First report of JFK assassination from WFAA

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DirkBurkle 📅︎︎ May 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

I love the guy taking a huge drag of his cigarette when he puts the mic to the guy stepping in. Fantastic.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/depressiontrashbag 📅︎︎ May 06 2022 🗫︎ replies
stretch fence again in the faded soldier blue which I think is such a stunning combination and the black boot I noticed that there are a number of hidden zippers in these jackets now for these for Betsy they can't be for is it for Mad Money well it depends on where they're placed they can be wherever you want them for the pockets so that no snow gets into it the zipper and holding the hood in because it's easier to put the hood on and off mm-hmm with the zipper than it is with the snaps then there's zippers up the side so that the jacket will fit tightly around the hips keeping that straight sleek look that it should have and very often you'll find a zipper hidden in the arm good afternoon ladies and gentlemen you'll excuse the fact that I'm out of breath but about 10 or 15 minutes ago a tragic thing from all indications at this point has happened in the city of Dallas let me quote to you this and I'll you'll excuse me if I am out of breath a bulletin this is from the United Press from Dallas President Kennedy and Governor John Connally have been cut down by assassin's bullets in downtown Dallas they were riding an open automobile when the shots were fired the president his limp body carried in the arms of his wife Jacqueline has rushed to Parkland Hospital and if you'll excuse me if I give some directions and we talk about what we're going to do here for the next few minutes but Bobby let's tape this if you please particularly interview with the eyewitness people it is being taped good here's a piece of copy that was rushed to me and was torn off from the United Press in Dallas President Kenny has been shot in Dallas has been shot in Dallas Texas he was shot as a motorcade left downtown Dallas mrs. Kennedy jumped up and grabbed the president she cried out I'm standing on Houston Street between Maine and the next street over Jerry come in would you please and the next street over we watched the president come by and gave him the applaud that is do the office of the president United States and as he turned left two or three shots rang out we thought they were firecrackers until I thought they did until the last shot rang out and we heard people screaming and we rushed over in time to a policeman standing behind one of the fire poles look looking around it if for some place to shoot someone to shoot at I'd like to remind you here that as the news comes in to the newsroom we will be on the air we'll have our eyewitness people here in just a moment Vicki would you see if they need some coffee or something these people are awfully shaken up they come awfully close they were in the line of fire Jerry I remember Jay you said I thought it was you know a firecracker or something like that and then they followed one shot and then second to later another shot and then another second a third one third shot and you said the man's been shot at and we both turn no I said my god that's gunshot that's right no and then we turned right over we were behind them Bobby why don't you just take your shot over there and pan around and we will walk over and pick up the audio [Music] [Music] let's turn the mic on I can't hear you you want me to move back a little bit is it all right now ladies and gentlemen this is the newsroom of our radio and television station as you can see most of the boys are out apart let's see let's get reorganized here alright ladies and gentlemen like to introduce to you the chief cameraman an assistant news director of WFA television this is Bert ship Bert we have brought the people pretty much up to date would you tell him exactly what you know as of this point well Jay I was standing at the trademart waiting his arrival there all of a sudden they we saw them approaching they didn't slow down a matter of fact they were going 70 80 miles an hour past us I everybody was unknowingly didn't know what happened there at the trademark and then I jumped in a police car and went to Parkland when I got there I found that that nobody knew too much about where he was hit but they knew that the president was shot in the head this is what I've been told now Jay president was shot in the head Connally was shot in the chest both of them are still alive when I left the hospital they are some film and yeah have filming so you can get a develop real quick one thing one guy out there was Yarborough setting the scene was too gruesome to describe I know and that's I've spent my time good ladies and gentlemen let me bring you up to date Jere Haynes and I were within about a hundred yards of where the president was shot there queuing up the film now that Burt took at Parkland Hospital as I understand Jay it's gonna start out there's some brief seams at the market hall are at Trade Mart where the president was due to arrive it's about probably a mile from the scene of the downtown shooting and of course we had no word at Market Hall as to what went on downtown all the film and it was a complete mystery the police didn't even know but we knew as you'll see by halfway through the film the police went on past the market hall area our trademark rather and and own it to Parkland Hospital Bob whenever you're ready go ahead and roll on to see what we got excuse me no this is a shot there we go here's the market there's Market Hall Trade Mart he's right across the street from there they had a big welcome sign for the president there the corner of industrial and Stemmons it says welcome Jackie and know this was the place where the president was supposed to make his speech there's some gentleman carrying signed I guess you'd call him gentleman they had these signs they were wasn't causing any trouble they were run off moments after this told it that was private property and they couldn't be around there and they wouldn't talk to us other than they said their sign spoke for themselves there are some of the crowd 450 extra policemen called on duty everybody waited anxiously and waited and waited and waited there's a policeman uh Shuren fella by name and Joyner from Grand Prairie back across the street the boys had their mouths taped up so they wouldn't be able to answer any questions now there's goes the president on up the hill there he's been this is after we found out was something wrong and speeding past yeah and here's the disappointed crowd left there at the trademart I went up on the the roadway there to ask some policemen here we go to the hospital there's homicide detectives in front of us there's Parkland Hospital there's the entrance police cars all over the place there is congressman right he's he's teary-eyed as you could imagine and there's the presidential limousine the Secret Service men shaking it over there's right again right in Yarborough there's the Secret Service man is taking it's the type of mattress or something out the back of car there and there's chief curry he just couldn't believe he'd put everything he had into this visit and gave the men all types of instruction there's inside of a car I don't know whether that's must have been Connolly's car there's some more shots of the everybody waiting expectantly at this time no one knew anything and there goes miss Lincoln the president's press secretary inside and there's Garber again Senator Yarborough and he says the sight was too gruesome to describe and there's a final parting shot from Parkman now we have some more videotape let's see what it is this is that Hogan of WFAA television in Dallas Texas we are standing on the grounds of Parkland Hospital where President Kennedy was brought just a few hours ago and has died as most of you have already already know we want to possibly talk to some of the people here who are standing what is your name please missus Quincy Adams mr. Spencer how are you from Dallas mrs. yes memory of the president with a simple inscription Bob Walker wfaa-tv Dallas Texas interrupting has been a shooting at Dallas police station as Oswald was being transferred for details bill Lord ABC at City Hall bill one minute ago they were bringing out he had apparently changed clothes he was just going out the door heading towards the armored car and there was a bang we believe it was a shot and apparently what has happened to it we do not know at the present time policemen rushed to the scene attempting to ascertain what had happened photographers were taking pictures is there someone down on the floor over there
Channel: WFAA
Views: 222,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, History, jfk assassination, jfk assassination radio news coverage, kennedy assassination live news, jfk assassination news coverage radio, jfk assassination news, jfk assassination news coverage, jfk assassination as it happened, kennedy assassination news coverage, john f kennedy assassination, jfk assassination live news broadcast, kennedy assassination
Id: 32sGmHLUg0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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