FIRST TIME WATCHING *Alvin and the Chipmunks*

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all right so there we are checking out Alvin and the Chipmunks and I've heard a lot about this film one of the most critically acclaimed most Oscar wins in a Year film and it's about time I watched it I've seen a lot of memes about it so let's not wait we're gonna jump straight into it [Music] it's like music to my ears David Cross is an absolute Legend though what a daddy a true dilf the Sci-Fi Jammer oh it's so cute I'm sick of struggling for survival well I need to ask though is this like an actual amazing film or is it just the memes that make people want to talk about it all the time some reason any conversation I have for someone let's bring up having the Chipmunks every time they better not be murdering them wait is that like gonna be a Christmas tree and someone puts it in their house and they're like wait this comes with a three for one deal a true position a true artist musician always sleeps at their desk how many times I'll just sleep here like this I don't think I've ever slept in this chair at least I slept um yeah pants yeah this is so if I drip my God Claire anyways that God damn excuse me nice to meet you you want chipmunks same old Dave can't handle a serious relationship well that was the old day tomorrow night my place what she's literally just saying how horrible you are why don't you want to see you does she only want to be with him once he gets the Chipmunks based upon the characters out of the Chipmunks wait is this like a comic Marvel [Music] deforestation the legend himself God I love him yeah hey big guy so they're not girls that love him it's actually ridiculous hey back off man this is Dave Seville look at the cribs can I offer you some muffins oh my God I need some work here it's no problem we also have an omelette station omelette station I've run out wait is this guy's like a music producer or something and they're gonna hire the Chipmunks they sing that was ass song sucks Dave what it's awful I hate it yeah I hated too I'm gonna fall asleep we've both come a long way since College you not so much well this makes sense why you went into the Pitch Perfect stuff yes no one is ever going to sing ever well this sad music it was a crap song we want to hire a guy just because he's bloody sad can I get some of that water we ran out we ran out damn can we get a muffin on the way out actually hey give us a muffin there's a piece of sassy good Jesus I wonder where the rumors though where they sign the devil contracts the blood sacrifices I would have done the same though that's such a nice muffin basket oh they look so naked get him some clothes I love those guys shades I wonder how long it'll take for the voices to get annoying [Music] why did you like a basket all the way back to put it in your bin how is he quitting you know why didn't I get anywhere in life you give up the first sign of resistance good God maybe you just suck you're gonna have to clean this up at some point oh this must be where he stores his food for winter no if I'm living by myself will I hear a noise I'm investigating what's wrong with this guy [Music] Lucky Charms are banging oh I'm pretty sure he's gonna develop cancer for me Lucky Charms and those cheese balls those things are going to tumor and every organ [Music] what is wrong with you giant noises in your house things being moved hmm oh well [Laughter] what is wrong with this guy I swear to God he's the biggest idiot [Music] get him Attack on Titan is not a good idea that's so stupid is that a good should I write the squirrels can't talk ratchet weird chipmunks yeah get it right damn bigot how do you know my name we read your mail really ought to pay that utility building there was tax form and all all animals talk I held a fish sign like he's the cute one now get out of my house oh I could just say no imagine having like Theodore just hanging around you why don't you go to Talking Animals this guy no one likes the main character right do y'all hate him so now he lets him back in because he can exploit them for financial game oh um actually voices them though like it must be auto-tuned unless these people are just very unfortunate [Music] but they've got like a full choreographed song [Music] [Applause] oh that was busted hell yeah hear everyone inside yeah I can make so much money of you guys coming you guys sing my songs you get to sleep here no what about TV privileges give them all the food in the world have you ever written a song before yep no very good ones you've got your music stuff outside yep [Laughter] perfectly fine now this is my sheet music yeah your music is she sorry was another good one come on give me that one give me a like for that are you guys always like this we are kids Dave oh this guy makes me cry he's so cute I got it for Christmas last year no of course you can't darling the middle is by far the cutest I'm sorry he's the only good one well no they're all right don't tell me you sing in your sleep uh [Music] that Loops nothing what are you talking about hula hoop you like hula hoops they're quite nice crisps I can imagine though if this is not your professional writing or anything to do with this you must get the idea as soon as you lay down when they come you have to act on them all right so this guy's a set designer now as well what is he gonna make a YouTube video the goat SpongeBob who would watch me watch SpongeBob [Music] black waffles almost as good as blue waffles where's my holding up um this is fake savers don't tell me that works they're not prescribed try these how's that wow except being a realist when there's actually talking chipmunks in the story those glasses wouldn't work [Music] what sorry I was getting so sticky ready Simon what's up now I'm glad Everyone likes my Yoshi impression at the end of my Mario video though [Music] [Laughter] the means of the plane oh my God it kills me you guys know what I'm talking about [Music] she really thinks there's a film or something that sound pretty good I think it's more the novelty of what they are it's gonna sell so hard sandals though I got the Dogs Out Just for me hey it's your next big thing Dave don't say anything oh my God Dave wait they've got stage fright oh no they're terrified of him wanna clean that lives they do sing we've been practicing all morning oh you've been practicing [Music] oh look at this I'm scared little stage right now oh you're staying at my place so you owe me we're sorry Dave I forgive you don't worry never mind I love the hat it's like driving straight in the car hey season this they made the character from Wreck-It Ralph it's a real thing we open on a group of lethargic kids be flying a kite I like kites they're awesome it's tired and let's go of the kite oh no the guy's hooked oh she pulls out her goodable energy bar and that's a heart attack myself love Theodore vacuumed up Alvin what he's stuck in the Hoover [Laughter] [Music] why am I enjoying this so much it's not something wrong with me quick questions how do you feel about an indoor pool flood my house you're dead mothers [Laughter] oh yeah size of Theodore's butt it was huge makes the stock prices go right up [Music] who's Simon Simon it's any further having fun though you're literally trying to exploit them for so much money I'm with the Chipmunks fantastic sorry doesn't get my why are my clothes all over the place you use them to mop up the water [Music] that's actually such a good idea a shower in there a little nervous about welcome oh God we've got three personal chefs oh I wouldn't trust them Lucky Charms and Twizzlers where is Dave's mate [Music] well it's actually clean but wait where do they put the stuff what's that smell your cologne Trey and masculine are we AKs are notoriously tidy yeah I see I see that's exactly what I expected socks in the fridge just gonna be clearing me tonight no even if we no no five since the night sorry way too much multitasking for me how about you right loving it it should be out of here if he said he was unemployed right now oh that comes later doctor it's nice just two friends having dinner two friends get the hell out hey as soon as you mention that either we're not friends or get out a little nervous about coming over here the dim the lights baby or something a date no Unity said the current for dinner of course it's a date stupid idiot I don't need anyone to fix anything for me ha why is Jackson pissed this is kind of romantic I know what you guys are up to where's out you have garlic breath you're ruining everything they're actually helping you already ruined it by letting it be a friend date tomorrow I'm gonna call the Exterminator sorry about what is happening she's like where did that bread come from and hit you in the face and now he's just like assaulting her I lost my job Clarin she's out she's already leaving no games no fooling around the truth my life is being sad Chipmunks Chipmunks you know what you just said they're following your hey come back here forget this girl wait is he sending them away you're sitting on a gold mine aren't they cute you should go back to your real home in the forest I'm sorry it has to be this way but he's gonna train them with food it's simple do these tasks I'll let you guys some food like put a lock on it all Simon [Music] wait where the hell well they turned to his hat oh my God the play he's looking at the two six in an outfit just here hello hello oh my God hey them dogs I don't want to suck [Music] you must be freaking out like who spiked me welcome to Jet records immediately welcome to gen records maybe but why he hasn't stole them has he are we still gonna get like paid I need to know okay the devil child the kids huh do you have any three boys you just want to close them in a box leave the box in the park and run away you know oh oh can you take a joke though I love saying all the dark humorous jokes that's the best way to filter out someone's funny or not guys what's all this why don't you want like a packet of cashews notice I don't have a job anymore oh my God they're playing it in here he stole the song give us some money hey hey how's my favorite songwriter speed of business baby that's how we do it that's how I roll that's how I roll no one of this guy's Roots though that's quick 10 million hits already on YouTube I can take a 10 mil put some clothes on those guys though it's uh it's kind of embarrassing that is true they do look very naked give them some Gucci Louis Vuitton [Music] oh my God the thing is that are we actually getting screwed contract wise if we signed one also I'm more interested in knowing [Music] oh that is so cute I love it why don't they each have letters though that's a bit like what's the word favoritismist oh of course you can that's a good line though that's like my go-to if I'm approaching someone I hit a nightmare in The Voice oh Theodore that's not your side of the bed oh come on that'd be so nice I'd say it's coupling but I'd crush him by accident that's the problem they're so cute and you want to just like but you can't you can't do it oh no Christmas I miss loving Christmas though as a child I couldn't really care anymore at this age my wallet I wanted to get you something to use every day and I have been using this little nicely done Theodore to Dave they're like potatoes why is there four of them oh sorry pineapples it's our family oh no what you're included oh I'm not your dad or anything yes you are I could not love them why does he want to like to touch them what is this make us sweaters let us sleep in your bed when we have nightmares oh basically what parents do that money 7 it's very nice come on who buys this for their children thank you Dave I mean you got him his own Wallace you can't really talk who wants presents Daddy Santa bring them on in film oh my God what he's doing he's gonna steal them he's smothering them with gifts where'd you get them savings bonds just what every kid dreams up have a big a launch party for the new CD one week to write me a new hit single piss me out that's what these guys deserve though they all stars let's be real ladies and gentlemen that's not Alvin chipmunks chipmunks [Applause] [Music] is it kind of bad that these songs are so catchy I've already listened to them [Music] stage okay that guy's got loads of into it though why these girls trying to steal their Thunder no one's here for you [Music] that was a banger imagine when someone asks you what'd you do on the weekend just saw that chipmunks live [Applause] mind if I grab a few picks Claire oh no you want to be friends with us again and I see hello yeah it's The Fringe so Dave I'm sorry about that night I I bet you are now there's the crawl back in when they see you doing well don't get me in front of Dave he doesn't want a family I don't know why he doesn't though that's so lovely hey what do you think of this hey [Music] that's what I'm talking about even though I'm not even sure you can buy it by the time this video comes out but anyway hello ugly little Alvin doll that looks nothing like Alvin oh it looks perfectly like me what are you talking about our own Fur clothing line cologne Chipmunks something like that that is where the big money is I never lose it it's worth it for about five minutes probably like this all the time huh oh he knows exactly where to jab he's gonna own them could be making you 20 large a day is that a lot behind your back Dave calls you the rats the rats rats this guy is evil though I still love him the real chance I'd pay to watch him play GTA I thought I told you guys to clean up we are um who's that who is that my house is so dirty can you help I've got you played OverWatch that's enough where's Theodore I love Theodore spit it out I never said that what do you mean records does this count as like grooming what Uncle Ian's doing to them could you give us a minute oh my God that's all I need too far guys look got arrested rock stars is that how helium works because you're major rock stars Ian says we should always be happy he's not your uncle come on [Music] [Laughter] 's changing them though they're becoming too hedonistic why don't you go live with Uncle Ian I think they are and you're gonna lose out on those 20 a day does he look mad oh no he's gonna find the old note oh no oh I suppose you want to cry it's too much I guess he really does want us to go no to cry why is that you sad what's wrong with me I told you Dave never lose I see how long though until they hate that house welcome to your new home jeez there's a bit much though oh that robot is the best thing of all do have one rule that there are no rules and you have to make a thousand songs a day now you're gonna be overworked [Music] I would watch the whole film of this is that bad look hours are just missing around with toys [Music] oh my God that pirate thing is up what I remember all of these things wasn't that like toys inside you start working hard coast to coast in five days you guys are superstars oh God boring glasses hey in the now glasses while they're prescription or not evil slave master I guarantee he would give them a lot of Pepsi I'll keep them awake keep them energized the Archie touring everywhere touring must be so exhausting though you'd only see bands or people and it's like a show every night for so long my God that's our face [Music] show me some food [Applause] the Chipmunks like crunchy nipples look at them they're knackers [Music] Pepsi [Music] oh caffeine that'll do I guess the kind of show Pepsi in this film energy health drink with whipped cream caramel it does limit your brain blood flow by 30 but hey I've been very addicted many times that ought to keep them awake oh God did that amount of caffeine in that tiny that is probably the equivalent of like 20 monsters hey I love those outfits come on guys we need more energy okay well I thought you didn't care about the music you cared about the cologne and other stuff you know it's all about today's Edge before we said it was all about the music Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave is not here okay fine Uncle Ian you are not fun dude what's your name Taffy what do you do choreography I don't I don't know choreography man well I can't even wear his hat right there what's that all about so what's there about a European tour for six months 12 actually if we can get China to go Chipmunks in China I probably might love them though we're just kids I'm gonna look I did forget their kids like how old are they really he sent him back oh you really are evil of course he would come you guys like deep massage they're actually pretty good I need one actually I'm very tired here hey Captain come here are you gonna get him to give him a deep tissue massage shows up tomorrow night he doesn't get anywhere near my Chipmunks okay scary actually oh wait this is the true test he's gonna kick him right out the bed [Music] what are you doing here oh how could you say no I had a nightmare too in my nightmare when I opened my eyes it doesn't end he threw him out start the Rebellion start nibbling on his toes in the night and run back to Dave I want to go home the coffee doesn't even warn us he doesn't care enough to even come to our show I guess they're not clever enough to realize that he's been scammed because the people actually shave with covering the whole whole face and cream world tour at the Orpheum Theater in Los Angeles that's it doesn't finish shaving he's just got like a little bit removed the rest that is a sexy outfit I can't lie well they're exhausted okay well give them a shot or something or yeah Pepsi I don't feel gonna cancel the show no then I'd have to give out refunds lip sync oh no that's actually so bad then people do that because you're just watching nothing then you're listening to the song Wait so is he like gonna turn up they're gonna shout Dave but then the sun's gonna keep going sorry if I spoiled that that actually happens I know you guys are very invested [Applause] oh come on you gotta have that as he rocks up we're not sold out sold out [Music] it would seem like an absolute gold mine though if you're an investor hang on Dave what are you I'm blacklisted for this place it's a criminal conspiracy you're boys I know that that probably sounds weird it's a good word though because after all I did to your boys so who is this girl she's not the worst actress of all time like I know you're hot but who got her in what if she's married the director press remember press pass oh no it's all over the jig's up how can you could that be explained by the music industry like many other celebrities have been done oh this whole thing's busted often dive after a Chipmunks This Guy's Big [Music] yes no he is actually horrible man it's making me hate David Cross I don't like this damn it's not long lived maybe it's a cliffhanger you have to get them back in the next film they need a real life they're Chipmunks who talk people will come so I mean I don't know why you're investing in these crazy like sets or the dancers put them together like three humble Chipmunks and that's it people would watch that the overdone stuff just seems to fabricated I don't even think it's a great marketing idea [Music] dude take us alive Alvin yeah Alvin use your big brain to think of a way out wait did they swap themselves out with the toys please 300 IQ [Music] [Applause] I've given the biggest hug in the world [Music] oh we're family [Music] or did he just say family Vin Diesel that's me every time I watch Fast and Furious movie and I'm not I'm not a right I love you Dave oh this is the greatest speech of all time God damn Timberland views on YouTube I bet Alvin's final speech it would be cool having them I think but God it would be irritating after a while then smash like for the sequel 7 000 likes if you want to see Alvin and the Chipmunks too where's my life come to yeah I mean it's the greatest movie of all time maybe I'll let you call me Uncle Ian again deal he loves degrading he was such an idiot foreign [Music] because he's now rich and famous but she is way too hot for it let's be real why are you buying me I promise that never happens uh poor shadowy you're not gonna say it [Music] Elvis [Music] down okay guys come on let's try it again sing for your Uncle Ian oh my God please tell me he comes back in the sequel so that doesn't happen in the Chipmunks This is just silly harmless fun I don't think you can ever go wrong watching a film like this but I would love to know if you guys thought of this one and if you did miss a favorite moment you can watch the full movie along with me or my patreon in description below and if you did enjoy it be sure to smash the like button and subscribe for more thank you guys very much for watching see you on the next
Channel: SebScreen
Views: 191,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o6E7Af8MEMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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