First You Get Power, Then You Get The Woman, Explains Tony Montana

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it's promised [Applause] this is bothersome talent it's down like a great big [ __ ] is waiting to get [ __ ] on oh yeah I started coming ten years ago I'd have been a millionaire by this friend try this pie I don't have my own boat my old car moon cough course you know what I want dollar this the other day a line of brilliant bright with my name written on the back of chicks asses how that that's not completely question to me but look at that Lulu Lulu no you're missing oversight that's my boy we're missing the accident oh yeah it's a little food on your nice ice cream with my frenemy I spit all right you said ice cream girl like ice oh come on man that's not gonna work you can't do it that way and tell me you know how you pick up chicks in this country what if I'm with her what you just did that's it that's what you do disgusting what that [ __ ] thing but I'll listen I've figures you will understand the women in this country when you do that they know better one they understand thing they go crazy don't take a lot of practice but you got to learn because women love when you [ __ ] the [ __ ] you're usually looking at us yes go ahead you think you can do it without I think I don't know her you want to try it with her why not I'm gonna watch Hey look in here okay you're not gonna do pledges okay will you man Romeo do your thing right just hang back yes you and want you to go over there you want to see something funny hey take a look over there you see that better watch that guy I got a spare man I gotta watch my father you're gonna stick his tongue up to that girl hey yo you see what happened here hey there you know if I wasn't a nice guy I could go pay for you well I thought that this country you gotta make the money first then when you get the money you get a power then we get a power then you get the woman that's why you've got to make your move
Channel: The Power Moves
Views: 350,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scarface dating, scarface dating power, scarface get the power, tony montana get the power, tony montana dating advice, tony montana how to get a girl, tony montana teaches how to get women, to get the woman first you get the power
Id: oQ9HlbQddr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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