] Okay, so, I need to use WAY less power I'm doin' terribly. [Minireena giggles] Stop laughing! Tryinna listen! Tryinna listen- WHY?! Another one!? Why!? [Minireena giggles] I don't need you assholes to see! I've got eyes for days, BITCH! STOP! f- ANOTHER FUCKING ONE?! FUCK you! Alright. wha? Ballora might be gone, which would be proven to be good for me.. [Minireena giggles] I'm not- I'm not gonna put down my fuckin' visor yet. [Minireena's giggle] FUCKIN'-- I can do this blind. Can you stop giggling at me, ya little bastards? Luckily now there's a button to press the camera which we've never had before. [Minireena giggles] I can press S to bring up the camera, which is gonna make this SO much faster. [Minireena giggles] [Minireenas' giggling] hahahAHAHAhaaAAAHhh~ Alright, I can dig it. I can dig it, this is okay. [Minireena's giggling] Stop. So long as they don't get more than five on my screen, I should be okay. Man, if I got ten things to listen to all at the same time, and watch and observe and these fuckos gettin' in the way of my FACE, it's not gonna be good for me- ohh where's my, there it is Okay. I'm on it! You're just gonna be silent NOW? Not yet.. Ah, see? Oh- Uh oh- HEYY! Fuck off! I almost had yeh..! I almost had yeh! I almost had yeh.. Almost had it on my first try, but I didn't know what I was gonna do, because I didn't know what I was fuckin' doing. Hey fuck you, fuck you.. Alright, let's try that again. Very hard, go back into it. Habooski! I can do this- I can do this easy! I can clear ALL these fuckos!! I AM- not yet the king, but I will be the king once more. I can survive with five on my face, I know that now. So I don't mind you bein' there! I'm okay with you being there. You don't BOTHER me. *mumbles* I'ma gonna know it through sheer muscle.. Mmmmmemory ALOOOOOONE~ Ah! Ahhh.. Got ya! Got ya! Ya thought ya could snuck! Turns out you could nyaot. stOOPP! Hup- movin! Cool - alright we're good, we're good, and honk this nose. nrngg ohp- still back? Oohh! Shut down for a nap did ye? Well too fuckin' bad I'm still here. Ohh..fuck you're over there. [Minireena's laugh] Alrighty then. You're a giggly bitch, ain't ya? HI! Welcome to the party. You don't NEED to be there in my face, but y'know, it's kinda nice to see ya up close for once.. I- I just like the feeling of being held, by all you little bitches. Oh! I can hit the doors with the buttons too?? Oh my god that's amazing, then I don't need to see at all! I guess- I guess if there were other things happening then I would need to see that but- I can control the doors with the buttons. That's really convenient. Then I actually don't need to move here, but I'munna train myself to click anyway, because I know for future things I'm gonna need to click. [Minireena's giggle] Uh flibbity flobbity flibbity floo, huh? Whoo- haHA! Got your number, NOW! Ohp- movin- movin' movin-! Keen ears.. Well there's the last one, 'bout damn time. [Minireena's giggle] Yeeahh That's it, that's the stuff- okay I think I got it. Oop- moved. K... k now Now that I'm blind *Ballora's music gets louder* Whoo- Yep, definitely. Okay- I'm using the buttons, now, but I should be able to make it to 6 AM.. No problemo.. please... I've only got a few percent power- [Ballora: "Save me a dance for another day, perhaps."] OOOHHHHH, YES! FUCK YOOUU!!!! ~I did it, I'm the best, and I'm back in the saddle, agaaaainn.~ Okay I did it. I did it. I fuckin' did it. Alright, So what i'm gonna do is i'm'na- Ohh heyyoouuuhhh.. *Mark doing a fabulous dance as he walks down the street* Ugghhh..... Is that purple guy? that's the only thing that I can assume about that, since he's wearing a purple shirt and his mouth is *very* weird. So I'm assuming- I'm assuming that was purple guy walking down the street, and everybody- assuming it was purple guy so I'm- I'm- I'm guessing he hid very well. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna check out "Freddy & Co," because "Freddy & Co." is an entirely new environment. I'm not gonna be able to beat it in this one, I don't think, because there's some new mechanics here that I'm not used to that I probably couldn't be able to handle very well. But, okay. Fu- uh- Funtime Freddy, what he's gonna do is he's gonna command Bon Bon to attack, so I need to shut that door depending on where he is, so I need to check the cameras. Yenndo just appears on-after I drop the monitor, Funtime Foxy is in Funtime Cove, (She's/)he's like Foxy, and then Bonnet runs across the screen, and does something, so I'm gonna pay attention to that. Okay but this is gonna require quite a bit of power actually. So I'm assuming that I gotta pay attention to- ooh Okay so- Ahh.. that was from Five N- [Funtime Freddy: "Hello hello again!" *maniacal laughter*] Oh.. oh yeah [Funtime Freddy: Are you ready for round two?] No... [Funtime Freddy: Bon bon, let's not keep our friend wai-ting!] Ookay.... Alrighty then.. So- [Funtime Freddy: Ready or n-not, here I come!] Okay? [Funtime Freddy: G-get ready for a SURPRIIISE~] Okay- Wait-- *running foot steps* [Funtime Freddy: Oh birthday boyyy~!] Jeez.. Ohh Funtime Foxy already out- okay HEY WHOA WAIT de boo boo-- OKAY! wha- [Funtime Freddy: Knock knock, is anybody home?] I don't know what the fuck is happening here.. I am NOT OKAY! *me too* Fucking FUCK!! [Funtime Freddy: Bonbon, let's not keep our friend wai-ting!] Does that mean you're gonna attack?? [Funtime Freddy: Hey Bonbon, go ge-get em'!] Oh THAT'S the line.. [Funtime Freddy: Ready or not, here I come!!] Okay, so I just need to listen to you, and pay attention to F- [Funtime Freddy: Hey Bonbon, go ge-get 'em!] *Bon Bon runs into the door* Ha ha ha [Funtime Freddy: Oh birthday boyyy!] okay fwaahh- ffuck you Jesus... That's scary as hell. [Funtime Freddy: Get ready for a SURPRISE!!~] K so I- [Funtime Freddy: Knock knock, is anybody HOME??] NOOOOO!!!!!!! [Funtime Freddy] Bo-Bonbon- [Markiplier] *mocks Funtime freddy* BONBON. [Funtime Freddy] Go g-get 'em! Wait- wha- FUCK YOU. Wait where's, OH FUCK WHERE'S FOXY. [Funtime Freddy] Bonbon, let's WHE- FUCKING- [Funtime Freddy] not keep our friend waiting! Fucking! Shit. Oh, hi Foxy.. Oh hey hey HE-HO AW FUCKING- THERE'S SO MANY THINGS [Funtime Freddy] Hey Bonbon, go get 'em! [Funtime Freddy] Ready or not, here I come! Oh hi- okay.. Wait.. what? [Funtime Freddy] Bo-Bon Bon, goget em'! WHAAT *Bon Bon runs into the door* [Funtime Freddy] Oh birthday boyyy! Okay, he's on the right side... IIIIIIIIIII'M IN A LIVING HELLLL!!!! [Funtime Freddy] Knock knock, is anybody home?? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! FUCK- HE-FUCKING FUUCKK FUCK! [Funtime Freddy] Hey Bonbon, go ge-get 'em! FUCK YOU *Bon Bon runs into the door*[Funtime Freddy] Bonbon- NOOOOOOO [Funtime Freddy] -let's not keep our friend wai-ting! [Funtime Freddy] Get ready for a SURPRIIISE!~ Fuck you *Bon Bon jumpscares Mark* Uh- AH-FUCKING FUCK Well, that was terrible, okay So- but I was STARTING to learn! That's an important feature! Okay, so- custom night.. looks to be an onslaught of evil, like the likes of which you've never seen, cause, that's not even everybody on 20 and that's very hard on "Freddy & Co." I would have to do all of that for more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more, until you get to Golden Freddy, until everybody.. is at 20, and I don't even know if that's possible.. Like, how do you have enough power... to be able to do that? You would have to look at Foxy, look at the other camera for the ballerinas that are trynna drain your power, you'd have to knock down Yenndo - be on the ready for that, you'd have to be ready to click Bonnet, type "LOL," I haven't even faced the Bidybabs... I don't know, but it's a CHALLENGE. It's a goddamn challenge, but I'm up to it, so, but I'm not gonna be able to get to it soon, it's gonna take a few episodes. So, good news, there's a few more episodes of Sister Location waiting for you. Bad news, I don't know if I can do it.. But I BELIEVE IN MYSELF cause, IIIIIIIIIII AM- THEUGHEKINGGG of Five Night's at Freddy's. So either way, that was the beginning of Custom Night. There's much more to come So thank you, everybody, so much for watching. Let me know what you thought, down in the comments below, and remember this DLC is free. If you have the game, you can play all this for yourself. So, thanks again, and as always, I will see YOU in the next video! Buh-Bye! *Outro music*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 17,153,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's, sister location, custom night, sister location custom night, markiplier, markiplier sister location, markiplier five nights at freddy's, custom night markiplier, sister location markiplier, scariest game ever, scariest, scary, scary game, fnaf, markiplier fnaf, custom night sister location, fnaf sl, custom night golden freddy, golden freddy
Id: DAjEjLkh40I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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