Fishing Reef Holes on a Remote Coast

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[Music] [Music] good morning I'm here with Jack this morning and we're fishing some Reef holes have a look at this spot here we got this really remote piece of Coastline here um there's lots of holes on this original plan was we were going to fish out um on the ocean side here but the swell is really pumping it's a low but the swells really pumping and coming over the top we gave it a bit of a crack it's hard to fish so um we're having a little crack in these Reef holes so we just got a bit of bely in here there's fish everywhere we're just going to see what shows up we might be able to find a little Snapper or a Baldi or something or I don't know it's just beautiful place to be so but we got a real rugged bit of coast to explore so we're going to have a bit of a look around and see what we can come up with see how we go you King no that just smoked me it just took my plastic he can just bolt it what is it oh it's some kind of cod look at that he just came out of nowhere and smoke that L look at that straight out of the rock hole how cool is he he's big man yeah it's the colors of her he just inhaled that little bomb squad law What a wicked fish oh he's Sparky me to grab your holder he's working he's cool isn't he I really want oh he's looks so cool look at that he's just eating that little Bon Squad I dropped it to the bottom and he just smoked it instantly he's cool h on budy get get that out here he are that nuts doing a bit of exploring bit of footwork see what we can find around the corner here see if we can we're going to try to see if we can get the wind at our backs a little bit cuz it was pretty hectic fishing where we were before oh looks like we might have found a bit of a Zone around here it looks a bit calmer oh crap come buddy oh yeah look at them yeah there's a heap of herring in these holders here I'll throw my little bomb squat in there and see what happens oh they're all over it oh oh Mr R came out of iear did you see that yeah oh look at them they're smashing it look how many fish are hitting it nothing's really committing to it too well but wow oh so many fish in here but they're all just like small R and stuff I don't know where those Herring went they were here when I first pulled up oh they're down the bottom I can see them down there's some good size Herring see if I can jig this around a bit get him in the mood [Music] definitely seen a bigger fish hanging around in here it's just trying to locate him he Zips the end View and then we see him and then he buggers off but there's definitely something bigger in here swimming around I'm not sure what it is I don't know if it's a bullin or a bigger Cod or maybe a big um brake Sea Cod it's really hard to he's been quite stealthy about his whole approach I'm just working around the edges here underneath the ledge here and just to see if I can temp him out from wherever he's hiding a little soft plastic lure here I'm fishing with a softy cuz these guys are just stripping Jack's Bait off as quick as you can get it down they're stripping it straight off again wow oh that's a Breaky Cod oh blackass there yeah he's on oh oh he just dropped see that he just came out of nowhere and just smacked it but that's not that big thing we saw before Oh again and again the brake seat look at him so how cool is that look at that little Brak seon oh he's only settle down he's only small but he's aggressive he's only small guy but he's super aggressive you come out and smack that little bum Squad oh thanks buddy you almost don't need to catch big fish in these sort of places it's just exciting just to see just to see the fish it's like an aquarium it's nice he was aggressive I just dropped that near his house that's what it was when you go near their home they come out it's the same when you're snorkeling as well if you go near their little ledge the black the um break SE cods oh something else would just smack me there the brake SE cods just come out of nowhere and they'll have a go they'll stand up to you oh he's an even smaller Brak SE look at this guy he's tiny aggressive little animal wow oh you're in surely oh yes is that him I think it's the same one oh what's this wow check that out I'm going to jiggle my plastic down in there and just see this is what happened with that Cod and then it just came out of nowhere and just smacked my plastic out of [Music] nowhere wow that's really beautiful check out the action on this little bum Squad too I really like really like the action on on there small like a real small Bait fish sort of profile got a really pulsating tail that sort of puts a bit of vibration in the water a lot for um your light Tackle fishing these little bum squads pretty sweet little plastic I'll put a discount code Down Below in the um in the comments if you guys want to get hold of some bomb squad lures like this I'll put a discount code below you can jump online and grab some all right let's should we track on and see what else we can find that's a pretty cool looking pool are way yeah it's beautiful so many birds so many crabs looks like he's hunting us look at him just gliding on the breeze that's so cool we just stopped off to have a sandwich me walking for a good couple of CAS so but look so much Coastline to explore if you're prepared to put in a bit of leg work there's heaps to be seen um You Can't Always Get to places by car and um most people are too lazy to put in the leg work so if you're prepared to actually put in a bit of effort you can always find places that don't get touched as often and it looks super fishy but the yeah the swells up just making it a bit hard to fish the deeper water today but we're having fun just fishing in these Rock holes we don't even care if it catch fish earli we just having a look around more than anything just an adventure but loving it steak sandwich not bad that's a wind [Music] m [Music] I think there's more than one Bo in there dude what is that did you see what you see now oh sorry I'm pling as day sure plain as day see oh there was no they buff Rim but old boy boys down there too man I saw him clear as where's he gone there he is he's over there near you yeah I just saw him go that way yeah he's a proper big fish oh yeah yeah oh oh you just got snizzle that was him I saw him there hey oh he got my that's probably it you probably won't see him again now I got something on what's this little black black ass oh oh we gave those holes a bit of a pepper and Jack had his chance he hooked it there was a big Bulch in there I saw it Sam ran looked at my bait a few times then Jack hooked it but he was just he was standing in a really bad spot when he hooked it and it went underneath his feet and underneath the ledge and um yeah just managed to get itself off and that was it that's the last now he's scared off out of deep sea so he won't be back I don't think spooked him but yeah there was definitely a big bul in there um saw a clear as day and Jack felt the weight of it he pulled a bit of line off your way and then it ripped underneath that ledge it was all over we're going to I'm just tied on a um like a bit of a stickbait thing here and Jack's tiing on a um GT ice cream yeah we're going to go out here and see if we can get a few casts into this white wash out here um see what we can turn up without getting washed off the rocks and dying hopefully but I think think we'll be all right we can get close enough to get a few casts in there see if we can turn up a tailor or a king or something all these birds are busting up over here they were all out wide before and they've com in Clos here now into the bay so I don't know if they're on bait in here or whe they're just flying around or what the story is but we'll have a look all right let's get a few casts in this white water here it looks really good really air and like perfect tailor sort of water see how we go wouldn't be surprised to see a king fish in here either oh look at him oh what there hearing I think did you see them all yeah I did oh W what was that what was yeah sick what was that there was something I think up there was a way way I saw something splashing there that was mad W oh gra my go oh good fish GT ice cream oh I got a fish on here thought that was a bit of seaweed First cast oh now it's in the Rocks hang on what have we got here think it's a hering what are you doing there you go little haing stand still and we'll sort this out stand still and we'll sort this out oh I'm getting slammed over here what's this one another hering oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God a minute ago I released the Herring which wasn't really swimming too well and a baly just came up and ate my Herring like right here couldn't believe it check if the bait down and see what happens here wow I just didn't expect to see a BAL you just swim up and take a herring off the surface but there you go nice oh here we go whoa yeah I'm glad I didn't go out there all right Scotty time to go it's starting to get really sketchy here now Tide's coming up the waves are coming over um yeah I can swim all right so I'm not worried about getting knocked over but it's not comfortable I don't want to end up getting rolled across the reef and cut myself to Pieces so time to cut my losses all that's it for us today we didn't exactly set the world on fire fishwise I mean oh I saw some massive buies Jack got a really nice tailor we caught a couple of cod but today was more just about exploring and just have a look around and um just spending the day exploring all Jack over here playing with a K there's a big seal in the water over here he's keeping his distance he doesn't know if he wants to fight or if he wants to play but he looks pretty he looks pretty playful I think he's playful he's just really wary of you anyway if you like our videos stay tuned and I'll see you guys all the next episode thanks everyone for watching he's just like right in front of you there he is there he is oh there he is he he wants to say hello he's just not quite sure how hello he's not sure how close he can come [Music] h
Channel: Saltfix Fishing
Views: 1,061,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reef Holes, Fishing Reef holes, Fishing Blue Holes, Fishing Tide Pools, Remote Australia, Coastal Australia, Coastal Foraging, Remote Exploring, Remote Fishing, Fishing Australia, Saltwater Fishing, reef fishing
Id: XnUsmG0VVOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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