First time reaction - Dimash Samaltau

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hey everybody hi lucas hassell here i'm back with a new reaction um i'm going back to dimash in a reaction uh during uh kwaran ilim i mentioned it would be so great to just see him in a white room by himself and so forth and then everybody was like well that video exists um from the tokyo jazz festival he's saying a song i believe called samaltao i apologize for the pronunciation if that's wrong um and so i am excited to see um dimash without the frills of a beautiful concert arena or fabulous backdrops and just see him at his purist so i'm excited to check this out [Music] so [Music] wow haunting haunting ah i'm pulled straight in look at dimash right there just focused i guess in the meditative state just taking in the sounds around him i i believe it's the same instrument that was used in kiran ilim so maybe that's a kassak instrument a traditional instrument there it may even be the same musician that sat on the piano and played um i think the guy on the left maybe uh and this is the white room i was craving just sounds and just dimash no reverb no large audience so spot on so far [Applause] [Music] [Applause] those mandolins of sorts maybe [Music] in his own world getting his breathing down deep cross-legged on a chair strong he's awoken um what a beautiful intro feels very personal to him like a national sound a sound that i'm not used to the sort of two-stringed um mini cello i mean it's a horrible term for it i'm not i'm familiar with that instrument maybe someone can let me know in the descriptions below but seeing here the cross dissolve where i paused it his eyes are open he's looking out it feels like he's transported somewhere else he's in his own whether he's out in the widths of the space of kazakhstan or wherever he is in his mind that is what this meditative state has brought him to so let's hear what his voice does uh in this song [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] sorry to stop here i he unusually for him the videos i've seen the songs i've seen him of his before he starts out very softly very small to pull you in and here he goes straight in with a clear forceful note and then just plays with that crack in his voice it's beautiful the way he can uh masterfully go from a strong sort of i guess a chest voice i'm not you know professionally trained uh train to to know the terminology but it feels like a strong chest voice into that sort of crack and then pull back into much softer um i suppose it's uh in in russian i use the video from his channel and i don't see subtitles option on it so sorry folks um i wish i understood what he was uh singing but it doesn't really detract from what's going on because it's clear his voice is as clear as i've ever heard it i think none of these distractions around him and he's incredibly focused so i'm gonna go back a little bit and enjoy this all over [Music] foreign singing in that position it must be difficult to get this support [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it's not a traditional sort of pop song with a you know with the chorus and then this hat it's like it's a very different song and it's not a flashy song it's not um you know it probably would not find its way onto the top ten charts because it doesn't have all those sort of popular elements but it is beautiful it is different it feels authentic to him um and i feel like i feel like when he sings in his own language like this the connection may be even deeper than in some of the other songs i really feel that he is in his own world here and in his element you know what he sings really means something to him so i'm looking forward to reading in the comments below the translation of these words if any of you know them um he's such a gift this guy dimash never ceases to impress me i'm always taken in by him his voice is just crystal clean and clear and he can do so much with it it's such a pleasure [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] so a couple of things there before he goes into this beautiful bit you can tell he's super sensitive to the two musicians on either side of him uh which is something i haven't seen before because in the big arenas and so forth he's basically using his earpiece and he just has to focus on on on keeping in key here because it's such a delicate soft piece he is super aware of what the musicians are doing around him and he is tempering the timber of his voice to to match that to not overpower them until he then goes into this segment where clearly it's called for uh where he raises the power of his voice and then he has this ability to go into the operatic part of his voice and then he goes up there and then immediately just to puts a little further on frill on it and pulls back uh softly to this other part of his register uh it's just masterful i'm gonna watch that about to get to that [Music] you have the rainmaker i think it's called the rainmaker [Music] phew how great was that thank you for recommending this i honestly had no idea when i said i would love to see him sing in a white room that this existed i mean people are not going to believe that i'm sure i had no idea so it's i feel like it's serendipitous that i can actually go and watch a video with him in a white room and two musicians with um you know original authentic old instruments i suppose and then him just titrating his voice beautifully to match the tone of what he's going after i mean seeing him there in meditation at the beginning and just finding his spot and seeing him just respectful to these musicians talent around him as well that is not about just him and his voice which most of the time it is but here it was really a true triangle of of musical inspiration so thank you for this and thank you for checking it out uh please keep the suggestions coming there are many more things i would like to watch and react to so i always check out the comments and thank you for being along for the ride
Channel: Lukas Hassel
Views: 39,190
Rating: 4.9829826 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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