Snook Were Everywhere! Live Mullet and Lure Action!

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what's going on everyone welcome back to the channel today so we are on the Guin today it is going to be hopefully a beautiful day we're going to get weather up into the 80s today I think high of 81 so that is really solid uh but we got the castnet in the boat today and the goal is to grab some mullet and then uh we're going to go for Snook so we might get snook Jack maybe if we're real lucky we'll find a tarpon I know it's early in the year but there is uh often Tarpon hanging around but main uh Main goal is definitely snook but before that we got to find some mullets so here we go we're going to have to kind of do a little bit of a scavenger hunt for him today a little hide-and seek with the mullet it is uh I have not seen very many as of recently so we're going to kind of just Scout around see what we can find throw the cast in around maybe we won't even find mullet today and we'll throw some lures around I don't know that's how fishing goes that's when it is sometimes the most fun when you're kind of just winging it so that's the plan for today let's uh let's get going let's find the mullet and then uh search for some Snook all righty got four or five mullet right there that had been super super slow today finally came up on a group of them right there that I could reach there's not many around which is good if I can find some good snook today I should get some bites if there's not much bait around and I put a bait in front of a fish they should you know they're should light up so let's get those in the bucket well just got those ones pretty good I think I'm going to call it there that'll bring us to about a dozen in the bucket and that should be good enough I got some bigger ones in there some smaller ones in there good variety all right so that'll work check these guys out something like this if I can pick them up here that is a good 12-in mullet there it's a big bait but for a giant snook should do the trick whoa all right so check this out I got this new airator here if you guys have noticed in my last couple videos I've been using this uh this is quiet bubbles um I got a new one this one is just pretty loud so we're going to go ahead and take the batteries out of this one and check out this is the one I got hopefully it's quieter this is hush bubbles it's I guess a different hopefully quieter I guess we'll find out going to put the batteries from here into this one get it started good airator works fine but just a little loud because I'm filming and you can nonstop hear it in the background so let's see if it's any quieter play this one one more time all right I do put the airator and keep it in the plastic it 100% keeps the airator good longer prevents it from rusting but put it back in the plastic here put the tube on you guys let me know let's see if this is any [Music] quieter I wonder if it has to do with it being kind of loud from it being in the plastic I feel like it's not much quieter maybe just a pinch maybe just a pinch quieter we go ahead and get it set set back up here you guys let me know if if it's loud or not should be getting a new one from frabel here soon but a rechargeable one but we'll go ahead and put this one away we're good to go on the mullet let's see if we can find some snook now let's do this all right we're good let's go over to uh let's go find somewhere to catch a Snook they're under him oh there's a pop there's a pop might be a tarpon you get him got something yeah yeah there's a Tarpin there we go there we go funny I said that earlier might get L lucky enough to get a tarpon today in mid January I've been throwing at some snook here not not huge I've been throwing at some snook here and uh Tarpon came up and slurped him oh come here bud I'll take it if I can get my hands on this guy this will be the first of the year let see oh something's blasting my mullet up in the trees I can hear that oh right there I could see him he was just barely hooked I actually think he kind of came undone midf fight and got reh hooked on the inside or the outside of the mouth little Freight up there but funny enough I threw it to snook floating there right on the surface and uh the mullet kind of worked its way up into the trees and Tarpon found him and decided I was the right one to eat not the biggest deal we lost him honestly but I'll go ahead and get retied here that's nice to get some a little bit of Tarpon action in January I know I'd seen a couple rolling here so I was in the back of my head saying oh I might get a bite here but we got a bite so I'll go ahead and just reig here this is 40 lb mono it's just about decent for Snook and decent for Tarpon as well so I wish I had would have got a bite from that bigger snook that I threw at but Tarpon is cool as well just a little loop knot there will work we'll trim the tag end rig up another mullet might grab a smaller mullet since I know there's Tarpon in the area I swear I just saw a snook just kind of turn sideways right up ahead here kind of creep towards it it was a large fish if it wasn't a snook maybe a red fish or [Music] something it's somewhere right here oh inhaled it oh my gosh oh he didn't get it he didn't oh he's on he got that one got it oh my gosh dang man that is a strong snook don't I just punch the camera oh my gosh about time that is a strong snook I don't know if this is the one I saw but it is about time we got it dude he's bigger than I thought I thought this fish was like well maybe this wasn't even the one I saw oh my gosh he's got to be 32 see if I can get a hand on her here she's barely hooked hey that's how you Wrangle a snook right there oh my gosh she went crazy for that mullet went absolutely crazy for that mullet look at that beautiful fish I said 32 let me test my guest here I'll bring her in real quick and measure her she is heavy heavy heavy maybe a little smaller than 32 let's see she's on zero there on that ruler and she's actually 31 so I was an inch short huge belly on this fish huge huge belly finally a snook that just turned up and inhaled a mullet I mean absolutely crushed it hit it once missed it I said oh she didn't get it and uh turn around and slammed it we we got her good too that 3500 spin Fisher there got her in probably this fight seemed like it was 20 seconds long spin her around and send her on her way nice there we go we finally put something together I haven't seen them decent like that kind of all morning and they've just been kind of heading in the opposite direction of the baits not super aggressive that one that's the type of snoke we're looking for let's go all right well pretty epic bite right there I'm going to rig up another mullet here I've been seeing them decent like that kind of all morning and like I said earlier they just I mean seem like a little smart I don't know water temp who knows what it is that one just came unglued for it that's how snook should be I wish they were well I wish they were like that 24/7 but that thing went dude killed it absolutely killed it oh we're going to keep fishing here but uh I might have to reup on some mullet I really hope we can find some more like that that was what a 31 in great fish great great fish let's just keep on going here hopefully the shoreline provides something else I just went through a bunch of snoke oh my gosh these are all snoke right here surrounded by fish there's snook everywhere I just rolled up on them and they were pretty much tailing oh boy came in a little hot on them I did not realize that they were here out this far from the mangroves I just spooked probably 20 [Music] fish huge snook loaded loaded loaded oh one's on it yep that's it oh I pulled it out of his mouth he didn't actually get it there's more here something eat it don't do this to me don't do this to me circle hook didn't grab those are all fish right there those wakes big [Music] snook don't do this to me that fish hammered it I came down tight on it I don't feel like I hook set I feel like I did everything right it's going be all right another big handful of snook right here they're all actually facing away from me so going try to just put it right in front of their faces one's on it one's on it oh they're all on it wait yep just need the right one yep need the right one there's multiple fish on my mullet just need the right one to get it oh that one that one should have done it a dude circle hook is not grabbing for me the fish that grabbed it wasn't huge to be honest he was probably a little smaller than the last one I caught I'll just let those fish be it's no problem I'll just let those fish be I'll just keep moving this Shoreline let those fish be I'll come back to them absolutely smoked my mullet it's frayed up 8 in above the hook there so I'm going to have toit hit a retie I'm basically so what just happened is I moved into a school of probably 100 snook just back down the shoreline and I just came in a little too hot on them and you know one fish moves they all take off it kind of that's how it went so I'm going to just give this Shoreline like 20 30 minutes maybe I'll go fish back more towards my left and then I'll Circle back around and move through the shoreline A lot quieter I should have had that fish I would have liked to have the fish before that but mistakes were made might up I mean my circle hook is the right size it's just a kind of a big mullet for that size snook put him back in the well I'm going to go ahead and retime my leader just kind of reset here cuz I've had two Mis eats I don't want that to happen again something should happen here for [Music] sure there's another one I'll go to the one I can see we just going to keep casting that snook here just picking up keep casting oh that's a neat that's me oh my gosh that is an eight and a half big snug let's make sure we stay tight dude no way going to try to keep this fish out of the trees oh he's right up in there that's an eat oh I don't know what happened did he come unglued or refraid me came unglued there's just no way oh man what is my luck today just came on glued that was probably dude look at the mullet he smoked just came on glued I mean he kind of stopped right there probably gave me just the right head shake oh you just got to be kidding me man look at this mullet oh well you win some you lose some like I'm not going to try to blame the hook here cuz this is the same hook I've snook fished pretty much my whole life with and I've done great with it but just a bit unlucky just a bit unlucky there that was a thump there is fish just stacked in this pocket so just keep it simple put the hook back on and keep trying that's that's sometimes all it takes sometimes you just have to fail a little bit to succeed it's kind of tough I mean I could have had four or five fish by now was a big mullet too I don't know if the mullet being on the hook caused any problems putting slack in the line what I felt like was the reason I wasn't hooking the other ones was because the mullet was staying like directly on the hook so it could have prevented a good hook set I had a good hook set there the mullet still was just 20 ft up on the line that's tough tough man dude they're stacked I can see like a dozen from here you know what screw it let me try the K [Music] tail oh my gosh Come on eat baby eat snook just aired on it snook just aired on it didn't get it though man everything's slipping today oh man maybe I should have tried this one they're super fired up on the live bait oh my gosh dude they're so flared that one hit it short it's like they're just nipping the back end of it looks like I see a couple floating right here couple snook there we go nice snook nice snook there we go smok the K tail oh come on come on stay with me here we go I knew something was bound to happen after I saw that last one come up and just smoke it or I guess he didn't smoke it Chase it down I should say come on come on don't get me up in the tree there switch to the 2500 setup and put on the bigger K tail that I threw in the last video actually it's a good bite that is a good bite right there come on looks like he's about a 25 in fish I'll take it I'll take it let me see if I can get my hand on him here oh smoke that oh yep there goes the lure right there flew out nice fat fish right there nice fat snook I'll go ahead and just lay him back in and just do a quick release on this guy I know there's plenty of these guys around they're just it seems like they start to eat later in the day from my past two uh like I'd say successful fishing fishing trips where finding snook the later in the day the better so I'll spin this guy around here if he lets go of my thumb there he goes quick and easy quick and easy so I don't have much mullet left this why I switched over to the K tail no live bait needed good name for it we got one we got a bite Let's uh let's keep going here that is our second fish landed of the day I really should have like three or four right now but that was a sick eat there's another snook right here so they're still around here let's keep fishing no oh no way snook is all over it but the lure got messed up it got hooked on something oh I see what happened here that's crazy that snook was all over it little eyet kind of came out of the bait when I cast it and try to skip all right we're back in we should be good [Music] here oh snook just smoked it right there off the bottom smoked the K tail it was barely moving oh my gosh oh I can't believe he ate that I can't even see the bait it either fell out or he's got it so deep in his mouth I can't see it oh no I see it no way don't go under the boat oh my gosh good fish I don't know if you guys could see any of that but I was just watching the bait as I was reeling in probably 6 feet away from the boat and I just saw the mouth come up and boom smoke it there we go that's a great fish actually great fish I was just slow reeling that down on the bottom well not on the bottom but middle of the water column beautiful fish see if I can get a hand on this fish this looks like a little bit bigger than the last one that K tail is doing work doing work all right guys well beautiful fish right there it looks like this fish is probably 26 in but I mean inhaled I switched to the K tail because I was running low on live mullet and it paid off that's like two good fish in the P like it's out fishing the mullet right right now cuz they're able to catch it really easily the thing about mullet is sometimes the mullet can escape the snook but I was just working this guy real low real slow and uh this came up this fish came up and just inhaled it caught me off guard but it was epic I saw the whole thing so great fish we'll get them unhooked put them back in the water and uh it's turned out to be not a half bad day that's a good one right there all right well snook fishing is back I mean man they're eating well today and I got to say it's probably because of that warmer weather we're getting it's probably probably close to 80 right now but we'll go ahead and send this guy back on his way beautiful fish ready to go there he goes right back up into the mang Gres all right well we're kind of we're figuring out as it out as we go today but I mean we're getting some good bites right now the K Tail's kind of destroyed this one I'm I have used it for several trips now and uh it's it's still going for me I think I just need to replace the hook on it because somehow I lost the little screw lock when that fish hit and shook around and stuff but not a half bad day so far we're doing pretty good pretty good so I'm going to keep fishing here I think I'm going to stick with this right now I still got maybe two mullet in the bucket I don't know if I'll pull them out again I do have real one really big one so if the fish don't happen to want this I'll uh I will uh try that bigger mullet in there uh but man a little bit of excitement today I like it it has been the spring months it's not spring yet but the spring weather is starting to roll in and it just it's like energy for me it's so much fun out here I can't say it enough I hate the cold weather and uh to be out here in just one layer shorts bathing suit whatever it's uh it's a good day so let's uh I got to get re- rigged here I think I got to grab another screw lock out of my bag get re- rigged I'll keep using that same K tail 5 and 1 half inch it looks like a fresh mullet kind of gray color and uh we'll keep working the mangroves but they're starting to eat really good and I think we got some time for some more fish so let's do it oh big S just hammered yep yep yep hammered the K tail oh no you got to be kidding me he came unglued it is just I mean I've caught some good fish today but that fish was probably 30 in it's like when them fish run and then they come to a dead stop somehow they can get the hook regardless of what it is because the same thing happened with circle hooks today out of their mouth oh that was a good bite a really good bite and I think maybe this K tail has had some better days so so let me see if I can swap it out here windy windy Shoreline just rolling it rolling it got thumped and man when they take that run and and they come to a stop and shift their momentum it's like boom that hook comes right out and I felt like man I had them good too oh I want to say That's Just Fishing that's just fishing all righty guys well I just made my last cast I'm sort of worn out but uh we had a day I mean it it should have been a lot better than it was I had what we landed three fish uh we lost that I think we landed three fish we lost that little Tarpon in the morning which is no big deal but those snook coming off the hook man those kind of hurt felt a little bit defeated from that uh but so you win some you lose some and today it kind of just felt like we we tied we just broke even for how we were fishing I was getting the bites really well today from both mullet and uh the nlbn today so that was really good to see I wish I just had capitalized a little bit better and you know went home with six fish and three of them being you know that one I lost that was that took off like 200 mph probably 100 feet away from the boat he was probably 35 in so that one hurt a little bit really wish I could have had that one but other than that it's fishing you know you win you lose and you know you just come back to do it again another day and that's kind of how today was so yeah thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate it I'm so excited for this year the warm weather is just getting me I mean truly so so excited so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video please subscribe if you haven't done so already hit the notification Bell uh it'll help you get updated on videos that I uploaded and uh send you a little notification that helps a lot as well so thank you guys so much for watching today I appreciate it and I'll see you guys in that next video see you guys
Channel: Justin Menendez
Views: 35,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snook, fishing, gheenoe, florida, nlbn, nlbn fishing, nlbn 3 inch, paddletail fishing, florida fishing, saltwater fishing, justin menendez, mangrove fishing, penn battle, giant snook, light tackle, fishing florida, fishing canals, florida canals, fishing expensive boats, justin menendez snook, berkley gilly, gheenoe fishing, savage gear shrimp, savage gear, justin m fishing, justin gheenoe, alabama fishing, georgia fishing, Mississippi fishing
Id: cWZEnNsa1aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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