The 6 Best Ways To Start A Conversation With Women (That Actually Work)

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here I'm Courtney Ryan and in this video we're going to be going over six super easy conversation starters how to talk to women 101. I've done my fair share of videos about questions to ask on a first date or how to keep a conversation flowing but how do we get it started in this video I'm going to be going over the six easiest conversation starters and no matter what scenario you're in one of these is bound to be helpful take what you need and leave what you don't the first one here is to ask for her suggestion this is one of the easiest ways to start a conversation because most people like to give their opinion on things what is your favorite place to eat around here this is my first time here would you go for the egg sandwich or the breakfast burrito I'm new to the area what are your go-to food spots I know all of those were about food can you tell that I'm a little bit hungry as I'm filming this but regardless no matter what situation you're in there is something you could ask her a suggestion on or something that you could ask for her opinion about whether it be something on the food menu a local spot to go a cafe all of the above and the reason I like this one so much and the next one I'm going to talk about here in a minute is that it feels very natural it's a very natural and seamless way to start a conversation by just asking for someone's suggestion or opinion and that leads me into my next one here which is a situational comment which easily explained here is making a comment about a situation that you're both in this is something that I actually use all the time to start up conversations in my workout classes bonding over shared experiences is a really great way to start a conversation again as I mentioned this is something I use in my workout classes you really Bond over struggling over a workout that's for sure but it's easy to connect when you're both in the same situation or experiencing the same thing so say maybe you're in college or taking a class together you talk about something that is on the assignment that you're doing or something along those lines again this is one of those things that could easily be applied to any situation if you need help down in the comments I can definitely help I didn't want to give too many examples during the video because I think that this really just depends on the scenario that you're in and I also don't want you to copy and paste what I'm saying and use that with someone I want it to be genuine I want it to feel natural for you and to not have to force what I'm saying in this video to work in a situation that you're in but again if you need any help for a specific scenario I can try to help you down in the comments my next one is one that tends to work really well with the ladies and that is to give a unique compliment right off the bat guys keep it clean here there's nothing more creepy or annoying than when a guy is sexual with you straight away especially in person that's really awkward women love compliments this is no surprise I actually think both men and women tend to love compliments most people do it just really brightens up your day no need to go overboard here one compliment will suffice you don't need to Rapid Fire a million compliments in her Direction one will do and this should be genuine I'm assuming since you're striking up a conversation with this lovely lady there's got to be something that you like about her the other day I went to Chick-fil-A and I pulled up to the window and the girl was like oh my gosh you are so pretty and it just seriously made my entire day it was so simple so sweet but sometimes really all it takes is a little compliment that goes a long way but also that was a compliment coming from a woman I sometimes think it's different when the compliment is coming from a man versus a woman women and sometimes it's in your guys's best interest to not give a compliment necessarily based on someone's physical appearance in regards to like Beauty saying something like you're so pretty or you're gorgeous that works for a lot of women and that's fine but I think sometimes giving a unique compliment something that maybe she's not getting complimented about a lot or something that she hasn't heard a million times before that uniqueness will really stand out and again this should be genuine so again try to make it unique and use your creativity here the next one is super simple and that is to just flat out introduce yourself sometimes you really don't have to overthink it and introducing yourself is a great option say you're at a networking event you could go up and say hey I don't think we've met before I'm Courtney say you're at a cafe hey I'm here all the time and I've never seen you before I'm Courtney it's that easy and I know this one works very well because I actually had an older gentleman come out to me one time at a cafe he had gone there all the time and I had just moved to the area so I was like never there this was like one of my first times at this coffee shop and he was like Hey I've never seen you here before I'm here all the time I'm whatever his name was this was like five years ago so I can't remember but it was very lovely it was a nice conversation we talked for like 20 minutes and it was just a very easy way for him to come introduce himself to me and it felt nice to connect with someone in the area who frequents that place a lot the next one very similar to the point I just mentioned is to ask for her name just to give you guys an example if you've been around on my channel I'm sure you've heard this story before because I've told it a handful of times at this point but for all of you newbies here I was at the gym one time and a guy came up to me when I was on the treadmill as he was getting ready to leave the gym and he said hey I hate to interrupt your workout but I cannot leave this gym without knowing your name simple sweet to the point perfect and I ended up giving him my number I think sometimes when we are going to approach someone or we are about to start a conversation with someone or go up to them we psych ourselves up so much or overthink it to the point where we forget that you can just introduce yourself or ask someone what their name is and start a conversation like a regular human being and you don't really need to overthink it or do anything crazy I know a lot of people do these really insane pickup lines or they just come up with the most ridiculous scenarios or things to say and while that can work for certain people and in specific situations I don't think it's really necessary I think you really don't need to overthink it and again as I mentioned asking someone what their name is or just introducing yourself is fine and my last one here is to pay attention to details this one is a bit similar to the situational one but instead you'll really focus on a small detail and make a conversation about that detail and just keep it flowing from there if you're at a coffee shop and she has a book sitting on the table with her hey I've been thinking about reading that book how do you like it so far or maybe she's wearing a graphic T-shirt with a band on it that you like and you can make a comment about that and start a conversation about oh what's your favorite album by them or what's your favorite single so again this one's going to depend on where you're at and you know what you're into as a person we all have different interests that make us unique and I think when you can connect with someone right off the bat on a small detail that is a bit unique it helps you easily have a conversation with them and keep it going because you already know that you have something in common and I have a little bonus tip for you guys to close out the video here a tip that I think is important if you're going to be starting a conversation with someone that you do not know or someone that you do not know very well or you're going to be approaching is to make sure that you read the room if she's being short with you or acts like she doesn't want to talk to you just don't even force it and whatever you do do not act but hurt or aggressive over the fact that she doesn't want to talk to you be proud of yourself for getting out of your comfort zone and being bold regardless of what the outcome is even if it doesn't necessarily work out I think it's still really good practice to strike up conversations with people it helps your social skills greatly this is something that I've been trying to do more recently instead of just being silent or not talking to anyone around me I found that it's really helped me get out of my shell and push myself out of my comfort zone a little bit when it comes to you know being social as an introvert it's something that I struggle with and keep in mind you don't need to over complicate it you don't need to overthink it I think one of the most important things when you are going to be striking up a conversation with someone or approaching someone is again to read the room but also to know that it's often the way that you do it that can come across either in a positive light or a negative light and I think having confidence in yourself and just going for it is a really great thing I think sometimes when you approach and you act really shy or nervous or timid it can maybe not leave the best impression so just be confident go for it I believe in you if you don't even give yourself the opportunity to succeed or to go for things you've already failed so you might as well just go for it alright guys that is all I have for this video if you liked it or found it helpful be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to be in the loop for when I release new content if you haven't already be sure to follow me over on Instagram at Courtney Christine Ryan I love connecting with all of you guys over on there as well as always thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all next time foreign
Channel: Courtney Ryan
Views: 163,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Courtney Ryan, how to talk to women, how to talk to my crush, how to start a conversation with women, how to approach women, conversation starters, easy conversation starters, natural conversation starters, talking to women, conversation tips, how to have a great conversation, approaching women, cold approach, modern dating, how to dm girls, text conversations, best conversation starters, charisma, how to be charismatic
Id: 8aa_ce2r70s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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