FIRST TIME WATCHING TheDooo - Playing Guitar on Omegle but I pretend I'm a beginner 2

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what is going on people welcome back to my channel shout out to the Kofi gang for being here being involved and being active tonight we are going to focus on a platform called Omegle now Omegle is a platform that's been around for ages I haven't been on it never been on it but it's a platform that people kind of hang out and they they kind of stay on it and then they stream they skip this game kind of like swiping left swiping right kind of thing and they speak to someone and if you're not interested in them they just skip to the next person something so this is our guitarist the name is the do with three O's shout out to the dude guys go check him out on YouTube and Instagram and everything um you guys are going to see him on there and they do goes on there and pretends to be a beginner and then plays it for anyone else so whoever is interested in them will will stay or something like that so let's see this is the first time I'm going to be checking out any of the content on Omegle for that matter and the do so it's the first time for me on both occasions so let's check this out guys like comment share subscribe if you would like me to go down the rabbit hole for the do and this is your first time on my channel let me in the comment sections that you're a new subscriber I would welcome you and recommend other videos that I should check out as well shout out to you guys let's go I love that Hello Kitty oh thank you well can I play you the one I don't know how to play guitar playing yeah you'll definitely skip me though everybody skips me when I start playing shut up play she's like just play Man [Music] I actually can't really remember how it goes it's okay don't worry you're so encouraging you're so nice it's okay like if you're a starter you're started whenever you become like a rock star but ever you just have I happen to be a beginner at the beginning stage of learning my guitar so I would literally sound like that like for real not even pretend you mention me is it you think that's possible I mean as long as you practice enough you could actually get really good at it oh wait a minute no I remember how it goes [Music] [Music] it never stops you played [Music] oh he played or something like that you played me forever I'm sorry wow he's fun that guitar is not blue what do you mean what dude Hello Kitty guitar what's wrong with this it's like it's a little baby what do you mean [ __ ] no boy has a girl guitar dummy hello people are mean on the internet man yeah laugh at it laugh at my first guitar I swear to God I could try I mean I just kind of started playing so I'm not really no hot cross buns I might be able to do that one actually yeah [Music] thank you so much for that you're welcome I love I love how he he um the moment you see it like you your expectations immediately go down because it's a Hello Kitty guitar plus he's not showing his face so it's kind of like you already can you can't take it seriously but that's pretty cool you lower the expectation at the beginning and then you raise it off that that's a really good tactic cool all right well let me play this other nursery rhyme that I know I'm probably gonna butcher this so I'm sorry I'm really nervous about it [Music] [Music] [Music] dude I am looking at the finger movements especially when he moves close to the the higher notes and he does that I'm like who it is to do that because I'm learning it and I'm like it's impossible he just does it that's amazing what that was awesome we made you play oh that was awesome yeah that was really good thank you so much I'm so embarrassed I just made it play hot girls hey I mean at least there was a Thunderstruck so hello my friend how are you doing oh you want me to do this one don't you that's what you want you better hit me with that louder my friends scream like your parents were murdered in front of you you're such a muscular cat [ __ ] do oh I can yeah I'm playing uh can I play what Thunderstruck like the I'm gonna end it all after this oh he put a couple on it kill me kill me please God all right now before this video gets too epic I got a shout out today's sponsor expressvpn shout out to the sponsors man I'm gonna skip his sponsors I want to watch that video that's what I want good night's got sponsors though that's pretty cool man I want to get to the level of care sponsors maybe I need to play as good as he he knows man you know yeah anyway shout out to the sponsors let's go are you the dude no oh [ __ ] do you have a YouTube channel or something that I can yeah I have a channel called Marcus veltry you ever heard of me yeah wait are you serious yeah you're not him shut up no watch see I can I can um [Music] wait no no you're not the guy what who's who's the guy what do you mean what the [ __ ] how do they match with you well I've been playing some uh some Final Fantasy music for some people I don't know if you want to hear that or not I play Final Fantasy for the first time ever a few months ago um in 2022 it was a banger like one of the best gifts I've played in a while so playing some uh some Final Fantasy music for some people I don't know if you want to hear that or not yes please oh that's so good one thing holy [ __ ] I didn't do that I want to play guitar what do it dude I can learn that in my lifetime play a song I just started learning though so don't expect too much bro this is one of those YouTube channels like I don't I don't know she's already on to him she knows what this is about she's ready play her song please no I swear to God I don't know what I'm doing okay yeah the Hello Kitty guitar you know exactly oh this is Hong Kong okay or base I don't know it's kind of stupid guitar yeah yeah it's a guitar all right screw it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I told you you knew what you said and she's on that phone she the other one is on her phone like really oh okay it's not that impressive is it um I'm trying to pick my my jaw off the floor you're so right through my BS I thought I was in Hong Kong because I saw that writing below here so you say stand with Hong Kong against CCP something something shout out to the CCB holy [ __ ] like Sonata right now do it do it okay do it do it oh sh I don't know if I even remember how to do that one hold on oh brother [Music] I don't remember how to do it the nerve of some people man oh my God not really I'm kind of new to be honest I only know like two songs yeah all right well here's one of them you know this one [Music] yeah that's tough you gotta just keep practicing man it'll pay off yeah it took me a year [Music] all right I feel like I have a better handle on that one that was tough as hell what the [ __ ] I think I had it I had a heart attack scared like did he oh wow he learned experience out of nowhere he's not an experience out of nowhere yeah I love it yes he does why which mean why this was a gift I think your parents want you to be a girl wait what yeah oh that's stereotyping isn't it hmm boys like Ping too and Hello Kitty no because in the middle of the night they're gonna drive you to a hospital and then you're gonna wake up and you're gonna have a giant and boobs yeah my name's Porky the Pig Dude big fan what the f what is going on I think all right what is this see that there are reasons why I've never been on Omega what huh wait um okay all right let's just let this video play I'm trying to run away from people who are trying to cook me well I'm a big fan of bacon that's I think I don't think that's the right thing to say all right then yo the dude [Music] dude the dude look look dude this is the first time I'm checking you is this your channel is this on your platform I'm subscribing bro I'm subscribing on your channel man it is it is his channel man he's got six million subscribers I'm only discovering him today like where have I been well I'm subscribed to him bro guys go go check out his channel I mean he already has six million people following but in case you've never heard of the do go check him out he is pretty awesome I would definitely love to check out a lot of his content guys if you're here you want me to check out his content you enjoy what I do you enjoy me watching him because some people do that that's why you guys are here let me know what you guys think leave a lot of comments in there for other videos that I should check out for specific ones that you want me to check out let me know shout out to you guys like comment share and subscribe just as I subscribe to him he deserves it definitely man shout out to him I'll see you guys in the next question so stay tuned and we're out peace
Channel: QoFyReacts
Views: 25,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qofyreacts, First time reaction, TheDooo reaction, Playing Guitar on Omegle but I pretend I'm a beginner 2 reaction, TheDooo Playing Guitar on Omegle but I pretend I'm a beginner 2 reaction
Id: 4KeLmcqNilc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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