Trying Cheap Acciaio Anvil to Forge a Tong

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[Music] so this is my achayo anvil i've had this for a long time now and i've never used it so i figure this would be a good time to give it a try uh chao means steel in italian so we can maybe assume that this is a cast steel anvil or maybe just that's the brand name i'm not sure i'll temporarily place it in my usual anvil spot as is my habit it's not secured down but i've got a piece of angle iron in the back so maybe that'll help with it jumping around too much [Music] i find the ring annoying and so a magnet should help i seem to remember paying 150 us dollars for this and it weighs 30 kilos right off the bat one feature that i like is that the pritchell and hardy holes go straight through the anvil and also through the base as is this piece of three-quarter won't go straight through the anvil probably needs a little bit of dressing so that's not too unusual but you can see with this thinner piece what i'm talking about as it stands this is how the anvil came to me with the edges dressed as they are and i won't do any additional dressing until i've used the anvil a few times so i'm going to test this anvil out by making a pair of tongs what could be more suitable for me i need to recognize rudolph w ziegler he donated a very generous amount to the channel his generosity will go a long way and is very much appreciated thank you sir also i just opened a patreon account and i'm still figuring all of that out but it's online and you can find it on patreon at gstops [Music] so okay by the way i'm making this tongue for a customer and it will be for holding half inch square so now that i've started to really hammer right away i can tell the difference between this and my usual anvils to be very honest uh this anvil feels very dead it has very little rebound at all i feel like i have to expend more energy when using this angle this anvil has a dull ring that hurts my ears and so i try adding another magnet i don't know what kind of steel this is but as i said i know this is a cast anvil a cast steel anvil and i've owned castile anvils in the past and i feel that this one it just seems to have a different density if that makes any sensity and that might be due to inclusions in the casting i've started messing around with using this old guillotine tool once again this anvil has a three-quarter inch square hearty same as my usual anvil but all my tools fit a little bit sloppy in it but they're still usable [Music] [Music] good i use this short piece of steel to heighten the hearty tool that i want to use kind of do stuff on the fly sometimes and this is why i like the pass through hardy and pritchell holes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i need to make myself a new round punch i've used this one countless times and typically once it wears down to a certain point then i'll turn this one into a drift so maybe i'll do that for my next video okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] remember to have the tools you need around you so you don't have to go running around like i just did this is my previous punch that i now use as a drift [Music] [Music] so [Music] so the spacing of the achaio anvil is not right for this tool so for this one operation i use my usual anthem [Music] [Music] another good point of this a chayo anvil is the long flat surface especially in relation to its small size so [Music] [Music] something i've been meaning to say is that i see all comments but i've been very slow to to reply to anything that's from an old video but i like i said i see everything and maybe eventually i'll get around to it but some at some point it does become pretty overwhelming uh for new videos i always try my best to reply to everyone so anyway just letting you guys know my new guillotine tool also fits pretty sloppily but again it'll work i've been really really pleased with this sheer i gotta make just one or two more small changes but as is it's working really really well [Music] [Music] so when i'm forming a rivet the reason my initial blows are pushing away from me in that manner is because i have a tendency to pull towards myself in the first couple of blows so i have to counteract that [Music] me so this tongue came out fine the achaio anvil has most of what folks want in an anvil the holes horns and surfaces a decent blacksmith can make do with whatever he has but if this was an anvil that you were to use on a daily basis more than just as a hobby then i think that you might be disappointed and like i said earlier you would expend a lot more energy because of the poor rebound i've taken all the magnets off of these anvils and so you can hear the different rings i myself don't put a lot of stock in ring there are a lot of factors that determine the ring of an anvil but you can definitely hear a difference between my machined anvils this petting house and the achill the pitch or tone of the achaio seems much lower and maybe this is due to the density as i mentioned earlier catch you guys next time
Channel: Glen GS Tongs
Views: 55,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blacksmith, blacksmithing, how to blacksmith, simple blacksmith project, learn to blacksmith, advanced blacksmithing, blacksmithing for beginners, blacksmith tongs, how to forge, metalworking, hot ironwork, forge hot steel, blacksmith anvil, forgeron outils, enclume, basic blacksmithing, decorative blacksmithing, pince de forge, gas forge, propane forge, metal shear, blacksmith shear, homemade shear, forge tongs, unusual tongs, make a tong, cheap anvil, double horn anvil
Id: n8Ol_iRMnAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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