First Time RV Buyers, Watch This!!

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hello friends a family of you too well today I want to talk to you about how to buy an RV yep that's right how to purchase one now if you've never watched my channel before what I want to tell you is I do not work for the company that makes these RVs and I do not work for anyone that sells them so I am out here just shooting these videos and telling you my thoughts on them to be honest with you I make about six to eight dollars per video from YouTube so I just do this kind of as a passion and a pastime so I don't have anything in this but I'm gonna give you my honest opinion on the best way to buy an RV so here we go now you can tell that there are lots of different sizes of trailers that you can get so the probably the first thing you need to look at is look at your tow vehicle that you plan on pulling your trailer with and see what the tow capacity is on that particular vehicle now the best way to do this is when you find out what the tow capacity is and you probably go to Google and put in the numbers of your particular vehicle what year it is what model etc and when it tells you what that total capacity is let's say that it says that it's ten thousand pounds take that number ten thousand and multiply that number times 0.8 and that will give you 80 percent of what the tope acity is for your particular vehicle and now you're wondering well why would I want something just 80 percent well the reason is you still have to put human bodies in your vehicle that you're going to pull with you still have to put gas in your vehicle you still got to put your generator and a few other items in there as well so the tow capacity this is just a good way to get an idea how big of a trailer you can pull I would not want to pull something that was 100 percent of my tow capacity raise the is it's not safe and it's gonna wear down to your vehicle that much quicker all right well the next thing that I would concern myself with is how many people do I think are really gonna be going with me camping on a regular basis not just once in a while I do not want to buy an RV based on just the fact that hey if I had grandkids they might come with me once in a while or if I have kids of my own that they might come I want to be realistic and really base my my purchase on who and what is going to be involved with my my traveling experience and another thing you probably really need to consider is are you going to be camping out in the wilderness or are you going to go to a campground and be plugged in at a campground it's a huge difference so trust me that is something you really need to factor in because I'm telling you it's it's a huge difference between being camped out in the middle of nowhere and being plugged in at a campground ok now earlier I talked about it's really important to describe what you're gonna do are you gonna be staying in a campground or are you gonna be staying out in the wilderness and here is what really matters your freshwater capacity your great water capacity in your Blackwater capacity you can see that these are mostly 58 gallons of fresh and 30 gallon of each black-and-gray now why is that important well if you're staying at a campground that's not important because generally you're gonna be plugged in and you can use all the water you want to or flush your toilet as much as you want to but if you're gonna be out in the wilderness and out in the middle of nowhere that is really gonna be a factor you need to consider now another thing you need to consider is will you be pulling over on the side of the road taking a nap or maybe sleeping overnight and parking lot on your way for a long trip if so this particular RV here has a slide out and what you will notice is with this slide pulled inward you cannot get to the bathroom back here you can also not reach the back bedroom as well so to me that is a very important feature to keep in mind and also you want to be able to get to your your kitchen as far as your refrigerator and you know just be able to take care of a few few things if you were to pull over on the side of the road that you would not be to a point that you couldn't make a sandwich take a nap or go to the bathroom so always keep that in mind if that seems to be a factor that might might impede what what you're wanting to do on your trip so once you discover what you're going to be doing as far as how many people are going to be going with you now you can decide what layout works best for you you can see that there are many different layout patterns that you can choose from so if you look at this particular layout here and then look at this layout right here they are exactly the same with a few minor details so let's show you this again you got this one here and you got this one here now these are two different companies one of these is Salem and one of these is Flagstaff and for the simple fact that one of these has a different exterior maybe a few different bells and whistles you could end up spending anywhere from a thousand dollars all the way up to ten or twelve thousand dollars difference even though you are getting the exact same layout I'm not necessarily saying that would be the case with these two manufacturers but I'm saying that you can find this same layout made by just about every manufacturer there is but there will be a huge sway in the cost between those so that's why you need to find the layout that you want and go from there okay now what I want to talk to you about is a huge difference in price let's imagine for instance and we are imagining because these are not the same but let's imagine that these two particular RVs right here had the same layout now these would cost substantially different from each other and here's how you can tell and why this has what's called an aluminum siding see how it's got a red shape to it that is aluminum siding now these are more of your lower end budget models whereas to this particular model you can tell that it has more of a slick fiberglass type exterior and that is going to be a lot more expensive it is nicer in a lot of ways as in you do have a clean up on it for some people seems to be easier sometimes aerodynamics play a factor but I'm gonna tell you that if you have a rock fly up or you hit a tree limb it's gonna be a lot more expensive to repair this siding of fiberglass repair or as nail siding as some of its called versus if you was to have a damage on some of this exterior of an aluminum siding because on this aluminum siding you would just remove a panel you put a new panel in and you're ready to go alright so now you have solved a lot of questions here how much weight can you tow what type of floor plan are you looking for what type of exterior are you looking for so now you've got a lot of things narrowed down and that's going to help you decide what you want to go with so now what I would suggest is looking for the dealership that you want to deal with well the best way to do that is to check your you can go to google you can put in your state the name of your state and then put RV and generally that will bring you up a map and that map will show you all the local dealerships within your state now I'm going to tell you something once you do that you can also read the reviews and see what buyers have had to say about a specific dealership I'm going to tell you something they're a lot like car dealerships you can find good ones and you can find bad ones so I highly suggest reading what others have had to say about a specific dealership and once you find that specific dealership now you've got something to start with but I'm going to tell you my favorite thing to promote out there is if you are planning on traveling that's the whole premise in you finding an RV hey don't be shy go out there and look 600 mile radius trying to find what you're looking for don't just stay close to home the whole purpose in getting this thing is to travel well you shouldn't mind traveling a little bit to go buy it especially if you can save a lot of money but you definitely want to make sure if you're gonna buy one that far away it's from a reputable dealership that's gonna make sure that they go through it inside and out and make sure that you've got a quality RV before you leave the lot well there's a couple of things I'd like to talk to you about as far as it goes with dealerships and the difference between dealerships I personally like to stay with a small home owned and operated business I know that they're gonna take care of me a lot better than a big corporate business and I'm gonna tell you there is a large corporation that sells trailers and they are the biggest one in the world and I would stay far away from them that's just me but I'm going to tell you a lot of companies will charge you to show you what you just purchased and to me I do like the taste of that I do not like to pay money for being shown what I just bought and I'll give you an example after you buy the trailer the camper RV whatever you want to call it they will take you into your particular unit and they will say okay we're going to show you how to operate this this stove so what you do is you lift this bag get it out of the way you turn this knob etc etc and this is how you like the the pilot light on there they will show you that and they will also show you how to operate the refrigerator and how to make it work on propane or how to make it work on on electricity or battery etcetera but as they do this they are charging you so yes you can pay 15,000 25,000 50,000 and you will have to pay for them to show you what you just purchased and if you're new to the RV industry you're probably laughing right now because I'm sure you've never went to a car dealership bought a car and them show you around in the car and say by the way we're gonna charge you a hundred and fifty dollars or a thousand dollars to show you what you just bought but it does happen in the RV industry it happens every day so again going back to why you need to read Google reviews and Yelp and a few others is you can read and see what these dealerships are doing as far as hidden fees and that sort of thing because if you're like me hey I don't like surprises especially when I'm spending a lot of money and the Internet is your best friend the Internet is going to show you what these particular models the one that you have chosen it's going to show you what they're going for nationwide you can see what everybody else is selling them for and you can call around and say hey well y'all uh well y'all price-match and that sort of thing and that helps you out helps you negotiate kind of it's it's awesome that you've got somebody on your team and that somebody is the Internet it is the World Wide Web so use it to your advantage find out what the best price is and hey if they tell you well you know will price match within a hundred miles tell them you're willing to drive six hundred miles a thousand miles whatever it is because hey I'm going to tell you if I can drive six hundred miles and I can save two or three thousand dollars I'm gonna do it because I cannot make that kind of money in one day but I can definitely drive that in one day and a lot of dealerships make some of their cut by you financing with their particular company so when you are price negotiating you can find out does that involve you having to use their finance company or can you use their your own the one that you provide your own local credit union or whatever your bank is the use of your own choice and the most important thing I will tell you before you settle on anything join every web forum you can out there and read about the particular unit you chose hey it might be beautiful and it might have some nice bells and whistles in it but it might be a lemon and the best way to find out is to join a web forum and you can read from purchasers like myself when I bought my RV I went on to a web forum and I got to read what other people had said about the particular unit and I also went on there myself and I gave a reviews of it as well and I did that the first year I had it and I went back five years later and did the same thing told what it was like after I'd had it for five years and as I said earlier you could take an aluminum sided RV or you could take one with a fiberglass siding RV and it can be a huge difference in price but what you want to keep in mind some of those little bells and whistles in there might be costing you eight or ten thousand dollars so you need to ask yourself is it really worth it to justify paying that extra price for those bells and whistles because as soon as either one of these pulls off of the lot you're gonna lose 25% in value that's an estimate of mine that's not a fact it may be an effect but that's my estimate is it you're gonna lose about 25% value as soon as it pulls off the light and another thing that not many people talk about in this industry is insurance you're gonna have to get full coverage insurance if you are financing it so basically for every 10 grand of an RV you're gonna be paying $100 per year on full coverage folks I know I could have shot a video that would last three hours long and still not told everything you probably need to know but I hope that this video gave you some of the meat and potatoes of what you are needing to know at least to help you get started in your search and I'm sure there's a lot of comments down below that should help you out as well and hey you leave a comment as well let me know what you need help with in your your search in your journey and maybe I can help you or maybe somebody else can answer your question down in the comments too folks I appreciate y'all spending some time with me today if you would hit the like and subscribe and I got a lot of videos out there to show you of different RVs so if you're just getting started on your journey hey you definitely need to subscribe my channel and check out all the videos that I have I've got I think about a hundred and fifty of them by now of different RV so hopefully I can help you out in your attorney folks y'all have a great day I so appreciate you spending time with me see y'all real soon
Channel: Dave's RV Channel
Views: 82,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheaprvliving, banshee, moon, wolf, pup, cherokee, flea, market, antiques, junk, thrift, store, road, warrior, nomadic, fanatic, less, family, friendly, more, journey, living, free, wanderlust, vlog, 5th, wheel, camping, world, forrest, rivertaco, stacks, Antiques, Travel, RV, Flea Market, Self Sufficient, Prepper, Firewood, Alabama, Homesteading
Id: I2KMT8Baykw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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