FISM 2018 Champion Eric Chien REACTION by Magician

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hello my name is angel Parker aka Africa a Calif Lak spider-man and I got a bunch of comments all of a sudden about watching Eric chian who one fizzle which is like the worldwide competition of magic basically he just won it apparently and posted it four days ago and I got a bunch of comments about it so thank you for those who suggested it apparently it's gonna blow my mind in every physic I've ever seen has it's like the best of the best so let's watch it okay how much so far I can tell it's already gonna be cool though it's gone [Music] what whoa what the Freak happened what was that who's that if you hear rain it's storming outside I'm sorry okay got some cards nice fades our hearts eight of Spades he's the hearts what is that ten of diamonds i don't okay blacks and reds can't see it that well something's happened and I'm not sure what it was that was cool [Applause] I know how that's done but that was really cool I liked the line how it's separating oh and then he pulled it up so now he can throw it right over there symbolism and now it's gonna be blue cuz he that's so cool whoa oh that's so cool there's the divide people blue and red nice [Applause] no no don't do it to me don't [Music] that was the cleanest that's the cleanest color change I've ever seen what is HAP as really cool [Music] that's really cool [Applause] all these really cool magic routines I'll just spit have to cost a lot of money I'm just saying like to buy all the props and give its and stuff it costs a lot of money [Music] excuse me excuse him what what the Freak with the frequent set it's gosh given chin limit run for his money don't don't No [Music] wait go back friggin flip the big camera what now he's gonna go back in the cards gonna reappear [Music] [Applause] I'm so heavily confused as hurting I think it's just a magical ribbon to be honest I don't think he's doing any sleight of hand I don't think that's part of it you just found some magical mythical ribbon net like Merlin Blessed or something oh we're doing coins now I'm doing coins now people he's turning the cards into coins he's changed it from red to blue from to blue to the freaking coins no way No [Applause] okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what whoa what there's so many I want one of the magical ribbons [Music] they're all gonna be cards it's back to black his vest is black now they're all gone what is happening yeah I'm confused too bro you hurt my brain [Applause] yes dude yes freaking yes yes to that whole thing does anyone know where I can get one of those magical ribbons because I'd like one I don't have much to say I think I said it all already during the reaction I told you fizzle was gonna be the best of the best he started with something super visual the boxes that contained what the ribbon side of the ribbon was supposed to be and then you think all of changing colors is super cool and he did it a bunch then he did it more and more visually but he cut a card in half with the ribbon and then he was like no screw you I'm gonna make it worse I gotta take red make it a coin and then you start changing him to cordons dude and that the best he just threw that in there what if you get like a vest that was half coin and a half card for the last part absolutely incredible absolutely amazing so glad you guys suggested it thank you for suggesting it so glad I watched it I hope you guys enjoyed it and enjoyed my reaction let me know what you thought about it down below and if you have any other suggestions of what I should watch that was awesome thank you guys carpe diem we des bono have a great day thanks for watching goodbye [Music]
Channel: Wafellow
Views: 64,432
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Keywords: magician, fism, champion, eric, chien, eric chien, fism 2018, reaction, fism grand prix, magicians, coin magic, best magic, fism busan, magic trick, shin lim, ribbon act, theory11, ellusionist, visual, visualist, amazing, miracle, incredible, sleight of hand, best, bill cheung, gimmicks, black art, unbelievable, greatest, coin, 華視, 綜藝, 娛樂, 搞笑, 好笑, 有趣, 爆笑, 有梗, 必看, 精彩, 精采, 綜藝菲常讚
Id: TRhb8eQev1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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