I Broke a $200 Rod Landing this Giant Snook

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oh all righty guys what's going on welcome back to another video today uh if you've never seen one of my videos before my name is justin menendez and i do all sorts of inshore fishing um and today we're gonna be fishing on my tarpon boatworks tarpon bay 19 flats spot we're gonna be looking for snook tarpon and maybe some big jacks it could be any of those three i don't really know yet it's a bit breezy today and my plan is to throw big live mullet um so our first order of business today is actually to find those live mullet it is technically the mullet run right now through the east coast so there is mullet pretty much all around i kind of just need to locate where they're at today always moving um so what we're gonna do is uh i'm gonna hop on the engine and uh we're gonna do some searching around a bit look around and uh pull out the cast and hopefully we can get a couple dozen put them in the live well and go find some big snook tarpon and jack so stay tuned uh if you guys are not subscribed to the channel already you can do it right below the video it is totally free to do so i didn't realize this but a lot of people think it costs like money or something to subscribe it's totally free and really all it does is keep you guys up to date uh but yeah let's get started let's go ahead and find our mullet let's go [Music] all right i just located a wad of bait right behind me i'm about 95 sure they're mullet five percent sure they're thread fins i honestly can't tell from here but there's a lot of them so i'm gonna grab the cast net now we're gonna get set up and we're gonna nail these baits so yeah they're mullet 100 they're so thick i don't know why i thought they might be threatening [Music] dusted them boy these are candies too these are about the 10 inchers these are exactly what you want for snook and tarpon let's go so all right so just absolutely whack them there that was probably like 24 in one pass good sized ones too they're probably 11 inches all of them those are perfect for snook i mean perfect they're not like too small where the snook doesn't want to fuss with them but they're not too giant where maybe the snook might have any issue getting them they're actually eating them but they're just right on that middle size perfect for snook and tarpon so we're gonna go ahead and clean the boat up check this out i got i got absolutely so much mud on this boat right here or not mud but like mullet slime so we're gonna go ahead and use the wash down pump and spray these off spray all of this off got a ton on the back of the boat too uh but let's go ahead and get started we're gonna we're gonna hop right into fishing today whack some good fish let's do this [Music] [Music] so i just missed a huge snuck i pulled it out of his mouth got excited oh i gotta re-tie though that blow-up scared the crap out of me and i pulled back i pulled back on it and i shouldn't have done that i should just real tight like you're supposed to with a circle hook oh that blow up got me man it was so loud and it just i just jumped and pulled back i i really should not have done that he frayed up the leader so i'm gonna go ahead and retie toss back under there i might be able to get another eat out of that dock it was probably a 40-incher maybe high 30s oh i just got excited second that blast happened i just pulled back the snook's on that oh i know he's on it he wants it yep he's on it he's on it he's on it he's on it come on yep he's on it huge smoke come on get it stay with it stay with it he's gonna get it right here i don't know where he just went he's right here he wants that all the way yep got him oh flipped it right up i got him that's a 40 we're high 30s big snook big snook he's not really fighting that's what big snook do they don't really fight that's a huge one [Laughter] that's a big girl go around the trolling motor here yep that's a 40. work with me girl she's barely hugged i mean barely she might shake it if i if i get any slack she could shake it come on she was on that from the beginning she wanted that stay with me okay oh i'm not gonna let you get into that dark girl that's a huge snook okay i got her here oh rod just broke i was high sticking it that was totally my fault rod broke oh chaos man fishing come here girl i don't like the way that rod's pushing on the circle hook there though hey we got her broken rod that was entirely my fault i was high sticking the crap out of that rod trying to get this snook to just turn its head away that is a beast she's probably 41 42. we're gonna go ahead and get a quick measure on this fish and then we're gonna show her to the camera but normally when i catch big snook like this i'll leave them in the water just like this just like that for them to kind of regain themselves catch their breath how sick is that i think she's 40 on the dot so i'm going to bring her to zero here throw on the ruler here and she is oh not quite there 39 that was close very healthy pretty fish all right first fish of the day ain't too bad 39 incher really healthy snook and i'll take it i was looking for that 40 but just came up and in shore right now morning's going great i had one eat before that got excited pulled the hook on probably a fish the same size but absolute beauty we'll go ahead and put her back in the water make sure she gets a safe release all right laying her back in the water there she was on that from the beginning i threw that mullet down and i knew she was on it a lot of times snoke are smart they spook right off the splash when the mullet hits the water but this girl she was just immediately like immediately darted over to it and followed it up all the way there and i knew she took took a swim under that dock chasing it and when she came out i just laid it right in front of her and she just sucked it right off the surface like but it wasn't in there there she goes she's trying to get away now so when she's fighting me to kick off i'm gonna let her go beautiful come on girl there she goes go go go go go go go safe release and she's gone yeah she's cruising now see ya girl beautiful fish all right well this is a brand new fenwick elite in shore i high stick the crap out of it i was pulling it where high sticking is basically where you like pull it and you over exaggerate that bend in the rod and the rod can't take it um and it snaps so i should not have done that that was an amateur move but i landed the snook ultimately end up with a broken rod and we got it done got him on the 5500 spin fisher that fish really didn't really wasn't like crazy fighting and taking off but a lot of times big snooker like that they're kind of lazy maybe try to slug around maybe body you into a dock and that's really what she tried to do there for a second but pulled her out i'll go ahead and re-tie my other setup here we got another one another one of these rods a little bit stronger rod with a 5500 spin fisher i'll tie that one up oh good first fish of the day that was solid all right going to go ahead and grab another mullet here oh we are bubbling up in here i have another mullet [Music] you sir are a good mullet so like i'm saying these mullet are perfect for big snook just the right size that i like using we'll go ahead and put them on the measuring tape here because i'm kind of curious to actually how long these mullet are or how big they are i guessed 11 inches earlier when i put them in the live well but we'll just do a double check right here all right we got eight nine ten inch that is a ten inch mullet that's a close guess close gas coolest guess um but yeah these size mullet are just great great for big holy snook there's like six in front of me there's one on it one on it slot size fish oh that one's not slot size oh my gosh that was a big snug you definitely saw the boat he was literally like right up on the surface looking at the mullet oh come on come on he wants that he wants it so bad he's on it all the way he's all over it missed it i'm gonna try to hold him still so the snook can eat him come on snook it's a big girl she's all over any second now come on yep there it is nope missed it come on girl yep got it trying she can't get her it's like a 34-inch snook 35-inch snook he's coming back for him she's so fired up so fired up this sunk yep missed him again so fired up this snook missing and missing and missing did you get him that time oh shot him that time tighten up come on yep there she is big girl big girl she doesn't even know what's going on that is way bigger than i thought that is way bigger than i thought oh she's hooked perfectly it's just like she's giving up hey that's how big snook fishing is a lot if you keep their head out of the water they don't fight that's a giant she's big she's real big let me see if i can grab her right here make this easy this would be the easiest snook i've ever caught let's see this will be the quickest quickest fight ever on a giant snook oh my gosh i got her hey that's how you do it right there that is how you do it right there she's probably 38 maybe 39 as well what a beast looks like she might have been caught there before in that corner of the lip i can't really tell like she's got some bleeding in there but how about that biting on me these snook are fired up to eat mullet today it's just the right temperature right time of the year they're chewing we'll go ahead and measure her and i'm just going to put her right back in the water and release her because i genuinely don't know why she didn't really fight there i just want to make sure she gets gets home okay so quick release let me get that measure first all right we threw her right on zero she is oh my gosh she's even closer to 40 than the last one probably 39.8 what a bee snook what a beast we're gonna go ahead and hit a quick quick unhook and let her go i wanna make sure this fish is all right she might be a little bit worn out this fish looks pretty old we're gonna make sure that she can go back and produce more snook for us to catch later down the road okay just like that beautiful so we got a 39 and like a 39.8 she must have hit 20 times i'm not even joking she must have hit like 20 times before she actually got that mullet it was kind of ridiculous let's spin around here grab her tail what a beauty what a beauty all right all right she is definitely without a doubt an old fish you can see that tail this is not the cleanest it's a bit raggedy huge broomstick tail but we're gonna make sure she gets a good release maybe someone else will catch her one day and she can make some more snook for us to catch let's kick it there she goes all right she is just super relaxed that was so weird now she's going i'm gonna head on up into these bushes here i don't know if you guys can see her but cruising on up there she probably doesn't really know where he's at or where she's at maybe a bit a bit stunned but looks like she's gonna go relax under there for now well what an incredible fish to catch we're gonna keep on fishing here but we've got a 39 and then like a 39 and a half so two really really awesome fishing that fish i want to just say she's old she looked a bit worn out so i made sure to give her a good release take care of her didn't keep her too long out of the water she just didn't really fight that well which a lot of times giants snook they really don't unless you you let them fight but if you really keep their head out of the waters with those with out of the water with those big snook they don't do too much damage so that fight probably only lasts maybe 30 seconds i'm not sure but made sure we got a quick release and she's gone but we got a whole whole live well full live mullet still got a ton still got a ton let me actually just see how much we got here well it's covered in bubbles but from the aerators but we probably got still 20 more mullet to use today and the smoker eating i'll tell you what they are eating so we're gonna go ahead and grab the rod get rigged up and just keep fishing there's giants right here oh my god that's a giant there he goes come on i don't have to tighten up he's going to get me in the dock that's a giant that's number three oh no oh no he's just pulled out of his lips oh no oh that was the biggest of the day without a doubt oh the hook pulled out of his lips nothing nothing i did wrong there i mean i had him tight had him tight survived the jump he just inhaled that i don't know if you guys could see that fish at all in the shadow he might have been able to but the second it laid down he just shot up and just inhaled it that was a big one the adrenaline is just insane with these fish it is insane [Music] well just went ahead and parked myself on the island here for some lunch got a race track ham and cheese sub pretty solid got a powerade zero these things are pretty good i love them no calories great super good um and yeah i'm gonna go ahead and eat this and uh yeah i think that's gonna wrap it up for the day i really think i should probably should have one more fish today i'm thankful for those two giant snook i got but i just can't help but think that last fish i really should have had him i don't know what happened the fish ran shook his head went all over the place took off and was still able to shake the hook so not sure exactly what happened there but either way two amazing fish fish were eating really good today they were blasting those mullet um just eating really well it's just probably that time of year nice it's not too hot not cool just right in the middle which is that fall season so fish were eating good had a lot of fun if you guys enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're new to the channel please hit that red subscribe button that helps a lot uh helps you guys see my videos if you enjoy watching them it's totally free but yeah i'm gonna go ahead and just kill this sub right here thank you guys for watching i will see you guys in that next video [Music]
Channel: Justin Menendez
Views: 34,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big snook, snook, indian river fishing, indian river snook fishing, florida fishing, mullet run fishing, florida mullet run, mullet run 2021, giant snook, snook blowups, tarpon boatworks, tarpon bay 19, saltwater fishing, justin menendez
Id: mfT2JDN6xEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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