Diagnosing the Detroit Diesel 471

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hey there dengas2 here today's video is about diagnosing my detroit diesel 471 and is proudly sponsored by [Music] marineenengine.com [Music] off to adrian's for the first day working on the detroit do the rebuild just remember to tie the boat up at a different wharf need another coffee to wake up but we'll get there um so yeah i guess today we'll just head up there start pulling it apart see what we see and then make a bit of a strategy from there i uh definitely you know the plan is to give it the absolute once-over now's the chance to get it right so when it goes back in it stays back in for a long time this time so uh wish me luck all right here we are it's anodes newly worn away not too bad no there's no emulsified oil or anything i haven't seen which is good yeah plenty of black oil but no um yeah no water in it at all [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] if you've got you won't break it you're careful but just too hard too dangerous yeah yeah so i'm going to get four bolts out there well i take it off the front oh really okay because if the head ends up coming back on it's a little bit left a little bit to the right we've got to try and roll it again so okay if we just take this cover off here yeah don't give it yep all right um when you get to that cover get the no okay i'll give you a spanner for it oh okay special one [Music] we're just going to take the head off first adrian's tackling the governor i'm just going to take the rack off then the uh fuel pipes fuel hoses and then get to the head bolts yep you want to get it this way yeah to get to the head bolts we had to take the rack off uh all the fuel tubes and then the outside stands for the rockers started and they just blow so much smoke when they do it yeah believe that one there gives you something to hang on to you take the two oh yeah yep so take those two off yeah so leave that in yeah take those two um and we'll put the heat exchanger of course off the front oh [Music] i've undone that bolt there so i thought i'd probably let it go forward a bit just bring it forward a smidge well we're going to take this off anyway so it's only yeah if we well if we undo that one it'll flop it forward a bit and undo the bottom one slide it forward on the bolt a bit yep that'll give us some room again just a couple of mil take the thermostat as well check the thermostat while it's here thermostat off so we can get to the uh bolts here get them out of the head get the heat exchanger and heavy tank forward just going to back the top two bolts on both sides out a little bit just because they kind of contact with the head make it a bit harder to lift out they order 15 16 one which i brought holy for just kenworth engine mount because you can't get just take forever with the spanner but you can get in there yeah just a couple of middle do or yeah yeah that should be fine yeah so this is all about just getting the governor and then the end cap on the yeah from the blower cap well the weights are in here so it all comes off we've come up with one thing yeah yeah and set it back up it's all a bit nicer yeah it makes sense that's where the experience comes in done it the hard way now i know the easy way yeah well then otherwise you connect you'll actually crack or break either the nose or the other government yeah sometimes i'll crack you won't see it and it'll be bound up and the engine will take off or something like that all right so if you don't notice you're in more trouble oh yeah both ways [Applause] yeah you could definitely use it then yeah was it originally though like it was never yeah i thought i'm saying i wouldn't finish then yeah right okay put them in the latest ladies we'll do it before we put it together together okay keep my leaning up with a bit of cloth down yeah yeah just spin them and yeah that's one hurt i'm like yeah done this right now yeah it's kinked a bit this way [Music] it hasn't hasn't separated from here just this top here change [Music] so the cam's pretty got some gnarly marks in it yeah with their rollers yeah it's not nice but when i look down from the side here there's a huge gap i can fit my little screwdriver just about in okay see the gap there yeah yeah yeah these should only have five thou clearance right should be only to rock this rocker five there so somewhat what will be causing excessive wear it'll be running on the camshaft doing that the whole time oh okay that's that there is just ridiculous the amount of yeah i got you so the cam's constantly trying to try and uh just just going around it'll be scuffing the cam up causing the excessive wear on the lobes they eventually will spin around and run sideways and destroy them oh wow so um i did notice the cam has not doesn't look like that but it doesn't look nice nice yeah okay so you can see there's a dark line starting to appear where they're starting that the rings are starting to stick yeah you can start to fire down the hole um they're all sort of the same you get that ring around the top where the top ring is starting to get stuck yeah so this dark line from about here upwards yes yeah right so that's um yeah and you can see the oil and the carbon build up from the oil just starting to build up around the top here and will that cause the ring to stick so you can see well that's what will be happening it'll be a carbon build up in the oil ring and in the compression ring and yeah other than that look at that yeah so we'll get the sump off now and the liners look like we'll be able to salvage them you know what i mean okay cool push them out put some rings on them so drain the fat out of it bring the fat out and here we go okay compression seal so it's a bit hard to show now that it's been used but it's it's folded over and there's multi layers of metal in there and it's compress once once you do the head up it compresses it compresses it seals it and um keeps it nice and tight against the head yeah the easiest uh oil change i'll ever do on this thing there you go okay so the pickup is right at the back yes which is good good yeah yeah i exactly hoping it wasn't at the other end that would have been a problem oh yeah there's a little bit of a baffle just there too yeah so it's not as bad as the thought could potentially be yeah oh yes please do a coffee oh yes please uh what sludge in here there's two wow thanks for that guys no interesting when i took the sump off there was a bolts in it and it's one of the bolts from the oil pump there it's come undone oil pumps out now so we're just gonna do the uh rod caps and get the liners and pistons out well do number two number two ready to go okay yep all right pretty much two turn it a little bit and it'll be right so all right done a bit of a moment of truth for rings just getting there you go [Music] cap off and then adrian's going to pull the whole liner up from the top [Applause] [Music] so we actually don't need the plate today because they've all been coming out hanging out with magic colors yeah right usually a plate sits across the top of the piston yep um just to protect the piston especially when you're reusing them sit standing there um i have the pin uh right goes in the ports does it yeah the pin goes across the port you've got to make sure you don't go too far through yeah the liner each way and score the yeah you'll actually grab the side of the block so sort of you're on sort of just off center on two holes and that's yeah yeah sits across there like that and then wind him over just yeah there we go like magic lifting him up you'll feel them usually grab the side of the block yeah if it has caught yeah especially but in the 92s and the 53s very critical that that bolt doesn't hang through because there's actually o-rings around the liner so you'll actually smash the o-ring glands and um okay pretty bad yeah it's just sitting inside yeah [Music] i think that's the i'll give it a push all right yep there we go plate in nice piston and liner that's all of them let's pull them out bearings have had pretty good wear typical two-stroke upper bearing tops all the load right um there's no sort of load on the lower bearing being two straight loads always down so that's why you can run them with a boat for loose right okay yeah yeah it's pushing onto it rather than pulling away yeah yeah like it will run if you stop the engines any time it will yep you're down but yeah if you actually started it and got it to run kept it running yeah that's pretty cool yeah right uh there we go whoa what the these are the ones you pressure test don't they they oh they're center punch the caps what's that to do to to retain the cap they've locked it which is probably when they've done that created a void so they'll be now it won't it won't be ceiling yeah right so you reckon that's where most of our oil is coming from yep oil rings are pretty good okay all right so not the rings the it's the the gadget pins and pins where it's all coming from you can actually see the oil sitting in around the pin yeah right yeah here look at it it's just so they've damaged the piston [Applause] that looks says it all so really the piston's useless wow okay but your bear are bad news no look good news is finding out the bad news is well really long as we can save so so this punch has been done center punch and that's push and this is why this is is that contacting well i'd say at some point it's been contact and they've cleaned it back so it doesn't right both spots above where the center punch is all right so whenever it's been center punched just blown it out a bit and it's yep yeah right so number two is same scenario and that's why they're all the same they're all done the same way you know we're saying they're leaking it wasn't like one was bad yeah it's consistently across the whole yeah yeah so it's a technique that's been used rather than uh yeah rather than okay so i'll get the tool yeah yeah um [Applause] no that's all right mate not your fault that's a 53 one so it's plastic yeah right um so they come from kent moore um that's the 92 one so just puts a nice little curve in it when it drives it into the into the piston and it's the curve that actually makes it lock in is it yes um looks like they've belted these in with a socket or some form you can actually see also that the cap is actually dented if you get white on it yeah um that's too small yeah so it's a 92 one is actually a bit smaller than the trunk piston in a 71 okay yeah right so nice which gets it and there's a little shoulder you can see the polished edge in there um and there's a white to the white then it goes to yep sort of a polished material that's what it's grabbing on is that polished area when you push it in it's curving it in and locking it in so it can't push back out yeah and usually a bit of um super wicked or bearing mount to help just keep that piston locked in properly so yeah [Music] so just fill it up and then you can actually see it's starting to work it's starting to weep and the bottom the other side is actually already running there yeah right it's actually [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] especially it's worse because there's oil pressure behind in there oh yeah that's it yeah do you see it drop when it yeah yeah it's just let it go and it's not holding it's just there just holding at the moment oh there you go so you reckon that's through the seal or through the cup pull them through the right well i just wiped it out you can actually see it's lifted some of the oil pulled the oil back on the hole yeah gotcha look where my head is and look yeah you'll actually see this like you can actually see where the cup's going down and up like that yeah right yeah yeah it goes it's like it goes over and yeah yeah so it's just been center punched too hard with something that doesn't have a curve on it then not creating the right amount of curve to lock it in to lock it in and then the center punch yeah yeah so have you tested that one yet no it looks the worst shape doesn't it in some ways [Applause] it just drops just drops yeah that one's cactus isn't it yeah well i mean worst one so none of them are perfect that's the worst one that's the worst one so far and what do you got eight of them to leak so you know yeah yeah yeah it's a lot of oil up yeah a little bit more it's just a little bit firmer in there okay number three so just try each one in each yeah which way around they should go actually that's even firmer and better yeah that's a really nice fit in there yeah right okay quite like that yep so we'll call that number two or uh try more number four yeah yeah yeah you never know it's just for entertainment purposes i think the viewers happy that's it and then you do this that's about the same as that one okay so i could go two or four [Applause] get the magic marker out or magic marker yeah or we could just center punch it yeah make sure that also that the liner gets good heat transfer too yes yeah so you don't end up with those hot spots as you can yeah probably see down there's a heat transfer spot from the liner yeah there's another one also on the back side over there as well and that's so number three number three liner yes so i wonder if that's slightly over number three then interesting there we go that's a really really good fit in there right okay so if you can get it in it's almost like the tighter the better as long as you can do it by hand yeah okay that's really quite nice in there so yeah i wonder what three's like then so could be good candidate for three if it's pretty easy in there not too bad not too bad i like it a little bit firm just a little bit yeah a little bit of it it does fit really nicely number four like i'd really like yeah yeah that was good yeah a bit of thread tape maybe the yeah wicking loctite works really good yeah that's pretty pretty good there too number four for this one okay unless it turns out to be the biggest one in which case should we put it here if it turns out to be the tightest one yeah then we'll put it there yeah yeah go back to the remove the cap hit hole it'll pop out yeah if it didn't mean center punched i don't know well there you go it's been it's been driven in so far bashing against the piston pin yeah right the other one yeah [Music] [Laughter] same again just bringing it in and it's been hitting against it and it's actually if you have a look at it it hasn't even changed shape it's cupped it all cut it all look look look along it it's not cut like how it should be normally when they do come out they are still cupped yep even when you pop it out again yeah [Music] so the oil comes out of the crankshaft around the bearing and it can actually go down this bearing is designed it's designed to go around behind the back of the bearing down into the center of the shaft mm-hmm center of the conrod up through the guts oils the piston pin then around it up through the outside of the center of the piston pin and out the top the four squirters or the four holes in the top yep then to cool the crown of the piston inside that bowl yeah all right keep everything nice and cool while it's running interesting pretty primitive but works yep well i think we've got as far as we can today we need to order new pistons and uh put your rings in them and start throwing it all back together adrian's uh getting the drive gear and everything ready for the compressor had an old mechanical taco in there that has been taken out the fitting for it anyway her detroit's sitting there chilling out hello mr sheep what are you up to they're chilling out too look at your shaggy coat chewing on this just dirt there buddy just dirt well looks like the animals have all knocked off so i think we will too it looks like we may have only had the anode here in so we've now actually put a new one in here as you can see a lot more meat on it another one here that i actually thought it did have but it didn't and we put another one right at the inlet here which we had to cut a little bit shorter but that should give it a lot more protection not put so much load on that one we took the opportunity while the head was off to put a helicoil into that missing bolt that had actually been out the whole time the engine was in the boat so that was definitely another leak into the bilge but not into the air box he'd fill him with um like uh steel wool like they make big cannonballs out of steel world and they just come up there's big bright orange flaming things look pretty cool i never thought about it yeah yeah yeah is it just kidding at least it can't hurt anything like that that's oh it's got to open it's got a catch on that drive in there oh i got you yeah after that adrian confirmed the air box drains on both sides were completely open so there's no chance of oil pooling in the air box should something fail down the track back at adrian's this morning after the weekend did uh the rescue diver course on the weekend so a bit tired and sunburned from that but just turned up as soon as i walked in detroit brought me his little ball oh detroit adrian's done excellent work on the engine it's barely recognizable oh wait there's mine anyway time to push on hopefully the parts arrived actually haven't spoken to adrian since last week he's not around at the moment maybe down the road or having breakfast but uh time to get this back together he shoots oh you'd be a good goalkeeper this apparently is the liner no detroit not now this apparently is the light liner puller for a uh 60 series detroit when adrian got back i left him to do a few of the simpler things while i got him with the more technical work of gasket scraping etc after that i started installing the fittings for the coolant lines that are going to go through the compressor head so this is brand new out of the packet i know yes they're brand new box yep and then they're little blue so they are they are blue they're not overheated they're blue they blue when they come out haven't been cooked yeah um so this is they do sit nicely yup quite nicely just there before you put them in with the tool which we'll do in a minute after we've washed them we've got all the preservative off the piston and that's right so it's like a flywheel or brake pads like rotors it's quite yeah they all used to come wrapped in wax 100 yeah right this is the ring set there is two sets of oil expanders in here [Applause] they said here's my broken teeth end up with more destructions now there is it does state ah right so there's more than one depending on no uh white is for non-turbo and transit buses okay so more tension right it's okay um buses because they do lots of idling and stuff like that so if you don't use the wrong if you use the wrong rings but they'll work but they just won't be a very efficient okay um you'll end up with a bit of pass so the purple ring is for turboed and the white one for non-fur okay states on the bottom and so white note uh non-turbo and so if you had a turbo transit bus you would still use white is that what to say yes ride okay yeah because they do so much idling gotcha well it's called knowing is good yes closure closure exactly until then it was a theory [Applause] yeah exactly yeah i know i actually think he did officially but you know if you're gonna have a bet with someone you have to put something they actually want what am i gonna do with your left knuckle blends green so just petrol this one after all just to wash him out probably should have my safety gloves on but don't have that's it same as me try not to drag around the dish or scratch all the tin coating because it doesn't quite thin it's quite a thin coating yeah it's only two tenths of a third coating on there so try not to hurt him yeah dribble dry very good now uh wrist pins pins as well they've got still got the same coating on them yeah and you're saying make sure they're all hollow you don't have one that's solid end up with a solid wrist pin they'll um end up doing that without a balance engine pretty much these days most of them are all hollow but there was a period of time when they went through the change over and it was they ended up with a solid ping amongst a boxer hollow hello yeah people still put them together and wonder why they yeah exactly working with adrian has suddenly made me all pedantic about uh straight and level and everything being nice it's actually kind of been good doing this engine as well as a repair a whole lot of things are actually going to be better than they were so there's definitely a silver lining to the cloud one of those improvements has been removing the redundant fuel filter so now we come out of the vitus twin filters or parallel filters into the fuel pump directly what this means is we can now bring the cooling pipes in much closer which means we can braze them together and have less of those rubber sections with the hose clamps it also meant that we could finally turn the oil filler straight up again and make the engine easier to top up so that's just been a win all round sorry i'm just picking adrian's brain about the uh turbo version distract him again so you're saying that so you got like pressurized air going into the blower yep so the turbo is blowing into the top of the blower yep pushing through now the blower a naturally aspirated one and a turbo blower differences of clearances in the road when you're setting okay yeah so there's so get more wear through and the blower actually heats up more with the turbo on top you've got the hot air coming out of the turbo so if you don't do it you'll grab the housing seize up right now yeah but in turn as time progressed they they had air box drain tubes they all have um and that would just rely on the airbox tube venting out to atmosphere for any oil in the air chest so they then and come along with the air box drain valve which shuts off there's about i think there's three or four different ones they all open and close at different different ranges um they'll open and close with different pressures um for different applications so like a high horsepower marine will shut off a bit later it might shut up at seven pound or six six pound whereas a smaller lower horsepower and it'll shut off at two or three pounds okay um and that helps keep the air box pressure up so for quite acceleration you know you've got plenty of yep keep you going um the early 871 t's 471 t's never had them but as time went on they fitted them mm-hmm um and usually when i build one now i'll fit their box house i've never had them yeah just upgrade it yeah it just makes it a bit nicer and keeps me more pressure on the ring set to keep the rings out and everything like that oh okay so um yeah interesting thank you so theoretically what would happen if you didn't have your blow would it still run like it wouldn't die like a detroit without a blower it will it they do not enough clearance that's it but if you took the rotors out and used it as yeah you wouldn't get it it'd have trouble starting it but right of course it needs the boost to start the air in there yes right yes um that makes sense i would keep it scavenging enough once it was running it runs through yeah so it's not possible because you have to take have it running take the rotors out yeah yeah i've seen them come i've seen them arrive with no air chest cover on them and they've got them started just because there's enough volume move here that does come through the blower um but yeah okay one shot for the workshop with the handle cover off well yep yeah bit of an air leak yeah yeah good being quiet detroit well done so it looked it felt a bit sloppy so we just now kind of get enough stories um but yeah it's probably hard to see a little bit of movement that's there so allowed two and a half to two and a half two and a half to three and a half hour clearance it's hard to measure you can't just stick a feeler gauge in there yeah and it feels a little bit sloppy but you've got to remember there's a little bit either side so it's gonna have a bit of a rock which didn't feel nice just got to watch the grooves in there get the the tool onto the onto the bearing material and not just inside a groove because you'll get a misconceived reading just actually if i put it in there like that i think i'm going to pick up a line there something in the groove and i can pick up the groove over here too if i'm not watching what i'm doing like right so you need to make sure you're in on the meat of it on the material that nice and nice and straight 90 degrees at the job and out on the outer edge will be worse because the piston rocks so if i measure right out here it'll be worse than what it will be in the middle yeah that makes sense yeah so if i push that in now it actually won't push in like it's too tight like i'm pushing yeah right okay so you can feel the taper yeah even if it was just inside limit there's no putting point putting it back together no because you're only going to end up there so there's three there in the middle there right so three in the middle three in the middle five at the outside the outside so time to go two yep all right done gotta get the uh random horse shot too no everyone wants lunch what's her name again bonnie bonnie very suitable guy you want some more bread but you want yogurt we'll leave this video here because it's already getting long enough and we're now sort of getting into the phase of putting the engine back together we had the pistons as you saw but we're still waiting for the little end bearings to arrive so we can get those pressed in and then put everything back together all right well i'm heading back to adrian's today so i'll catch you in a week or so when we've got this thing running again [Music] look at your poor comb turn around got all these hot sauce we've been pecked by the bush turkey he's been attacking you hasn't he meanie we'll catch him don't worry normally lock you in but with turkey man being nasty you stay in there tonight i'll see you in the morning at least you're safe in there crazy daisy cam go find daffy where are you going baby why don't you go out in the deck you can be outside and feel safe feel unharassed [Laughter] bring your boxes up here [Music] at least you could see some light for a change yeah exactly off the clock become a normal chicken again instead of crazy daisy [Laughter] [Laughter] that's a lot of noise daisy you don't normally talk this much got a lot to say been on your own too yeah all those thoughts going around your head finally got someone to tell them to she's quite delicate little claws she doesn't she doesn't hurt at all she's got her toes turned under yeah right [Laughter] what's happening daisy can't decide what to do do i want to just sit down it takes her forever to work out three dimensions yeah maybe she doesn't know she's not that good at it is she i can't work it out again yeah a different angle her eyesight's not great is ah there you it that's better isn't it [Laughter] you're gonna place a tune daisy there you go going over there i'll sort that out use my hot ass no that's not what you want you can do it it's not that far you've got wings you can play come on daisy give it a go she's totally thinking about it get some more air in my feathers my head a bit beneath my wings it's all of a foot and a half go on how long daisy jump daisy jump spread those wings and fly i have no idea what he's saying that's it that's what she was saying to us it looks like you're so thinking about it it's just a little bit too far she looks like she's having a stroke or something that she does that a bit of an itch i don't think you must have might did you put my stuff on yeah uh i gave her the ivomecton and i put the mite stuff in the in the box but i didn't put the powder on here [Music] yeah right this time daisy this time yes [Laughter] sense of achievement that one's easy that was graceful that's getting you down to the ground isn't it who's that welcome see you daisy thanks for visiting
Channel: Dangar Marine
Views: 130,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrist pin seals, detroit diesel, oil in air box, oil out exhaust, gudgeon pin seals, wrist pin retainers, gudgeon pin retainers
Id: adThi_8r4Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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