Fishing the NLBN MURDER MULLET and it Got Chewed!!

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[Music] thank you all right good morning guys welcome back to day two out here with CA if you guys missed my last video make sure you tune into that one first go back watch that one you're gonna miss a very important part of this story um but today we're gonna try to keep it real simple so yeah you want to kind of give us just the gist of what we're going to be working on today yeah yesterday was a lot of sight fishing in a lake that was close to the ramp today we're actually gonna run way down river there's a Venice Rodeo fishing rodeo that's happening right here out of this Marina and the Venice Marina we're here at Cypress Cove so I think we're going to run down the Mississippi River and try to run maybe 45-50 minutes and get into a Zone where we'll never see another boat there you go that's a good way of putting it so that being said I think I'm gonna keep it real simple today last video is pretty long and we're gonna hop right into the fishing today I hope you guys enjoy be sure to hit the like button as well as subscribe if you're new to my channel and if you're new to ca be sure to go and subscribe to his channel as well I'll have it linked in the description let's go foreign guys so we've made it to our first spot of the morning here CA is about to hop up on the polling platform and today we're really just doing the same thing we're looking for Big Reds I'm going to switch up the profile I'm throwing yesterday I threw the the little mini mullet and that was you know the little four inch I even threw it in like the hot pink color which got eats and we're about to go into the bushes here but uh what what I was gonna say is we're switching up the profile this is my murder mullet here this is my personal color we are actually going into the Bush is still okay this is my personal color and uh we're gonna see if we can get a bite it is in the little mullet so it's a little bit bigger than what I was throwing yesterday but that's it that is it we're gonna catch them today let's do it yep big fish moving there's multiple unless that was a gar but yeah right right there oh looks like a drum Maybe I can't tell yeah it did oh okay wow so I we there's got to be a drum right here I don't technically got the right bait for him probably won't mess with him I think ideally we're looking for Reds but there's a group of mullet there that just got absolutely smashed they were flying out of the water one must have got sent like six feet high in the air so that's got to be a red fish I gotta gotta assume but it's cool man there's just so many black drum and reds mixed with it all that we're kind of just picking through them really looking for the Reds today I will say I want some awesome eats awesome top water eats on this thing that would just make my day there's also one about one o'clock two o'clock right here too I think I think there's one right here oh that was it yep he came up it was a little guy got a 20 incher came right up on it nip the back end of it a little a little too small but I bet there's a dozen fish here in front of us right no that's not a fish you dust it off all right let's try to get this monster drum here we go check this guy out right here big drum we've been tossing out little Reds and stuff but here's a crazy shot on the fish that was a little bit behind him I'll try to just slowly sneak up behind him here drop it right next to him see if he'll pick it up see there's a couple oh no he's just huge wow he's huge check this out Yep this is going to let it sink down right in front of him just a little twitch yep yep oh he's on it he's on it he's on it yep yep yep there it is oh my gosh he's huge he is huge [Laughter] I did I saw the red swim right past it I was about to say oh he's gonna grab it right in front of the drum he's going to steal it from these guys are just these are very different than red fish they are huge they don't fight the same they're a little different they will dog you though so it might be a second before I can get a hand on him but that was sick back out of the water crawling in this grass here I mean it's crazy and and on the back where I'm from they it's really difficult to get fish like these big black drums to eat anything other than something very scented or a live bait and these ones here you just put the right right cast in front of him and work it and they eat they're like a vacuum cleaner all right all right all right all right let's see that murder mullet right in the tip of his nose there just and you can see them too you can feel it feel in line that smoke it I'm gonna be quick with this one because there is a lot of fish around him or around us I'm gonna keep them in the water here and just pull that bait out go this way let's do this buddy there you guys go check that out I'm Gonna Leave This one in the water be quick with him but an absolute beautiful fish giant there that is awesome all right pull that out we'll just spin them around here and send them on his way there he goes that's the advantage of leaving them in the water too there's no issues you spin them around he's gone I'll take it I'll take it [Music] oh it's the back end of it a little big of a bait for that one is about 19 inches there we go all right let's keep it going let's keep it going so cool though I like seeing that almost as much as just catching them sometimes I love having them come up on it yeah right in here right in there somewhere keep your eye out you got the probably the better bait for him because I've been eating low that one was a very bright orange looked like he it was about a 34 inch fish 30 nope oh it came up and swiped it I didn't even I let it sink it must have been what it was okay it wasn't a 34 inch fish yeah I didn't even see you took it I saw that I saw a swipe nice over here right here right here big one big one see you see that it's right here right here that that was the fish I saw I did say about 34 inch or something like that and then I let this thing sink down a little too much and you just got hammered all right guys that is my first redfish of the day there there's been a ton of them about this size I'm throwing the little mullet right now not quite an ideal bait for redfish in the in the size class we're looking for the Giants and they're out here um but there first red of the day nice one gotta love these little guys though one day they're gonna be the big guys that's important all right but we're gonna send you right on that there he goes nice fish foreign Oh I thought it was the back of a red fish man I'll take it though I didn't even see him eat it only felt it right there it is second drum of the day there we just chased down a big red fish and we never really got a great shot at him so we just kind of circled back around we're gonna head over to him because he was moving pretty quick and this is the first fish I saw and in my head I was like oh this might be that red and I could only see the back just sliding through this uh kind of cloudy water here that's another nice drum I'll take it these guys are awesome might as well make the most of it while I'm here because I don't have all these opportunities where I live it's a good fish all right once again here I'm just going to try to just quickly grab them pull the hook off and let them free swim away it's a good one I don't know if he's quite as big as the one from earlier but these guys man their heads are enormous all right pop that one out easy and off he goes once again that one there on the murder mullet wow so we just moved spots here I stand up and there's four or five Reds right here swimming just turn the engine off I doubt they'll eat but I figured I'd give him a shot you never know I'll see how I feel good about this spot shut the engine off and we've seen five fish already yeah yeah I didn't realize his head was that way nice red that's the beat that's gonna be the bait for here water cleared up gotta switch it up what a good sound I kept that thing High because this grass is so thick here I had to just skim that thing just across the surface I could throw on a weedless bait but I got this one it should work just fine that is awesome so we made a spot change we were talking it was starting to dry up the previous area we were officially said well hopefully they're all going to be stacked up in the next spot because they moved out of where we were fishing it seems like right away there's tons of fish right here so this is actually a new setup here I actually have never fished with this it's a 3500 Authority right here and I got the new Fenwick world class seven six medium perfect for like this type of fishing where the fish are mostly good size but you can catch a big one there's little ones it's just like that perfect medium setup this fish is a lot bigger than I thought when he was up there cruising I'll tell you what sometimes fish are funny he's actually about probably 33 inches look at that grass in his mouth definitely don't want to toss my shrimp back in the water because I might lose my rod there's fish everywhere here I'll put him back in that's a beautiful one bright red in this water this is like nice clean clean water there he goes hey CA right here awesome awesome we got a big group of fish right here see he's gonna throw the Frog if he gets bit I'm going in with a little mullet Red's right here big fish yeah yup let me see if I can double up here oh there it is there it is yeah oh we're in a mess oh you're chewing [Laughter] all right that is the clip of the trip right there eight Reds coming down the line and we both get smoked on top you come under me yeah kind of just see where I'm at I'm out there what's up red that was awesome all right I just gotta do my best to keep him out of this grass look at them under the boat I don't know if y'all can see that or not but they are surrounding us all right perfect he's out oh that was awesome that was awesome like they get pretty yep competitive they'll eat just about anything oh that was epic but mine's wrapped in grass that is awesome smoked it go back here these are all is the push-pull good to stay here okay foreign looks like you got yours yep I do I Almost Do I got him he's a little wrapped up in this tree here let me see if I can finagle him out of here he's right there all I need to do is reach down and grab them I think I finally got him out let me see I think he's got a ton of grass on him can you lift up the power pole real quick for me yeah you went under it I totally forgot you have a power pole leave it right there all right I'm clean all right a little bit of a mess there but [Laughter] [Music] apparently I got about three pounds of grass on the line double oh we got him all right guys double up with Captain CA Richardson this is awesome absolutely epic both fish on top and just insane to chase them around the boat us us working together there and we got him that's a big one he's about 39 probably yeah this is pushing 40 inches for sure so uh awesome we're gonna have to get these guys back in the water be responsible here real quick but what a net what an action that was afternoon that it that was a great way to close that was awesome man all right all right let's get him in over here yeah all right there you have it see I'm just gonna revive them for you there he goes he's cruising he's off just wanting to go beautiful there he goes hey that was that was that made the trip right there made it that was epic awesome it gets it doesn't get much more exciting than that yeah I forgot I had this Rod here so thank you for not Crossing it no no I completely forgot I'm smart enough to know that oh boy they both want it [Music] close so close they're swooping around it yeah he did I never wanted never felt anything though yep turn on it okay right there oh oh that is awesome they're just everything we are surrounded right now let's go right there it might be able to trick them foreign how about that I'm close very close oh sheep there's a red right there two of them it's right down there pretty good crawling on the bottom another one at the boat inhaled under the bow okay under the bow that is awesome this thing has taken insane run right here I was sitting there jigging up and down for Sheepshead I had about eight sheep said look at it and I realized there's a huge red object sliding past the Sheep so I said shoot they're actually two or three went by there actually but they do not play how to Savage your shrimp on as well beautiful looks like he's about 33 32 somewhere in that range how about we measure this guy I'll make my guess 32 what do you got CA what do you guess he is okay I mean just the coloration oh the camera right there it's been a fun collaboration with you today absolutely all right well I put a little guess on there I said about 32. he's about 33 if I pinch the tail so how about that we'll get him unhooked and put them back in the water I don't even know how many Reds I've caught today maybe my fourth or fifth there he goes another one nice monsters oh that's my 20-inch sheep right there I can't uh so close I just this is so guys this is the biggest the the smallest shrimp I have in the boat that I think a sheep will eat obviously we got one yesterday but they are so skeptical and they come up on it so hard but they just they won't commit unfortunately I'm gonna keep trying that's why I have this in my hand man they're smart there's a little red right here I think I don't think it's the same one as the one you got oh you came up on it real hot I kind of pulled it away from him I was about to lift it out of the water [Applause] that's sheeps man they love to come right up to it and put their nose on it and see what it's all about and it's not what they think you want to hit them right under the boat right under the boat oh I digged it I jigged it too hard I knew it I juked it too hard I knew it because he started he turned towards and went and I did one of these and it and he was like oh yep grassland see the red mask right there oh yep yep yep yep I'm gonna drop it in there quick I don't know it's like that same group this looks bigger though a bunch of Reds bunch of Reds let's get them fired up oh one zombie huge one's on me yep yep big fish big fish big fish big fish oh boy we're clear all right we're clear big fish that was perfect that I could have drawn that up any better man he swooped on oh he didn't swoop on he opened his mouth closed came up a little short I kept it going I wanted to bring it up to the surface because I wanted to hear that pow oh yeah this is a big fish I'll just keep him out of this grass here you guys can see this grass I mentioned it earlier does he have a remora on him this is one of the biggest fish in that school awesome man awesome can't beat that coming up on the surface and just inhaling it mouth opened up about the size of a softball yeah huge fish huge fish cookies 38 or bigger maybe 40. huge fish man epic epic yep absolutely oh I gotta use my use the core here and get this guy up yeah I was gonna say you might need me to help you again oh my gosh that is a giant red giant beautiful too I mean look at the color all right guys well that right there is the fish of the trip without a doubt giant redfish on top that was awesome this guy is probably close to 30 pounds and I think he's bigger than 41 C8 this is I think the biggest fish of the trip epic that is absolutely epic awesome uh yeah we're gonna get our pick and uh we're gonna put him back in the water make sure he swims off good all right we're gonna pull this hook out we're gonna make sure he gets on his way all right fish is back in the world trying to fight me already I gotta let him go he's ready go he's ready to go awesome that was the fish of the trip right there that was awesome that was next to the sheep's head maybe the sheep's head was the fish of the trip I can't you can't beat it can't beat it thank you all right guys well we just uh kind of picked it back up we found an epic spot to end the day off as you guys could tell we knocked out like fish after fish after fish I mean I think we Pro we fished two different areas today the first area got really hot in the morning uh right off the bat and fish were tailing and stuff like that and then it slowed down a little bit once the sun came up we made a move and that was the right decision to make a move we absolutely whooped him here uh I I think we maybe caught five or six Reds after we made that move we just felt like it was time to move and it paid off big time and I mean that double up was was probably the was probably the uh that double up and my big fish was was the trip right there and I want to know what made the trip for you I I think the trip for me was just the fact that I get to fish with someone who I follow on YouTube believe it or not after a chance meeting and then invite you out here because I was going to be out here for a couple of days of practice you know believe it or not I do practice out here and make sure that my client until it's going to be successful and then killing it the way we killed it on a chance meeting with you in Orlando Florida icast trade show so we've been out here for two days and literally I mean some of the best most I'm gonna say world-class uh fishing was available this time around and that just doesn't happen all the time in the summertime here you're usually battling thunderstorms and dirty water algae water and we've just had two epic days of Epic and I made a new friend absolutely I can't thank you enough I I ca once again I can I don't think I think CA this was an incredible opportunity he's been on TV for how long going on 18 Seasons yep and I I remember watching them on TV way before I even considered starting a YouTube channel so absolutely an inspiration for me seeing what he did and me being able to incorporate that same uh same flow into my videos and learned a lot and I think the biggest thing is the way CA speaks and presents presents fishing and ultimately it's really awesome yeah I'm a God that's really what I am I I pretend to be a television host but I'm really a professional guide and I coach people how to catch fish and I didn't have to do much coaching with Justin I really didn't he's a good stick and uh and that's why I follow him on YouTube right absolutely thank you so much Ca big shout out to Cajun fishing Adventures Lodge having me it was an awesome stay there delicious food uh it was a really neat place and uh I'm heading out of here today back to Florida uh ca's here for a little while longer but I'm back to Florida we're gonna go maybe do some snook fishing I've caught enough Reds in this trip to last me a little while so I want to thank you guys so much for watching be sure to uh go down below I'll have ca's Channel linked uh in the description give him a follow and let me know down in the comments what you think of this collaboration it was awesome thank you CA I will see you guys in that next video thanks for hanging out with us [Music] thank you job
Channel: Justin Menendez
Views: 22,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snook, fishing, gheenoe, florida, nlbn, nlbn fishing, nlbn 3 inch, paddletail fishing, florida fishing, saltwater fishing, justin menendez, mangrove fishing, penn battle, giant snook, light tackle, fishing florida, fishing canals, florida canals, fishing expensive boats, justin menendez snook, berkley gilly, gheenoe fishing, flatsclass, ca richardson
Id: wQmSoSC0q7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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