Lebron Fan Reacts To Larry Bird Mixtape

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I didn't grow up watching Larry Bird play basketball okay I don't think I really got into the sport of basketball heavy until Michael Jordan started winning championships you know I had a pretty crazy childhood so I didn't have like that privilege of just sitting down and watching TV and watching sports but around that time is when I started getting into basketball and you would think me being from Cleveland Ohio that LeBron James would be my favorite player of all time LeBron James is not my favorite player of all time you know I lived in Cleveland until about the age of seven and I am a big fan of LeBron James but my favorite player is Michael Jordan okay I think he's the greatest basketball player of all time and I have a few other favorites as well there's a player by the name of Baron Davis I'm a big fan of b Diddy because I styled my basketball game after him uh back when I did play I just loved his style of play his flashiness how he can handle the ball how how he could uh he just he could pass dribble he just had the whole you know he was one of the first like power guards in my opinion that can just like do a lot he just changed the position in my opinion uh Dwyane Wade you know I was a big fan of Dwyane Wade how he uh in his prime man he just he put it all on the floor and you couldn't hold that guy so I loved his heart and Derrick Rose you know while his career was short-lived I absolutely was it wasn't a it was amazing to watch him in his prime man I just loved their loved watching Derrick Rose to this day you know even though he didn't win any championships in his prime you know you know those who saw him play we knew that that we were seeing something special okay so you know that's another player that I that that I absolutely love uh what do these players have in common they all have heart okay I'm a big fan of players with heart a big a big fan of players that are fearless okay you know from the Allen Iversons of the world to the Kobe Bryants of the world you name it and I think that's where LeBron James was always lacking although I do have him top five I have him over Larry Bird even though I didn't grow up watching Larry Bird uh who knows maybe this clip will change it you know but I've heard the stories I know that Larry Bird won a lot of championships um and I've heard magic tell amazing stories about Larry Bird and things he's done to players so this is going to be fun to watch you guys are going to witness it with me let's get into it let's go [Applause] I used to hate the Boston Celtics he was the most motivated player I ever saw Larry Bird is one of the biggest trash talkers ever there was basketball genius now that I didn't know I I respect trash talkers okay I didn't know he was a trash talker ask of a hick from French Lick out as his calling card and if you believe that for one second uh you were going to get beaten hmm not him thunking on people like that come on man beautiful oh my God he had a beautiful pull-up jumper that mid-range there man basketball was so competitive back then I don't know if we'll ever get back to that it's so Powerpuff now I haven't watched basketball in a couple years you know you know what it's just it's turned into a three-point shooting contest Steph Curry has is one of the greatest Shooters of all time but in my personal opinion he has ruined the game of basketball and also with all the soft calls they do now it's just the level of competition is just no longer there [Applause] beautiful this guy was definitely poetry in motion and Larry said I'm gonna get it right here and I'm gonna shoot it in your face no he didn't let's go I didn't mean to leave nothing on the clock the first Three-Point Contest and says I'm just just looking to see who's going to finish second the money [Applause] just absolutely unbelievable dominate guard and Uncle Cliff guarded them Antoine Carr got her my garden nothing worked with eight seconds bird on the drive the runner oh my God Larry you he's making a hard case for this LeBron James debate here all right because uh like I said LeBron James Achilles heel has always been to me his Killer Instinct you know he's always done what's supposed to be the right play by passing it to the open guy in the last second forget that you shoot that ball man come on and when a guy tells you what he's going to do and still does it to you MJ did that I respect that level of play okay and this is tough I'm going to be maybe I should go back and watch some old tapes here man but these highlights are amazing LeBron James gets it just because he's like the most gift physically gifted NBA player we've ever seen you know that you know as far as his physical capability but to me he just never had that straight Killer Instinct you know um uh I don't say never you know there's been years it's been better than others but he's never been consistent but these just we're only a little bit through the highlights here and this guy is absolutely phenomenal Larry Bird is just unconscious oh that is nasty inside outside fade away three oh my goodness [Music] [Applause] he would do a head fake the whole team the whole team and I used to scream at the TV when LeBron didn't didn't go to the rag man like bro you the biggest dude on the court go to the hole man guys on the end of the division bird has 60 points he would do a headband or he would do this and the guy would turn and he would just fake the crap out of God beautiful Larry told all of us and the media is that more nice the last game of the trip I'm gonna play this one look at what this guy has in his Arsenal what can he do and the guy would turn and he 'll balance beautiful passing that's my move right there Larry told all of us and the media he said tomorrow night's the last game of the trip I'm gonna play this one left-handed and at the end of three quarters the next night is important floater he's got the Tony Parker joint he has everything he's making a hard case for me man I always try not to be biased man but sheesh [Applause] a killer his body was do you see that pass from a big man yo they earned their checks back then his body was too perished and he released [Applause] I'd rather watch these games than current NBA yeah [Applause] Larry just hit what would have been the game when he shot but Casey called timeout Larry came back to the bench and you know he was a little upset he looks at the match and says hey guys when I come back after timeout I'm going to go right to the same spot I'm gonna kick it in it one foot oh my goodness that is amazing one aims to burn one foot [Music] what I tell you what I tell you guys about heart okay this is pure heart right here I'm a fan of this would just flick it or tap it or bounce it to a teammate without even catching it [Applause] [Applause] my goodness [Music] my goodness if I did a re if I did a LeBron James highlight they would not be this versatile and LeBron James a pretty versatile player okay they would not he would not be doing stuff like this this is crazy it's like a created player over the rim oh my God [Laughter] I knew he was good I know it was this damn good [Applause] sheesh oh that pass was so nasty oh my God man he just moved up so many notches on my all-time list just from this highlight real alone you see the behind the behind the back oh [Applause] my goodness that's a beautiful pass they thumped on dude he was a sniper with those passes fans I think that most of the arena and the Detroit Pistons Larry Bird hadn't quit by power Shields [Music] down and he's hurt and Larry Bird is headed to the locker room for treatment and on top of all of these accomplishments of all these things he does the library plays hurt you got a black eye right there blood on his jersey [Music] laughs I think I'm coming to a realization here man uh this guy was cold [Music] someone needs to step up now from Boston and here comes the heart of a champion foreign [Music] bam [Applause] oh my God that's so beautiful what happened to the NBA [Applause] this afternoon they have different personalities and different backgrounds but their value system was identical oh nice foreign [Applause] I've always heard this was the greatest rivalry in NBA history [Applause] [Applause] back when you could Rush the court welcome now the urban Magic Johnson you gotta love the sportsmanship to uh greatest basketball player ever but more important a friend forever [Applause] life to basketball and I dedicated my life to the Boston Celtics my basketball career is officially over and I had a blast I say thank you Boston good night beautiful love the game man they love the game and and now it's just a bunch of prima donnas [Music] I've watched LeBron James entire career and I hated Boston Celtics so much I didn't even look up you know Larry Bird's old tapes I've seen the highlights and things of that nature and maybe I was really really biased when it comes to LeBron James do I think he's still a great player absolutely but after seeing this I have to be honest I have to I have to keep it real okay if you were to put together LeBron James's accomplishments and Larry Bird's accomplishments if you would have put together LeBron James highlights and Larry Bird's highlights I actually think that Larry birds are far more impressive especially when you talk about like the clutch stuff okay and the fact that he was talking trash while doing it oh he gets another level of respect for me on this one so as much as I hate to say it he might be better than LeBron James okay he might be better than LeBron James it is uh definitely something I'm going to have to go back and watch these old tapes but I just saw it I don't need to even see it I just I just seen one of the most amazing highlight reels I've ever seen in basketball okay and I don't need to see LeBron James highlights he's you know this is a comparison video to me as far as like who makes my top five and I've never even thought of it Larry birds made my top 10 but he's never made my top five uh and he just went there he just went to the top five he just he just knocked did he knocked LeBron down the slot I still think that LeBron James uh no matter what no matter what era if he's on your team you're going to the finals okay I don't care if he's on your team you're going to the finals in fact I believe he would have won a lot more championships had Cleveland management had any brains and got him some help especially like before he before he left the first time okay because he was taking bombs to the finals all right Eric snow all type of people my goodness so yeah um it's it's I'm coming I'm coming to this realization now man um but yeah Larry Bird sheesh [Music] [Music]
Views: 403,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rhN5WuJ8ddc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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