JFK assassination: CBS News coverage as it happened

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and President Kennedy's murder not only marked a turning point for the nation it was a coming of age for television including CBS News we heard Bob Schieffer talk about that and this is what some of our viewers saw live 50 years ago today here is a bulletin from CBS News in Dallas Texas three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas Cronkite in our newsroom and there has been an attempt as perhaps you know now on the life of President Kennedy he was wounded in an automobile driving from Dallas Airport into downtown Dallas along with Governor Connally of Texas they've been taken to Parkland Hospital there where their condition is as yet unknown we have just learned however ever the father Huber one of the two priests called into the room has administered the last sacrament of the church to President Kennedy from Dallas Texas the flash apparently official President Kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time two o'clock Eastern Standard Time some 38 minutes ago the bulletin is that our correspondent in Dallas Dan Rather reports that the Dallas police have arrested a 30 year old man who was found with a weapon in his possession can you tell me what your first reaction was ma'am when when you tragedy never happened to this country since President Lincoln now people will remember today as a date to date things in their lives from in the same way that they did in the case of President Roosevelt to say where were you when President Roosevelt died it will say the same thing about where were you when you first heard the news of President Kennedy's assassination this is a scene at Andrews Air Force Base for the casket of carrying the body of President Kennedy is being transferred to an ambulance behind it come mrs. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy will be quiet now and wait for the new president word here's a suspect that we roll it please shoot anybody nope just heard as long as that he did not shoot anybody as this day draws to a close here is a brief summary of its events past and to follow upon today's assassination of President Kennedy lyndon b johnson became the new President of the United States this is Harry Reasoner good night this was a CBS News special report and beginning today CBS news.com will stream the CBS coverage from November 22nd 1963 as it aired in real time and that begins in 138 p.m. Eastern and continues over the next four days incredible in education for a lot of people CBS News original coverage of that assassination has been put together in a DVD set it's also available on demand it includes Walter Cronkite's investigative reporting on the Warren Commission report and you can learn more about this by going to cBS This Morning Calm
Channel: CBS Mornings
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Keywords: dpst jfk50, cbs, coverage, walter, cronkite, video, videos, cbsnews.com video, cbs news video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2013
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