Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location - Golden Freddy Mode

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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome back to Sister Location: Custom Night. We're gonna be attempting the Golden Freddy Challenge, also known as 10/20 mode, the ultimate challenge in Sister Location. Now, I want to say sorry for the long gap between this and the last episode. I know it's been a while but there were things that were out of my control. I wanted to try it before I left for the UK, but I didn't have time in terms of preparing other videos and going and doing the charity livestream, and then coming back with this horrible sickness that has been with me for about a week now, and then also doing the twelve days of Christmas. It's all been a smorgasbord of work and sickness and I really wanted to try this before Scott made it easier and Scott did make it easier by giving more power during this specific night. I'm going to be doing this and thankfully, considering my voice is thrashed, I will be able to do this without talking and I'm gonna concentrate at this very hard, and then afterwards, I'm going to talk to you guys about my thoughts and strategies and my thoughts about this story, because supposedly there's a hidden cutscene if you beat this mode... in the game, and I'm very eager to see it because I have not seen it, I have not looked up anything else about this game, I have not looked up any strategies, all I'm going into it is with my strategies, a little warm-up on easy mode and that was- Easy mode - it's super easy - it's literally, everything's at three, it's super easy so that's no test, I just wanted to do that as a flexibility test, uh, and to see if I remembered all the mechanics, but, without further ado, I'm going to be trying Very Hard Mode and let's see how long it takes. It is currently... Tuesday, December 20th. It is now 12:36 PM. I'm gonna let you know the exact time that I am done. *claps* Ready? Here we go. *muted music and compiled animatronic attacks* *COUGH* *it continues* Hi, it's now day two. Uh, I still feel a little sick but I feel a little better than I did yesterday, and I've got the basic strategy down. I've gotten very close, uh, I've gotten so close, and I just need to adjust my strategy about Foxy, because what I didn't realize is that Foxy does drain power when he hits the door so I just need to make sure I watch Foxy a little more, which requires some minor adjustment but, uh, if I do that I should have enough power, no problem, and this should be in the bag but I just got to make sure that my reaction times and my concentration are up, uh, and that's a struggle right now, but I've almost got it so, this should be it, this should be good. Quiet/Sick Mark: Hi guys. I just wanted to do kind of a, a developer commentary about this because once again, I was too busy concentrating to be able to talk while I'm playing and I apologize because my voice is still very raspy, I am still sick but I wanted to kind of s-shift through the chaos here because if you're watching this and this is a very sloppy opening anyway so it seems extra chaotic but to be perfectly honest, this particular 20/20/20/20 mode is not that bad. Once you get the rhythm of it, and once you are able to pay attention and focus on multiple different things, it actually turns into an experience that is not too terribly complicated because it is predictable, and when you have predictability, it becomes easier and easier through repetition. Now this is difficult because my reaction times were lower because I was sick, but I'm not making any excuses about it. [Right] uh, I-I believe that anyone would be able to do this if they had enough focus. So, let me just go from top to bottom in terms of the enemies that I'm paying attention to. You may have noticed that I'm saying 'left' [Left] and 'right' and-and that's just a reinforcement to know where Freddy is because when he flips back and forth, it's easy to lose track of exactly where he is. I double-reinforce this [Right] by moving the camera over to the side that he's on and then I say it in my brain so I don't forget, then I say it every time that he moves so I notice every time, so then I'm able to respond to his callout [Left] on whether he's on the left or the right side. So after that, the second responsibility is Foxy. You have to pay attention to Foxy and this is a lot like Five nights at Freddy's [Right] One; you have to know where he is or you have to keep the camera on him so he doesn't leave his tent, uh, because when he bangs on your door, much like Five Nights at Freddy's One, he does drain your power. Now, not as much as the original game, he only drains like two to three percent as far as I know, uh, but it's important to pay attention to him... and uh, keep track of him so he doesn't [Right] leave his tent much and [Right] go [Right] bang on your door a whole lot through the whole night. Now, this is [He's right] difficult because the more you flip up your screen, [Right] the more you have to risk [Left] looking at Yenndo, and Yenndo is probably the thing that makes this the most difficult. If Yenndo wasn't there, this would be [Left] so much easier. Because, Yenndo is like a reaction time test: if you flip the screen down and he's there, you have to flip the screen back up, [Right] but there's also a small chance [Right..right]- I believe probably like a thirty percent chance - that he's not there and if your finger is twitchy, [Left] you'll flip the screen back up and that's what I mean by slop. If you see me flipping the screen spastically it's because - like there, right there - it's because I was stuck in a loop, of instantly twitching/[Right] it back up until he appeared and then I was able to break out of the loop from my own finger. So, he drains your oxygen, and he does it quick, [Left] so if you're not instant... on bringing the screen back up, you're gonna lose oxygen and then you're not gonna be able to see anything in the entire game and then your focus goes off and this game-or this particular mode is broken down into three different senses/[Right]: you have to see to be able to know when Lolbit and, you know, Bonnet and [Right] Yenndo is there; you have to be able to listen to know when Freddy's doing his thing, when Bidybab's doing his thing, when Ballora's doing their thing, and you have to have muscle memory to know where to put your mouse for the cameras and for Bonnet's nose. So there's three different things and if you remove the [Left] ability to see, [Right] then you kind of, your whole plan starts to unravel. Not that it's impossible, but it is guesswork at that point. Um, but after [Right] that, Yenndo is the hard one, and then everything else kind of falls into place. [Left] Bonnet is just like, can you put your hand on-on her nose, it's just kind of following her left, you try to keep your mouse at the same level/[Left] on the screen every time that you [Right] turn back, and I think- I think, thankfully, it defaults after you put the camera down, the mouse resets position to Bonnet's nose level, which makes it a lot easier, and then you just have to [Left] move to the left. Uh, next up is Ballora, and Ballora's easy, Ballora and Bidybab kind of fall into the same category; you're just listening. Ballora, you're listening until she gets really close. Bidybab, you only need to listen for the metal vent sound that she makes when she's near your door. When you hear that crumpling of aluminum metal, [Whoo.] that means that she's very nearby and you just need to throw down that door until you hear a bang, [Left] you got to be careful when you got a lot of doors down waiting for bangs until all the bangs clear and then you can go, and then the next thing that you have to worry about is in part and [Left] conjoined with flipping up the screen for Foxy, [Right] uh, that's the Electrobab and the Minireenas [Right] that are messing with your power and your air, so, thankfully, and this is where the pattern comes in, they do go in a [Left] pattern. You can get them so they sync up at the exact same time and then you can take care of them both at once and it makes my life a lot easier because that's one more [Left] variable that I don't have to watch out for. It combines two things into just one thing, [Right] so you're technically only messing with nine animatronics. After that, everything starts to fall into place. You know, you've got Lolbit in the back [Left] and that's a little more muscle memory to move over to the LOL keys, uh, [Left] but all this is like a balance of oxygen. Not so much power because power wasn't too big of an issue [Right] because I was able to get through this with a few percentage left, but oxygen, being able to see above all else was the hardest thing and towards the end here you can see it's getting really dark, very hard for me to see, and I suppose you [Left] kind of cheat your way around that, you could brighten your monitor really high, you can turn the gamma up really high on your computer, and maybe you could kind of get through that but, nah, I didn't want to do that because it's seemed [Right] cheap. And so, all in all, this makes for a very complicated experience, you have to multitask on a lot of things, but it's not impossible even though it seems like it might be. There's just a lot of moving parts and a lot of things that you have to pay attention to, and there goes Foxy, but thankfully, I'm already at the end of the road here, and I have officially won it so, thanks for listening. Freddy: What a party pooper! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL YEEEAAAAHHHH *to the tune of the shift end music* OWIE, MY VOICE IS HURT I DID IT, I DID IT Michael: Father. It's me, Michael. I did it. I found it. It was right where you said it would be. They were all there. They didn't-...recognize me at first, but then... they thought I was you. *either a stifled laugh or an exhale of relief, you decide* And I found her. I-... put her back together, just like you asked me to. She's free now... but something is wrong with me. I should be dead... but I'm not. I've been living in shadows. There is only one thing left for me to do now. I'm going to come find you. I̞͓̯̤̻'̵̜m̬̀ g͙̘̯͕͈͜o͕̘̠̰̰͕i͇͖̼̩̬͞ng̵̭̘̥̲͉ t̶o̪̥̘̘ c҉͓̘̱̠͖̻͎o͏̥̮m̹̪͎͙̯e̟̰̭̬̝̖ f͖͔i̬̳n̸̲̟̰̯̲̗̻d͉̺̱̺̗̜̪ y̵͚̙͓̦͎͕o̦͉̯̪u̜͉.͏̥̞ Mark: Ooooooooh... Oh, is that the next game? I don't know. Fazbear's Fright? I have no idea. Okay, that was an experience. Man, I'm full of pep! Adrenaline is coursing through my veins! Okay, so few things about that, ummm, when... I do think that it is probably impossible to beat it beforehand, because the nights beforehand were 7 minutes and 30 seconds long. This night is 6 minutes long, each hour is a minute, and therefore there's a minute and 30 seconds of extra time that you would need to do to be able to beat it in its previous incarnation or at least that's what I'm assuming it is in terms of him giving more power, uh, but in all honesty, I don't think that would have been possible just because of how tight the constraints were, I was having so much problems yesterday is because-, you have to, to do these 20/20 modes, you have to focus for like, six to eight minutes straight, depending on the game, and I would say this was very hard... but not like the hardest I've ever done, mostly because it may seem complicated but everything in this particular one has a rhythm. See, I was able to combine the Electrobab and the Minireena into one, they were in a set rhythm, they would go off at exactly the same time, so I was always able to predict that, and for a long time I was just letting Foxy go because I didn't think that Foxy stole power like in Five Nights at Freddy's One but she does, so as soon as I accounted for that, I only needed a few more tries and then I was able to beat because yesterday, I realized that towards the later end of my attempts but I was starting to feel so sick and I was just like coughing up a bunch of phlegm and it wasn't good but today I felt peppier. Not the worst, I would put it just before the first Five Nights at Freddy's in terms of difficulty, all in all, not that bad... kind of boring compared to the other ones in terms of just the monotony of it because this one is very monotonous because it's the same thing coming at you again and again and again and again and you just got do the same thing over and over, um, but I would say a pretty good one, not bad at all, and that cutscene is very interesting because-... he said 'father'.... and he thought I was you so, did he... *sniff* I gotta think about that. I wish I could watch it again. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna watch it again then I'm gonna come back and get, uh, get more thoughts about it because I wasn't able to capture everything but I'll, I'll go look it up in just a second, be right back. Alright, so I just watched back the, um, I just watched back the cutscene and there's a few interesting things to take note of it. Number one, the guy says his name was Michael, and number two, he's talking to his father, and number three, he's talking to him, telling him that he shouldn't be alive. Now, at the end of the cutscene it showed up and showed, probably it showed the blown-up wreckage of Five Nights at Freddy's Three after the protagonist lights the fucker on fire and burns it all down, and it was revealed at the end of Five Nights at Freddy's Three that Springtrap did survive that, so I can only assume that from this cutscene Michael, Michael Afton, who I'm assuming that is because his father, they're all British, the person at the beginning of this game was Mr. Afton, and I'm assuming that they're all the Afton family and I'm even assuming that the daughter who keeps talking to her father asking to go see Baby and was eventually killed by Baby was their daughter and Michael's sister but all that aside, it showed Michael as Springtrap surviving the explosion which we already knew from Five Nights at Freddy's Three but that V.O., could have taken place at any time throughout. Now, there's been some theories saying that there are two purple guys and- and I could understand that in terms of like a father-son duo, there could be two purple guys in this and just kind of having a pow-wow of murdering and creating horrible monstrosities of death and weird life an-and you can kind of see it in terms of the timeline, now, correct me if I'm wrong, I might be wrong about this timeline but I believe it goes the oldest is Five Nights at Freddy's Four which was 1983 or (198)4 in the original Fazbear's Pizzeria, Fazbear's Fun Time, whatever it was called, I believe that was the original. Then, and in that you can see cutscenes of purple guy not being a murderer but just generally seeming like an employee, putting employees in suits of his horrible creations. Now, you go to Sister Location where Michael is sent in by his father to try to piece together what's left of-... uh, piece together what's left of his sister and their daughter and I can't help but be drawn to the comparison of Ennard to uh, the...the puppet from Five Nights at Freddy's Two because the puppet in the minigames wanted to piece the chil-the dead children back together to what end I don't know but this creation, whatever it is, Ennard, somehow was able to give Michael Afton near- supernatural powers of living beyond death when you should not be alive, he went in Michael's body, transformed him into literal purple guy and then was exploded out, now, maybe that happened to their father, maybe that was already the case. I don't know. It doesn't seem possible because everyone in the neighborhood was very intimidated by this purple fellow by the name of Michael Afton and purple guy walking around the streets, but it's all just very confusing, you know, and I say comparisons just by the button, the mask, the three to four fingers, the spiral leg matching the spiral pattern of the puppet, like, and the general marionette nature of this creation here. There's a little bit of me in every body, pulling the strings, that's the only thing that I could thematically draw from that and of course, I am not a master theorist. I know a lot about this but I don't know everything so, these are the only the conclusions that I can draw so, there may be two purple guys. This was Michael Afton, his father is Mr. Afton, and it's possible that his sister was the girl that was killed by Baby and he was sent on a mission to try to put her back together because his father created, literally created life in these machines and somehow in a perverted way, maybe this purple guy who got forced into Springtrap and was haunted by the souls of dead children was corrupted in a wrong way, turning life into something perverted by something that is, by itself, perverted life in this. It's all a very complicated story or maybe it's simplifying. I have no idea. I would love to see a grand outline of everything from top to bottom but I feel like we're not quite there yet, I feel like there might be one more game going or maybe not, who honestly, who knows? but this one, Sister Location, was really fun. I liked it. It was a welcome change from everything that I've seen thus far and it really, really hammered home the interesting story behind everything and I like that a lot, and it was a pretty good challenge in custom night if I-I don't know if I ranked the difficulty, but I said Five Nights at Freddy's Two, Five Nights at Freddy's One, this game, Five nights at Freddy's Four and then Five Nights at Freddy's Three, that's what I'd say in terms of difficulty for the 20/20 modes, but either way, thank you, everybody, so much for watching, let me know what you think down in the comments below and as always, I will see you in the next video. BUH BYE! *outro music* Subscribe to Markiplier! Every Subscription turns to Exotic Butters! :DDD {Close Captions by Super89018AJ}
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 17,228,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golden freddy, sister location, five nights at freddy's, custom night, markiplier, fnaf, fnaf sl, fnaf sl cn, five nights at freddy's sister location, sister location custom night, very hard, golden freddy mode, freddy, five nights, golden freddy very hard, secret, cutscene, all cutscenes, secret ending, ending, scariest game ever
Id: p4x8mMM5g4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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