First Time Exploring The Astonishing Osiris Shaft On The Giza Plateau

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hi this is Brian Forster of hidden Inca tours and today a very special experience to share with you as is documented in my new book lost ancient technology of Egypt vol 2 now here we are on the Giza Plateau in Egypt of course and there you see the great pyramids in the background that's what's called the second pyramid where we're going today is what is called the Osiris shaft and this has not been opened for decades if not hundreds of years to the general public but thanks to the new minister of supreme antiquities it's open if you want to literally rent the space for two hours now it's not open to the general public it requires a special permission and fee and that special permission or fee cost between two thousand and three thousand dollars for a two hour period but we decided to do that for our guests and we will do this every year on our tour from now on so this is our group lining up the door has been unlocked and so gradually we're going to start moving in so this is the upper most level which is in the bedrock itself and here comes Jason who was in our group in March 2018 clearly thrilled at what he saw and now we move in again this is the surface level which is in the bedrock itself and now we look down to the second level now I'm not going to tell you immediately how many levels there are this is all part of the incredible experience of this space that has only been open since I believe November 2017 now this is down in the second level you can see it's quite small nothing too incredible to look at in the space except the fact that again it's cut in the bedrock and this is giving you a view from the second level with the ladder up to where we first enter so this is about 12 of us out of a total of 30 getting ready to go down into the next level but of course because of the nature of the space only a certain number could go down at a time but this is looking down into what is the next level of the Osiris shaft again cut the bedrock this could not have been done with hand tools during the dynastic period with bronze chisels etc so now we're down in the next level and looking up to the level above which was the small room you can see the ladder on the right is very rickety but a newer one was installed which is on the left hand side and it is quite a safe experience to go down and now looking into this room there are six niches and in two of the niches are large stone boxes you can see the tool marks here in the wall the lighting isn't that great so flashlights of course were required and then again this is one of these stone boxes you can see on the left very mysterious so this is moving into one of the niches again for them are empty and what has happened to the actual boxes excuse me if they were even in there is unknown but now we're going to focus on this which is one of the boxes that has this very mysterious goo like organic material on the surface and also inside next time we go in I would like to actually take a sample in order to find out what that material is it doesn't appear to simply be fire or smoke because there's very little smoke on the ceiling it seems as though something happened to whatever or whoever was inside the box like an explosion of some kind and then this is the other box which is more roughly shaped and inside mysterious massive damage again as if the interior of the box exploded very strange this isn't simply tomb robbers going in and trying to extract material from the interior there's something some kind of chemical process went in here which is very weird so again looking up the ceiling bits of splat but not what I would call smoke or carbon material from a flame some other kind of strange phenomenon occurred here and this box supposedly the material is not granite it's not basalt it's not cyanide it's not diorite it's a stone that is not found in Egypt so weighing in at a minimum of 30 tons where did this stone come from how was it shaped and how was it brought down the shaft system into this niche here again you can see the tool marks very similar almost scraping like tool marks and then we're looking down into what will be the actual bottom level of the Osiris shaft this is Yusuf Ali on who was one of our guides the water that he's in is crystal clear and he's standing on top of another giant box that submerged underwater so we are presently 200 feet minimum underground in the Osiris shaft and the is underground water of course at Giza but this water is crystal clear so where exactly did it come from and was it intended that this water be in there and be part of whatever process this structure originally performed because they call it a symbolic tomb which is a really cheap way of saying we don't understand what this was made for who made it and when it was made it's clearly megalithic and thus it's likely at least 12,000 years old and was found by the dynastic Egyptians they did not construct this because this possibly could be beyond 21st century technology that was involved which we see also at other places in ancient Egypt the clear signs of lost ancient high technology that was present long before the time of the pharaonic people I believe the stone is called de site I might be wrong that would be DAC ite interestingly inside this niche is a recessed area where a human sized sarcophagus could have once been that could have been an actual dynastic burial but the other two boxes and the one submerged under water were beyond the technological capability of the dynastic Egyptians and thus has to be much much older so as far as I know only a handful of groups have been in the Osiris shaft since its opening in November of 2017 you can rent the space if you want minimum cost is 2,000 us but that is what we do on each of our yearly tours usually in March or April we do very special things for our guests we get access to other places which are very very difficult for the common traveler or tourists to get to see but that's why we like to believe that our tours are very special and that's why there is a definite focus not so much on the dynastic people though that is covered but more on lost ancient high technology and trying to unravel who did this work when this work was done why it was done and of course you can learn more about this under tours on my website at hidden in Catorce com so we did have a full two hours here's Yusuf climbing back out of the water again and this was an amazing adventure because for many many years I wanted to go inside this Osiris shaft but of course it was always pad locked and even requests with the authorities were met with deaf ears they refused to even think about the idea of allowing anybody in there but the new antiquities Minister is very progressive he understands that opening up more of these sacred ancient spaces brings more tourism but what it also does is it allows us the researchers to try to unravel the secrets of ancient places such as here on the Giza Plateau as well as the other sites all the way from Tanis which is in the Nile Delta area in the north south to aswan where we find amazing things such as the unfinished 1200 ton obelisk in the quarry at Aswan so I hope you've enjoyed this adventure we will definitely be going back to the Osiris shaft in April of 2019 on our very special tour limited to 42 participants and so these are related books at hidden Inca tours calm and also aftershock the ancient Cataclysm that erased human history lost ancient technology of Egypt lost ancient technology of Egypt vol 2 that thoroughly covers the Osiris shaft the Enigma cranial deformation co-written with David Hatcher Childress and Akhenaten The Heretic Pharaoh truly an enigmatic and fascinating ancient person and these are our upcoming tours for 2019 as all the 2018 ones are full advanced technologies and wisdom of the Ancients tour of India in January 2019 Mexico ancient technology tour there are megalithic sites in Mexico that's February 2019 and Egypt lost ancient high technology and metaphysics in April of 2019
Channel: Brien Foerster
Views: 807,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Egypt, ancient Egypt, Giza, Giza plateau, Osriris shaft, Great Pyramid, pyramid, Egyptians, Egyptian, dynastic, pharaoh, pharaohs, dynastic Egyptians
Id: quUtlWTB_dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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