Five Eighths inch Bolt Jaw Tongs

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The fun part is watching the process during competition

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Laterian 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

Have you tried this? It's shit eating difficult! I just order them from :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SamWebsters 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2016 🗫︎ replies
today at the wcv we're going to make some bolt toms with chris madrid national champion wcb national champion afa national champion he's been competing with wcb since we started in 2006 he's an all-around good guy and he's going to give us the ins and outs of having a go we're going to make bolt tongs and they have some very specific specifications they're going to be made out of one it one piece of 3 8 by 1 18 inches long we're going to put a head on both sides this circle has to be an inch and an eighth that's a specification 17 inches long and they got a whole 5 8 tong on the diagonal and uh to do it for us is my man chris madrid thank you yeah we'll make some 5 8 bolt jaw comes i want to thank greg for the intro and we'll get started marking our bar stock here 18 inches of 3 8 by one i'm going to mark an inch on each end and i need to make sure that i mark opposites not the same side because we're going to split down the middle and make two separate tongs come in here and find my mark at one inch so i've marked this this edge and the opposite edge at one inch and that'll give me a starting point for my first heat right here to drop a top tool in here find my mark over here next is the market hard yeah so you can see we've got our start right here we are going to dislocate material for the boss and it is easy to get this too narrow so it is important that you don't overdo it right because if it is too narrow it will be a weak spot it could cause your thumbs to spring so i'm thinking of what i'm going to do on this next heat and i'm going to come out and work on the gooseneck a little bit on the horn and as the heat starts to go away i'm going to punch an eye a bunch of hole for a 3 8 rivet one easy right here we're splitting the reins we'll probably just go halfway through maybe a little bit more come on not going too fast easy so done so we have our two pieces we'll go ahead and start drawing this out i've got one edge here that i need to get and cutting it you get a sharp edge so we'll forge that back here now you could use the top tool because i can't hold on to it with tongs i can only do so much before i burn my hand something to be aware of on this heat when you're drawing up this branch here is if you're hot on this end it'll tend to whip back and forth depending on what you're doing up here this will come up and down so i kept it kind of cool because we already did the work there and i don't want to be having to worry about that i'll help you let's go now before i offset my reins i've got to make sure that my hole is bisecting the back of my rain here so i'm going to just drop it slightly and that'll affect my hole a little bit so we gotta run up my punch through one last time before i put the offset so okay so i'm at a pretty good place here i'm going to do it come out and do an offset next heat and they'll be ready to raspberry but you're going to open yeah i'll be dropping cheering down dropping my boss away from the drink so we'll do the same to this side make sure my hole is in line with my and what this will do is hold one side of the rivet in place and so it'll articulate on the other side of the rivet i have no articulation and the other boss will and that's so as the tongs start to wear it only wears one side and they don't catch yes so i'm going to shoot down my floss here easy come through here with my flatter slight it's nice to have everything flat in the boss area especially to allow for articulation if it's got any waves in it or anything it'll bind so we want to make sure it's nice and flat so at this point i'm going to rasp up my boss head and rain first thing i start rasping is where my other rain is going to meet that's my first order of business in my rasping process of the time i'll come in here and make this smooth and half round to prevent any binding clean up my boss a little bit let's make a uniform around the eye come in here with my half round ah uh okay as you can see i got all my edges make sure everything's smooth for articulation okay at this point we have rest up our tongs and we've tried to stay consistent with the forging because it is important to have a pair so before i put rivet these together i want to make sure that they will articulate and it is also important that when you rivet your rivet if you have a locking device on one of your bosses is important that is the side that you rivet with your hammer so that when it mushrooms over it fills the the gap and will actually lock okay so we got good articulation i think we're ready to uh go ahead and rivet these and um our heads aren't in too bad of shape i can adjust those as we go and uh i think we're set up pretty good here we come out with our rivet put it on there i was thought to rivet in three hammer a little bit blows and i think we got her set up so i'll get an overall heat and we will have to line up our our heads there and our final piece will be splitting the head for 5 8 square come out to the very tip here bring that around make sure they articulate and we're good there now you can make a jig a round jig or you can use the tip of the horn all right this little tool is made by flatland forge it's just so you can hold it steady instead of a post vise and it is a shameless plug for 432-563-8098 operators are standing by now slices dices peels makes wonderful julian fries and boy can it catch fish won't rust stain or tarnish unless soaked in salt water money back guarantee and if you call now you get the ginsu knives for absolutely free so operators are standing by so come on i'm just going to lightly mark this like i would do for foldering a horseshoe just in case i have to move somewhat good so the first splitter i use is real thin here and then i will next heat will come out and i'll open it up with a slightly wider splitter slightly under 45 degrees so that ways i can open up to my 5 8 square on edge all right i think royden was pretty smart whenever he set up the judging for this they have three stipulations they have to hold 5a square on the diagonal he wants an inch and a circle before the boss and he wants some 17 inches for overall length so we made a pair of tongs i didn't make theirs chris made a pair but i think that they'll be easy to judge because all toms will hold and then you'll go to different spec specifications of the tongs that will get you all the way to the top tier and actually win the class yeah these are my first pair of practice tongues so you know some of the things did not measure up but my circle is not quite exact and uh but i the main thing was getting the basics i think we have things in pretty good alignment and as well our 5 8 fits pretty good so at this point i'd just like to thank chris craig and the wcvb for having me out to give a chance to help everybody out and good luck practicing this like i said is my first practice so i'll be continuing practicing and things may evolve from now to virginia but hopefully i can make a pair somewhat of this quality you
Channel: World Championship Blacksmiths
Views: 462,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blacksmith (Profession), blacksmithing tongs, world championship blacksmiths, chris madrid, craig trnka
Id: E9yBlrqd6MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2015
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