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what it do with it be what it is youtube all right today we're going to figure out how to make some drifting weights you know we got all different types of different weights but uh we're gonna try to show you how to make a couple different types you know well we'll show you how to make the solid lid the snake weight with the brady type stuff you know shrink wrapped another type of shrink wrap this one's got a little float in it so i'll show you how to make these four types of um drift weights for when you're drifting for catfishing we got some hollow braid tubing we got some red shrink wreck tubing we got black shrink wrap tubing with glue in it we got some big old babies we got little bbs all right we got solid lead core let's show you how to make it without any further ado let's get over here all right with this one right here we're going to use solid lead core you know it's pretty easy to manipulate and we want about six and a half inches or so for about a four ounce drift weight here that's the one the most simplest ones you can make here so i mean about that much well that much just cut it off all right here goes our weight [Music] just to keep it protect it from getting dings and all that we got some shrink tubing here 8 inch shrink tubing the bottom right there with that little point right there this little bottom right here we're just going to shrink tube it around that okay and then we're gonna do that all the way up [Music] until just about a half inch here so we'll do that real quick [Music] so all right so we shrink tube that now we gotta smash this end so then we can put a hole in it after we shrink it all down and then we got that little bit sticking out the end right there we want to smash that i covered these to try to get a you know as much as possible without [Music] getting all them grooves from the pliers in there [Music] all right we got some nice little grooves from the pliers you got some grooves from the pliers in there but it's not so bad [Music] you can just take a nail and uh hammer a hole through there something like that i'm gonna just take this knife and i'll bore me a hole through all right take this knife of course a nice little hole through here and i should have some clips here on the table all right a little hole in there take our clip and get that bend of the clip in there get our clip in there [Music] all right all right we got our clip on there it's all shrink two for protection but i'm also gonna add a piece of shrink tube at the top and a little piece of the bottom of black let me put that shrink tube right up to the hole and then i'm gonna shrink that on there [Music] all right we shrink to that on there [Music] all right all right we got the first well we got our first piece of shark tube on there let's get ourselves a small piece for the end [Music] and then right to the tip of the end right there [Music] all right and here's the finished product for this one i put shrink tubing all around it even though it you could just use the rod and put that hole in there but i put shrink tubing on there and everything so it doesn't get all banged up and that way this piece right here when it's running across the bottom but you can also bend this so it rods just how you want it across the bottom you can also when it's sitting on your fishing rod you can uh act like my fingers your fishing rod you know you can bend it around your fishing rod so it's not swinging and dangling all over the place and messing things up and breaking things [Music] there goes one style solid lid driftwood all right here we got some braided tubing first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna just melt this in and squish it closed and then all nice and melty and take our pliers took the tape off and i just want to smush that in close see nope and we got this little extra edge here get it all nice and melty and just round that off you know all right so now this end is all melted and we just got an empty hollow tube and this kind of tubing when you push it it's like a chinese finger trap it gets bigger you know so what we're going to do is make this one into a four ounce snake weight i got this little thing i made with paper this little funnel if you got a funnel you know probably better but you know this fits right down inside of there and all these baggies are preset as four these are all six these are fours oh i know how much of this actually got in the camera let's get all our beads in here oh oh oh i lost one all right i got these all in here so i'm just going to squeeze the bottom and then go like this and it moves them down inside of the tube let's get the rest of these in here i'll show you how to close her up all right after you get all of them in there you wanna make sure it gets in there nice and good shake it down all right nice and nice and good all right now we need a scissors whatever happened to those we gotta trim this off [Music] and this top piece right here we're just gonna fold it once in half like that then we're going to melt that take our pliers smush it down it's all nice and cleaned up got a little bit of some extra hairs on this side melt those down take our pliers swish it one more time and all we're going to do here oh if i can get one instead of every clip on the table see the clip we're just going to wedge it up through the braid like that and we got a snake weight these are pretty cool i like this design simplistic easy very snag free all right let's go to a shrink wrap type all right we got some tube in here this is shrink tubing which has glue inside of it so whenever you seal it down on something it glues and bonds we got a bullet weight here i smash the end down so there's no hole we're just going to stick that into the end to where it's just sticking out just a little bit you know if my camera will ever focus you know we're going to melt that on there [Music] all right we heated this up with a lighter right here got that bullet weight stuck in there now what we want to do is we want to fill it with four ounces of beads we got these biggins is four ounces and then we got the little ones we're gonna use the biggins for this one our same little tool here you know one b one b wants to be the odd one out there we go all right now we're just going to slowly do this until all our beads get inside of there oh i think we got one missing all right now our beads are in there but they're loose oh oh i lost one and it just went under the disco i don't know so what you want to do is you want to spin this back and forth and as you're spinning it you want to go like this down the whole shaft and eventually it will tighten this whole thing up all right well we got it to go down that much further now we got this piece of foam right here [Music] and cut it about right here i made this phone and i'll show you that apparently i put a little hole in the top shoved that swivel down inside there and then i put a dab of super glue in there too just to hold it to this now we got to get this down inside this hole all the way down to the bottom oh apparently just a little bit [Music] all right we gotta shove down inside the hole now we need to melt that end around the ball of that swivel [Music] i just gotta wait for that to dry i don't know if y'all can see it we gotta wait for this to dry now [Music] see how there's a little bit of glue that comes out of this tubing so when that dries that'll hold firm and it's got a piece of foam about that big so when it rots in the water column it'll stay up in the air the top half of this will stay afloat so it doesn't snag the the eye of it so that way only the middle of this is gonna hit the debris and jump over it so there goes our four ounce and you know another thing we do with that gotta have a cliff on it all right and this one's the finished product this help will and the bullet weight i like putting one of those on the end because i think it'll it'll help it just drag across the bottom nice little even thin line you know i think that's nice there goes another one next one we're gonna make is red tubing all right now we got a piece of this red tube which is also uh you know shrink tubing we got our bullet weight i actually put a little bit of my daughter's sparkly glue up in the end just make sure no water is coming through that at all so we take that put our bullet weight on the end just like we did before melt our bullet weight onto it pull the weight melt it on all right so now what we need to do is we gotta get this tubing opened up this one's a lot harder to work with than the black because it comes in a big spool all right i gotta get this opened up and we're gonna try to get the four ounces worth of uh these little beads in there but this red tubing it's smaller than the black even though they're both supposed to be 3 8 inch tubing right i got our bees in there now we gotta work them down inside of this tube that doesn't like to open up this red tubing it's the hardest one out of all of them to deal with i got 20 foot of the black 100 foot of this red i wish it was the opposite my favorite is the braided though that little snake weight yep i like that all right let me get these beads in here i'll be back with you when i got them all in there and then i'll show you how to tighten them down now my bbs are right there at the top right there we need to work them down because these bbs i'll sit four thick and this will be square when i'm done now let's get these moved down [Music] literally just go on like this non-stop until it feels square because the bbs fit in four deep inside of this tubing all right i don't know if y'all can see but it's pretty square looking that square that's what i'm looking for all right now after i do the square i got to come up here and figure out where our beads are all right listen squeeze down a little bit now we need to cut off just enough to get a swivel just enough to get through i might have to trim a little bit more off take this swivel i'm going to take a little bit more off just want that swivel peeking out that's it there you go she's peeking out now what we're going to do is we're just going to heat that up around that swivel all right now we're all heated up around that swivel now what i like to do is i put a piece of black in and put a piece of black on this one as well like we did on that one now got a piece of black right there we're gonna heat shrink this back down to this [Music] there's all right well we got that and she shrinked i'm gonna put one on this end [Music] all right get that in all right and there's the finished product and that's a four ounce what to do to be what it is i hope you all like that video uh i've never made these before until just recently you know i don't know if you can tell i went a little hog wild i'm making them i mean i've shrink wrapped you know double beads all the way down you know they're pretty nice even the solid lead core i added a float to the top so that way when it's right in the bottom the top stays up you know we've even made single beads which i'm thinking about making some of these that are half this size for bass fishing as drop shot weights i kind of like them but that's pretty much just beads in there shrink wrapped all the way to the beats we've got all our types here my favorite these look like snake weight types you know i think those would be pretty uh snag free really like this model right we got the little itty bittys these are two and a half ouncers we got a three ouncer all these i made but these four these i bought online pretty much the same thing uh shrink tubing just beads but uh yeah that's how i make them i did a lot of research into these bought a whole bunch of stuff online and had to figure out how to make my own because when i'm on that flow tube i ain't trying to be snagged up and trying to break off no 50 pound line uh no no no we'd be trying to loosen that line up paddle to shore and then break it off at the shore because i don't think we're gonna be breaking off no line on that float tube but y'all get it right get it take i'll let you all on the next one [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: DMV Whisker King
Views: 1,441
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #DriftWeights, #DraggingWeights, #CatfishWeights, #DIYFishingWeights, #DIY, #DMVWhiskerKing, #FishingWeights, #Fishing, #Catfishing
Id: VrIp-Wh-z60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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